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NRO: An Abortion-Friendly Firm in Spain Uses a Girl with Down Syndrome on Its Ads


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this got passed me... Parents? That's not how it works. It's the mother's choice.

So you don't think the mother should get input from the father?

Me, I'm of the opinion that matters of this importance really should at least attempt to come to a consensus. At least, that's the method I'd prefer.

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Well considering kids are having their lunches taken away if they don't meet necessary nutritional content, I could see something like that, coming from the left.

Just wondering if you actually believe that The Evil Liberals are preventing people from serving non-nutritious food, or if you're knowingly trying to claim things that even you won't fall for.

I think you missed the snark, Larry.

Impossible. (Heck, get rid of snark, and half the posts in this thread are empty).

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So, we going with the claim that this company chose to use someone that ought to be killed, as the face of their product, because they hate Down children?

I think I've heard that argument, before. In the "name change thread".


No, you haven't heard that argument before.


Name change thread the intent with the name is to draw pride in the team. There is no benefit for a team, in the sport of football, to be named after something they want to make a mockery of. 


This firm on the other hand, they very well could view Downs as something bad and worthy of abortion, especially since it says 95% of fetuses in that country that are diagnosed with Down are aborted. It very well could be a cultural thing, I don't know. Advocating early tests for Downs using their test and tying it to what 95% of people in that country do, would seem rational, and that the ad itself, from our perspective, is in very poor taste.


However, that firm also could simply be advocating testing so parents now ahead of time and can then make proper preparations for bringing the child into the world and raising it. But, given that 95% figure it's hard to see that.

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On the smoking thing, we ban it in public places due to second hand smoke being harmful to others. Why not some sort of consequences, obviously not prison time. I have no idea what that would be.


we could fine them, of course ya might have a few irate fat women.....I ain't pregnant, I'm just big boned. :lol:

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This firm on the other hand, they very well could view Downs as something bad and worthy of abortion, especially since it says 95% of fetuses in that country that have Down are aborted. It very well could be a cultural thing, I don't know. Advocating early tests for Downs using their test and tying it to what 95% of people in that country do, would seem rational, and that the ad itself, from our perspective, is in very poor taste.


However, that firm also could simply be advocating testing so parents now ahead of time and can then make proper preparations for bringing the child into the world and raising it. But, given that 95% figure it's hard to see that.

I read that 95% as being the people who took the test and then tested for downs.  Not 95% of all Spaniards that are expecting.  The percentage of pregnant Spaniards who take that test is probably pretty small. 

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I read that 95% as being the people who took the test and then tested for downs.  Not 95% of all Spaniards that are expecting.  The percentage of pregnant Spaniards who take that test is probably pretty small. 


The statistic for Spain is that 95% of all fetuses diagnosed with Down's are aborted. No idea how many actually take the test, but when 95% who do and receive the Downs diagnosis opt for abortion, that signifies a cultural ideology to me, but again I don't know for sure and made sure to mention that. Edited my post to clarify.

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So you don't think the mother should get input from the father?

Me, I'm of the opinion that matters of this importance really should at least attempt to come to a consensus. At least, that's the method I'd prefer.

Me? I think abortion is a barbaric practice that should be outlawed. I'm simply stating as a matter of law, the father gets no say in the matter. I do think it'd be great if the mother discussed the issue with the father prior to ending their child's life.

Just wondering if you actually believe that The Evil Liberals are preventing people from serving non-nutritious food, or if you're knowingly trying to claim things that even you won't fall for.

Impossible. (Heck, get rid of snark, and half the posts in this thread are empty).

This didn't happen. We all know usa today is the Rush/Hannity of print


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This didn't happen. We all know usa today is the Rush/Hannity of printhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/04/28/school-lunch-returned-not-nutritious/26498493/

Well, that tears it.

One note, to one child, once. Which the article says was actually against the school's policy. And no mention of any political Party at all. Obviously The Evil Liberals are coming for our guns, our Bibles, and our Oreos.

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Well, that tears it.

One note, to one child, once. Which the article says was actually against the school's policy. And no mention of any political Party at all. Obviously The Evil Liberals are coming for our guns, our Bibles, and our Oreos.

And that's how you debate. First, im bat **** crazy and i made it up, and now it's "just once" and if i link another article that will not count for some reason also. This is why I usually refuse to do your homework for you.

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And that's how you debate. First, im bat **** crazy and i made it up, and now it's "just once" and if i link another article that will not count for some reason also. This is why I usually refuse to do your homework for you.



Actually, what I did was point out that the article you posted doesn't support the claim you made. 


But don't bother trying to find another article, that might support your claim.  Throw some insults at me, for how horrible and unfair it is of me.  "You're always asking me to back up the mouth foaming slogans I keep posting.  And then when I try to support them, you point out that it really doesn't.  Waaahh!"  (And try to claim that your inability to actually support your slogans somehow makes you superior.) 

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Actually, what I did was point out that the article you posted doesn't support the claim you made.

But don't bother trying to find another article, that might support your claim. Throw some insults at me, for how horrible and unfair it is of me. "You're always asking me to back up the mouth foaming slogans I keep posting. And then when I try to support them, you point out that it really doesn't. Waaahh!" (And try to claim that your inability to actually support your slogans somehow makes you superior.)

Actually, my article directly supports what i said. But it doesn't matter to people that have their minds made up.

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Actually, my article directly supports what i said.


Could you quote the part of that article that mentions "the Left"?  Maybe I just missed it. 


You know, the thing I already pointed out.  (Before you announced that you didn't have to back up your claims because you're better than me.)  (Just like you've now done, a second time.)  


I'll give you one more chance, before I decide that I'm tired of this hijack, and that I don't need to make the same point a third time. 

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Could you quote the part of that article that mentions "the Left"? Maybe I just missed it.

You know, the thing I already pointed out. (Before you announced that you didn't have to back up your claims because you're better than me.) (Just like you've now done, a second time.)

I'll give you one more chance, before I decide that I'm tired of this hijack, and that I don't need to make the same point a third time.

I mean, you're ****ing with me right? It was a teabagger that took the kids oreos away ?

No. But let's pretend it was. The teacher was citing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, lobbied for by Michelle Obama and passed through by democrats and signed by President obama. Now, I understand you may see the Obamas as right of center, but most breathing humans consider them "left".

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The teacher was citing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, . . .

1) Could you quote the part of your article that says that? (Preferably before running to a third claim?)


2)  And said act mandates confiscation of Oreos?  Damn liberal media must be suppressing that news. 




And should I mention that we've moved the goalposts from "kids are having their lunches taken away" to "one teacher, somewhere, said that Oreos aren't nutritious"? 

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You've trolled me long enough...


Guess that means "No, I can't quote the thing that I claimed the article said, to try to deflect attention away from the second claim I made, to try to deflect attention away from the first claim I made"  

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That one teacher, one time taking a kid's Oreos against school policy with no mention of the teacher's political affiliation and no mention of the act that you claim the teacher referenced somehow supports any of your claims.


Remember a thread last week or two weeks ago where I said that one party has no ideas or bad ideas and that the other party is absolutely stupid? This is why your side is the stupid one. That's just an article about a teacher taking a kids Oreos but you somehow turn it into something political and sinister and **** like this gets spewed from conservatives ALL THE TIME.


I hear a liberal say that George Bush planned 911 and I think, "this guy is a crackpot." I hear a conservative say that the president isn't a US citizen, is trying to take our guns so he can overthrow the government and turn us all into Muslims and I think, "here's another every day republican." If your side had any intelligent thoughts, you'd be able to explain to me why your ideas were better instead of just making **** up all the time.

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One time a lunch lady went nuts and smacked the **** out of a kid,,... got fired.


Comes out she believed in Santa Claus as a kid.


So unless someone proves otherwise, everyone who believed in Santa in their childhood is a rampaging lunatic that will not hesitate to beat a kid.


I also read once about this super liberal hippy who put a spike in a tree and it ended up breaking a chainsaw chain which whipped around and hurt a logger pretty bad.

so every one of you liberals are setters of potentially lethal traps, and probably sell IEDs out of your basement.


Oh wait,, i have another one.  once there was this super neo-con ultra biblical family, and their son molested their daughters over and over.

So I have no choice but to believe this happens in every conservative Christian household because it happened once, and now because i am unable to think beyond the little tunnel of stupid I have crawled in,  I have no choice but to apply it to everyone.




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