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The Globe and Mail: The raging battle over transgender kids


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The "LGBTQ" and so on organizations, we Lesbians call them the alphabet soup organizations, are very misogynistic toward Lesbians.  In fact, they ignore the "L" unless they need us for some reason.  Trans women have in many cases across the US taken over former Lesbian organizations and centers, and we women are now not allowed to discuss subjects that affect women such as childbirth, ...

Childbirth, eh?  Gotta be annoying with biology not respecting the rights of women to choose to have children with no male involvement.  

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Haha, LBGT communities are bigots and mysoginistic

Suck on that one all of you brainless liberal dweebs

Every group seems to eventually turn into the sneering moralist. They are only interested in followers, because they represent truth, so anyone looking to discuss anything is shouldered out of the way and derided.

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I'm interested in walking further down the thinking on gender roles. If there were no gender roles how would this impact the trans issue. How could one feel like the wrong gender if there were no social roles assigned to either?



And I'd like to walk even further.  I think a major way to fix this long term is to get society to stop focusing on gender so much.  And it starts with how our society is so afraid of nudity.  I am for unisex bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.  Show boobs on TV, etc.  Who cares?  Stop teaching our kids that nudity is such a bad thing and gender identity is a major issue.  Male/female/lesbian in a mans body/ etc doesn't matter.  How about we view each other as human and leave it there.  Probably not the best reference but the locker room from Starship Troopers is a good example of what I suggest.

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I guess some of us missed the lecture in Biology where men carry a developing embryo for 9 months and then deliver it out of a tiny hole.

Who said, implied or even spoke on that topic?

And I'd like to walk even further. I think a major way to fix this long term is to get society to stop focusing on gender so much. And it starts with how our society is so afraid of nudity. I am for unisex bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. Show boobs on TV, etc. Who cares? Stop teaching our kids that nudity is such a bad thing and gender identity is a major issue. Male/female/lesbian in a mans body/ etc doesn't matter. How about we view each other as human and leave it there. Probably not the best reference but the locker room from Starship Troopers is a good example of what I suggest.

AS a 16 year old boy I would have loved that idea. Lets all just change together, hop in the shower, water it warm!

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And I'd like to walk even further.  I think a major way to fix this long term is to get society to stop focusing on gender so much.  And it starts with how our society is so afraid of nudity.  I am for unisex bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.  Show boobs on TV, etc.  Who cares?  Stop teaching our kids that nudity is such a bad thing and gender identity is a major issue.  Male/female/lesbian in a mans body/ etc doesn't matter.  How about we view each other as human and leave it there.  Probably not the best reference but the locker room from Starship Troopers is a good example of what I suggest.


I agree, but it ain't going to be a easy sell.....especially in our over sexualized society.

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Yup...we are a world of discriminated people....it all depends on which side of the fence you are on...everyone is discriminated on by someone else...again..all depends on which side of the fence you are on...

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I'm interested in walking further down the thinking on gender roles. If there were no gender roles how would this impact the trans issue. How could one feel like the wrong gender if there were no social roles assigned to either?


This is what radical feminism is trying to accomplish, no gender roles.  Gender is the system that slots women and girls into subordinate class status. It's not an identity.  I don't identify as a woman, I am a woman.


If there were no gender roles, we would be free to be however we want to be.  There would be no trans. 


Also, if people really felt like the opposite of their biology, why would they need to transition?

And I'd like to walk even further.  I think a major way to fix this long term is to get society to stop focusing on gender so much.  And it starts with how our society is so afraid of nudity.  I am for unisex bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.  Show boobs on TV, etc.  Who cares?  Stop teaching our kids that nudity is such a bad thing and gender identity is a major issue.  Male/female/lesbian in a mans body/ etc doesn't matter.  How about we view each other as human and leave it there.  Probably not the best reference but the locker room from Starship Troopers is a good example of what I suggest.


This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that it's mostly men that sexually assault and rape.  And until men stop that behavior, I prefer to have segregated spaces.

We radical feminists have a saying:


I'll be Post-feminist in the Post-patriarchy.

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Cotton Ceiling is a metaphor for the cotton in Lesbian's underwear, and trans women should break the barrier of Lesbians not wanting to have sex with them. 




Frankly, it's disgusting to expect Lesbians to have sex with men.  It's forced heteronormative behavior.  I'm a Lesbian because I want to have sex with real women, not someone calling themselves a woman with a penis.



your posting on this subject never makes ANY sense to me, whatsoever.   


your description behaves as if the decision to have sex or not have sex with someone was not an individual and very specific choice betweeen two individuals with self awareness and free choice.  (and with a gazillion variables affecting the attraction factor between them)... your description makes it seem like:  "well, I am a lesbian and you are a lesbian.  therefore, per the rules, I guess we have to have sex now... get ready to perform your duty"


a trans can WANT to have sex with an individual lesbian (or any other woman or man) as much as (s)he wants to.... that is on him/her.   That doesn't change the fact that the choice of whether or not to reciprocate those feelings rests entirely on the other party.  If you don't want to have sex with that person, then don't.  Ambiguity solved.   Conversely, if a different lesbian DOES choose to be attracted to a trans person,  why should YOU have any say on whether that is kosher or not?   (any more than I, or Jerry Falwell should have an opinion on the subject?)

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So if you have a vested interest in something, consistency in thought no longer matters. This thread is pretty dam eye opening.


I'm having trouble figuring out who you're making up things they didn't say, about. 


Could you quote a post from somebody, in which they don't say what you're pretending they're saying, so I can figure out who you're making things up about? 



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Who said, implied or even spoke on that topic?

AS a 16 year old boy I would have loved that idea. Lets all just change together, hop in the shower, water it warm!

Those kinds of juvenile thoughts would get worked out once it became the norm.  And going along your line of thinking, a homosexual 16 year old boy must love gym locker room.   


I agree, but it ain't going to be a easy sell.....especially in our over sexualized society.

It would be a societal change.  Stop making sex and nudity some hush hush topic. 



This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that it's mostly men that sexually assault and rape.  And until men stop that behavior, I prefer to have segregated spaces.


So since men are the rapists, you'd rather them be kept with the other men?  Who protects me from the homosexual male rapists? 


If we really want equality regardless of gender, orientation, etc then it needs to be true equality. 

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So, have you been called transphobic because you won't have sex with a trans woman with a penis?  It happens regularly to Lesbians.


I am a woman, of course I have a vested interest in this topic.

I know people who have been called homophobic for having the exact same beliefs you have but about homosexuals instead of transsexuals. (rightly so I should add)

Those kinds of juvenile thoughts would get worked out once it became the norm.  And going along your line of thinking, a homosexual 16 year old boy must love gym locker room.   


Frankly, many do, generally they keep their mouths shut for both respect and probably fear of getting there ass kicked /outed before they want

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I know people who have been called homophobic for having the exact same beliefs you have but about homosexuals instead of transsexuals. (rightly so I should add)

Frankly, many do, generally they keep their mouths shut for both respect and probably fear of getting there ass kicked /outed before they want

1)  I am genuinely curious how you are knowledgeable on MOST 16 year old gay boys thoughts in a locker room.  Have you done much studying on the topic?


2)  Assuming you are correct, why is it okay that a 16 year old gay boy gets to "all just change together, hop in the shower, water it warm!"  (your words, not mine) but a 16 year old straight boy can't? 

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It would be a societal change.  Stop making sex and nudity some hush hush topic.

I'm not sure that I agree sex is a terribly hush hush topic at this point.  In fact I could argue that as a society we might be overly sexualized, especially children. 



So since men are the rapists, you'd rather them be kept with the other men?  Who protects me from the homosexual male rapists? 


If we really want equality regardless of gender, orientation, etc then it needs to be true equality.

Equality doesn't necessarily mean ambiguity or the total absence of boundaries. Women have fought long and hard for what they can call there own in our society and it's no small thing to take that away. 

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1)  I am genuinely curious how you are knowledgeable on MOST 16 year old gay boys thoughts in a locker room.  Have you done much studying on the topic?


2)  Assuming you are correct, why is it okay that a 16 year old gay boy gets to "all just change together, hop in the shower, water it warm!"  (your words, not mine) but a 16 year old straight boy can't? 

Did I say most? 


And what I said is based on my experience, if you have a different experience, you're free to express it. That's the idea of what we do here.


As for the 2nd part, that kid would get his ass kicked

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I'm not sure that I agree sex is a terribly hush hush topic at this point.  In fact I could argue that as a society we might be overly sexualized, especially children. 



Equality doesn't necessarily mean ambiguity or the total absence of boundaries. Women have fought long and hard for what they can call there own in our society and it's no small thing to take that away. 

Its the WAY it's viewed.  For example the "nipple slip" from the Super Bowl.  So many were appalled that a nipple was shown on TV.  Some kids saw a nipple.  So what?  A child shouldn't see a nipple for half a second?  Why not, they have nipples too!  But no, a persons nipples are this secretive thing that you shouldn't see unless the person is "special" to you or you are on some website that you shouldn't access from work.


Did I say most? 


And what I said is based on my experience, if you have a different experience, you're free to express it. That's the idea of what we do here.

I'm sorry, you said "many".  I stand corrected.  I'm more interested in how you answer point 2.



EDIT:  Now that you have addressed the second point I would say the kids would get his ass kicked and deserve it.  Same can happen in a mix locker room or the ones we have now.  That doesn't really address the idea of why it is okay for a homosexual boy to be in a male locker room but not a heterosexual boy to be in a female locker room.

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I'm having trouble figuring out who you're making up things they didn't say, about.

Could you quote a post from somebody, in which they don't say what you're pretending they're saying, so I can figure out who you're making things up about?


Oh god larry. First, it's lsf that I'm taking to, which seemed pretty obvious to me.

2nd, your question can surely be asked without the condescending self righteousness that you exercise regularly which makes you seem like a prick.

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I'm sorry, you said "many".  I stand corrected.  I'm more interested in how you answer point 2.


Because the gay guy in a locker-room of straight guys would get his ass kicked at worst, publicly ridiculed at best for making a comment like that.




You're suggesting a much different environment, that I feel puts women in danger, particular in Highschool/college, small gyms etc.

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Its the WAY it's viewed.  For example the "nipple slip" from the Super Bowl.  So many were appalled that a nipple was shown on TV.  Some kids saw a nipple.  So what?  A child shouldn't see a nipple for half a second?  Why not, they have nipples too!  But no, a persons nipples are this secretive thing that you shouldn't see unless the person is "special" to you or you are on some website that you shouldn't access from work.


On that we can agree.  The paranoia about nudity in the US is kind of extreme.  Nudity often not a sexual situation, a reality I think most people that aren't teenagers can understand easily enough.

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Because the gay guy in a locker-room of straight guys would get his ass kicked at worst, publicly ridiculed at best for making a comment like that.




You're suggesting a much different environment, that I feel puts women in danger, particular in Highschool/college, small gyms etc.

I usually don't like to get into long conversations here, I just read so this will be the last bit I put in for a while.  But really think about this.


First, you are saying that a group of straight guys could/would/should kick the one gay guys ass but a group of women couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't do the same to straight guy?  Sounds sexist. 


Why is it that women would be in any more danger from a straight guy in her locker room than I would be from a gay guy in my locker room?  I would argue that a co-ed locker room would be safer because no matter the mix of people in there, there would be a better chance of someone in there stopping something bad from happening.

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