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The Globe and Mail: The raging battle over transgender kids


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I usually don't like to get into long conversations here, I just read so this will be the last bit I put in for a while.  But really think about this.


First, you are saying that a group of straight guys could/would/should kick the one gay guys ass but a group of women couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't do the same to straight guy?  Sounds sexist. 


Why is it that women would be in any more danger from a straight guy in her locker room than I would be from a gay guy in my locker room?  I would argue that a co-ed locker room would be safer because no matter the mix of people in there, there would be a better chance of someone in there stopping something bad from happening.

It may be sexist, but I believe it to be true. A woman in small lockerroom with 3 guys vs. A situation with 1 gay guy in lockerrom with 3 straight guys. It's not the same thing, to me

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TIL: a lot of people on ES are suddenly experts on Transhomolesbodrag rapists in Locker-rooms.

Also, (since I'm now an expert thanks to googling one site) the occurance of M.T.F trans is estimated at 1 in 30k. one poster in particular seems to have met a lot of them.  Enough so to stereotype the whole lot of them.

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Oh god larry. First, it's lsf that I'm taking to, which seemed pretty obvious to me.

2nd, your question can surely be asked without the condescending self righteousness that you exercise regularly which makes you seem like a prick.


I'm having trouble figuring out who you're making up things they didn't say, about. 


Could you quote a post from somebody, in which they don't say what you're pretending they're saying, so I can figure out who you're making things up about? 




Gentlemen, regain your composure.  No more of that. 

It may be sexist, but I believe it to be true. A woman in small lockerroom with 3 guys vs. A situation with 1 gay guy in lockerrom with 3 straight guys. It's not the same thing, to me


This is making my head hurt.  What... I don't even...

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On top of that, the idea that every 14yo boy is a wannabe rapist given the right conditions (being in a girls locker room or a locker room with girls in it)...is maddening.


You are a beast  :)


wanna poll on whether a adult female overseeing teen boys is less dangerous than a adult man with teen girls?


even showering or the restrooms. :P

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On top of that, the idea that every 14yo boy is a wannabe rapist given the right conditions (being in a girls locker room or a locker room with girls in it)...is maddening.

A lot of goal post moving here. Did I say rapist? I mean WTF, I misspeak enough that you don't need to change my words (AGAIN) when I don't. There is a difference between raping and having overactive hormones and checking out naked girls in the lockeroom. It's also acceptable for both guys and girls going through puberty to not want to be seen naked by the other gender. Honestly, I didn't really think this was such a divisive issue.

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A lot of goal post moving here. Did I say rapist? I mean WTF, I misspeak enough that you don't need to change my words (AGAIN) when I don't. There is a difference between raping and having overactive hormones and checking out naked girls in the lockeroom. It's also acceptable for both guys and girls going through puberty to not want to be seen naked by the other gender. Honestly, I didn't really think this was such a divisive issue.


I wasn't singling you out in particular, so chill.



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On top of that, the idea that every 14yo boy is a wannabe rapist given the right conditions (being in a girls locker room or a locker room with girls in it)...is maddening.

Some women view areas that are restricted to women as a safe space of sorts.  It's possible to respect that view without agreeing that all men are rapists.

Can you try?

Absolutely not.

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So, have you been called transphobic because you won't have sex with a trans woman with a penis?  It happens regularly to Lesbians.


I am a woman, of course I have a vested interest in this topic.


can't you see that ANYONE feeling like they are "entitled" to have sex with anyone else is the problem?  

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Some women view areas that are restricted to women as a safe space of sorts.  It's possible to respect that view without agreeing that all men are rapists.  I know because I'm totally doing it right now. 

Absolutely not.


I suspect the odds of that transgender person checking them out is about the same (heck, I would even say less so) as the current population that's in that locker room. 


Honestly though, I don't know if the the correct answers will ever be here. I see the argument about separate locker rooms (or even requiring them to use birth sex locker rooms). However, I also acknowledge that making that person use an entirely separate locker room (or one opposite of the sex that they align with) is both demeaning and dehumanizing. 

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Yes, these trans women who feel that they are entitled to have Lesbians have sex with them are the problem. 


Anyone, whether they are straight LABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, or whatever, is wrong for feeling "entitled" to sex from anyone.


But to say a transsexual man, isn't allowed to be sexually attracted to women, seems kinda out of place.

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I suspect the odds of that transgender person checking them out is about the same (heck, I would even say less so) as the current population that's in that locker room. 


Honestly though, I don't know if the the correct answers will ever be here. I see the argument about separate locker rooms (or even requiring them to use birth sex locker rooms). However, I also acknowledge that making that person use an entirely separate locker room (or one opposite of the sex that they align with) is both demeaning and dehumanizing. 



I'll bet you wouldn't say that if it were your daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister etc. in that locker room with them.  Google Colleen Francis, an intact male trans women who was naked in the steam room when a middle school girl swim team was in the locker room.  According to Washington State law, he was protected and can continue to use the well appointed locker room while any girl or woman who objected was forced to use a much smaller locker room.  Equality my eye.  This man also fancies himself a teen girl and sexualizes himself.  It's pretty disgusting.  And yet, he's allowed to stay in the locker room and expose his genitals to any woman or girl who walks in there.  He's a creep.

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Yes, these trans women who feel that they are entitled to have Lesbians have sex with them are the problem. 


It feels like what you said, and what i said are not AT ALL the same thing.




i said that people are entitled to not want to have sex with ANYONE they don;t want to have sex with... it feels like you said:  "i am entitled to not want someone else to WANT to have sex with anyone i don;t want them to WANT to have sex with..."



do you know what i mean?     

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Yes, these trans women who feel that they are entitled to have Lesbians have sex with them are the problem. 


I don't mean to dismiss your concerns here, please know that, but I'm not sure that the people you are concerned with are representative of the community as a whole.  You are talking about a small percentage of an already very small population.

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No one on ES is saying this, but there are plenty of trans women on the internet who assert their right to Lesbians.  Cotton ceiling.


You all are not exposed to this like I am.  Radical feminists like myself are regularly vilified by trans women because we are gender critical.  I took a break from posting in The Tailgate on these topics because it's exhausting trying to educate those who will not see.


If there was no gender, people could be who they are without resorting to the Medical Industrial Complex for expensive surgeries, hormones and so on.  Who do you think really profits from the trans phenomena?

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I tjink Destino needs to change his avi pic. He should have one whete the face changes depending on his mood after reading some of these posts :)


The comedy and tragedy masks would fit many threads in the tailgate. 

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I'll bet you wouldn't say that if it were your daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister etc. in that locker room with them.  Google Colleen Francis, an intact male trans women who was naked in the steam room when a middle school girl swim team was in the locker room.  According to Washington State law, he was protected and can continue to use the well appointed locker room while any girl or woman who objected was forced to use a much smaller locker room.  Equality my eye.  This man also fancies himself a teen girl and sexualizes himself.  It's pretty disgusting.  And yet, he's allowed to stay in the locker room and expose his genitals to any woman or girl who walks in there.  He's a creep.


agreed.. that dude (as you've just described him) sounds like a TOTAL creep.  and somebody that is trying to abuse a system that is *trying* to come to grips with an issue that doesn;t have any actually good solutions.



fact is that currently a  (m to w with a penis) trans is very out of place  in either locker room.


A man that is just faking the issue as a way pedo young girls is a distraction to the very real problem faced by genuine trans people, but a very real world distraction that will actually have to be addressed and dealt with in ANY solution ---- basically that dude is the much more sinister version of the healthy guy parking in the handicapped spot with an ill begotten handicapped parking placard.   No matter what you think of handicapped parking policy, you are gonna hate THAT guy.  

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No one on ES is saying this, but there are plenty of trans women on the internet who assert their right to Lesbians. Cotton ceiling.

You all are not exposed to this like I am. Radical feminists like myself are regularly vilified by trans women because we are gender critical. I took a break from posting in The Tailgate on these topics because it's exhausting trying to educate those who will not see.

If there was no gender, people could be who they are without resorting to the Medical Industrial Complex for expensive surgeries, hormones and so on. Who do you think really profits from the trans phenomena?

I genuinely appreciate your take. It's completely unexpected. And best of all, it makes all the traditional liberal and conservative takes on the issue sweat a bit

That said not sure I agree or disagree with you. Mostly don't care

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No one on ES is saying this, but there are plenty of trans women on the internet who assert their right to Lesbians.  Cotton ceiling.


You all are not exposed to this like I am.  Radical feminists like myself are regularly vilified by trans women because we are gender critical.  I took a break from posting in The Tailgate on these topics because it's exhausting trying to educate those who will not see.


If there was no gender, people could be who they are without resorting to the Medical Industrial Complex for expensive surgeries, hormones and so on.  Who do you think really profits from the trans phenomena?


I'm sure a radical feminist lesbian being vilified by a trans woman is an issue that 99.999% of members of NFL message boards can't relate to.

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