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That is exactly why they extended an offer to give Kirk a show. The sports media in this town are 100% about the drama. Someone over at 106.7 was really patting themselves on the back for this one. I promise you this: if this show definitely goes on, it will cause drama in the locker room between Kirk and Robert due to a comment or critique Kirk makes on Griffin's performance. I will be surprised if he's asked a single question that doesn't involve the QB position, him being a backup, or how Griffin did last Sunday. 


the team should clamp down on Cousins,,  if they can, which they probably can't.

BUT, Jay can certainly call him into the office and tell him that the main reason WJFK wants him on is to gin up controversy and get national media attention,, which they already have.


If not, threaten him, Tell him the show WILL end once he's traded to a team that already has a starting QB.

OR< threaten him and say the Jets didn't even call. So why embarrass yourself by being a pawn that is used  to embarrass the entire team?



Edited by Bang
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That is exactly why they extended an offer to give Kirk a show. The sports media in this town are 100% about the drama. Someone over at 106.7 was really patting themselves on the back for this one. I promise you this: if this show definitely goes on, it will cause drama in the locker room between Kirk and Robert due to a comment or critique Kirk makes on Griffin's performance. I will be surprised if he's asked a single question that doesn't involve the QB position, him being a backup, or how Griffin did last Sunday.

Except that Kirk Cousins might be the least drama-inducing person on the face of the planet.

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the trolling, negativity, gossip..    great.. but ****,, it's not TMZ. It's sports.. and for my ears and sports sensibilities, i'd rather listen to a person with some knowledge of the situations that i don't hae, such as a beat reporter,, giving insights and other information that pertains to the game.





The trolling, negativity, and gossip has been a success in sports radio in nearly every market in the country. It's what sports fans want.


It's fun to make fun of hot sports takes. But there's a reason nearly everyone does that format. It works. It makes money.


In all honesty, I can't think of anything more boring than someone actually breaking down a game on a radio program. I like yelling back at the radio or laughing at it.

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sheehan just said shanahan didnt want mcnabb.


mike has discussed this with sheehan earlier this year.


i believe mike never said that- rather, mike talked about dan being the 'most excited' to get mcnabb, which is not the same thing, dummy. 


good grief, sheehans officially lost his mind. drop the agenda, dude.

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the team should clamp down on Cousins,, if they can, which they probably can't.

BUT, Jay can certainly call him into the office and tell him that the main reason WJFK wants him on is to gin up controversy and get national media attention,, which they already have.

If not, threaten him, Tell him the show WILL end once he's traded to a team that already has a starting QB.

OR< threaten him and say the Jets didn't even call. So why embarrass yourself by being a pawn that is used to embarrass the entire team?


Probably because he could be a bitter that 3 Bob got the nod over him, so he accepts the offer as passive aggressive revenge

sheehan just said shanahan didnt want mcnabb.

mike has discussed this with sheehan earlier this year.

i believe mike never said that- rather, mike talked about dan being the 'most excited' to get mcnabb, which is not the same thing, dummy.

good grief, sheehans officially lost his mind. drop the agenda, dude.

The only thing more frustrating than that dickface is people not up to date with the goings on of the team, who take that **** as cmete and utter gospel. The media is just as responsible as the team is for the dramatic iq drop of this fanbase.

Most other fanbases wouldnt even bother listening to crap like that almost 3 years after the fact. It is beyond ridiculous at this point. He needs to get the **** off of DC radio.

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just want to repost this, thanks to califan for summing it up very well. 



the first quote, btw, is kevin sheehan talking about mike shanahan. 

In case you haven't listened to it yet, here's verbatim what was said (emphasis is their's, not mine):



"I'd asked Mike...what is the owner's involvement, day to day. And Mike has told me MANY times: he's not involved at all. I said people have this perception that he's in the draft room, that he's timing players in Indy, that he's working players out, watching film. And Mike said no, no, no...he's not involved at all in that stuff, he doesn't meddle in anything...


[...]the perception that Dan's, that he's involved in the football operation on a day to day basis, he said--which Gibbs said, by the way--is just not true. He didn't meddle in anything."




I find it hard to ignore the above and only focus on things like "Shanahan said Snyder wanted McNabb the most" or point to things that happened in 2003 as being evidence that Snyder did indeed "meddle" in player trades and personnel decisions under Shanahan's tenure here.




and, yet, here he is today, once again absolving mike of virtually any blame when it came to his terrible moves.

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just want to repost this, thanks to califan for summing it up very well. 



and, yet, here he is today, once again absolving mike of virtually any blame when it came to his terrible moves.




It it crazy how in one interview, Shanny totally played Sheehan.


The coach who wouldn't come in without final say was the guy who was abused by the owner and team Prez on McNabb, RG3 and anything else that didn't work.

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It it crazy how in one interview, Shanny totally played Sheehan.


The coach who wouldn't come in without final say was the guy who was abused by the owner and team Prez on McNabb, RG3 and anything else that didn't work.





just like a politician, shanny spins every bad move into someone elses fault. 


sheehan just cant accept that mike is a very good OC and HC, but not a great GM. its crazy.

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It it crazy how in one interview, Shanny totally played Sheehan.


The coach who wouldn't come in without final say was the guy who was abused by the owner and team Prez on McNabb, RG3 and anything else that didn't work.


What's even more amazing is that this is still a topic of conversation on local radio...

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What's even more amazing is that this is still a topic of conversation on local radio...


WTEMs ratings are dropping. Their quality has turned into junk. You can tell just by the amount of call-in's they take and how rambling it is now. Either the screener sucks or they aren't getting many calls anymore.


It's lazy sportstalk. 

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Someone please explain why Sheehan is still talking about Shanahan? Who the hell cares??



He likes Shanahan

Thinks/knows he was run out of town by a new QB the owner likes

Thinks QB is doomed to fail.


As long as Griffin is on the team, and the team isn't any good, he'll continue to bring up Shanahan.

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Someone please explain why Sheehan is still talking about Shanahan? Who the hell cares??


They have to keep this drama up. They are going to continue to talk about how Snyder/Allen are still really in control, just like under Shanahan. I mean, what are they going to do if the Redskins get good?


I am willing to bet the Nats coverage will triple in this area now that they are dropping faster than a $20 hooker when the rent is due...

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Thought i'd give some props to Sheehan today,, nice discussion about what the coaches will be looking for out of RG3 that we don't typically see.. route concepts and understanding them.


Unfortunately, I missed that on account of getting physically ill once his agenda reared it's ridiculous head.


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Unfortunately, I missed that on account of getting physically ill once his agenda reared it's ridiculous head.


Yeah, I was listening as well. I enjoyed the discussion and some of the call-ins until I realized what he was really doing it subtlety dissing Gruden, and consistently stating how the run game declined while having better players. In other words, Shanahan did better with less.

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I think Sheehan is more about Shanahan in a "one that got away" sadness that keeps him longing for t.


I feel it, too. I am not down on Jay, but Shanahan and his son could have made great things happen, and they laughed and left after the clown car got good and revved up.



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I think Sheehan is more about Shanahan in a "one that got away" sadness that keeps him longing for t.


I feel it, too. I am not down on Jay, but Shanahan and his son could have made great things happen, and they laughed and left after the clown car got good and revved up.




To be fair. Shanny Sr. Wanted to coach again and nobody seems interested. Kyle is already on his 2nd team from leaving here. So, I'm not so sure that was a great setup anyway.

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I think Sheehan is more about Shanahan in a "one that got away" sadness that keeps him longing for t.

I feel it, too. I am not down on Jay, but Shanahan and his son could have made great things happen, and they laughed and left after the clown car got good and revved up.


I get that. I was totally behind the move to bring in Mike as HC and de facto GM.

It didn't work cuz Mike isn't a very good GM. I'd love to have him as a HC- his track record as an oc shows he's almost always gotten the most out of his qbs.

It also shows he's made some puzzling calls when it comes to picking players (outside of RBs) . Even then, it's his system more than the RBs. He knows offense.

Sheehan can't separate the two.

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