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Ridley had to make The Martian first. The script is finished and should start filming really soon as their target release date is March 2016.

The Martian will be out on Dec. 25th 2015.

Paradise aka Prometheus 2 is scheduled to hit theaters on March 4th 2016.


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‘Alien 5’ Concept Art Has Ripley & Hicks Ready for Battle

Don't mention a movie for a few months, no matter how big the title, and it will quickly disappear from the public consciousness without a lingering thought. There has been no talk of Alien 5 in severally months, but director Neill Blomkamp has returned with an update. There is no huge news to report. The process is going very well. And we do get a new piece of concept art featuring some much beloved classic characters. But that's about it.

It seems like back in March, when Chappie was coming to theaters,Alien 5 was the hot talk of the moment. A day didn't go by without new information leaking out. The director himself was keen on sharing plenty of Concept art. And we heard plenty about the possible story from both Neill Blomkamp and Sigourney Weaver, who were on theirChappie press tour at the time. We even heard a small bit of excitement about the project from Aliens star Michael Biehn, who seemed eager to return as Corporal Hicks. Though he has never been confirmed.


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Elysium a mess?  I enjoyed it.  Heavy on the political BS, but it was a fun way to spend two hours.


A lot of people felt Prometheus sucked, but I friggin' loved it.  Yeah, maybe the story was lacking a bit and there were holes in the plot, but most Alien fans were just happy to get another flick.  Fassbender and Noomi currr-ushed it.  I spent hours a day reading theories about how Prometheus might tie into the Aliens storyline, who the engineers were, easter eggs, etc.  I saw it in theaters three times, I've never done that with any other movie.


Two things I need answered.  One.  "I want to know where they came from."  Where the hell are the Engineers from, and who the **** are they?!   Two.  What becomes of that super xeno at the end of Prometheus?!


Full on boner for Prometheus 2.  

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Elysium a mess? I enjoyed it. Heavy on the political BS, but it was a fun way to spend two hours.

A lot of people felt Prometheus sucked, but I friggin' loved it. Yeah, maybe the story was lacking a bit and there were holes in the plot, but most Alien fans were just happy to get another flick. Fassbender and Noomi currr-ushed it. I spent hours a day reading theories about how Prometheus might tie into the Aliens storyline, who the engineers were, easter eggs, etc. I saw it in theaters three times, I've never done that with any other movie.

Two things I need answered. One. "I want to know where they came from." Where the hell are the Engineers from, and who the **** are they?! Two. What becomes of that super xeno at the end of Prometheus?!

Full on boner for Prometheus 2.

I'm torn on Prometheus...it's the true love-hate relationsip for me. I loved the visuals, cinematography, atmosphere, mood, action, and pacing. All brilliant. I hated the characters' descision-making (or lack thereof) in conjunction with their profession, the non-existent logic, and baseless character motives. Lindelof really fleeced Ridley on this script and Ridley did not perform due diligence by watching Aliens Vs. Predator before filming. Regardless, I still go back and watch this film every two or three months.

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Yeah I liked Prometheus as well. Elysium was fun. Chappie was kind of ridiculous but it had moments of accidental comedy I appreciated ("go to sleep!").

"You **** mother, why you steal daddy's truck?" Lol

For real though, Chappie broke my heart. That movie was emotional

I'm torn on Prometheus...it's the true love-hate relationsip for me. I loved the visuals, cinematography, atmosphere, mood, action, and pacing. All brilliant. I hated the characters' descision-making (or lack thereof) in conjunction with their profession, the non-existent logic, and baseless character motives. Lindelof really fleeced Ridley on this script and Ridley did not perform due diligence by watching Aliens Vs. Predator before filming. Regardless, I still go back and watch this film every two or three months.

I actually just recently saw Prometheus for the first time a few weeks ago. Kept waiting around to see it with the wife and finally realized she wasn't buying in.

I really enjoyed it as a standalone science fiction movie. A bit scary, sense of mystery and wonder. Fantastic cinematography. Well acted etc. Great set and atmosphere throughout

As it fits into any type of Aliens universe, it's a disaster.

A big one.

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Two things I need answered. One. "I want to know where they came from." Where the hell are the Engineers from, and who the **** are they?! Two. What becomes of that super xeno at the end of Prometheus?!

Full on boner for Prometheus 2.

I'm surprised those are the two questions you have remaining. For one, the Engineers backstory seems to be what Prometheus franchise is going to be about. But I don't necessarily need to see where they came from. Whatever that point is, then there will just be the question of what caused that? Where did that come from and why? I already feel Prometheus cheapened Alien by removing the mystery of the Space Jockey and also removing the sense of isolation and fear from the universe with the fact that we were created by the engineers.

Secondly, what's the time period for Prometheus? I feel like the Xeno was just thrown in as a nod to Alien fans but that particular Xeno has no advanced purpose beyond that. It's stranded on a moon with apparently no other survivors or food. I didn't take it as being the first Xeno either, it's just there to show early processes of how they were born and how the face jiggers sort of evolved by the time Alien rolls around.

This is why I don't care for Prometheus as a tie-in/prequel to the Alien franchise.

Now as a separate new science fiction story, I'd love to explore more of the Engineers home world, backstory and find out if any are still alive and for what purpose. One of the things I liked about Prometheus was how it has bigger thought provoking themes on religion and our creation and purpose. But each new piece of information that further links the engineers to humanity and to Xenos kind of further cheapens it in my eye.

However, Prometheus 2 spoiler

Ridley Scott said the Xenos will not appear in Prometheus 2, it's going to focus solely on the Engineers and I would assume humanity

I'm with Chew and Momma on Chappie. Very underrated flick and quite emotional. The "sleep" scene on the bridge when robbing the truck was intense.

Yeah, I loved it. Felt very different, had some good action and a very tragic and emotional story with a sense of hope and love at the ending. Quite beautiful in many ways.

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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I'm with Chew and Momma on Chappie. Very underrated flick and quite emotional. The "sleep" scene on the bridge when robbing the truck was intense.


I didn't like Chappie at all. I don't know if it's because I was expecting a different kind of movie, but I just didn't enjoy it.


Elysium I liked though.

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This thread prompted me to play Alien Isolation again.  What a good addition to this franchise.  By far the scariest video game I've played and it captures the feel of the original movie very closely.  I love it even if it is a little slow at times and drags on longer than it might have.  Looking forward to both of these new movies.

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Yeah, the Engineers were some big mofos.  That one dude man-handled humans in the ship's bridge.   So if they're spooked, then we've got a serious problem.


If they created us, wtf was that dude hellbent on sending a ship full of black goo to earth?  man, i haven't thought of all this stuff in a while.  it's all coming back.  


One thing's for sure, if we even get just a few answers, Prometheus 2 will be faptacular.

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Yeah, the Engineers were some big mofos.  That one dude man-handled humans in the ship's bridge.   So if they're spooked, then we've got a serious problem.


If they created us, wtf was that dude hellbent on sending a ship full of black goo to earth?  man, i haven't thought of all this stuff in a while.  it's all coming back.  


One thing's for sure, if we even get just a few answers, Prometheus 2 will be faptacular.

Maybe like us, they have factions and don't all agree on things. Maybe he was a warrior and not a scientist? Who knows? Not me, I didn't even see it.

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Maybe like us, they have factions and don't all agree on things. Maybe he was a warrior and not a scientist? Who knows? Not me, I didn't even see it.


that was one of the many arguments.  maybe they're a rogue group of their kind and are looking to destroy us, another group of theirs created us.  were they "bad" angels?  were they scientists runningsecret experiments under the table on their hidden planet out in the middle of nowhere?  Hech, did they create us just to use us as bait for their lab experiments (xenos)?


Prometheus 2 needs to hurry up already.  So, if they begin filming in February, done in 4-6 months, maybe summer 2017 it'll hit theaters??

  Not me, I didn't even see it.


wait....what?  :(

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