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Mike Shanahan Tells All on ESPN 980 (RGIII, McNabb, Manning, Haynseworth) Link included w/ Audio


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I am actually stunned at how many people are putting so much blame on Shanny and in the process they are giving Snyder a pass.  Guys I don't know how much more of this you need to see.  So Shanahan left the Redskins "in a steaming pile".  What about the steaming pile he inherited?  This team was a total mess long before he got here and it will continue to be a mess long after he's gone.


And I got a pretty good idea why that is and his name is not Mike Shanahan. 


What are you talking about? lol...

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I am actually stunned at how many people are putting so much blame on Shanny and in the process they are giving Snyder a pass. Guys I don't know how much more of this you need to see. So Shanahan left the Redskins "in a steaming pile". What about the steaming pile he inherited? This team was a total mess long before he got here and it will continue to be a mess long after he's gone.

And I got a pretty good idea why that is and his name is not Mike Shanahan.

So Mike Shanahan leaving this team a mess when he had total and full control wasn't really his fault?

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I agree that Shanny aired his side of the story because he is only trying to repair his legacy and he may have had revisionist history but his Daniel Synder stories seem to be accurate because we have heard them time and time again from former coaches and players.


Which makes me wonder does anybody think there is something severely wrong with Daniel Synder? Shouldn't he be tested whether he is mentally competent to run a business? I seriously think he is disabled in some way. The way he makes star players and GM his friends is pathetic. He consistently meddles with his roster even though his decision not only are wrong but set his own organization back years yet he just keeps doing it. 


Even his interviews with the press about the name scream of someone who is not in touch with reality. To bad this man cant be forced to step down. 


The Washington Redskins organization is a laughing stock because of Daniel Synder and that's a real shame. 

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What are you talking about? lol...

I think he's talking about our terrible owner, how he's ruined the team, and how we will continue to be a joke for as long as he's around.

Which makes me wonder does anybody think there is something severely wrong with Daniel Synder? Shouldn't he be tested whether he is mentally competent to run a business?

I said this yesterday. The guy has a serious psychological problem. Unfortunately, him being a narcissist isn't enough to get him out of the ownership role.
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I think he's talking about our terrible owner, how he's ruined the team, and how we will continue to be a joke for as long as he's around.



He said we were giving him "a pass"...how are...


You know what, nevermind lol. I already said this on the previous page:


This is actually something I dislike tremendously, at least in the way too many here on ES tend to use it: That, since the Skins have sucked for awhile, anything negative said about the Skins and/or Snyder is seen as fact.


[...]It's as if too many feel that you can't lambast a writer/coach/player's words AND still believe the team sucks eggs lol...



I'm not gonna get into a back-and-forth with those who I feel could fall into this category.

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I am actually stunned at how many people are putting so much blame on Shanny and in the process they are giving Snyder a pass.  Guys I don't know how much more of this you need to see.  So Shanahan left the Redskins "in a steaming pile".  What about the steaming pile he inherited?  This team was a total mess long before he got here and it will continue to be a mess long after he's gone.


And I got a pretty good idea why that is and his name is not Mike Shanahan. 



i think it depends on how much you believe dan was involved and how much control you think mike had.


 while everybody recognizes our owner has been terrible, if you believe, as mike told kevin sheehan, that dan didnt meddle in personnel decisions, then its hard to fault dan (beyond the obvious hiring of mike).


if you believe dan was overruling mike in personnel decisions, then you hold dan responsible and mike would clearly be off the hook.


still, one can believe our owner has been horrible while believing mike did an overall poor job.

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I think he's talking about our terrible owner, how he's ruined the team, and how we will continue to be a joke for as long as he's around.

I said this yesterday. The guy has a serious psychological problem. Unfortunately, him being a narcissist isn't enough to get him out of the ownership role.

While I agree he is a narcissist it is the least of his problems. He seems to be insane. He keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Is there any doubt he will over rule Scot McCloughan about a player personnel decision eventually. It may not be this year or may be this year but eventually he will and it will end ugly. Daniel Synder cant get out of his own way nor does it seem like he wants to. 

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He said we were giving him "a pass"...how are...


You know what, nevermind lol. I already said this on the previous page:

Problem with message boards is that things tend to get all jumbled up and run together. It sounds like you don't fall into this category but in general, it seems like whenever somebody dare speaks badly of the Redskins there are people who jump all over them and blindly defend the organization. Meanwhile, the incompetence just keeps cycling endlessly.

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I know this will not be a popular post because there is alot of hatred towards this family but I once heard a story about someone who knows the Mara family very well. They were having dinner with John Mara and other Mara family members and asked him what owner did they dislike the most. Although he said he didn't dislike any owner he told them that one owner that he didn't understand was Dan Synder. Said that having a conversation with him was hard to understand. Said he didn't make sense most of the time. Also he showed no respect towards most other owners and therefore doesn't garner much respect from most owners. Just seems like more evidence something is wrong with our owner


Believe what you will but he did say although he didn't always agree with Jerry Jones he liked him very much and thought he was one of the better overall owners.  

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While I agree he is a narcissist it is the least of his problems. He seems to be insane. He keeps doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Is there any doubt he will over rule Scot McCloughan about a player personnel decision eventually. It may not be this year or may be this year but eventually he will and it will end ugly. Daniel Synder cant get out of his own way nor does it seem like he wants to. 


dan may have mental issues. but i'll say this about our more recent coaches and his involvement-


i think he gave joe gibbs whatever he asked for.

i think he made a poor decision in hiring zorn, realized it, then meddled in an effort to save face. 

i think he desperately wanted a guy he knew and respected in mike and gladly gave him final say over the roster.


i think the real problem is that we've never had a real, bona fide GM. and its dans fault that he hasnt hired one til now.


(and now i have to add the obligatory "this in no way means i like dan snyder or believe he has actually done a good job")

Problem with message boards is that things tend to get all jumbled up and run together. It sounds like you don't fall into this category but in general, it seems like whenever somebody dare speaks badly of the Redskins there are people who jump all over them and blindly defend the organization. Meanwhile, the incompetence just keeps cycling endlessly.



i honestly havent seen that in this thread, but i know what you mean. there are those that automatically defend even the worst decisions the redskins make just cuz they feel that not doing so is equivalent to not being a real fan.


i think those of us critical of shanny have been clear in that our criticism doesnt mean dan or the redskins have been good. 

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i think those of us critical of shanny have been clear in that our criticism doesnt mean dan or the redskins have been good. 



An absolutely fair statement. No arguments there. Our organization is rotten from top to bottom and I don't have a lot faith that we'll right the ship anytime soon.  :(


Praying McCloughan can restructure things so the machine at least runs like a regular franchise.

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dan may have mental issues. but i'll say this about our more recent coaches and his involvement-


i think he gave joe gibbs whatever he asked for.

i think he made a poor decision in hiring zorn, realized it, then meddled in an effort to save face. 

i think he desperately wanted a guy he knew and respected in mike and gladly gave him final say over the roster.


i think the real problem is that we've never had a real, bona fide GM. and its dans fault that he hasnt hired one til now.


(and now i have to add the obligatory "this in no way means i like dan snyder or believe he has actually done a good job")

I will agree Gibbs had nothing but good things to say about Daniel Synder. Though Gibbs is a class act who respects this organization too much to trash it but that's neither here nor there.


But the Zorn hire again was the work of a crazy man. He hired this guy to be a OC before he even has a HC. Then he out of the blue hires him to be the HC. Then he doesn't like the 2nd half of the season from Zorn and fires him. So strange. Not the work of a mentally competent individual. 


Also if you are to believe Shanny he gave him full control and still dictated trades and offensive philosophies using his puppet GM and by giving advice on how to approach Shanny to his movie companion RG3

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Problem with message boards is that things tend to get all jumbled up and run together. It sounds like you don't fall into this category but in general, it seems like whenever somebody dare speaks badly of the Redskins there are people who jump all over them and blindly defend the organization. Meanwhile, the incompetence just keeps cycling endlessly.


When someone writes "The Redskins have been a bad team for a long time", you won't get too many people argung against that statement.


When someone involved and responsible for several years of that suck seems to absolve themselves of any of that responsibility, some of us say "Oh, come on now" lol...

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It's befitting to the site's name that we find 'skins' fans spending time and energy time parsing aspersions cast upon Snyder, while simultaneously noting the constant and widespread source of poor judgments and negative meddling even they usually credit him with (right or wrong), as a result of how much they've decided to hate Mike Shanahan---a matter also largely connected for many to the views they hold re: the RG3-centric universe we occupy.   :)  :D

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So Mike Shanahan leaving this team a mess when he had total and full control wasn't really his fault?


New flash -- the team was a mess when he took it over.  Also, he had 100% total control until either Dan and/or Bruce wanted something.  Things are never as black and white as they are perported to be.  Lots of nuance, disagreements, giving up control, etc.  Based on what's happened an what we know, ff Dan really wants it he's probably gonna get it.

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Also if you are to believe Shanny he gave him full control and still dedicated trades and offensive philos[phies

If you believe Shanny than you can't believe Shanny.


After all, he said that Dan never meddled in personnel matters, but that he was the guy who meddled in all the trades. Unless, he was saying that Mike Shanahan was cowering in fear of Bruce Allen and thought that Bruce would win all tug of wars even in Mike's first season with the team!


Shanny's selling a bunch o' bridges and too many are buying.

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Alright I'm going to need to phone a friend on this one because I'm still not seeing what the point I helped make was.


But if I did I want my thank you.


First logic argument:


If all dogs are animals that grow hair

And all animals that grow hair are mammals

Then all dogs are mammals


Second logic argument:


If all dogs are mammals

And all humans are mammals

Then all dogs are humans



Logic argument #2 as applied to the argument being used by some here:


If doubting the accuracy of Shanahan's words = Shanahan deserves blame

And giving Snyder a "pass" = Shanahan deserves blame

Then doubting the accuracy of Shaahan's words = Giving Snyder a "pass"

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That's different than the A + B = C etc example. The two statements in that one were indeed the same thing.


Noooo lol....it's exactlly as I wrote it.

Well said cali, I was reading it too much as a math problem, not a logic argument.


I admit my mistake.


I will now spend the next twelve seconds hiding my head in shame, followed immediately by making a snarky post somewhere in the Stadium I have deemed appropriate at the time.


lol...yeah, the "equal" symbol kinda takes people in that direction (even Sacks 'N Stuff re-worded it as a math equation)...

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