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George Zimmerman arrested on aggravated assault charge


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He also concluded that Zimmerman’s account of events held little credibility because Zimmerman had several days to think up a response to the allegations. 


They are giving GZ too much credit. He clearly used the two hours he spent ignoring the police officers who were politely waiting for him to answer the door to come up with his side of the story. 

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They are giving GZ too much credit. He clearly used the two hours he spent ignoring the police officers who were politely waiting for him to answer the door to come up with his side of the story. 


He needs to break that habit of not letting cops in when they come to ask him questions, he's done it before.  In this country that idea can result in flash bangs and SWAT. 

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Well it usually does when you're....do I even need to say it? 




Poor white trash?


Whoever they are targeting


He needs to break that habit of not letting cops in when they come to ask him questions, he's done it before.  In this country that idea can result in flash bangs and SWAT. 



Being cooperative didn't work too well , always ask for a warrant


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Go get a warrant and come back.

That's me, all the way. Do your dance for a judge, I'll wait riiiggghhhht here.

And I don't want a stamp...a full-on pen-ink signature will be required for any real attorney to take seriously. (You can keep one on retainer fairly cheap, $250 or so depending on how well you know them (#hireafriend) or how hard you want to be defended(beaten into confession)j/k)

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In this state, you don't have to let cops come in or answer the door. You can be sitting on your couch watching TV with the windows open (the way I understand it) and simply ignore them.


Go get a warrant and come back.


generally the safest legal option if they have targeted you......and of course retaining and notifying your lawyer as she just mentioned.


could ya step outside or may we look around should be translated as bend over  :lol:


Z brought much of this attention on himself but I can't fault him for playing it safe for a change.

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I'm not even sure this statement makes sense, twa. He was on his way back to the home he was staying at when GZ rolled up in his car and began following him. He ducked into the courtyard to get away from a stranger that was literally stalking him without announcing their "neighborhood watch" status.


GZ followed him to the courtyard and by his own description of where he was standing when they encountered each other, George's back was to the sidewalk out and Trayvon's back was to the courtyard. 


Now- Still no announcement from GZ that he's on neighborhood watch. In Martin's mind, he's the one standing his ground and from there the tragic decision is made to "man up" and fight Zimmerman.


The case played out and anyone supporting martin (despite his own questionable background) simply loses here. Nothing is going to be changed. Zimmerman's yellow flag was picked up from the field of play.   :)


However, I think it's important for us all to imagine for a moment that one of our neighbors has suddenly taken it upon themselves to become the guardian of our street or small community. A fine intent on the surface, sure. Over time though, we notice that this guardian does not announce his intent to passers-thru or perhaps even to neighbors he doesn't recognize. He simply follows them from boundary to boundary with a concealed weapon. Zimmerman is a dangerous little turd that none of you want in your zip code. I think that's what this thread is about. Arguments over the legal precedents and proceedings belong in the old thread.


Where do you get this stuff? Now you have to announce your neighborhood watch status? Now you cannot observe someone in your neighborhood without it being called stalking? I hope people in my neighborhood pay attention to what is going on and look out for one another. I can't imagine being apart of a community where everyone put their head in the sand and refuses to look out for their neighbor. What kind of world do you live in?


Let me stop. You know that you like the idea of people looking out for their neighbors, but you feign outrage and make proclamations like this just to have fuel for your narrative. 

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See this is what I am saying.  How do you know Zimmerman didn't get those wounds before, or inflicted them himself.  It's clear Zimmerman wanted to take the law in his own hands.  The 9-11 operator told him to chill.  But he wants to be Wyatt Earp, and someone got shot. Zimmerman had the deadly weapon, not Treyvon.  Zimmerman didn't want to hear anyone but himself, and a child got killed.  Again how do you initiate an altercation, kill someone and get off? What is to prevent this from happening again?  Zimmerman wasn't the police.  He had no identification saying he was law enforcement. If I am walking through a neighborhood, and some one stops me, do they have the right to accost me just because they want to. Who is held accountable? I am never coming to Florida, and I think the good people of Florida wants it that way.

Well then he succeeded. The real Wyatt Earp was a pretty crappy guy and lawman. His brothers were much better lawmen than he ever was. Might want to read up on him. 


So let me get this strait, we can make the assumption that Zimmerman inflicted the wounds on himself or that he had them before (not sure how someone would bleed for that long on the back of their head) But we can't assume that Martin attacked Zimmerman first. Which one honestly seems more far fetched? Come bro....we know that didn't happen. You don't know he initiated anything. Confronting someone is not starting a fight. Anyone can stop me in the street to ask me questions. There is NOTHING wrong with that. Jeeze are we so caught up with our phone, computers, internet,texting, and social media, that we are scared of human interaction? What is wrong with you people?

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Where do you get this stuff? Now you have to announce your neighborhood watch status? Now you cannot observe someone in your neighborhood without it being called stalking? I hope people in my neighborhood pay attention to what is going on and look out for one another. I can't imagine being apart of a community where everyone put their head in the sand and refuses to look out for their neighbor. What kind of world do you live in?


Let me stop. You know that you like the idea of people looking out for their neighbors, but you feign outrage and make proclamations like this just to have fuel for your narrative. 



I don't know about you but if some random dude is following me in a car at night,doesn't identify himself, proceeds to get out of the car and starts questioning me, I'm going to perceive him as a potential threat.


But maybe thats just me....

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I don't know about you but if some random dude is following me in a car at night,doesn't identify himself, proceeds to get out of the car and starts questioning me, I'm going to perceive him as a potential threat.


But maybe thats just me....

I would to, but that doesn't' give me the right to punch him. 

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I agree...but I'm not sure I completely buy Zimmerman's story.


I mean I buy the part about him getting beat down and fearing for his life etc.


I'm just not completely sold on Martin "ambushing him".etc

I can see both sides of it. Like I said its murky. Both could be right or wrong. No one will know but Zimmerman. 

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I can see both sides of it. Like I said its murky. Both could be right or wrong. No one will know but Zimmerman. 


So it is kinda like the Birthers on Obama's birth?  :P


 the evidence points one way, but .....

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I would to, but that doesn't' give me the right to punch him.

Unless, of course, he tries to detain you. :)





So it is kinda like the Birthers on Obama's birth?  :P


 the evidence points one way, but .....

No, not kinda like that at all.

One is an established, documented, fact.

There is absolutely zero evidence, either way, as to who started the fight.

(Although, there are some things that might cause people to bet one way or the other. Like the fact that, up until the fight started, one person was the one doing all of the escalating. But then, that person isn't the one you want to pretend that "the evidence points" at.)

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So it is kinda like the Birthers on Obama's birth?  :P


 the evidence points one way, but .....

Actually, no one can say who started the fight. 


However, who started it doesn't matter in the case as it was established that Martins actions during the fight made Zimmerman feel his life was in danger. That's the only thing that really matters. 

Unless, of course, he tries to detain you. :)





No, not kinda like that at all.

One is an established, documented, fact.

There is absolutely zero evidence, either way, as to who started the fight.

(Although, there are some things that might cause people to bet one way or the other. Like the fact that, up until the fight started, one person was the one doing all of the escalating. But then, that person isn't the one you want to pretend that "the evidence points" at.)

Someone can detain you via citizens arrest, however, they had better be right otherwise they can face some steep civil penalties without the protection that peach officers enjoy. 

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Where do you get this stuff? Now you have to announce your neighborhood watch status? Now you cannot observe someone in your neighborhood without it being called stalking? I hope people in my neighborhood pay attention to what is going on and look out for one another. I can't imagine being apart of a community where everyone put their head in the sand and refuses to look out for their neighbor. What kind of world do you live in?


Let me stop. You know that you like the idea of people looking out for their neighbors, but you feign outrage and make proclamations like this just to have fuel for your narrative. 



He's not a police officer, sacase. He was a self-proclaimed neighborhood watch with a concealed weapon who went after someone who was walking. He followed this person in his car. He then called the cops on this person that was walking. When told by 911 not to pursue this "walker," he got out and followed the person and stood between them and the sidewalk out. All this before anything even really happened. 


Yes. When you decide you are the sheriff of the block and you holster up and wait for someone you don't know to walk by and then you drive behind them while they walk and then you call the police on them and then you get out with your gun and go after them on foot but your NOT trying to be a loose cannon.... you have to announce your role and your intentions. It's kind of what separates you from the bad guys you claim to be after, especially when you're NOT A COP.  



I love the smell of narrative fuel in the morning. 

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I know several of the neighborhoods I've lived in back in Utah and Virginia had neighborhood watch signs posted through out them as well as cars that had magnets on the sided identifying them as such,(couldn't miss them. Worthless ****ers lived outside our house in Annandale).  I even saw one two folks wearing shirts that had neighborhood watch on them. Might be something that whatever neighborhood watch association or HOA said they had to do. 

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He's not a police officer, sacase. He was a self-proclaimed neighborhood watch with a concealed weapon who went after someone who was walking. He followed this person in his car. He then called the cops on this person that was walking. When told by 911 not to pursue this "walker," he got out and followed the person and stood between them and the sidewalk out. All this before anything even really happened. 


Yes. When you decide you are the sheriff of the block and you holster up and wait for someone you don't know to walk by and then you drive behind them while they walk and then you call the police on them and then you get out with your gun and go after them on foot but your NOT trying to be a loose cannon.... you have to announce your role and your intentions. It's kind of what separates you from the bad guys you claim to be after, especially when you're NOT A COP.  



I love the smell of narrative fuel in the morning. 

There was no "U" shaped enclosure. He was not boxed in he had several avenues to exit the area. 


If I recall he was not even there in his neighborhood watch capacity. He was going about his normal business and he had his weapon on him as was his right. Just because he was armed doesn't mean he can't ask someone why they are there. There is no need to announce his role or intentions. "Hey, what are you doing here?" is more than enough.There is no need to announce that he has a weapon. I am sorry you have a social phobia. 

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 "Hey, what are you doing here?" is more than enough.There is no need to announce that he has a weapon.

I suspect Zimmerman's script wasn't so bland.


It probably went like this--


"Pardon me, sir" Zimmerman began doffing his cap and adding a small bow, "I believe you are new to this neighborhood for I do not recognize you. May I bid you welcome for these are friendly parts.  No, why sir... why are you accosting me?  What have I done to provoke you?  Help! Murder? Murder. Oh do stop striking me, please. I am but a humble servant... a part of a neighborhood greeting committee or watch and... OW!  OW!  I warn you, sir my civility has bounds. I would not strike a man in due course, but you leave me no alternative.  Stay your hand, ruffian or I will strike back.  Alas, you give me no choice!"

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Well, just my opinion, but the witness who saw somebody getting his head slammed into the concrete does lend some extra credibility.



Maybe to you.  Certainly not to me.  (Nor, I suspect, to a very large majority of everybody else.) 



Well, from where I sit in the cheap seats, turning the guy you killed into the Bad Guy seems to be an important part of the formula.  (It also seems to help a lot if you're white, and he's black.) 

Not sure about the black and white part.  I can not believe that people still argue on the side of George Zimmerman.  We see what type of guy he is when the NRA war chest isn't backing him up.  It's clear that several sides had an agenda in this situation.  The NRA wants to sell more guns, so why not back a law that makes people do just that.  Usually the state prosecutor is never out gunned, but in this case that is what happened.  Plus do you think they really wanted to set the precedence to over turn "stand your ground."  Not for a black kid.  He doesn't vote.  Clearly the people of Florida want to have showdowns like the O.K. Corral.  That is their prerogative.   Half you guys are saying a 17 year old kid with skittles and an ice tea could over power a grown man with a gun.  I find that hard to believe.  In order for George to be right, he is the good guy that stopped a kid on the street at his discretion, got into an altercation that he started, got beat up, then was right to shoot an unarmed kid.  This is a kid! You know what I never will understand....when did George take out his concealed weapon?  When did he tell Treyvon to stop, because he is armed and will kill him?  Look at the case involving John White.  Why was he indicted for manslaughter.....you know what why am I asking.?  We all know this stinks to high heaven.  If a black man did the same thing, the good people of Florida would have seen things differently.  It all comes down to votes and money.  We know that.  When the people want a pound of flesh and they can pay for it either through votes or money, somebody is going to get cut. Black, white, or otherwise. Treyvon deserved better.  And unlike Michael Brown, or Eric Gardner,  Treyvon was just walking home.  In all of this, does anyone remember that he didn't do anything to get killed.  It comes down to the word of the person that didn't listen to error on the side of discretion as the one wronged in an altercation he provoked.  Where is the justice?   Shouldn't George be held accountable for at least manslaughter?  It's clear he had reckless regard for a human life.  He brought the gun to a fist fight.   

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