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BR: Jay Gruden Has Mishandled Washington Redskins' Quarterback Situation


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Colt McCoy came in and did what Kirk Cousins couldn't do in his last four games, quarterback the Washington Redskins to a win. But rather than a reprieve, McCoy's ascension and Cousins' demotion is merely the latest chapter in a quarterback situation mishandled by head coach Jay Gruden.

The first-year sideline general hasn't just been let down by a struggling backup. He was making a botch of his team's quarterback situation even before Robert Griffin III succumbed to an ankle injury in Week 2 against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Gruden's failed process began with trying to make a dual-threat playmaker wired for read-option schemes into a passer confined to the pocket. Remember how poor Griffin looked in Week 1's 17-6 defeat to the Houston Texans?

It was Gruden's flip-flop from trying to consign the read-option to memory to reintroducing elements of the run-first scheme, that precipitated Griffin's injury. It wasn't simply fate that played a part in Griffin's latest ailment and misfortune.

Cont'd at link above

Ok, I'm not trying to turn this into another QB debate, but I'm really curious what others think about the author's stance on Jay's flip flopping. On one hand, i can totally agree with where he's coming from, on the other, I'm asking myself what exactly is Jay supposed to do???

I would've benched kirk too. I also completely agree and have no issues with him naming Robert the starter once he's healthy. Am i off base for feeling like this? Does this guy who wrote this actually make sense in the grand scheme of things. I'm really torn after reading this.

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It was Gruden's flip-flop from trying to consign the read-option to memory to reintroducing elements of the run-first scheme, that precipitated Griffin's injury. It wasn't simply fate that played a part in Griffin's latest ailment and misfortune.

I think this little nugget tells me all i need to know about the article author's competence. I don't want to click the link to give it more page view, but i doubt i'm missing much based on the above paragraph.

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How does anyone judge this much off of 4 quarters, its unreal the way people extrapolate off such a small sample.  


Right now, Griff could use a little read option (i,e, 15-20% like the other young qbs) and still work on his pocket game.  Use the mans strengths and playmaking ability.  People expecting peyton like presence are asking for too much.  

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Gruden's failed process began with trying to make a dual-threat playmaker wired for read-option schemes into a passer confined to the pocket. Remember how poor Griffin looked in Week 1's 17-6 defeat to the Houston Texans?



This line of thought is seriously starting to get on my nerves. Look, I get it was not a super impressive game in terms of big plays but for the love of god he had 90 QB rating. I'd rate it as a mediocore day. People need to stop acting like he posted a sub 50 percent completion day with a low QB rating.

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I was under the impression that the organization and RG3 himself wanted to become more of a pocket passer to try to extend his career. I refuse to click the link because I think this is just another bashing of our Redskins, but I find it insulting to RG3 as if they are implying he can't be a pocket passer. It seems like Jay is danged if he does and danged if he doesn't. I'm starting to think this team is a coach killer because they just can't win no matter what they do. The press is going to bash them no matter what.

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The "blogger"/"amateur" lost me at the start. Jay Gruden wasn't the one who determined RG3 needed to be a pocket passer, the organization determined that and brought in someone willing to implement that.

You mean Bruce Allen brought in one of his buddies who didn't fit our prized qb at all. It wasn't a plan for rg3, it was a plan for gruden.

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The "blogger"/"amateur" lost me at the start.  Jay Gruden wasn't the one who determined RG3 needed to be a pocket passer, the organization determined that and brought in someone willing to implement that.



I'm still not convinced that Griffin needs to be turned into a pocket passer. To me, it seems like trying to tell a Ferrari to turn into a Volvo. I understand the *desire* to try and keep him from getting killed on every play by defenses, but it seems that making him into a pocket passer, something that he's not, and especially behind this atrocious O-line is actually going to get him killed.

I was under the impression that the organization and RG3 himself wanted to become more of a pocket passer to try to extend his career. I refuse to click the link because I think this is just another bashing of our Redskins, but I find it insulting to RG3 as if they are implying he can't be a pocket passer. It seems like Jay is danged if he does and danged if he doesn't. I'm starting to think this team is a coach killer because they just can't win no matter what they do. The press is going to bash them no matter what.



Agreed. It's a trash article from a trash site. That's why I read very little from these garbage sites AND from the ****-disturbers at NFLnetwork and BSPN. It's all designed to get you mad, get you to click on their article or to tune into their networks. I refuse to do so.

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I'm still not convinced that Griffin needs to be turned into a pocket passer. To me, it seems like trying to tell a Ferrari to turn into a Volvo. I understand the *desire* to try and keep him from getting killed on every play by defenses, but it seems that making him into a pocket passer, something that he's not, and especially behind this atrocious O-line is actually going to get him killed.

To think we could have hired Seattle or San Fran's o coordinators who have experience developing talent similar in skillset to rg3, but they weren't allen's friends.

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Gruden did in the first game what most of us wanted/hoped he would do - he gave Griffin a lot of high percentage throws to build his confidence back up.  Fumbles and lamentable special teams lost that game for us. By the second game, he had Griffin run the read option.

Playcalling has NOT been the issue on offense.  Ultimately our team is suffering because we tied up too much money in the franchise tag for Orakpo, and filled gaping holes in the OL with draft projects and cheap and available free agents.

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Gruden messed up bigtime. I laugh at the people who think that the organization was looking for RG3 to become a pocket passer and that's why they went with Gruden. Then after RG3 went down and Kurt had his little miracle performance that made Gruden believe the hype he quickly tossed RG3 under the bus and wanted to move on with Kurt. Kurt then starts to be who he always was, a terrible QB and suddenly you have Gruden suck up to RG3 again and basically pray to god that he gets healthy ASAP so he can be the franchise QB again. The guy is just spineless, unloyal. Now his future/job is up to RG3. I think RG3 is going to dominate for himself and for this team/franchise but not for this coach who basically quit on him the first chance he got.


Unless he goes back to letting RG3 play the way he plays the game and doesn't try to force him to drop back on every down and sit in the pocket because QB's used to do that 50 years ago and the game doesn't evolve at all (such BS), if that's what he wants then Jay needs to go. Plain and simple. RG3 has proven he can dominate, we can win here without Jay. We can't without RG3.

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Gruden played his hand perfectly. People like Danny, Grant, and Smoot were talking about how they should start Kirk, but 1) Dude's confidence is shot and 2) he's impairing the development of the team. You see he wasn't getting the ball to Garcon. He was pretty much getting it to Jackson once or twice a game, a few throws to Roberts and Reed and a few ints/fumbles. Dude needs some time on the bench. 


I'm not saying that Colt will lead a revolution, but if he can simply look like a backup QB, it can help stabilize the team. I want to develop Kirk as well, but not at the sake of the franchise and the other players on our team. And unlike Danny thinks, its not just a bunch of older vets who won't be here in 3 years, this is the youngest Skins roster and starting lineup we've seen in years and it just got youger with Murphy moving to a starting role. I want to see which of these young guys can be a part of the Gibbs-like core. 

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Why do so many people have such a problem distinguishing "Kurt" from Kirk?  I know it's nit-picking, but come on people.....I just.....*sigh*


I wonder when (or if ever) guys like you will catch on that it is not by mistake that people call him Kurt.

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OK... I think I get it... Kirk is so painfully bad that we disrespect him by calling him by the wrong name... like me and my painfully bad post.. and callin' me.. StephenSkins... or worse o_0... still I think calling him Curt would be apropos.. Curt - adj - marked by rude or peremptory shortness. Rudely brief.

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