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BR: Jay Gruden Has Mishandled Washington Redskins' Quarterback Situation


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This is the same media, especially Sally, that was writing glowing stories in 2012 when the skins defied the odds and fought their way into the playoffs.

The way this works is simple, win consistently and they love you. They look to write stories about why the things the team is doing work so well. If the team sucks, and with three wins and a fired coach fits that description, is going to inspire the opposite. The media looks for why it's not working, what is going wrong, and who they can blame.

That's where the skins are right now, the media is looking for all the things wrong. It's going to stay that way until they win and keep winning. The press loves a winner (other than the San Antonio Spurs, who the media all wishes would just stop winning and go away).

There are things that can make things worse. Fighting the press never helps. King Kong looked great on screen swiping at the little airplanes that came to knock him off his perch, but he never stood a chance. Suing them, taking away their seats, and otherwise trying to battle the media has similar results. They'll keep coming and taking their shots until they hit something that hurts.

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The one thing about Gruden that sort of scares me is that he tends to brainstorm during press conferences. As an example, when RGIII was first injured, his post-game response was something along the lines of "that an unfortunate way to end a season."  Obviously the diagnosis wasn't in, and Gruden was sort of talking off the cuff. Same thing when he mentioned Hatcher not playing on certain downs (i.e. "no he wasn't hurt, that was a coaching decision"). It was like he hadn't really thought about it a whole lot, so he just said whatever his first thought was. 


I think he may have been doing a similar thing when he said that "the jury's still out" on Griffin.  I don't really read too much into that statement.  I think that's just a way to say that there are some unknowns, perhaps the biggest being whether he can remain healthy.  I don't take it to mean that he has 7 weeks to prove he's the franchise quarterback.  Perhaps he has 7 weeks to screw it up, which most QBs in the NFL are really on about a 4 game leash anyway.

If you thing pressers and logic is scary now, we are in for a treat during the offseason. I've come around on Gruden since week 1 and one thing that has been building up in each one of his pressers is that S*** is going to change and that no position is going to be safe for next season....and that includes the QB slot. (though KC and Colt have a long way to go in suggesting that they will be starting next season). What the other posters were preluding to...these players make millions and millions of dollars..it's time they prove their worth. So with that being said...Goodbye Haslett

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These past few posts are making my point.

I didn't mention Griffin in my comments but the responses to my post about Jay's comments are to bash "poor RGIII". What a joke. Watch at some point Jays press conference stream of conscienceness rambles are gonna change.

You didn't mention Griffin directly but "Jay words have fueled another media S storm about his QB."


I wouldn't call it 'bashing' but more of a 'tough **** and deal with it' mentality.  I don't think anyone wants him to fail but to not let things get to him outside of the locker room and what others think, which has been proven that he is concerned about in the past with tweets/fb posts/comments/etc.

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I think its funny how so called Redskins fans always find these deep hidden meanings to stuff when people talk.  And they know the psyche of a 24 year old kid who was the savior two years ago.  That's so awesome you can see directly into RG3's mind.  Or are you personal friends with him?  Because you seem to know what he and what everyone else is thinking/feeling as they are doing it.


The Bleacher Report sucks and the people that buy into it's BS are even worse.  Our team sucks.  Simple as that.  It isn't all on RG3 or all on Gruden.


Lots of holes to fill.

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Gruden is green and not in any way savvy. While many of his comments are refreshingly honest, they are inappropriate for broadcast.  If he can't keep his criticisms of players in the locker room, how can he expect to shut down the leaks?


Didn't we go down the road with Jim Zorn?  He'll learn the hard way.

Green?  What?  No HC experience?  Oh wait!  10 years of HC experience in addition to successful term as an OC ... Whoa!  He is also an AFL HoF QB and HC.  Yeah .. .not the NFL but he's not green, and I'd bet he's pretty damn savvy ... Savvy?  I think he's more of a hard ass than we're used to seeing(hearing) around here.  He wants his QB position to be played better and if any of the back-ups can manage it before RG3 he'd start them.  This is the Washington Redskins not the RG3 show?

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From our current conversation why do you assume that any of it bothers Griffin?

me, personally, I wasn't saying it bothered him currently.  But, I get why some of the people above have mentioned that as there have been instances in the past as if it is almost a normal reaction from him. 

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You know I actually like what Gruden appears to be doing he appears to not be codling or intimidated by Griffin .... In turn it makes Griffin appear to have grow through this adversity .

I say appear because I have no intention of playing guess the motive of every comment and gesture - but it does kind of work to get RGIII out of the glare and heat of the spotlight ... If your coach constantly says there is work to be done then it allows you to get the work done ....

Compare it to the Mike Shanahans approach in which he said nothing but threw RGIII to the wolves after every loss to try and explain what happened and if he did say anything about Robert it was to directly contradict him ..

Jay may really belive RGIiis status is in the air but you can bet coach Gruden is hoping he proves himself this year and can come through the controversy stronger .... If not then football is not the game for him ....

To me coach Grudens comments are akin to telling your son he is a sissy to get them to work harder and toughen up to prove you most of all wrong ... I think it has been a negative aspect up until this point RGIII has been surrounded by people who love him which makes it hard to process why some people don't . This may be the first time in a while RGIII has been really challenged to be better

It can go two ways will be interesting to find out how this ends

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Okay, but where do you think the people currently saying in this thread that the stuff bothers Griffin are getting it from?

I guess I'm missing the people, outside of Alexa, who openly came out and said, in reference to this article, 'poor RG3' and went down that road.  What most people have said has been a result of the conversation around 'should Gruden be open?'   I think that, with the quote regarding young players being to fragile to outside noise, and the fact RG3 has shown to take things outside the locker room to heart, that people just say, 'you know what, IF he isn't taking it well then he's not going to last or be a strong leader at the QB position.'


It's things, I think everyone knows, he needs to learn to dismiss but regarding this thread specifically, I see pretty much everyone laugh at the BR Report and at the twisting the media is doing but more so referencing past instances and using it hypothetically.

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Gruden is green and not in any way savvy. While many of his comments are refreshingly honest, they are inappropriate for broadcast.  If he can't keep his criticisms of players in the locker room, how can he expect to shut down the leaks?


Didn't we go down the road with Jim Zorn?  He'll learn the hard way.


I disagree, JG is playing the media as he should. Calling them out on the typical DC BS and galvanizing the team (RG III included) against them.


In the end it is about a team trying to identify all of its parts and start a winning tradition.

Not our name.

Not what RG3's opinion is about his coach's comments.

Not what Trent Williams had for breakfast

Not the esoteric foaming of the mouth that we here from tools like Czabe (anyone hear that crap yesterday)

This S is so old at this point....


I for one am happy with the way RG3 and Jay are handling things and fed up with all the other crap, so it comes as an enormous relief that the coach didn't take long to figure that out

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Gruden messed up bigtime. I laugh at the people who think that the organization was looking for RG3 to become a pocket passer and that's why they went with Gruden. Then after RG3 went down and Kurt had his little miracle performance that made Gruden believe the hype he quickly tossed RG3 under the bus and wanted to move on with Kurt. Kurt then starts to be who he always was, a terrible QB and suddenly you have Gruden suck up to RG3 again and basically pray to god that he gets healthy ASAP so he can be the franchise QB again. The guy is just spineless, unloyal. Now his future/job is up to RG3. I think RG3 is going to dominate for himself and for this team/franchise but not for this coach who basically quit on him the first chance he got.


Unless he goes back to letting RG3 play the way he plays the game and doesn't try to force him to drop back on every down and sit in the pocket because QB's used to do that 50 years ago and the game doesn't evolve at all (such BS), if that's what he wants then Jay needs to go. Plain and simple. RG3 has proven he can dominate, we can win here without Jay. We can't without RG3.

Not sure if I agree with all of your points but I understand your perspective.

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I think this is what is known as "First world problems"


they got their wish, and now the Bengals offense is as pedestrian as can be.


In the last 3 weeks, the Bengals were shut out in Indy, tied at home by the Panthers, and blown out on the road by the Pats.

They have won 3 games this season, which is 1better than the Redskins, and their offense is averaging 0.7 points per game better, and in terms of yards the Redskins are ranked 5th, while Cincy sits middle of the pack at 16th.

thankfully for them, the AFC north looks pretty mediocre, so they may have some postseason aspirations. But if you're looking at their production offensively, it's decidedly average.. 16th in rushing, 16th in passing.

In the last 3 weeks they've been outscored 97-54.. practically doubled.

Andy Dalton isn't throwing picks, (3) but he's not throwing TDs either, only 6 in 6 games. 

Cousins has thrown 9 picks, but he's also thrown 10 TDs. And he is clearly an inferior player making bad decisions based on inexperience.

People will say "AJ Green is out" to which I'd say AJ Green's absence is not why you get shut out, and point to the Redskins list of injuries.. specifically the starting QB. (The Lions aren't losing without Megatron, right?)

Gruden has not been perfect. But these games have not been lost due to play calling or anything I'd consider to be his "fault" at this point. He's a young coach trying to turn around a ship that stubbornly refuses to turn for anyone.


Fact; there is no way in the world anyone can make any definitive decision on a coach based on 6 games with a starting QB hurt and an injury list a half mile long..  unless they wish it to be known that they should not be taken seriously in these discussions. 




Why not? Some "experts" have no problem making definitive judgments about a 24 year old prospect our organization traded a king's ransom worth of draft picks for because they believed he was capable of eventually becoming a "franchise" QB. Following an injury plagued rookie year, what turned into a red shirt 2nd season and 2 full starts his 3rd season, Robert Griffin has already been declared a bust by many. Now, with all that being said... forget about the Gruden factor for a minute... I can't help but wonder how good Robert would be (could have been) if he had been afforded the luxury of sitting, studying and watching the pro game a few years like Aaron Rodgers and Steve McNair? The kid was rushed into action from day one and seemed to handle all the hoopla fairly well at first. However, in spite of his early accomplishments a significant portion of the Redskins fan base wants a guy who ran a 4.3 / 40 yard dash at his combine to make plays primarily from the pocket going forward because that's what traditional NFL quarterbacks who achieve long term success do. The most recent Super Bowl winning QB, Russell Wilson is a very good pocket passer but he runs the read option to perfection and scrambles with the best of them. Colin Kaepernick failed to defeat the Ravens in the Super Bowl before that quite possibly because of those happy feet of his but he was very very close to dispelling the "all NFL QB's must be pure pocket passers to succeed" myth forever. By the way... How many Super Bowls did the quintessential pocket passer, Dan Marino win again?

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I didn't believe this post deserved its own thread, so I'm tagging on to an existing coach/QB thread...


I've heard (and said myself) that this season is all about Robert Griffin essentially grabbing the QB position and role of team leader so that we are positioned moving forward. After seeing what I have through 9 games, I believe what is much more important (at least on the field) is that we see how Jay Gruden maintains control of this team through the end of the season. 


If we can finish on any kind of uptick, I think that will show some promise moving forward. With the exception of Tampa Bay this coming Sunday, we have a pretty good test for this team. We get another crack at Philly and New York as well as a re-match with Dallas. We have road games against two teams that are much better than we are (San Francisco and Indy). We also have an interesting match up against St. Louis, a team that is also better than we are and has showed up very big against some of the better teams in the league. 


If we can somehow win 6-7 games, I think you have to consider that a modestly successful first season for Gruden. That would be a 3-4 game improvement from last year's disaster. Needless to say, if someone asked me right now I would state in no uncertain terms that I believe it's much more important to know we've found our coach than to know we've found our QB. 

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