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Cosmos (TV Show)


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I thought the production was lame and the content was mediocre. The cartoonish graphics reminded me of the films we watched in 8th grade health.

The content was crap especially for anyone who has read cosmos. They jumped around way too much and found ways to make it boring.

Disappointing to say the least

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I thought the production was lame and the content was mediocre. The cartoonish graphics reminded me of the films we watched in 8th grade health.

The content was crap especially for anyone who has read cosmos. They jumped around way too much and found ways to make it boring.

Disappointing to say the least

Agree, I gave it around 10 minutes and shut it off. Looks like another show I won't watch.

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My 10 year old balked and complained for the first five minutes. I had to threaten her with an early bedtime to get her to watch it with me. She sat through about 45 minutes of it before wondering off. It made me very happy she watched that much with me.

When he started talking about Giordano Bruno about 10 minutes in; my daughter had many questions. At one point she turns to me and says.. OK this is pretty cool.

Thumbs up from me so far..


Yeah, Bruno got some wide-eyed attention from our preschool set.  I was wondering how they would handle the visuals at the end of that particular tale.  Turned out well.  I think that segment bought several extra minutes of attention span before my girls finally ran off in search of Bristle Blocks and fairy tiaras.

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They launched it on 10 stations last Sunday including Fox Sports 1 and FX. It will be on Fox Sundays and Nat Geo Mondays for the remaining 12.

Hmm, a little conflicted here. After that story about a Fox station censoring it, I don't want to support them, but I would like to watch it with my brothers on Sundays...
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In 2001 Fox aired "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?". That show spawned so much stupid debate from the cretins.  I wish they never aired that garbage.  They should apologize for that ****.

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  • 1 month later...

"demonic possession" LOL! These people are right up there on the stupid scale with the cliven bundy supporters.


Yes, because protesting against anything you don't agree with is exactly what the bible teaches us.  What a bunch of morons.  I'm sure a rally of 26 people in Saddlebridge, Oklahoma will really drum up the pressure on FOX.


Yo Neil, keep swaggin' on these idiots.




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The past two episodes have been very enlightening to me. I'm good with Space, but not the atomic scale and lower. The neutrino segment from the last episode blew my mind, have to look them up.

I didn't quite grasp the quantum leaping of electrons (I think it's electrons). Why/how does that happen? They don't know yet?

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The past two episodes have been very enlightening to me. I'm good with Space, but not the atomic scale and lower. The neutrino segment from the last episode blew my mind, have to look them up.

I didn't quite grasp the quantum leaping of electrons (I think it's electrons). Why/how does that happen? They don't know yet?

Try reading this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introduction_to_quantum_mechanics#Schr.C3.B6dinger_wave_equation

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just watched episode 9. Maybe my favorite one yet. Spoiler:

It's about the history of life on Earth. Continental drift, climate changes, extinction, evolution. A lot of geology involved. The opening scene with the massive insects blew me away. Centipedes as long as crocidiles and flying bugs as big as hawks used to exist because of the larger amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere.

I like how it was another woman that discovered fault lines. That's three women so far that Cosmos has given due props to.

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  Centipedes as long as crocidiles and flying bugs as big as hawks used to exist because of the larger amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere.



That sounds like a ****ing problem LOL.  and I'd vote for them :)


Man, for whatever reason my DVR hasn't been recording the show...ugh. 

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