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Happy Birthday dfitzo53! (David)


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Happy Birthday to dfitzo53 (David)!! I thank ES for introducing me to him almost 8 years ago. He is my soulmate, the love of my life, and I met him through this website, talking about what we love the most (first, the Redskins, and then it went from there). He is the most kind-hearted and selfless person I know, who is loving, smart, funny, and a perfectly goofy fit for me. You can tell right away how witty (and intelligent) he is from his posts but what you find out when you get to know him more is he has one of the biggest hearts there are. I am so blessed to have him in my life, as my husband, and as the father of our beautiful child, and it all started here. Thank you ES! For allowing this union of fans of our favorite team, many lasting friendships, and for some of us, true love :cloud9:


I know I haven't posted on here in a long time, really since I had a baby (who is almost two!!). We didn't even make it to a game/tailgate this year :( I never used to understand, but now I understand why people disappear from the tailgates/games when you have children. You just want to be with them, plus it's all about money with a good daycare costing $285 per week!!  I just want you all to know that I miss you and I love what you all have done with the website moderators and powers that be. HTTR always!


Karla aka georgiaredskin

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