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The Art Briles Philosophy- Why he's THE man for the Redskins. THE BRILES FILES!

Gibbs Hog Heaven

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Just not a fan of the potential move. And you, well, you just are so we will disagree and that is fine. But Spurrier did do something at Duke and South Carolina yet you continue to turn an eye to it... Why am I even supporting Spurrier? Oh thats right I just don't like the idea of bringing in a college coach.. Especially one with Briles playbook. But you could be right, Briles might have a better CAR(coaching attitude rating). HTTR, we will agree to disagree and thats good by me.


I wasn't intentionally ignoring his early record. Just responding to the quoted Florida one. 


But it's all good. 



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But how is it a timesaver when its previous uses almost always were literal meanings? How would anyone think that you guys didn't mean it literally when you gave no other context-enriching data with which to successfully parse your intended meaning?

Here's my take: Everyone who has used it meant it quite literally and are simply backtracking.

No reason you have to believe me. Doesn't much matter either way I guess

Here's my take. Anyone who thinks Art Briles is some sort of tactical magician who is going to swoop in and turn this squad into a juggernaut is a ****ing moron. Or selling something. :)

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People have there opinions for whatever reason they may be. However it would be best if those opinions were developed off of sound research. I'm on board for Briles after initially not wanting him as head coach, for the sole fact that RG3 played for him. If rg3 played for bill O'Brien at penny state, I'd still be interested in both of these coaches, because I want the best man for the job.

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No reason you have to believe me. Doesn't much matter either way I guess

Here's my take. Anyone who thinks Art Briles is some sort of tactical magician who is going to swoop in and turn this squad into a juggernaut is a ****ing moron. Or selling something. :)


You're smarter than this, zoony. You think Briles isn't going to make changes to personnel with free agency and the draft coming up? He's got pieces in RG3, AlMo, Trent, Reed, and Garcon. It's going to take time to get the offense where he wants it, but let's not pretend he's going to coach this EXACT team as it is presently.

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I'm not bitter towards you or Sinister.  And I apologize if I came across that way.  I'd buy you a beer, but shipping costs would kill me. :)


Meh, I have zero problem with you man. It's an ambiguous message board. Things get lost in translation. Frustrations are forgotten as soon as I close this down. 


We're good. 



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I'm not bitter towards you or Sinister.  And I apologize if I came across that way.  I'd buy you a beer, but shipping costs would kill me. :)


Hey, no problem, and anybody that knows me knows that I can forgive and forget, let bygones be bygones, etc.


All I'm saying (and anybody is saying really) is just give the guy a chance. As much as his approach may seem different, this team is about to close one of it''s most ugliest chapters with a SB winning HC (who won another one as an OC) at the helm. This team has failed with the legendary homegrown coach, a hotshot college coach, a quirky QB whispering HC, and a multi time SB coach. It's not like conventional has done this team wonders either.


Anybody who is worried about Snyder should know that he can't really be blamed for anything other than hiring Shanahan, and giving him full power. Other than that, he hasn't done anything that should warrant so much pushback still. any attempt to do that, lets Shanahan off the hook.


And I think things are about to change structurally as well. I just think it shouldn't matter where a guy comes from, as long as he can motivate, coach guys up, bring in sound position coaches/coordinators, can adjust his schemes to fit his players, and not only preach accountability, but exhibit it as well. He may be unorthodox in his methods, but I just don't think its that big of a deal as long as it works, and as long as he is willing to do  everything in his power to ensure that it works.

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You're smarter than this, zoony. You think Briles isn't going to make changes to personnel with free agency and the draft coming up? He's got pieces in RG3, AlMo, Trent, Reed, and Garcon. It's going to take time to get the offense where he wants it, but let's not pretend he's going to coach this EXACT team as it is presently.

Which is another reason why I want a head coach with either NFL head coaching experience, or proven success as an O or D coordinator.  We need someone that knows the NFL to come in and start righting the ship.  I don't think bringing in any college coach with zero NFL coaching experience is the best option for the team right now.  


There are too many things to fix and I think its important to bring in a guy that can know what and how to tweek/stop gap in FA and build through the draft.  Not an inexperienced college coach with an entirely new philosophy/approach to the game that could cause even more headache in trying to get it fixed.

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Closing thoughts 

As many as five to eight additional jobs are expected to come open following the regular season. Most of the candidates discussed here seemed like logical ones to football people, but football people aren't always the ones with the loudest voices when it comes to hiring. So, while no one I consulted mentioned Baylor coach Art Briles as a possibility for theWashington Redskins, to cite one example, would anyone fall out of their chairs if team owner Daniel Snyder sought to reunite quarterback Robert Griffin III with his college coach? Stranger things have happened to the Redskins already this season. 

"In the end, we may say this guy or that guy is a good candidate," an executive said, "but you never know who is talking to the owner."


Briles seems like a huge gamble to me. 

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My point in contention remains...i'll go with the odds & say this would be the case for ANY HIRE WE MAKE PERIOD because until it's not...this is who we are. Saying this out loud is just vomit at this point & it doesn't hold any water.

What i would be curious...is if this is such an adamant stance of yours then please...where's the logic? Where's the counter hire? Do you believe in a candidate at all? Or did you just post here to pile on your anti-any suggestion sentiments? Are you simply trying to piss in the lemonade? Or do you have a point at all?

Please tell me...because all I see with these posts are "I hate Briles & all he stands for like the Sabre-metrics a holes who changed baseball...I'm a traditionalist who has no faith in these new-school ideals."

Or worse....you have no reason beyond disgust for anything Redskins right now & are unwilling to bring anything constructive to the conversation?


First of all, I never said at anytime in this thread "I hate Briles & all he stands for", or that I'm a "traditionalist who has no faith in these new-school ideals."  Nor did I infer that,.....I don't even know how you came to that last conclusion.  I mean,....wow,.....haha,...


Let me try to simplify my point of view for you -- I think at this point and time in Redskins history that hiring Art Briles to be the HC would not work.  I see it as placating Robert to a strong degree and feel it would undermine the rest of the players on this team.  Period.  That's not to say Art Briles is not a good coach, it's obvious that he is given his track record at Baylor.  He might make a great HC in the NFL some day -- just not here,...at this point and time.


I want Snyder to fire Shanny.  I want Snyder to hire a GM with vision and a fresh perspective.  Then I want the GM to hire a HC with a similar vision, energy, fresh perspective and ideas.  I'm not sure who those people would be, and If for some reason the GM decides it's Art Briles, and Mr Briles wants to coach this team, then so be it. 


For the record, I think if Snyder hired a GM (preferably someone from outside the organization) that the GM would not hire Briles, unless his hiring was contigent upon hiring Briles.  Which I think would stink and would invalidate the point of hiring a proper GM. 

It sure can't get ANY worse z whomever takes over. 




Well,...that's a great attitude. 



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Hey, no problem, and anybody that knows me knows that I can forgive and forget, let bygones be bygones, etc.


All I'm saying (and anybody is saying really) is just give the guy a chance. As much as his approach may seem different, this team is about to close one of it''s most ugliest chapters with a SB winning HC (who won another one as an OC) at the helm. This team has failed with the legendary homegrown coach, a hotshot college coach, a quirky QB whispering HC, and a multi time SB coach. It's not like conventional has done this team wonders either.


Anybody who is worried about Snyder should know that he can't really be blamed for anything other than hiring Shanahan, and giving him full power. Other than that, he hasn't done anything that should warrant so much pushback still. any attempt to do that, lets Shanahan off the hook.


And I think things are about to change structurally as well. I just think it shouldn't matter where a guy comes from, as long as he can motivate, coach guys up, bring in sound position coaches/coordinators, can adjust his schemes to fit his players, and not only preach accountability, but exhibit it as well. He may be unorthodox in his methods, but I just don't think its that big of a deal as long as it works, and as long as he is willing to do  everything in his power to ensure that it works.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who is hired.  I'm gonna root for them to be successful.  It's been a long season, bunch of losses and I sit here thinking/knowing that we are in such a horrible position and arguably worse (no better at the least) than we were 4 years ago.   


Sure, I'm grateful for last season, first division title in years.  But the let downs after successful seasons (Gibbs II, this year) just suck.  


I'm tired of losing and it's making me a bitter/negative person, at least during football season (and on here at times).  And I'm not usually a bitter person, but even though I got the opportunity of living/witnessing our 3 SBs, I'm tired of living in the past.  


I don't care if Snyder appoints himself as head coach as long as we win.

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TR you make valid points here but curious to know what the redskins should do if you don't think art is going to be the coach ? Do you think we should Keep Shanny ? If not then who would you like to see as coach ? I honestly think if we keep shanny bc of reports of the money I think we change DC and Spec Teams coaches and wait to see what's true about Kyle. I'm also not opposed to Art should shanny go or gruden . We gave a lot 4 RG3 so somehow we got to make this trade freakin lil more balanced then it already isn't so if getting RG's coach is going to get us where we hoped to be this year in future then they should do that. I'm not a fan of coaching carousel every 4 to 5 years would like to see some consistency like patriots and like andy did in philly . So what you think ?

Can't keep Shanahan. He lost trust with the rest of the team. Not just Robert. His record isn't good enough over four years. Granted, Snyder is as much to blame. But Shanny should've put his foot down in the beginning with the Mcnabb trade. Or at least at the beginning of this season. He lost the team when he caved to pressure to start RGIII when he knew he wasn't ready. He made his bed. Again, that doesn't absolve our fanboy owner.

I don't want people to think I'm too hard on Briles. I think he's more than just an offensive guy. I just think the situation here would be too toxic for him.

Ideally the Redskins would hire a strong GM. I don't think a GM/head coach is a good mix. Belichick is the only one who has been successful but he struck gold with Brady. If the coach has to be the bad guy on money issues how can you maintain trust? Also, I think it's too much responsibility. There's enough on a coaches plate with just trying to win. Personnel issues just take away from that.

As for the right head coach? Here's my wish list.

1. Great leader. Leadership is THE most important attribute a coach can have. The kind of guy who will push you to be your best and will inspire you to play better than you thought was possible.

2. NFL experience is critical. It's a different game and different type of players. Kelly is having some success but it's the first year. How many college coaches have won a Super Bowl with no NFL experience? None that I can think of.

3. Under 50years old. It's a young mans game. Things move so fast. Mike was a little slow on clock management and decision making. I'm 51 and I've had to give up play calling because you have more wisdom but you lose the ability to make quick decisions.

4. A hungry coach. I'd rather see someone who has the drive to win his first Super Bowl. Someone who will put everything but God and his family on the back burner to win.

5. Strong personality. Can't be afraid of the owner or the star player. Someone who will always put the team first.

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2. NFL experience is critical. It's a different game and different type of players. Kelly is having some success but it's the first year. How many college coaches have won a Super Bowl with no NFL experience? None that I can think of.



Jimmy Johnson won two. Barry Switzer won one as well.

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Can't keep Shanahan. He lost trust with the rest of the team. Not just Robert. His record isn't good enough over four years. Granted, Snyder is as much to blame. But Shanny should've put his foot down in the beginning with the Mcnabb trade. Or at least at the beginning of this season. He lost the team when he caved to pressure to start RGIII when he knew he wasn't ready. He made his bad. Again, that doesn't absolve our fanboy owner.

I don't want people to think I'm too hard on Briles. I think he's more than just an offensive guy. I just think the situation here would be too toxic for him.

Ideally the Redskins would hire a strong GM. I don't think a GM/head coach is a good mix. Belichick is the only one who has been successful but he struck gold with Brady. If the coach has to be the bad guy on money issues how can you maintain trust? Also, I think it's too much responsibility. There's enough on a coaches plate with just trying to win. Personnel issues just take away from that.

As for the right head coach? Here's my wish list.

1. Great leader. Leadership is THE most important attribute a coach can have. The kind of guy who will push you to be your best and will inspire you to play better than you thought was possible.

Briles check O'Brien check

2. NFL experience is critical. It's a different game and different type of players. Kelly is having some success but it's the first year. How many college coaches have won a Super Bowl with no NFL experience? None that I can think of.

A great staff would be fine, but O'Brien check

3. Under 50years old. It's a young mans game. Things move so fast. Mike was a little slow on clock management and decision making. I'm 51 and I've had to give up play calling because you have more wisdom but you lose the ability to make quick decisions.

O'Brien check, but age is just a number. Lots of great coaches would have been passed over if this were all teams requirement.

4. A hungry coach. I'd rather see someone who has the drive to win his first Super Bowl. Someone who will put everything but God and his family on the back burner to win.

Briles and O'Brien check

5. Strong personality. Can't be afraid of the owner or the star player. Someone who will always put the team first.

Briles and O'Brien check

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Jimmy Johnson won two. Barry Switzer won one as well.

True but everyone believes the Herschel Walker trade is what put them over the top. They ended up with the big three and a lot of good complimentary players. Norv Turner and Joe Avezzano both had NFL experience.

Without a Walker type trade how'd Jimmy do at Miami? And Swiztzer didn't coach. Didn't he famously mistake the Super Bowl for the Fiesta bowl? That was Jerrahs way of showing Jimmy that the team could win with a dummy at head coach.

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True but everyone believes the Herschel Walker trade is what put them over the top. They ended up with the big three and a lot of good complimentary players. Norv Turner and Joe Avezzano both had NFL experience.

Without a Walker type trade how'd Jimmy do at Miami? And Swiztzer didn't coach. Didn't he famously mistake the Super Bowl for the Fiesta bowl? That was Jerrahs way of showing Jimmy that the team could win with a dummy at head coach.


Heads I win, tails you lose. Look, I'm pointing out two guys who did it regardless of how they did it. If we're going 'Yeah but' every example, I think we're going to be here forever.


We largely came out the winners in the Ricky Williams trade but still managed to botch it. Let's not pretend every coach will win Super Bowls with a plethora of draft picks. You still need to coach up players and win games.

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