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Call of Duty: Ghosts

Dont Taze Me Bro

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. Being drunk is fine.

I like your style, man.  One of the reasons you're in my ES inner-circle :)


Played some drunk blops 2 last night myself.  core though, my man parts aren't big enough to play hardcore.  slaughtered some poor kids on domination Standoff.  37-3, and mind you my only killstreaks are uav, counter uav, and vsat.  I kill 'em with guns.  ;)


then hopped on to play some ghosts, got my ass handed to me LOL.  first game I went 7-23, but with 11 captures and a win.  but my poor k/d on ghosts is laughable :(  LOL

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I like your style, man.  One of the reasons you're in my ES inner-circle :)


Played some drunk blops 2 last night myself.  core though, my man parts aren't big enough to play hardcore.  slaughtered some poor kids on domination Standoff.  37-3, and mind you my only killstreaks are uav, counter uav, and vsat.  I kill 'em with guns.  ;)


then hopped on to play some ghosts, got my ass handed to me LOL.  first game I went 7-23, but with 11 captures and a win.  but my poor k/d on ghosts is laughable :(  LOL

Is there any other way to play besides while drinking/drunk?  What time do you normally play man?  We need to roll in BF4.  Just unlocked all the sniper rifles and got the 40X scope for the JNG-90, its a beast.

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I like your style, man. One of the reasons you're in my ES inner-circle :)

Played some drunk blops 2 last night myself. core though, my man parts aren't big enough to play hardcore. slaughtered some poor kids on domination Standoff. 37-3, and mind you my only killstreaks are uav, counter uav, and vsat. I kill 'em with guns. ;)

then hopped on to play some ghosts, got my ass handed to me LOL. first game I went 7-23, but with 11 captures and a win. but my poor k/d on ghosts is laughable :( LOL

I played BO2 for the first time in months last week. First game was Nuketown, I went 11-33 with a couple defends. Trying to recapture B, get gangbanged like Tory Lane, spawn, die, spawn, die. I bet Nuketown would be the bomb without any killstreaks allowed.

As far as K/D, just remember that Infinity Ward games are more about scanning lines of sight, rather than than constant pressure. I don't know how you survived MW2. COD4 was all about pressure, I went in to MW2 going about it the same way, and paid for it dearly. Had to stick to TDM to keep my ratio above 1.80. You'd get shot from like 3 different perches with a clean line of sight a ****ing half mile away.

I slowed my pace down for that game and it worked. Yeah I want to rush and go crazy, but not if I'm going to get chopped up with ease.

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I just got off with the first group sesh I've had in Ghosts.

HC Dom with killerbee and a buddy of mine. Lots of killstreak camping. It was actually pretty stupid. We would hold A and B for 1/4 of the game while they built up their killstreaks and ten they'd unleash hell on us. Helis, Lokis, attack dogs, all that ****. **** that jazz.

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Sorry Spring, being busy at work, finally got on with ya yesterday.....I am hurting dude, the people I am currently staying with have wifi internet setup in their house...with DSL modem....I lag like a whore on this game...going 11-30..sometimes 10-40...see someone shoot at them ...they turn around and kill me with one shot...in kill cam it shows them lacing me with rounds and me just running towards them still...i know I am good, but my belief system is getting rocked right now...probably wont play till I get back to my house in Ohio on 20 DEC (write it down) with my OWN cable modem...then I pwn some noobs...currently in Augusta, Georgia right now...sigh

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yup yup.


If you see me on, throw me an invite.  I'm not a gamechanger, but I'm not afraid to die 15 times to get C flag.  LOL


My K/D is atrocious.  I went 26-59 or something like that, but I had 17 captures.  Dude was jawing about getting 95 kills.  "Dude, your Allen Iverson - you put up a ton of points, and LOST."  He got laughed out of the lobby.  Punk.



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Most typical bull**** game I've ever played in my COD career last night. Wish that I could have recorded the conversation before, during and after the game. Black Ops 2 and its exploits, on full display.

Get in to a pregame lobby of Free for All. What do ya know? Everyone knows each other, buncha clan partners, who will eventually team up against me during the game. They see my ratio and SPM, and immediately start making up reasons as to why I'm "that good". "He probably camps in TDM", "probably goes with a full party using support streaks", "He probably has aim assist."

Then the game starts! I use the SCAR-H, because when I'm that drunk it feels really good to crack somebody with that piece. It's my 4th best assault rifle. I'm better with the SMR, AN94 and M8A1. 5 kills in to the game, these guys are calling me a tryhard, using the most overpowered gun. Calling me names and raging every time I kill one of them. They even started to make fun of my screename, how stupid and lame it is. Obviously never seen Full Metal Jacket, which qualifies them as stupid and lame.

3 of them were full-blown quickscoping, the other 2 were using the KSG and Remington. The host was lag switching, and near the end of the game they started teaming up against me in a designated area in the back of the map. I smoked those fools, but the lag switching had me wanting to punch a fool. At the end of the game one of them goes, "yo bro, can someone boost me up, PrivatePyle's tryhard ass knocked me below a 1.00 ratio...back out back out." And they left.

I quit after that too.

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I tried playing Black Ops 2 but I gave up.  Was so tired of the quick scope bull**** and the shotguns seem to have ridiculous range and power, too.  I'm done with the Call of Duty franchise.  You might catch me on Zombies once in a blue moon.  I still enjoy that from time to time.  The Black Ops 1 zombies, not BO2, that sucked ****, too.


COD is an absolutely exhausted franchise.  Nothing more than Madden now.  Every game is Call of Duty 4 part 1,2,3 etc.  Except none have captured the magic that was Call of Duty 4.  Still easily the best game since the series became huge.  Wish I could go back to summer 2008 and play it fresh for a week.

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I've been playing COD4. It is the best one, but it still has its bull****. Mainly now, wall hackers. I really wanna know what those kids look like. Are they just eating Lucky Charms and drinking Mountain Dew Xtreme all day? I'm drinking good beer, playing my favorite game of all time, and I'm getting shot by a wall.

Played a non-hacked game of shipment domination. 86-39, lol. Wasn't even martyrdoming. Youngchew, you should get cod4 for the ps3 brotha, so you know what's really up. My main rushing setup was:

P90 silenced (absolutely amazing in this game)


3 frags

Flash genades

UAV Jammer

Extreme Conditioning

There's a perk that gives you 25% more health, which can save you from all the damn snipers in the game.

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I've been playing COD4. It is the best one, but it still has its bull****. Mainly now, wall hackers. I really wanna know what those kids look like. Are they just eating Lucky Charms and drinking Mountain Dew Xtreme all day? I'm drinking good beer, playing my favorite game of all time, and I'm getting shot by a wall.

Played a non-hacked game of shipment domination. 86-39, lol. Wasn't even martyrdoming. Youngchew, you should get cod4 for the ps3 brotha, so you know what's really up. My main rushing setup was:

P90 silenced (absolutely amazing in this game)


3 frags

Flash genades

UAV Jammer

Extreme Conditioning

There's a perk that gives you 25% more health, which can save you from all the damn snipers in the game.


Sucks that COD4 is so hacked now on almost every room.  Search and Destroy on Pipeline or TD on Crash please.  Crash was amazing.

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Played a good 6 hour session of Black Ops 2 Sunday evening with my girlfriend. Core game modes, so we had to welcome back the shotgunners and quickscopers. Played against a full clan of quickscopers in this game. I even get lag switched at 1:16.

That team had a comfortable lead on us near the end of the match, and left the game when we finally started hitting our killstreaks. Total ****es.

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I'm not getting any better at this game. I have never been GREAT at these games, but I usually have a 1.25+ K/D in these games. I'm struggling to get over 0.61 K/D. I don't know if it's my set up or what but I'm getting rocked.


Any tips?

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I'm not getting any better at this game. I have never been GREAT at these games, but I usually have a 1.25+ K/D in these games. I'm struggling to get over 0.61 K/D. I don't know if it's my set up or what but I'm getting rocked.


Any tips?

I am right there too. I was pretty decent on Blops 2, but I can't seem to get it together on Ghosts. It is a rare day I get into double digit kills and very rarely above a 1 KD ratio. It seems some guns are ridiculously overpowered. And these maps are ridiculously huge too! Any good tips?

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I'm with a lot of you in struggling with this game. I used to be between a 1.8-2.0 in all the previous games, but now in this game I rarely get above a .5 kd. It is ridiculously frustrating. I'm not sure if it's because I don't know the maps, don't know which guns / perks to use, but I'm almost done with this game. It is no fun to get your ass handed to you constantly.

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I'm with a lot of you in struggling with this game. I used to be between a 1.8-2.0 in all the previous games, but now in this game I rarely get above a .5 kd. It is ridiculously frustrating. I'm not sure if it's because I don't know the maps, don't know which guns / perks to use, but I'm almost done with this game. It is no fun to get your ass handed to you constantly.

I really think the map size is a big factor. Sooooo many places to hide. I was a bit of a run and gun player before, but everyone is camping since the maps are insanely ginormous. I start sprinting and get popped everytime. That's why I like Strikezone and Octane the best so far.

And you are right, it is very frustrating, but I am going to try to learn. I did pay 60 bucks for this thing!

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I hate Octane. Nothing but campers sitting up on the windows and rooftops with IED's at every access point. No thanks.

I have been about as good at this game as I have been at the rest of the COD's. I have a K/D that hangs above 1.0 and I usually finish matches as the top 1 or 2 players on my team. I cap points in Dom and I pick up tags in KC. I was a SPM monster in BO2. I loved BO2 for that. It let players like me really show their stripes in the lobby leaderboards. Now, all you see are guys who have played that game mode the most.

As far as the maps, I don't think that they are really much bigger. I think that they are (a) more detailed and ( b ) more three demensional. (A) more detail gives you more camp spots and more places to hide. ( b ) There are more vertical areas to maps, more up and down if you follow me. The previous COD's were more or less linear in that they were flat with maybe one other "level". In Ghosts, the maps are not level and the maps are rolling with sometimes 3 or 4 "levels" to them. It means that ( b ) bullets can come from anywhere.

This means that there is a lot more to look out for and in turn an increased impression of size. That's just my gist.

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I've actually gotten to the point where camping/slow moving is probably the best answer. But I know the assault rifles are part of my problem, too. They stink at short range gun battles. Not enough speed or umph. I like them from a bit more of a distance, though.


Gonna try to change my set up a little, after I get enough points to unlock some new stuff. See if that helps.

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