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Call of Duty: Ghosts

Dont Taze Me Bro

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I find that there are two camps. Ones that like the Treyarch games and ones that like Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer.

I mostly prefer the Treyarch CODs myself but I do like Ghosts. There is nothing in this game that's overpowering to me. In BO2 I could run chopper, AGR, VSAT and recycle I don't see anything like that in Ghosts.

The Loki is good, but that's about it. Everything else is easy to get around.

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I go:

1 - COD4

2 - Black Ops 2

3 - MW3

4 - Black Ops 1

5 - MW2

I'm all over the place.

And I hated **** in Black Ops 2, but man when the bullcrap show wasn't happening, it would feel like COD4 again. Thumbs of fire. MW3 was fun, very easy too. Capping B flag and setting up a defensive perimeter was cake. Of course the good ole killstreak stacking system, which I've always thought was cheesy as hell. It worked in COD4 because the heli was just the heli. There was always one out, whatever. When you could Harrier to a Pave Low, it kinda got ridiculous. Which is a cool thing about Black Ops 1. The only COD with NO stacking in any regard.

Whatever man, I played MW2 the other week and destroyed a few times, Scrapyard and Invasion are prolly the only maps I REALLY enjoy, but I had fun nonetheless.

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I find that there are two camps. Ones that like the Treyarch games and ones that like Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer.



I've noticed that as well, and I'm definitely a Treyarch fan.


MW2 was my first cod ever, and I loved it.  Then Blops 1 came out, and I really like that game, moreso than MW2.  I hated MW3, and I loved Blops 2.  Cod Ghosts sucks.  Can't really put my finger on it as to why, but I much prefer Treyarch's cods.


The killstreaks in Ghost might be the most boring ever, in my opinion anyway.  Blops 2 killstreaks were fun as hell.  My man stroker blew me when he said Sledgehammer is making this fall's Cod.  Guess I'll have to wait another two years for the next Treyarch installment.  :(

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Played MW3 for a couple hours the other night. Jarred my memory a little.

- Damn the MP7 is incredible. I remember ranking it as my favorite gun in any COD, and now I know why. Jesus Christ.

- The maps bring nostalgia, but on the whole they are pretty average and mundane.

- The gameplay is so smooth. Aside from deathstreaks, I find it hard to complain. Didn't see any duel FMG9s, people were sniping, not quickscoping, hit detection was beautiful and pace was nice and fast.

- The MP9 secondary with silencer is the most well rounded secondary I can think of in any COD. It's like a little step down from being an SMG.

Definitely like this COD, but the maps had me bored after a couple hours. I only really enjoy 4 of them. Dome, Hardhat, Mission and Village. Bootleg is pretty decent.

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No offense, but sniper montages make me wanna find the snipers and strangle them. Especially the spinning, lucky shot montages. No doubt some of them are incredible snipers, but most of them are lame ****es that get lucky every 5 games for a 20 second span.

The editing and dubstep music are the worst part of sniper montages these days. How cheesy can you possibly make it? Jesus Christ.

I used to get invites on Youtube to check out Black Ops 2 sniper montages. Quickscoping, dubstep, heavy special effects. So I'd get on Xbox and join their sessions, just to wreck their sh*t a couple of games. F***ers.

I have stopped playing COD. Been a few months since I've popped any of them in. Been playing Toy Soldiers: Cold War. It's a free download on the 360 'til Saturday. Best arcade game on the 360, IMO. Amazing.

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I liked this game when I first got it but I'm over it now.  I bought it for strictly online.  Every COD seems to get worse and worse about people just doing a run n gun instead of using any kind of strategy.  And this one is the worst!  I think I am going to trade it in for BF4.  At least some people try to use strategy.

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I run and gun. There is a strategy to it though.

I too am pretty much over this game. Mainly because I don't really have any friends that have a PS4 and play COD religiously after work like I have had with past COD games.

I downloaded BF4 when I was drunk one night. It was just OK. Pretty in depth. I wasn't a huge fan though because I know the COD maps and can easily own on that game.

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I liked this game when I first got it but I'm over it now.  I bought it for strictly online.  Every COD seems to get worse and worse about people just doing a run n gun instead of using any kind of strategy.  And this one is the worst!  I think I am going to trade it in for BF4.  At least some people try to use strategy.

BF4 is SO good. Really. Played it for like 2 days and I can't imagine myself playing Ghosts again. The vehicles, the gun battles, the interactive environment, it just doesn't get any better. 

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^^^ agree with the people above me. i sold cod ghosts 2 weeks after i bought it. some folks love it, i hated it.

battlefield is SO much better.....its not even funny....

i still play blops 2 sometimes, still a ton of fun.

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That's the one thing that makes me a tad angry about the PS4, no backwards compatibility for PS3 games.  I still have my PS3 and games, but have been primarily using it as a blu-ray, netflix/amazon/wwe streaming device to watch stuff while I play the PS4 (hooked up to my PC monitor).  

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I downloaded the new maps today. I'll let you all know about them later.


if by 'new' maps you mean reengineered old crap, then I'll pass.


Only reason I haven't traded this piece of garbage game in yet is because there simply isn't anything else to get.  (I already have BF4 and Madden).

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if by 'new' maps you mean reengineered old crap, then I'll pass.


Only reason I haven't traded this piece of garbage game in yet is because there simply isn't anything else to get.  (I already have BF4 and Madden).

Yeah, its a little tough right now with game options.  I have NBA 2K14, but suck so bad and don't really want to learn it right now.  I also have Need 4 Speed Rivals (havent played it but once).  I got Kill Zone for Christmas and I just cant put BF4 down lol.  Ghosts, have been shelf'd for now.


I'm also playing the **** out of Madden 25, Ultimate Team mode.  It keeps Madden interesting, but way more force laggers out there than playing regular online ranked games.

Question.  How does auto-aim work?  I never seem to get turned/pointed into the direction of any player with it turned on, in any game (BF4 or CoD).

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