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Call of Duty: Ghosts

Dont Taze Me Bro

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I've noticed that sometimes I will be shooting someone, and have unloaded at least 3-6 rounds, then will suddenly die, appearing like I was hit by one head shot. Then on the replay, it shows them attempting to shot me with 3-6 rounds and it shows me maybe getting off 2 rounds.

Sometimes, I will start getting shot and run behind an inanimate object that shouldn't be penetrated by bullets (i.e. boulders, solid metal, etc.) and then get hit and drop dead. Like the magic bullet theory from the JFK movie. It's like it just turns around the corner of the structure and hits me.

I also have noticed that the combat knife animation will dominate/trump your gun, even at close range. I can't tell you how many times I have fired rounds point blank into the person and get knifed and it doesn't even hurt them. It's like once they are at the range to knife, once the animation starts, you are screwed. I'm talking straight on/coming in from the side, not getting stabbed from behind.

Anyone else notice these things?

You are not alone. All of the issues listed have existed in each of the games since CoD4. Some of the games have been better than others about them. Ghosts has been great on the 360 so far, but the issues still exist.

I wouldn't expect it to get any better without a completely different game engine and server based hosting, but even then BF3 wasn't much better, if at all when it comes to the frustrations we all share.

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You are not alone. All of the issues listed have existed in each of the games since CoD4. Some of the games have been better than others about them. Ghosts has been great on the 360 so far, but the issues still exist.

I wouldn't expect it to get any better without a completely different game engine and server based hosting, but even then BF3 wasn't much better, if at all when it comes to the frustrations we all share.

I noticed it in BO2, not so much the knife animation trumping getting 3-6 rounds in them before they are on you for the kill, but it seems like its happening to me more in Ghosts.  


I'm still having a blast though.  BO2 was better, especially the maps.  Hopefully, with the new map packs/etc. in the future, it will get better.

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Once the knife lunge has initiated, you're dead. It's an unfortunate part of cod that only benefits BAD* (strong edit, lol)players. Don't get knifed.

Fortunately the kill cams and lag in general isn't anywhere near as bad as BO2, which is a much bigger issue than knifing.

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I like the game.


I suck at it. I always blow when I first start playing... Not knowing the maps absolutely crushes your ability to compete. I never know where the hot spots are, where guys can come from, ect. So I scout areas and wind up getting shot from behind.

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Tons of camping, tons of shotgun sprinters, quick scoping isn't nearly as bad as BO2 but it still exists, but that is where my complaints really end.    The only 9v9 that I've found is GroundWar.  TDM and DOM.  Laggy at times (honestly it could just be my connection) but amazingly fun.


Blitz is a great change of pace.  I have made it a personal goal to not allow the enemy to score, at all, during matches.  Me, my shotgun, IEDs, Riley, and juggernaught assault ensure that the mission is achieved.  I've blanked the enemy 10 or so times.  Super fun!


I'm having a blast playing this game.  I haven't played freefall yet, because the PSN is screwed right now and won't let me have it yet.  I used my code, PS Store says I have it, game says I don't.  I'll get it figured out.


EDIT:  The most amazing COD moment happened this weekend....I ran around a corner and knifed a guy, shot his buddy, was reloading while sprinting towards the back of the room.....two guys come in, I hit the slide button and take them both out while sliding.  I dropped my controller and shouted...my wife thinks I'm nuts.

....it was epic and I wish I could have recorded it.....


Also corner camping is too much fun in this game LOL...contextual leaning?  Contextual camping enhancer is more like it.  But I love splitting dudes wigs when they think it helps them lol.

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^^^when you are sprinting and then go to prone your character will slide on his knees as opposed to diving to the ground it past games.  You actually slide quite a ways and I've done it a couple times right through a group of bad guys and then shot them from behind


The slide trips me out every time I see it.  It's going to be very effective once everyone gets used to it.



I love defending on blitz as well.  I've been running 2x IED, IMS , and a Sentry Gun.  I should probably put on Danger close to really piss people off with the explosives, but I just can't give up the LSAT with Stalker/Off the Grid/Quickdraw or Dead Silence.  I went 4 rounds running that setup without even dieing yesterday.


I havent put my code in for free fall either, it looks like a cool map though.

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I tried playing Black Ops 2 but I gave up.  Was so tired of the quick scope bull**** and the shotguns seem to have ridiculous range and power, too.  I'm done with the Call of Duty franchise.  You might catch me on Zombies once in a blue moon.  I still enjoy that from time to time.  The Black Ops 1 zombies, not BO2, that sucked ****, too.

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"SLIDE BUTTON"... Do tell.


Tired of the other team winning?  Tired of getting headshotted?  Running towards the objective in blitz?  You too can score!  Simply hold the O button, and before you know it, you will be sliding on your knees for 10' or until you hit an object.  limited to players of call of duty ghosts, not available to all skill types.  (in my best infomercial voice)


It is my method of choice for all pickups....tags in KC, ammo using scavenger, slide through doorways to avoid the fatal funnel....fun stuff!

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This is the best COD in years. I have really given up on it the last few years since BO. The maps are huge and a lot of fun. I love the maps, and they are gorgeous and full of detail on PS4. I think they are the best since MW1.  


Controls are fast and responsive too. Guns take forever to unlock and I dont like that you share points for all gun attachments rather than just ranking up/unlocking each attachment the more you use the gun. 


I'm not what anyone would consider a good player but I am having a lot of fun with little frustration on this one, something I haven't been able to say in a long long time. 


Extinction is also a lot better than zombies. 

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Agreed on the map detail, it's really good, even on the 360. BO2 maps felt like they were ported over from CS:Souce (a compliment in design, but not detail)

I'm actually enjoying the unlock system. Now I don't waste any time unlocking guns I won't ever use, I can buy whatever I want, when I want.

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Pro tip: change your button layout to tactical for far more efficient crouch/prone/super sliiiiiiiide action. Taking your thumb off of the right stick=death


I just got used to the PS4 buttons.....lol...you bring up a great point tho - *sigh* there goes the KD lol.

Squad points....I looked over the squad points you need for stuff and was shocked at how many points it takes to unlock something.  (12 for the increasing damage per kill perk) But I set a class up and ran it for about an hour because it was working.  I was curious and looked to see if I could get the double lethal perk....in an hour of gameplay (decent scores, nothing doublestroker-like) I had amassed over 20...so its not as bad as I had thought.  Considering the last 4 squad members are 200, 300, 400, and 500 squad points to unlock!



INo go on the stick change.  I go to slide and knife at people.  I'm good where I'm at.  Thanks for the info though.

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Allow me to comment...

IED's. What the ****? Seriously, what the ****! What a terrible, terrible object to include in the game. ****ing horrible. What kind of idiot decided, hey let's put this thing in that's kinda like a claymore but you can't tell it's there and kinda like a bouncing betty but you can't duck to avoid it.

****ing idiots.

Easily the cheapest thing I've ever seen in a COD game EVER. Seriously.

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Allow me to add to that...

What is the point in getting tags in Kill Confirmed? Obviously, you have to get tags to win but if you wanted to be a kill streak whore you could just camp and kill people... at which point you should probably just be playing team deathmatch.

It seems that BO2's scoring system for KC was a lot more refined. It influenced people NOT to killstreak camp because kills were only worth 50 points and tags were worth 100 points.

I just got this game but it seems that they have taken about a dozen steps back as far as preventing people from camping by making killstreak only apply to actual kills. BO2's scoring system was light years ahead of this garbage.

So, way to bring back camping in a big way. Totally cool.

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my man springy droppin that knowledge. i agree 100%

ps3/4 crew, if youre not hip yet, my man springy is legit. first place daily type dude. ran with him some yesterday, he was COOKIN dudes. between the lag and the cognac, i didnt fair so well lolol.

last thing i remember i told soringfield bye cuz i was gonnna play battlefield....i woke up 3 hours later on the.couch in a puddle of drool at the ps4 main menu lulz

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They also undid the refinement of the Ghost perk (I think it's called Off the Grid?). You had to be moving around at a decent clip for it to work in BO2. How's it working out in this game? These campers using Off the Grid? Why the hell would the developers change it back? Of all the complaints about BO2, the Ghost perk wasn't one of them. It's one of the things Treyarch got right.

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Ghost perk is pretty irrelevant due to the lack of UAV going around. You need two satcoms up at the same time for it to be the traditional UAV scan, and it's pretty short.

You BARELY had to move around in BO2 to keep hidden(off the radar), it only hurt the really really bad kids who were scared to leave the room they spawned in (as it should). The proficient campers weren't detered by it much. Campers are going to camp, this has been true since the earliest FPS games.

I haven't noticed much of a difference in KC, but I also know the maps pretty well. Campers also don't bother me, as long as they are losing.

I see the IED and it's blinking red light 99% of the time, but it's very effective and I use it constantly. There doesn't seem to be a perk that let's you run by it, that or no one is using it. The bouncing Betty's were a joke, but the claymore was probably the most even-powered device. It's a shame they are in the game at all, people have really stopped using grenades for the most part.

Some of these maps are really really bad.

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I haven't leveled up enough to use off the grid. Have no idea how that will work.

Sat coms are extremely underpowered, especially in HC modes (which I only play). There is almost no point in them.

I honestly don't understand what one sat com actually does. Give the location of some enemies? Which ones?

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I haven't leveled up enough to use off the grid. Have no idea how that will work.

Sat coms are extremely underpowered, especially in HC modes (which I only play). There is almost no point in them.

I honestly don't understand what one sat com actually does. Give the location of some enemies? Which ones?

I'm pretty sure it works more like a traditional motion sensor, only detecting enemy's in the immediate area.

2 is a UAV

3 is a VSAT

The kill streaks in this game have really be toned down, which is awesome. The more gun vs gun the better. The hind is decent, yet still easy to take down. Loki is powerful, but it's like a 1/4 of what a AC130 used to be, and it takes 4 more kills to get it. Maniac knifer is very fun, but still easy enough to kill one if they don't use it intelligently.

Hard point was the best part of BO2 for me, but it was ruined many times due to teams being encouraged to camp as much as possible to stack killstreaks, get a VSAT and your entire team could hit their streaks.

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