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What's That Sound?


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The sound of silence.

For this week our critics and doomsayers have been silenced and it feels great.

I love it.


More wins will provide even more weeks of peace and quiet from these negative nancies.

We have our issues. Some of them big and some small. Some fixable this season and some not.I am just glad to see us make progress and I am excited for where this team is heading, not only this season but for the next several.


Can i get an amen?

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We have two wins, against Josh Mccown and Matt Flynn.  While the offense is improving each week i wouldn't say we played a great game.  

Compared to the first 5 games of the season, this game was great.  Not perfect by any means.  But the enthusiasm and some of the swag from last year was back.  That's what I'm pumped about.

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We have two wins, against Josh Mccown and Matt Flynn. While the offense is improving each week i wouldn't say we played a great game.

Weren't we leading 17-10 with cutler still in the game before he got injured...? Yeah, I'd say we played a great game. No offense to your comment or anything though.

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Nah......unlike the Raiders game, which featured a horrible Matt Flynn, you can't attribute the Skins victory today to Cutler getting hurt......McCown probably did better today than Cutler would've.  One key play was Gould, who seems to be unstoppable from long range, missing the 30-yard chippie.  If he had made that and the Skins had only been up 45-44 with 45 seconds left, the last Bears possession could've been a LOT more interesting.

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We have two wins, against Josh Mccown and Matt Flynn. While the offense is improving each week i wouldn't say we played a great game.

And also, today's win wasn't because mccown was in the game. Our defense let him take the bears down the field almost every drive. Our final drive, we were down 41-38...if our offense doesn't score, we lose. The offense came up big, so I'm pretty sure that's called a great game.

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Amen! Skins haven't provided much moments of joy this season, so am def enjoying this win!! In today's NFL you have to win a shootout now and then. Glad we finally have a real qb to give us a chance.

For me, I also have some LOUDMOUTH Bear fan in-laws who wouldn't shut up before the game. Afterwards?? Crickets. Bwahahaha

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Nah......unlike the Raiders game, which featured a horrible Matt Flynn, you can't attribute the Skins victory today to Cutler getting hurt......McCown probably did better today than Cutler would've. One key play was Gould, who seems to be unstoppable from long range, missing the 30-yard chippie. If he had made that and the Skins had only been up 45-44 with 45 seconds left, the last Bears possession could've been a LOT more interesting.

I forgot about the missed chippie. Wow. It's been so long since someone missed a kick against us, I now realize how close it could have been.

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 A win was great, but to say it silenced the critics is a bit of a stretch.


 Everyone was pulling their hair out watching McCown slice up the defense.

 For a defense that held the Bears to 47 yds of offense in the first half, to 300-ish in the 2nd half, thats not going to shut up any critics;

 Offensively, yes things were better, good to see RGIII coming around, but there's still alot of work to be done; Denver is next, and

 they lost to the Colts on the road, another good team; The Broncos are looking to make a statement this week to prove they're not on the downslide, so lets see how well RGIII plays.  Moreso, just savor the flavor of this win, because it could get very ugly very quickly next sunday...

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