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Rg3 Interception Vs Lions -- A Second Look


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I searched and didn't see a thread already.


After hearing Shanny defend RG3's choice to throw the ball, it got me interested in a second look.  I found this image at hogshaven (sorry if that is a violation).  Look at Griffin passing to Garcon and notice that Garcon is closer to Robert than the defender as he threw it.  In the second pic, the defender appeared to just out play Garcon and make the interception.  If Garcon is coming to RG3 and is closer when he threw the pass, I can't totally say that was a bad pass.  It may have not been perfect, but I would expect Garcon to make that catch.








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Yeah looks like garçon thought what all of us did and that he was going to throw it into the crowd and live to play another down. Gotta say from those angles it doesn't look as bad as I originally thought but still wish it went into the 8th row. Garçon stepped out and couldn't catch the ball anyways without a flag right?

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Yeah looks like garçon thought what all of us did and that he was going to throw it into the crowd and live to play another down. Gotta say from those angles it doesn't look as bad as I originally thought but still wish it went into the 8th row. Garçon stepped out and couldn't catch the ball anyways without a flag right?

Correct. He can't be the first player to touch the pass.

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This doesn't show me anything new.

Griffin, like he does many times, tries to get the most out of a play. He tries to make something out of nothing. It's a great quality. It's the quality of a winner and one that I think many of us admire in him. It's also a quality that can create turnovers, or at worst case, lead to injury.

Griffin was trying to help the team. Unfortunately he made the wrong deciscion on that play. The interception is on him, regardless of what Garçon was doing. He will learn and hopefully make a wiser deciscion.

Even though the interception was 100% on Griffin, he needs to make plays like this. They will fail sometimes but if he doesn't try and make something out of nothing then he will truly lose an aspect of his game that puts him ahead of others.

That interception didn't cost us the game.

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I saw this earlier today. For me it puts a whole new paint job on the play. He has Garcon coming back to the ball with only one defender in the picture(and Garcon with better position) Garcon apparently more or less quit on the play. I don't see how this qualifies as a reckless pass. In real time since it happened so fast and the TV angle I believed he threw into heavy traffic. This pick is on Garcon. This should have been an example of Griffin extending a play with his legs and making a great play. Just my opinion.

And I'd like to add this.... the first pic here shows the play after Griffin has released the ball. I saw a shot earlier today taken just before he released the ball. In that shot Garcon had EVEN better position than the shot above. I believe in the shot above he had already slowed up, giving up on the play.

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I saw this earlier today. For me it puts a whole new paint job on the play. He has Garcon coming back to the ball with only one defender in the picture(and Garcon with better position) Garcon apparently more or less quit on the play. I don't see how this qualifies as a reckless pass. In real time since it happened so fast and the TV angle I believed he threw into heavy traffic. This pick is on Garcon. This should have been an example of Griffin extending a play with his legs and making a great play. Just my opinion.

And I'd like to add this.... the first pic here shows the play after Griffin has released the ball. I saw a shot earlier today taken just before he released the ball. In that shot Garcon had EVEN better position than the shot above. I believe in the shot above he had already slowed up, giving up on the play.

regardless, he threw a pick just like that last season. He should have learned from it. 

here's the sb nation article. I still feel he should have thrown it away



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Is it bad because Garcon thought the play was over?  RG3 put the ball in a good spot for Garcon to catch it.


Garcon goes out of bounds after the pass is thrown, but the defender continued to play.   If the pass was horrible, I say put it on Robert.  However, it was not a bad pass.  Until the whistle blows, everyone is to continue to do their job.

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He should have thrown the ball away, just a bad decision considering the territory/down. Wr's with a mobile QB that extends plays, like Roethlisberger and Romo sits to pee etc. know to come back to the ball and keep moving though.  He's on a comeback slowly but surely. I still believe.

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regardless, he threw a pick just like that last season. He should have learned from it. 

here's the sb nation article. I still feel he should have thrown it away



I'm not sure which play you're referencing from last season. But if it was pick just like that, than I would assume you're talking about a play that Robert extended in which a receiver gave up on a play early. Because that is what happened here. I would say the same thing in that situation. A receiver should NEVER give up on a play. You see a lot of good QB's extending plays and throwing at the last instant to make an exceptional play. I'm just going to have to disagree with you guys calling this a reckless throw. If it were into double coverage, or even if the DB had better position than the receiver when the ball is thrown then I would agree wholeheartedly. 

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I'm not sure which play you're referencing from last season. But if it was pick just like that, than I would assume you're talking about a play that Robert extended in which a receiver gave up on a play early. Because that is what happened here. I would say the same thing in that situation. A receiver should NEVER give up on a play. You see a lot of good QB's extending plays and throwing at the last instant to make an exceptional play. I'm just going to have to disagree with you guys calling this a reckless throw. If it were into double coverage, or even if the DB had better position than the receiver when the ball is thrown then I would agree wholeheartedly. 


I wouldn't say it was a reckless throw *if* it had been third down, late in the game when we were behind - but it wasn't. On first down, in that game situation, you throw that one away. Garcon was caught out by it, but it's hardly his fault if the QB makes the wrong choice.


I think in this game RGIII was trying a little too hard, he's probably intensely frustrated knowing that he can play better. I believe he needs just that one good game to get some confidence back. Hopefully the Raiders are as bad as advertised.

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There is no reason to throw that at Garcon, or towards the field of play.


He should have thrown that to a place where only Garcon could catch it; or no one. Out of bounds.

And Garcon was in great position to try to grab that "throwaway"


That may have been what 3 was doing. The DL catching RGIII may well have pulled that ball back in bounds

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I have a few thoughts on this..


First is we want playmakers, a play maker tries at all costs to make a play especially when the offense has been anemic in the past weeks. RGIII saw he had his most reliable receiver one-on-one, he has faith in his receiver, so he throws the ball to him, unfortunately, the receiver gave up on the route and let the defensive player get the best of him. A player should NEVER give up on a route, and I feel that this is because Garcon has convinced himself that RGIII is not the same as last year yet and doesn't trust RGIII to be able to escape and make this type of play.


Secondly, perhaps, as was stated before, maybe RGIII was trying to throw the ball out seeing that Garcon did give up on the play, and was pulled back and twisted so a ball that he meant to throw out went down the sideline instead.


Either way, I put this bad play on Garcon. I think RGIII is doing what he should do, he is trying to create a play out of nothing. Fact is from looking at the pictures is that Garcon gave up on the play and put RGIII in a bad spot. I think that Garcon has little faith in RGIII yet due to the injury, and this needs to be addressed. I think the problem is with Garcon, not RGIII, and I think the only solution is more and more practice together.

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The telecast never showed this end zone angle.  I have much less heartburn over this pick now.


How many games total have Pierre Garcon and Robert Griffin III played together?  Not all that many, just yet.  They will both learn from this.  RG3 will learn to pick his spots.  Garcon will learn that this quarterback has the ability to make plays from precarious positions and so will need to always continue to fight through the whistle.

Why were we throwing on first down? Run the ball until they stop you. The game was close enough that we should have been running it into their face.


Good point, Mr. Rockne.

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Is it bad because Garcon thought the play was over?  RG3 put the ball in a good spot for Garcon to catch it.


Garcon goes out of bounds after the pass is thrown, but the defender continued to play.   If the pass was horrible, I say put it on Robert.  However, it was not a bad pass.  Until the whistle blows, everyone is to continue to do their job.


It may not have been a bad pass but it was a terrible decision. He had Hankerson wide open immediately after the play fake. He got have hit him for 5 and Hank had room to maybe even pick up a first down. Instead he continued to extend the play to the sideline and ended up turning it over. He also could have got himself hurt and still took a hit he never had to take.


At the very worst, once he gets further out and Hank is covered he still should have just thrown it away and avoided the contact and turnover potential.  

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One thought on Garcon sprinting back towards Robert... is it worth the risk for a gain of say 5 yards?


Garcon coming back may entice RG3 to throw a dangerous pass.  Certainly the DB is not going to peel off and stop covering.


Instead of looking solely at Garcon, look at RG3 in the top frame. Is that the position anyone wants to see him in making a throw?


Final play of the game, sure. Go for it. Don't get tackled without getting rid of it.


He didn't look where he threw it. He couldn't. He was in the middle of being tackled.  When he can outrun DL he can make that throw to Garcon, if both the DB and Garcon are flat footed as the still makes it appear.

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One thought on Garcon sprinting back towards Robert... is it worth the risk for a gain of say 5 yards?


Garcon coming back may entice RG3 to throw a dangerous pass.  Certainly the DB is not going to peel off and stop covering.


Instead of looking solely at Garcon, look at RG3 in the top frame. Is that the position anyone wants to see him in making a throw?


Final play of the game, sure. Go for it. Don't get tackled without getting rid of it.


He didn't look where he threw it. He couldn't. He was in the middle of being tackled.  When he can outrun DL he can make that throw to Garcon, if both the DB and Garcon are flat footed as the still makes it appear.


Its about momentum, and manageable yards on 2nd and 3rd down, so yes, a 5 yard gain is more then worth it, especially with the way this offense played the first 2 weeks, and the pathetic 3rd down conversion percentage. To me from the top pic, RGIII is stumbling, but escaping, Garcon should not just be standing there, hell the DB didn't give up on the play why would Garcon.

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Its about momentum, and manageable yards on 2nd and 3rd down, so yes, a 5 yard gain is more then worth it, especially with the way this offense played the first 2 weeks, and the pathetic 3rd down conversion percentage. To me from the top pic, RGIII is stumbling, but escaping, Garcon should not just be standing there, hell the DB didn't give up on the play why would Garcon.


If all he wanted was a 5yard gain he had that as soon as the play fake ended but he turned it down looking for a bigger play which wasn't there and then stalled and stalled some more hoping Garcon would get open. At best its a 50/50 ball so he should have just thrown it away or hit the open guy right away. 

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