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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I didn't think there were such things as "pro Union states". (Well, the Chicago area was, when I lived there. But that was like early 70s. Didn't think it was, any more).


WV has been a friendly to unions run state since the early 1900s and the Coal Wars. Some union control of politics there is legendary and what probably helped get Kennedy elected in 1960. There weren't a lot of friendly to Catholic WV voters back then. ;)


Historically, before 2000 - look how many times it was blue in the 1900's.



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WV has been a friendly to unions run state since the early 1900s and the Coal Wars. Some union control of politics there is legendary and what probably helped get Kennedy elected in 1960. There weren't a lot of friendly to Catholic WV voters back then. ;)

Historically, before 2000 - look how many times it was blue in the 1900's.


You're right about the unions in WV.

I think the problem there is two-fold: racism and the Christian Right.

The pandering to Christians on things like homosexuality and abortion is one of the main ways the right wing has tricked people into voting against their own interests. If it weren't for the Christian Right, the GOP would be DOA, because their policies only benefit a very small minority of wealthy people, but they can get poor people on their side by playing to their religious sensibilities. It's really a very clever (though devious) tactic.

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Just to add more economy talk:




As Ted pointed out, the top 1% earn more of our national income than an year since 1928.




62.7% workforce participation rate, more Americans on gov't assistance... The socialist goal of control by creating dependence on federal gov't.

The pandering to Christians on things like homosexuality and abortion is one of the main ways the right wing has tricked people into voting against their own interests. If it weren't for the Christian Right, the GOP would be DOA, because their policies only benefit a very small minority of wealthy people.


Except the facts above.

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interests. If it weren't for the Christian Right, the GOP would be DOA, because their policies only benefit a very small minority of wealthy people


How do you define wealthy?


I ask because it seems like everyone has a different definition.

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As Ted pointed out, the top 1% earn more of our national income than an year since 1928.




62.7% workforce participation rate, more Americans on gov't assistance... The socialist goal of control by creating dependence on federal gov't.


The top 1% earning so much of the national income is an issue.  We need to worry about how they've managed to accumulate so much of the income and find ways to limit it.


Is the right going to start arguing that homes with a stay at home parent are bad?


People retiring and young people going to school are bad?



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Except the facts above.

The facts? Your opinion of the goal of socialism is not a fact. There are many varieties of socialism, including democratic socialism and libertarian socialism. I'd say the basic goals of socialism are populist, which is to say government by the people, of the people, and for the people. You know, liberty and justice for all (FYI: the pledge of allegiance was written by a socialist).

Of course it's easy to argue against a position if you define it in completely untenable terms, but the intellectually honest thing to do is let the people who hold the position define it. "He who understands only his own side of the case knows little of that."

I'd also point out that government assistance is largely a subsidy to corporations who don't pay a living wage. How much of Wal-Mart and McDonald's workforce do you think receives government assistance? I'll bet it's a lot.

How do you define wealthy?

I ask because it seems like everyone has a different definition.

I'm talking about the fraction of 1% who controls astronomical sums of money and contributes little of actual value (e.g. CEOs). I'm not talking about doctors, lawyers, or engineers.

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WV has been a friendly to unions run state since the early 1900s and the Coal Wars. Some union control of politics there is legendary and what probably helped get Kennedy elected in 1960. There weren't a lot of friendly to Catholic WV voters back then. ;)


Historically, before 2000 - look how many times it was blue in the 1900's.



The only reason WV has gone red is COAL.  They will still kill you if you cross a picket line.  I'm from southern West Virginia; coal country.


WV still has a Democratic governor and I think it was only after last years elections they Repubs got control over the state legislature. One Senator is still a Democrat.  Before 2000; WV was solidly Democratic. They were one of the few states voting for Carter in 1980.


Anybody else that was the nominee in 2000 and Bush doesn't get elected.  They rejected Al Gore because of his environmental stance; which they felt, rightly would eliminate coal.

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dude...change the record. Aren't you at least upset that's all you ever say in support of her?

No, I won't change the record.  I can't discount the power of the female vote. Women are the majority voters and they are more voters inclined with her, than against her. In what could be close election; that gender factor could well be the edge that push her over the top.


Obama got partially elected on just Hope and Change.  Bush Jr got elected because people felt like they can have a beer with him,

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Kind of sad to see such a pro-union state (WV) still going red (I thought it was more a reaction to the darker skinned candidate in 2008 and 2012 than politics). But that's what happens when like 90% of your state is over 60.

While you can say there was some of a racial element against Obama; that isn't the main reason he lost West Virginia.


COAL is the lifeblood of the state.  That played a big part in Al Gore not winning the state in 2000 & definitely part in Obama not winning it in 2012. Bill Clinton, if he would've be able to run in 2000 or even 2004; would've won WV easily.


Then in 2004,2008 you can say cultural issues played a factor.


The modern democratic party just isn't appealing to WV anymore.

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Is the right going to start arguing that homes with a stay at home parent are bad?


People retiring and young people going to school are bad?




Of course not. But the facts aren't relevant to the "ZOMG SOCIALISM!!!" rant. People having the means to retire is hardly a bad thing. Youth staying in school to increase their knowledge is hardly a bad thing. The aging demographics and baby boomer generation reaching retirement en-mass is not related to the state of the economy.


But something that neither party is talking about enough is the plight of the unskilled and uneducated. For a long time low-skill or unskilled males were able to find decent paying work in manufacturing. That may only get worse. 

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As Ted pointed out, the top 1% earn more of our national income than an year since 1928.




62.7% workforce participation rate, more Americans on gov't assistance... The socialist goal of control by creating dependence on federal gov't.

I think I see the problem.

He sees that the economy is bad for 99% of Americans.

And he thinks it's all a plot by them evil liberal socialist Democrats.

(I assume that the theory is that, if it weren't for them evil liberal socialist Democrats, then all them people on food stamps would be out there making more money than they're making now.)


But that's just a theory. (Since I can't think of any less stupid way to interpret what he wrote.)

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The only reason WV has gone red is COAL.  They will still kill you if you cross a picket line.  I'm from southern West Virginia; coal country.


WV still has a Democratic governor and I think it was only after last years elections they Repubs got control over the state legislature. One Senator is still a Democrat.  Before 2000; WV was solidly Democratic. They were one of the few states voting for Carter in 1980.


Anybody else that was the nominee in 2000 and Bush doesn't get elected.  They rejected Al Gore because of his environmental stance; which they felt, rightly would eliminate coal.


You are correct - there was that issue as well (and I totally blanked on it). Good catch!


My folks (and me as a little kid) are from Monroe and Greenbrier County (and now they live in Jefferson County) - so I only partly follow WV politics these days. Plus it's been 16 years since I left WVU. Damn I'm getting old.


WV has some big issues it needs to address. One being the already aforementioned aging population (and the lack of keeping the youngings in state). I still think that is one of the reasons that the state has gone red. Old people of the baby boomer generation vote Republican.


The other issue is still the over reliance on coal and strip mining.  But that's for another thread altogether.

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No, I won't change the record. I can't discount the power of the female vote. Women are the majority voters and they are more voters inclined with her, than against her. In what could be close election; that gender factor could well be the edge that push her over the top.

Obama got partially elected on just Hope and Change. Bush Jr got elected because people felt like they can have a beer with him,

Right, dubbya and Obama were liked. Hillary is unliked and not trusted. The complete opposite of W. and Obama.



But that's just a theory. (Since I can't think of any less stupid way to interpret what he wrote.)

It's just a theory because you didn't watch his speech. Further, as you always do, ignoring the point that only 62.7% of Americans work and more income is going to the top 1%.

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Kind of sad to see such a pro-union state (WV) still going red (I thought it was more a reaction to the darker skinned candidate in 2008 and 2012 than politics). But that's what happens when like 90% of your state is over 60.



Well that's easy.


The Democrats are identified with environmentalism, and the GOP is identified with coal.   

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It's just a theory because you didn't watch his speech. Further, as you always do, ignoring the point that only 62.7% of Americans work and more income is going to the top 1%.

I didn't watch "his" speech, because I don't even know which speech you're talking about. Which is also why I'm not commenting on "his" speech.

I did read your post. Which is why I commented on your post.

And I'm well aware of the labor participation rate (which is not the percentage of Americans who work) and the income share of the top 1%. (I'm also well aware that these numbers are not the result of an evil socialist agenda to enslave the masses.)

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I realize I walk into it. I say "left" "liberal" or socialist and then we get a dozen posts on use of that word rather than the content. It's interesting to see though.



Now don't feel too bad about it.   Remember, your content is weak too.  

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You are correct - there was that issue as well (and I totally blanked on it). Good catch!


My folks (and me as a little kid) are from Monroe and Greenbrier County (and now they live in Jefferson County) - so I only partly follow WV politics these days. Plus it's been 16 years since I left WVU. Damn I'm getting old.


WV has some big issues it needs to address. One being the already aforementioned aging population (and the lack of keeping the youngings in state). I still think that is one of the reasons that the state has gone red. Old people of the baby boomer generation vote Republican.


The other issue is still the over reliance on coal and strip mining.  But that's for another thread altogether.

Put a fork in WV. It's dead, dead, dead!  I am from Beckley. Also, lived in Huntington; when I attended Marshall.  My niece goes to WVU.   The heart of WV doesn't lie with the Republicans but because of coal, social issues, race with Obama and other things it has become more Republican.  I was genuinely shocked that Nick Rahal lost last year. My dad dragged me to one of his fund raisers one year.  

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