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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Do you even read what I write? Bernie's 30 years of congressional votes are consistent with what he says.

He's one of the few trying to get the money out of it, by the way. It's one of his biggest platform issues.

Are you reading what I write? Yes, he was a wonderful little socalist in congress; since announcing his candidacy, he's bowed to the powers that be. He's has not once distinguished his self from the rest of the DNC. Now if you're confident he will as president, fine. I tend to believe if he cant find his balls now, he won't then.
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I believe she pays them with twitter retweets and all the free bumper stickers they can carry. That's why so many of the GOP side is tweeting against her, and she keeps tweeting pictures of women and minorities being excited holding up Hillary Schwag like they caught a free t-shirt at a baseball game.

Oh, I think the best swag I've seen so far, this campaign, was the ad for the "Marco Polo". (Although, granted, they aren't free.)

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Are you reading what I write? Yes, he was a wonderful little socalist in congress; since announcing his candidacy, he's bowed to the powers that be. He's has not once distinguished his self from the rest of the DNC. Now if you're confident he will as president, fine. I tend to believe if he cant find his balls now, he won't then.

I wasn't aware the rest of the DNC (or anybody else besides Bernie really) was talking about campaign finance reform, single payer healthcare, or fixing a rigged economic system. (That's straight from Bernie's website by the way, which I linked, and you ignored).

You're just throwing **** against the wall to see what sticks. You obviously don't know the first thing about him.

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Are you reading what I write? Yes, he was a wonderful little socalist in congress; since announcing his candidacy, he's bowed to the powers that be. He's has not once distinguished his self from the rest of the DNC.

Uh, that's two claims. (I've color coded them for you, to make it easy on you.)

You've made no attempt at all to support either of them.


Perhaps more effort supporting your bombastic claims, and less effort demonstrating how many of them you can pull out of your Philly in a 20 minute period, might be more productive? 

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Do you even read what I write? Bernie's 30 years of congressional votes are consistent with what he says.

He's one of the few trying to get the money out of it, by the way. It's one of his biggest platform issues.


What's Bernies position on Uber?



A California Labor Ruling Just Said an Uber Driver Is an Employee. That’s Uber’s Worst Nightmare.



Hundreds of Uber cars were taken off the streets this spring as part of a larger city crackdown on illegal activity by black and livery cars, new data reveals.

The Taxi and Limousine Commission seized 496 cars currently affiliated with Uber’s bases between April 29 and June 15 for picking up illegal street hails, records show.

Black and livery car drivers are only allowed to do pre-arranged trips, whether it is through a smartphone app or a base dispatch.

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I wasn't aware the rest of the DNC (or anybody else besides Bernie really) was talking about campaign finance reform, single payer healthcare, or fixing a rigged economic system. (That's straight from Bernie's website by the way, which I linked, and you ignored).

Oh, I suspect that a majority of the Democrats actually favor many of those ideas. They probably don't champion them as loudly and as consistently as Bernie.

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What's Bernies position on Uber?

That's an oddly specific (and seemingly tangential) question.

Oh, I suspect that a majority of the Democrats actually favor many of those ideas.

I imagine many Dem voters do (which makes him a good candidate), but apparently not many Dem politicians do (judging by the results).

For example:

1. Who else is talking about campaign finance reform?

2. The ACA (a Dem bill) isn't single payer (although Bernie certainly tried, and he's still trying).

3. Bernie was one of few Dems to oppose Geithner's appointment. Who else?

They probably don;t champion them as loudly and as consistently as Bernie

Certainly not. That's why he's my guy.

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I imagine many Dem voters do, but apparently not many Dem politicians.

Well, for example, I will observe that when Obamacare was being debated, pretty much every single source I read said that the Dems overwhelmingly wanted it to include single payer. (A single payer option.)


But that, in order to get the bill past the filibuster, the Dem vote had to be unanimous.  And the Dems didn't unanimously want single payer. 


Now, granted, I don't think there was a single recorded vote on that issue.  They may have been claiming to support it, while not actually voting that way.  But I sure read that, a lot.  Over a long period of time. 




I also suspect you'll find that every single Dem out there has made comments about how terrible Citizens United is. 


Whether that's because they want money out of politics, or because it helped the R's more than the D's, is, uh, subject to interpretation. 

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I see what you mean Larry, and I think that's fair (as you've allowed that Bernie is less timid on these issues).

Maybe it's better to say Bernie has the backbone most of the Dems lack.

I'll add another thing:

I also like his record on civil liberties, which I think is better than most Dems (e.g. "no" votes on the repeated iterations of the Patriot Act). Although he doesn't seem to be making that the thrust of his campaign at the moment.

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Uh, that's two claims. (I've color coded them for you, to make it easy on you.)

You've made no attempt at all to support either of them.


Perhaps more effort supporting your bombastic claims, and less effort demonstrating how many of them you can pull out of your Philly in a 20 minute period, might be more productive? 

Am i supposed to copy every one of bernie's speeches (which im pretty sure would be too much text) to show what he hasn't done, or would you like to give an example of him doing what I say he hasn't.


Or would you like to just admit you have no idea if he has or hasn't and you simply trolling, again. 

So...the $50. Was it cash or check?

or did it never happen? Doesn't matter, headline is written. 

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Am i supposed to copy every one of bernie's speeches (which im pretty sure would be too much text) to show what he hasn't done, or would you like to give an example of him doing what I say he hasn't.

Maybe you could acknowledge when people answer your questions.

Or would you like to just admit you have no idea if he has or hasn't and you simply trolling, again.

The irony here is that the answer to your question is being discussed on this very page, with Larry contributing.

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Am i supposed to copy every one of bernie's speeches (which im pretty sure would be too much text) to show what he hasn't done, or would you like to give an example of him doing what I say he hasn't.


Or would you like to just admit you have no idea if he has or hasn't and you simply trolling, again.

Actually, what you're supposed to do is to back up what you're shoveling.

You know. the thing you were ranting about, I think it was 24 hours ago, claiming that nobody ever does it?

Several people have provided links to you, and

1) I can't see any indication at all that you've read any of them

2) And I don't think you've posted a single one, backing up any of the claims you've made.

Again: I pointed out that you made two claims in that post, and that you've supported neither of them. (And someone has posted links which he claims (I haven't read them) actually argue against one of your claims.)

Your first claim (that Bernie has "toed the line" since his announcement) doesn't even require going through every single position. All it requires is finding one, where he's changed.  (Finding just one won't prove your claim.  But it's at least a start.) 

You have made no attempt to do so.




I'll also point out this one, which you seem to have missed: 


Exactly. The the economy is booming according to Obama yet, the middle class is dead. And ok, 6, let's see how he does in the last 2 in helping the middle class.


Would it be too much trouble for you to provide support for that claim?


I'm well aware that many of the famous economic indicators are well up.  But I haven't exactly seen him (or anybody else) declaring "Mission Accomplished".  Or anything similar.

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BTW, there was also this little line, buried in a previous post:

On the issues, democrats loose.

Thought I'd repost a post that I spent several hours working on, a while back. (With, you know, support and things.) Thought you might enjoy responding with a couple of slogans. 


Growing it?
Let's look at some major economic measuring sticks, for recent Presidents.  I'm even going to throw in the legendary Carter, to make it come out to three Presidents for each Party.
Let's start with GDP.
Note: All numbers are from
. Since those numbers are for fiscal years, and Presidents charge in the middle of a fiscal year, I'm awarding the "spilt year" to the departing President. In effect, I'm saying that for the first six months of a President's term, his predecessor gets the blame/credit for the economy.


And I'm only using years for which we have actual numbers, not forecasts.  So Obama has five years worth of data.  .

Average GDP growth rate, % per year:
Carter:    2.8%
Reagan: 3.6%
Bush 1:   2.0%
Clinton:   3.6%
Bush 2:   1.6%
Obama:   2.2%

Average Democrat:   3.0%
Average Republican: 2.5%

Perhaps you'd rather compare the federal deficits of each?

For these numbers, I can't do "percent growth" of the deficit.  (Because if I did, the numbers would be "error", for two of them.)  So, I'm going to show "How many dollars did the federal deficit go up, per year?)  (Note that the data I'm using is inflation adjusted, but still, this method will make Presidents look better, the longer ago they were.)

Growth of federal deficit, per year, in 2009 dollars. (Billions).
Carter:         2.5
Reagan:      9.3
Bush 1:      29.0.
Clinton:     -63.3
Bush 2:    195.7
Obama:  -193.0
Average Democrat:   -86.0
Average Republican:  87.8
Perhaps you'd prefer a different measure.  Let's look at jobs.
Data from
.  I can't link directly to it, but from the link, click on


* Seasonally Adjusted (Next)

* Total Nonfarm (Next)

* All Employees (Next)

* Total Nonfarm (Next)

* (Retrieve Data)


The resulting screen will show data starting in 2005.  Tell it you want to start in 1977, and glick "Go".


And, since we have monthly data, here, I'm going to assume that a President gets the blame/credit for the month he takes office, February.  (I'm doing that, instead of giving each President six months of "blame his predecessor", because it makes Obama look


(And, just for giggles, I also did the above, choosing "total private", instead of "total nonfarm", to show
private sector
jobs, in parenthesis.)

Job growth, per year, Millions  (And private sector job growth, per year, Millions)
Carter:     2.59  (2.26)
Reagan:  2.02  (1.84)
Bush 1:    0.66  (0.38)
Clinton:    2.86  (2.62)
Bush 2:    0.16  (-0.06)
Obama:   1.17  (1.72)
Average Democrat:    2.24  (2.24)
Average Republican:  1.00  (0.79)
Any questions?
(Would it be mean of me to point out that, above, "Average Democrat" scored better than Reagan on two of the three measures?  (Three out of four, if you count private sector job growth as a fourth category.))
(I've also got to say, I was really surprised by some of those numbers.  Carter looks vastly better than I expected.  And Bush 1 looks just outright abysmal.)

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BTW, there was also this little line, buried in a previous post:

Thought I'd repost a post that I spent several hours working on, a while back. (With, you know, support and things.) Thought you might enjoy responding with a couple of slogans.


If you even get a slogan from him, then you'll be lucky. I've noticed he tends to ignore the salient counter-points.

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If you even get a slogan from him, then you'll be lucky. I've noticed he tends to ignore the salient counter-points.


Actually, was just cleaning the kitchen, and I had this evil thought.  Anybody got an email address for the DNC? 


I'm imagining, if Jeb! wins the nomination, taking those economic measures I picked, (GDP, jobs, and the deficit).  And instead of breaking them down as "Average Dem" and "Average Rep", breaking them down as "Bush" and "Anybody but Bush". 


It's a really illogical, childish, thing to do.  I mean, you're attacking the candidate for his last name. 


It's much better as a joke, than as an actual campaign. 


But still, it seems like a really "dirty politics" kind of joke. 

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You think I'm defending the Dems?

The problem is they're too much like the GOP. I say a pox on both their houses.

What we need is a real leftist. A guy who won't give Geithner a cabinet post, who won't let insurance companies write the health care laws, who won't try to pass a new NAFTA, who won't continue spending on our bloated military and out of control police state, who will look out for the 99% instead of special interests, corporations, and lobbyists; you know, a guy like Bernie.

Or guys like Europeans  Alexis Tsipras, Francois Hollande, and  or Matteo Renzi. You know the real leftists that actually bucked the trend to move to the right in Europe. Since then  Greece, France and Italy are  lagging even further behind the states in Europe that decided to reduce  their reliance on leftist policies and systems. And all them lagged behind the more Capitalist United States. 


You advocate moving toward a system designed to ultimately fail. Bottom-line capitalism has shown itself to be superior to socialism and we have enough examples of that already that show that statement to be true.  I'd say there has got to be a good balance that is weighted more toward the capitalistic side of the equation and for this country we probably have already moved slightly to moderately past the healthy left side of the balance we need.

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Actually, what you're supposed to do is to back up what you're shoveling.

1) I can't see any indication at all that you've read any of them

2) And I don't think you've posted a single one, backing up any of the claims you've made.

Again: I pointed out that you made two claims in that post, and that you've supported neither of them. (And someone has posted links which he claims (I haven't read them) actually argue against one of your claims.)



1) I can't see any indication at all that you've read any of them

2) And I don't think you've posted a single one, backing up any of the claims you've made.

Again: I pointed out that you made two claims in that post, and that you've supported neither of them. (And someone has posted links which he claims (I haven't read them) actually argue against one of your claims.)

Your first claim (that Bernie has "toed the line" since his announcement) doesn't even require going through every single position. All it requires is finding one, where he's changed.  (Finding just one won't prove your claim.  But it's at least a start.)  


You're still asking me provide evidence something hasn;t happend. All I can say is if you read/listen to his speeches, he doesn't go after Hillary. Now if you're saying he somewhere has, you can link it, if not, just stop trolling. Other than link the text of every speech he's given and say "See, he didn't distinguish himself from Hillary here". I don't know what else to do. More to the point, saying he hasn't gone after Hillary is clearly my opinion; if you've heard things which lead you to believe he has, post it and discuss why you disagree--that is the point of a discussion board. 



I'll also point out this one, which you seem to have missed: 

arry, on 17 Jun 2015 - 5:51 PM, said:snapback.png

Redskins3D, on 17 Jun 2015 - 5:23 PM, said:snapback.png

Exactly. The the economy is booming according to Obama yet, the middle class is dead. And ok, 6, let's see how he does in the last 2 in helping the middle class.


Would it be too much trouble for you to provide support for that claim?


I'm well aware that many of the famous economic indicators are well up.  But I haven't exactly seen him (or anybody else) declaring "Mission Accomplished".  Or anything similar.

 For some reason this won't count, bu I'll play along until you find some other reason to troll :





Obama says economy is 'booming,' takes credit for record growth
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