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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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If that were true, you'd focus on that.

What content is being ignored?

People have responded to your claims about the 1%, government assistance, and the percentage of the workforce.

I think the reason your use of the word "socialist" is getting so much attention is because it's such a howler.

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What content is being ignored?

People have responded to your claims about government assistance and the workforce.

What was the response for why food stamps is up?

What's the response as to why majority of income is going to the top 1%

Only response I saw was to the workforce particaption which was more stay at home moms? Ok, if that's what Hillary wants to go with, I'm ok with it.

I think the reason your use of the word "socialist" is getting so much attention is because it's such a howler.

Negative, it just so easy. Larry trolled me for about 10 posts yesterday because I said left, and the article I linked didn't specifically say "left". It's petty. On the issues, democrats loose. On their records, democrats loose. That's why you see 2000 obessing that Hillary will win because she is female. That's all you have.
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What was the response for why food stamps is up?

One reason is because wages are down. It's effectively a subsidy for companies like Walmart. I said this already, it was you who ignored the point.

What's the response as to why majority of income is going to the top 1%

My opinion? It's policies that favor the 1%, which are decidedly un-socialist policies.

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One reason is because wages are down. It's a subsidy for companies like Walmart. I said this already, it was you who ignored the point.

My opinion? It's policies that favor the 1%, which are decidedly un-socialist policies.

So a response to issues, great. So 8 years of obama, why have these things gotten worse?

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Jeb Bush's case against Marco Rubio


The decision of whether to support Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio was one Florida Republicans hoped they'd never have to face.
But now that both are seeking the White House, longtime Republicans here have been forced to choose between a Bush, a 62-year-old governor they deeply admire or Rubio, a 44-year-old senator they believe has a bright future in national politics.
For those who chose Bush, the reason for their allegiance comes down to one word: "Experience."
"I think as you look at the two, Jeb Bush is ready to be president," former Florida Sen. Mel Martinez, a Republican, told CNN. "I think Marco Rubio very well may be president someday. I think just for 2016, after a failed Obama presidency, we need somebody like Jeb Bush to step in there."
RELATED: Jeb Bush launches 2016 presidential bid
Bush quickly moved to flex muscle in Florida early.
During his first presidential rally here Monday, the son and brother of two U.S. presidents trotted out a parade of top Republicans from the Sunshine State. The campaign trumpeted that it had secured endorsements from 11 of the 17 House Republicans in the Florida congressional delegation, including members of Cuban descent representing the Miami area. Key members of Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration -- Attorney General Pam Bondi, Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam and Chief Financial Officer Jeff A****er -- all attended his campaign kick-off.
Bush's Florida allies point directly to President Barack Obama, and how he came into office before completing his first term in the Senate. They admire Rubio and think he could make a fine president -- just not yet -- and they point to Bush's executive experience as a reason to support him.


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Negative, it just so easy. Larry trolled me for about 10 posts yesterday because I said left, and the article I linked didn't specifically say "left". It's petty. On the issues, democrats loose. On their records, democrats loose. That's why you see 2000 obessing that Hillary will win because she is female. That's all you have.

Speaking of making it easy . . . but that's too easy, so I won't.

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One reason is because wages are down. It's a subsidy for companies like Walmart. I said this already, it was you who ignored the point.




you would think in this booming economy there would be better options, instead we get more lower paid and part timers


odd....must be Walmarts fault

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So a response to issues, great. So 8 years of obama, why have these things gotten worse?

I think your sample size is too small.

Hardly anybody on either side of the aisle has stood up to the big money in decades. That's why I support an "evil socialist" like Bernie.

I'm not sure where you get the idea that the GOP is bad for the 1%. You'll have to explain that one too me.

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6 years of Obama. Not 8.




One of the reasons (over the past few decades) is because the majority of that 1% put their wealth into investment assets. The majority of us don't have wealth to do that and are forced to put our money into things like our home mortgage (if we are lucky). Then they get 7-9% return on their wealth. We get like 1-3% if we are lucky to put something into savings, cd's, or a retirement fund. 

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6 years of Obama. Not 8.


One reasons is because the majority of that 1% put their wealth into investment assets. The majority of us don't have wealth to do that and are forced to put our money into things like our home mortgage (if we are lucky).

Exactly. The the economy is booming according to Obama yet, the middle class is dead. And ok, 6, let's see how he does in the last 2 in helping the middle class.

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 the experience factor certainly will be pushed, of course Jeb has to deal with about 3/4 of Florida voters have never seen his name on a ballot.


we all got our little challenges 

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you would think in this booming economy there would be better options, instead we get more lower paid and part timers

odd....must be Walmarts fault

You think I'm defending the Dems?

The problem is they're too much like the GOP. I say a pox on both their houses.

What we need is a real leftist. A guy who won't give Geithner a cabinet post, who won't let insurance companies write the health care laws, who won't try to pass a new NAFTA, who won't continue spending on our bloated military and out of control police state, who will look out for the 99% instead of special interests, corporations, and lobbyists; you know, a guy like Bernie.

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Exactly. The the economy is booming according to Obama yet, the middle class is dead. And ok, 6, let's see how he does in the last 2 in helping the middle class.


 They gonna love their light bills , but at least HE  :rolleyes:  brought down their gas bills.

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You think I'm defending the Dems?

The problem is they're too much like the GOP.

What we need is a real leftist. A guy who won't guve Geithner a cabinet post. A guy like Bernie.

Bernie sounds great, I'm sure he's come out with alot of bullet points on how he's really a liberal while hillary is a moderate republican in disguise. Right?

What's he said about how he's policy differs from Hillary's?

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Bernie sounds great, I'm sure he's come out with alot of bullet points on how he's really a liberal while hillary is a moderate republican in defuse. Right?

What's he said about how he's policy differs from Hillary's?

Check his voting record. It goes back to 1981. I'd say we know who he is. He is not Hillary.


Or you know, Google him.


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Apparently, in your world 3d, Presidents can waive a magic fairy wand and correct something that has been happening for decades - and with a Congress that is hell bent on obstructing any and every thing that comes out of the White House.

Is that about right?

Right, it was Dubyas fault in '12, in '16 it's congress. Who'd expect Obama to take responsibility?

Check his voting record. It goes back to 1981.

Or you know, Google him.

I hear what he's saying today. It's the same **** they're all saying. He's in this for the $$. If it makes you feel better to vote for him, by all means.

I can Google Hillary's positions also, problem is, they're all different than they were 4 years ago.

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What was the response for why food stamps is up?

What's the response as to why majority of income is going to the top 1%

Only response I saw was to the workforce particaption which was more stay at home moms? Ok, if that's what Hillary wants to go with, I'm ok with it.

Negative, it just so easy. Larry trolled me for about 10 posts yesterday because I said left, and the article I linked didn't specifically say "left". It's petty. On the issues, democrats loose. On their records, democrats loose. That's why you see 2000 obessing that Hillary will win because she is female. That's all you have.


Actually, if you really want to talk about the labor participation rate, for example, here's a nice link I found, when I was verifying that the number you were calling the percentage of Americans that are working, was actually the participation rate.


It goes into several of the multiple pressures that have been driving that number, lately.  (And have been doing so, for decades.  And are going to continue to do so.) 


(Hint:  Evil liberal socialist conspiracy to enslave Americans isn;t one of the explanations.) 




As to your first two questions, I will observe that attempting to ask "why", when you're talking about complex systems in which there a near-infinite number of pressures, tugging every single thing in multiple directions, is a really tough thing to do. 


However, I would assert that the primary reason why the top 0.01% have had their income skyrocket, while everybody else's income has gone down, is because this country has spend the last several decades seeing to it that the negotiating table at which 99% of the nation negotiate with the 0.01%, to determine how much the 99% will get paid, is tilted more heavily in the favor of the 0.01%, every single year. 


To quote that famous liberal socialist, Warren Buffet "There is class warfare in America.  And my class won." 

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I hear what he's saying today. It's the same **** they're all saying. He's in this for the $$. If it makes you feel better to vote for him, by all means.

I can Google Hillary's positions also, problem is, they're all different than they were 4 years ago.

Do you even read what I write? Bernie's 30 years of congressional votes are consistent with what he says.

He's one of the few trying to get the money out of it, by the way. It's one of his biggest platform issues.

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Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement


Donald Trump's big presidential announcement Tuesday was made a little bigger with help from paid actors — at $50 a pop.
New York-based Extra Mile Casting sent an email last Friday to its client list of background actors, seeking extras to beef up attendance at Trump's event.
"We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement," reads the June 12 email, obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. "We understand this is not a traditional 'background job,' but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought." (Read the full email at the bottom of the post.)
The pay was listed as $50 for fewer than three hours of work. According to the email, Extra Mile was reaching out to potential extras in partnership with Gotham Government Relations and Communications, a New York-Based political consulting group that has worked with Trump in the past. Gotham GR had no comment.
Suspicions that the event had hired extras came to light Wednesday when anti-Trump activist Angelo Carusone came across an Instagram photo, showing a man he recognized as a background actor posing at the Trump event. Carusone screengrabbed the photo of the actor, Domenico Del Giacco, and published it in a blog post. Del Giacco has since deleted the account. The photo shows him with a woman, identified in the now-deleted Instagram post as actress Courtney Klotz.
When reached for comment about the Trump casting call, a person who answered the phone at Extra Mile said, "We don't know anything about that." When pressed about whether this response was a denial of the story, the person said she couldn't comment further and hung up. Additional calls to Extra Mile went unanswered.


Fantastic. He's already creating new jobs. More from the link.
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Negative, it just so easy. Larry trolled me for about 10 posts yesterday because I said left, and the article I linked didn't specifically say "left".

You appear to be, shall we say, memory challenged.

You announced that the left were taking away kid's lunches. Larry asked you to support it.

You posted a link to one time, where one teacher sent home a package of Oreo cookies. Which also pointed out that doing so was against the school's policies. And which did not mention any political affiliation of any person involved. Larry pointed out that it didn't mention the left.

You attacked Larry, and claimed that it did support your claim. Larry pointed out, again, that it did not.


You then decided to claim that the teacher quoted some federal law which you claimed was written by Michelle Obama.  Larry pointed out that your article said no such thing.  (And also pointed out that your original claim was that the left was taking away kid's lunches, and that you'd moved the goalposts to one teacher sending home some cookies.) 


(And at least one other poster also chimed in, to point out that you had made multiple claims, and supported none of them.) 

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Fantastic. He's already creating new jobs. More from the link.




I told ya he would stimulate the economy, dang Dem slackers .....if it weren't for Hillary their activists would be in the bread lines

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I told ya he would stimulate the economy, dang Dem slackers .....if it weren't for Hillary their activists would be in the bread lines


I believe she pays them with twitter retweets and all the free bumper stickers they can carry. That's why so many of the GOP side is tweeting against her, and she keeps tweeting pictures of women and minorities being excited holding up Hillary Schwag like they caught a free t-shirt at a baseball game.

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Exactly. The the economy is booming according to Obama yet, the middle class is dead. And ok, 6, let's see how he does in the last 2 in helping the middle class.


Would it be too much trouble for you to provide support for that claim? 


I'm well aware that many of the famous economic indicators are well up.  But I haven't exactly seen him (or anybody else) declaring "Mission Accomplished".  Or anything similar. 




This also seems like a good place to insert an internet meme that was really popular, 3 years or so ago. 



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