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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Or his own.


Last I checked, the Vatican City has pretty big walls around it.

I believe the Pope was largely speaking in metaphorical terms, but I will acknowledge that the "don't build walls" notion is a bit unrealistic  (I am against the full length border wall for a bunch of reasons, one of which is that it will not accomplish what people are saying it will).


However, this comparison of a wall around the Vatican (which has an open front door) to a wall across 2000 miles of border, and more generally the comparison of the Vatican to the United States, is pretty ludicrous.

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I believe the Pope was largely speaking in metaphorical terms, but I will acknowledge that the "don't build walls" notion is a bit unrealistic  (I am against the full length border wall for a bunch of reasons, one of which is that it will not accomplish what people are saying it will).


However, this comparison of a wall around the Vatican (which has an open front door) to a wall across 2000 miles of border, and more generally the comparison of the Vatican to the United States, is pretty ludicrous.

Why?  Because of the size?


I don't want a wall because of the same reasons you say, in addition the actual costs of building it.


But I find it disturbing that the Pope decided to interject himself into our election with a hypocritical statement bashing one of the candidates (who I don't like anymore than he does).  Do as I say not as I do?

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Why?  Because of the size?

Yes, among other things.  I agree that the Pope should not have injected himself in American politics, you are bound to get dirty if you delve into them.  More to the point:


"“Amazing comments from the pope — considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls,” Dan Scavino, Mr. Trump’s social media director and senior adviser, said on Twitter after the pope suggested Mr. Trump, a Republican presidential candidate, was “not Christian.” Mr. Scavino tweeted a picture of Vatican City with an outline around its border that suggested walls stood on some territory where no walls, in fact, stand."


I would also like to see a transcript of the complete Q&A of the Pope.  I doubt he was suggesting we should literally build bridges across the border.

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Transcript of Q&A of Pope




Part of Q
" He has said that if elected, he would build a 2,500-kilometer-long wall along the border. He wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, thus separating families, etc. I would like to ask you, first off, what do you think of these accusations against you, and if an American Catholic can vote for someone like this."

I would contend the "not a Christian" part of the answer just as easily could have been addressing the "deport 11 million illegal immigrants, thus separating families" part of the question.
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Transcript of Q&A of Pope




Part of Q

" He has said that if elected, he would build a 2,500-kilometer-long wall along the border. He wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, thus separating families, etc. I would like to ask you, first off, what do you think of these accusations against you, and if an American Catholic can vote for someone like this."

I would contend the "not a Christian" part of the answer just as easily could have been addressing the "deport 11 million illegal immigrants, thus separating families" part of the question.





So he wasn't saying Trump wasn't Christian..  I mean Trumps proposed it but hasn't done it yet.    


He's saying Bill Clinton,  George W Bush, and most of the other Presidents in the 20th century who all deported millions of illegals weren't Christians?..


He's also saying the Mexcan leaders aren't Christians because they do the same thing to illegals in their country.. only with significantly less debate.

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What Trump is proposing is different from what Clinton and Bush have done.  As I pointed out previously, while they deported millions, the actual number of illegals living here continued to rise.  What Trump would have to do is round up illegals who are already embedded in our society in addition to deporting new arrivals, etc.  He would have to deport approximately twice as many as Bush or Clinton did, and have a far more aggressive program of hunting down illegals than anything we have seen.


Note the Pope qualified his statement with "if that was what he meant" and I personally (not a Catholic) believe he should have used a term like "good Christian" as opposed to "Christian".  Besides, do you really believe Trump is a devout Christian (not that that is necessarily what I am looking for in a President, but a person of morals would be nice)?


Add:  Again, metaphorically Trump is building "walls" between the US and Latinos with hostile rhetoric.  It goes beyond walls and deportations to aspersions on character, etc.

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Looks like JMS's crush is getting his way. Not good for TWA's crush. 




Chicago court to hear 'natural-born' case to knock Ted Cruz off ballot




Such a waste of time and resources. Probably good news for chip's crush and/or the feeltheberniezealots. 


I actually think that this is going to be interesting for Trump and it may not help him.  If this goes forward, he is going to have to answer some question on his political positions, prior to declaring affiliation with the GOP.  He was not a Conservative in his prior years.  He was much closer to Liberal on many important topics.  It's hard to know how this will be received by the voter base.  I believe that as of now, most Republicans have no idea what Trumps political affiliations or points of view were, prior to this election cycle.  What's more, they didn't really care enough about it to research it.  Now, however, a lot of that research is going to be done for them.  This will be interesting.

So he wasn't saying Trump wasn't Christian..  I mean Trumps proposed it but hasn't done it yet.    


He's saying Bill Clinton,  George W Bush, and most of the other Presidents in the 20th century who all deported millions of illegals weren't Christians?..


He's also saying the Mexcan leaders aren't Christians because they do the same thing to illegals in their country.. only with significantly less debate.




This is a good post JMS.  But better then that, it's pretty funny!



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Vatican also has pretty tight immigration policy.. .     :)



Another good one!



Vatican Guard:  Your Eminence, is the 12 Century Aztec Statue, made of solid gold being deported?  

Pope:  Nope


Vatican Guard:  Your Eminence, are the protesters representing Protestants against the Vatican being deported?

Pope:  Yep.

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I really don't know what the debate is with the Pope's comments. One only has to listen to a sampling of Trump speaking over the years and how he acts to realize he's not a Christian. Being a church member or infant baptized doesn't make you a Christian

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I really don't know what the debate is with the Pope's comments. One only has to listen to a sampling of Trump speaking over the years and how he acts to realize he's not a Christian. Being a church member or infant baptized doesn't make you a Christian


I thought it did for Catholics?.....maybe I'm mistaken, the Pope should know  :P

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I really don't know what the debate is with the Pope's comments. One only has to listen to a sampling of Trump speaking over the years and how he acts to realize he's not a Christian. Being a church member or infant baptized doesn't make you a Christian


You are right.  However, I would also say, and it is not a popular stance with many Catholics, being Pope doesn't make you the authority on who is a good Christian or even who is a Christian.  If you espouse to the belief in God and the teachings of Jesus, then you acknowledge that the Bible is the only authority, according to the teaching of God through Jesus Christ, who incidentally was crucified for admonishing the Church, as luck would have it. 

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Well, the Pope's infallible, so....



minor quibble - Catholic doctrine does not claim that the Pope is infallible.  It is a common misperception.  

Looks like JMS's crush is getting his way. Not good for TWA's crush. 




Chicago court to hear 'natural-born' case to knock Ted Cruz off ballot




That "case" is going to take about 5 minutes to decide. 

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Anyone see Kasich hugging the kid last night?


Powerful stuff.


I hope he sticks around.  He's my last hope.

You have no hope. None whatsoever.


Kasich has little money. He's hoping he can make it until some of the Midwest states on 3/8 and 3/15, which includes his home state of OHIO.  He may not drop out until Ohio but he's going to have very little money to do much.


Saturday should knock out Bush and if he faces reality and drops out; Rubio probably gets his voters.  The donors will be leaving Bush baring a second place finish or strong third tomorrow.


Given the threholds for delegates; it's most likley going to be Cruz, Rubio and Trump after 3/1. Those 3 will be the only candidates with delegates to make it a race and that race heavily favors Trump.

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That "case" is going to take about 5 minutes to decide. 


what if it goes to scotus and they 4-4 it and we have different rulings in different circuits and so he can be on some ballots but not others?


i mean why the **** not if we're going to have a comedy show let's go all out.

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Well, the Pope's infallible, so....



The pope isn't infallible.. Technically the pope has the ability to pronounce himself infallible on church doctrinal issues.   The Pope got this ability formally at the first vatican council 1869–1870.     He can't use that to win bets or overturn elections.    Popes have only ever used it twice.   Once in 1870 and again in 1950,  both times having to do with the Mary  the mother of Jesus. 


First time was to confirm the immaculate conception for Catholics(1870),  and the second time in 1950 her bodily assumption into heaven.[/size]



minor quibble - Catholic doctrine does not claim that the Pope is infallible.  It is a common misperception.



Why did the chicken cross the road?


JMS answer:

Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world.%5B1%5D


In developed countries, chickens are usually subject to intensive farming methods. The modern chicken is a descendant of red junglefowl hybrids along with the grey junglefowl first raised thousands of years ago in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent.%5B2%5D


Predicto answer:


Laws regulating the treatment of animals and the breeding of livestock vary by state. For example California statute 9747.B: sub. 532 s references fowl and livestock.............


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Founded in 2016 by a group of *dank* individuals who just want the fire to Bern in everyone’s heart! Bernie Singles is a dating website and online community for people of all walks of life, and specifically for those who share the philosophy championed by U.S. Senator and Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Bernie Singles first started as a spinoff to the wildly popular Facebook group Bernie Sanders’ Dank Meme Stash, as the group Bernie Sanders’ Dank Meme (BSDM) Singles. As the group began to grow, people would suggest even more ways to group, by personal preference, or sexual orientation, etc. This is where Bernie Singles was born.

After only a couple of hours of critical review, the site has reached viral status, and has had to shut down several times to handle the exponential growth of the user base. It has been a thrilling ride!


Talk Bernie to Me 


Hey, we are some proud Bernie supporters that thought it might be cool for us to have a place to meet other people and connect with supporters. Meet cool Bernie-loving dudes and dudettes. Meet people that have a general understanding of how the economy works! Or even meet people that aren’t complete bigots! 

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what if it goes to scotus and they 4-4 it and we have different rulings in different circuits and so he can be on some ballots but not others?


i mean why the **** not if we're going to have a comedy show let's go all out.


I'd like to save that **** show for the Presidential election. Like Bush v. Gore. GOP v. Dem 2016 version - take it to the SC & have them locked at 4-4. WTF happens now?

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I'd like to save that **** show for the Presidential election. Like Bush v. Gore. GOP v. Dem 2016 version - take it to the SC & have them locked at 4-4. WTF happens now?


Pistols at dawn has always been my favorite.

The Lower Court ruling would stand.


but if the different circuits rule opposite we then would have two presidents ruling in different areas


but I think at least one Justice would die laughing and thus prevent a tie.




I'm a optimist  :)

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I'd like to save that **** show for the Presidential election. Like Bush v. Gore. GOP v. Dem 2016 version - take it to the SC & have them locked at 4-4. WTF happens now?


I'm stealing this from what LKB said in the Scalia thread.


Apparently the lower court ruling stands. so in your case it wouldn't be a big deal.


But if Trump sues Cruz in tons of different states, all in different circuit courts, then each circuit court's ruling would stand over the state it has jurisdiction in. So if you have conflicting circuit court rulings, and scotus 4-4's it, then cruz would be on some of the ballots but not others and that would be great comedy.


Maybe trump can find a reason to sue Clinton that would also be funny.

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