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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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That's what made Bill Clintons Crime Bill so successful. It's unfortunate when people follow blindly. But the big dog was the best at it!

He was an exceptional politician, but an infuriating leader. You can't lead if you are constantly taking polls and following public opinion. There is also a pandering element to it..

A Ronald Reagan defined himself as a conservative, and challenged the country to a debate of ideals; in that way he moved the center of the country to the right. Whether you liked Reagan or not, people felt good about him because they could get behind his ideals and understand them. Baring that you could oppose his ideas. One could never get that feeling from living in a country run by Bill Clinton, because the people always were out in front of his administration and Bill spent all his time not educating or convincing public opinion but discovering public opinion.

In the end Bill Clinton was a great manager of the countries interests; but a horrible moral leader. My buddy who is a GOP campaign manager at the congressional level was telling me that Bill was actually one of the GOP's favorite Dem Presidents. I almost fell out of my chair.... You guys impeached him and raised the level of vitriol and personal attacks to new heights against him. Rush Limbaugh used to open his show every day with a countdown to when Bill Clinton would be out of office.. How can you say you liked him? My buddy says.. "that's just politics", we loved the guy. I wanted to shoot myself in the head for having lived though the 90's.

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He was an exceptional politician, but an infuriating leader. You can't lead if you are constantly taking polls and following public opinion. There is also a pandering element to it..



And Hillary is doing the exact same thing.


They're running clips of her saying she's a moderate democrat months ago, against her saying she's a progressive democrat now. The issue: We don't know what we're getting with her as president.


She has no credibility. Not because she's bat **** insane, racist, sexist, or anything else. But because she just goes with the polls, changes what she stands for or what her opinions are when it becomes politically convenient, without a care for how it contradicts her past stances.


Of course, if the GOP can't get past constantly falling into the Angry White Guy racist and hater of all non-christian pit then it won't matter. Against a worth-wild candidate it would be interesting though.

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Team Obama Joins Donald Trump’s Attack On Ted Cruz’s Citizenship                                                                            


The Obama administration might hold a grudge against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump after he repeatedly questioned the president’s birth certificate, but it seems willing to join Trump in questioning

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

“I don’t know if he does, but I sure do,” Earnest quipped as reporters chuckled in response.                            


Earnest then seemed willing to feed the narrative questioning Cruz’s citizenship                               


During the White House press briefing this afternoon, one reporter explained the fight between Cruz and Trump and asked if the president was enjoying the drama around Cruz’s citizenship.


“It would be quite ironic if after 7 or 8 years of drama around the president’s birth certificate if Republican primary voters were to choose Senator Cruz as their nominee,” he said. “Somebody who actually wasn’t born in the United States and only 15 months ago renounced his Canadian citizenship.”                                                                                                                ​

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I'm really hoping someone good will show up and the GOP won't accept him/her because they aren't radical enough.  Then all of us normal Republicans will vote that person in 3rd party and the GOP will look in a mirror and get their **** straight.


Is that hoping to much?


Third party candidates don't have a realistic chance at winning big elections.  The logistical issues alone are enough to ensure this.  It's hard to just get on the ballot everywhere as a third party candidate, and you don't have the extensive network of party offices and endorsements spread around the country to help you campaign.


No, a special leader within the GoP has to emerge to lead them in a new direction.  The GoP hasn't really expanded their tent in any meaningful way since the Reagan revolution, thus their core demographics are shrinking while Democrat demos are growing--rapidly.  The Reagan Revolution voter is what, 60 to 70 now?  The party has lost black voters for good.  They're losing Hispanic voters for good.  They can't continue to rely 100% on the Suburban and Rural White Vote when the country is growing ethnically diverse at a monstrously fast rate and it's swung back towards a trend of urbanization.  And the GoP brand is utterly toxic for white Millennials too.  The party isn't going to replace their near monopoly on suburban white voters with a new generation of them if they continue in this direction.


The only thing winning a lot of national elections for the GoP right now is the fact that the HUGE majority of eligible voters don't turn out for mid term elections, and that the GoP demos do.  Their bloc is not a swing vote, it doesn't swing between parties nor does it swing in and out of the electorate like key Democrat demos do.  And thus because these are the only voters left in the GoP, the party's candidates have tacked hard to the right to court them (and eliminated any chance of drawing in new demos to the tent in the process).


A key element of the Reagan Revolution was that Reagan (correctly) identified that there was a strong appetite for the politics of social issues in the late 70's, and that a lot of then Democrat demos actually had socially conservative views.  He was able to sweep middle and working class whites away from the Democratic party through social conservatism.  But I don't think those conditions are there any more.  Whites have shrunk a ton as the demographic majority.  Religiosity within the population is declining.  And I don't think there is anywhere near the appetite for social issues in politics that there used to be, PLUS the youngest generations (Y and Z) now form the largest demographic in the country and they are extremely socially liberal compared to previous generations.


If Democrats could figure out a way to get their demos to reliably turn out for mid terms, Republicans would be screwed right now, instead of just screwed twenty years from now.


The party needs another Reagan to come along, reshape the politics of the party, and lead a demographic revolution to steal some big demos from Democrats again.

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She did get to see the world as SoS.....




Political fallout for Hillary Clinton after North Korea's nuke test

Washington (CNN)North Korea might not be able to reach the U.S. mainland with a nuclear weapon yet, but the political fallout from its claimed hydrogen bomb test is here already.

Even before the shockwaves of the 5.1 temblor triggered by Tuesday's test wore off, Hillary Clinton was fighting off a volley of Republican attacks, GOP presidential candidates were talking tough and Donald Trump jumped on a chance to chastise China.


The episode was a fresh indication of the challenge that Clinton faces in running for the White House on her record as secretary of state, which makes it impossible for her to escape deficiencies in President Barack Obama's national security legacy.


"If this test is confirmed, it will be just the latest example of the failed Obama-Clinton foreign policy," crowed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is styling himself as a foreign policy expert. He argued that U.S. enemies were "taking advantage of Obama's weakness."

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Y'know, if the Republicans would just stop trying to blame North Korea's nuclear capability on Democrats, the voters might forget which Party is actually responsible.


LOL yeah, the voters are working at that level of awareness...LOL  It's just blue or red.

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Lol btfoom I already posted the video above. lib nation has no response. But that's why I love them. Hoo Rah


Sorry, man, I must have missed it.  My bad - and keep up the good work!!!

I know that you and I have very little credit with the rest of the posters, but at this point...

she's stumped on her biggest accomplishment as SoS, she can't even answer this other basic question.


her answer was: i'm a progressive democrat who 'wants to get things done'




That's because she can only answer questions that have been vetted by her handlers, shown to several focus groups, and have others write various answers until the focus groups appear to be happy with her answer.  Then, she can answer questions "off the cuff".

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Really enjoying this foreign policy discussion. The GOP can do little more than manufacture scandals as criticism. Meanwhile their leading candidates have foreign policy views that are pretty much as follows:


Trump/South Park's Mr. Garrison - "**** them all to death," build the Great Wall of Trump, use the Internet/series of tubes to attack ISIS


Carson - I have heard of some of these countries 


Rubio - the Bush Doctrine was extremely successful. Let's double down on that


Cruz - bomb everything, benefits include discovering if sand glows in the dark

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That's because she can only answer questions that have been vetted by her handlers, shown to several focus groups, and have others write various answers until the focus groups appear to be happy with her answer.  Then, she can answer questions "off the cuff".

Hillary is not Sarah Palin, she's not stupid. She's not progressive either though.

I would say Hillary's biggest accomplishment as SoS was to bring China and Russia to the embargo table against Iran's nuclear program; which directly lead to Kerry's deal. She probable doesn't want to mention that because that in itself is controversial for many folks.

Most of what the right is bashing Hillary over is nonsensical. N. Korea getting the bomb 2 years before she became SoS and 6 years into the Bush administration? North Korea got the bomb because Bush labelled them the axis of evil and then withdrew from the nuclear non proliferation agreement we had with them. Which in retrospect was stupid. Especially because after N. Korea got the bomb, Bush went back to the terms of that deal to keep NK from building more.

On Hillary, there is really enough there to criticize without being stupid. Benghazi, NK Bomb, her email are all nothing burgers.

has cruz managed to put trump on the defensive?


are we watching the start of trump's fall?

Nope, Trump is dominating all the polls. Cruz is emerging as the #2 in the GOP and Trump regularly turns to crush whomever is in 2nd place.

I'm more concerned right now with John McCain, President Obama and Donald Trump all lining up to hit Cruz on his foreign birth. Those three all working together on the same side of one issue seems like one of the signs of the apocalypse

Meanwhile VP Biden gave an interview where he says that he regrets everyday that he didn't run.. stay tuned it might be getting interesting.

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Don't be silly.   Obama isn't "hitting Cruz on his foreign birth."   Obama and his people are just laughing their asses off seeing birther nonsense get bounced around within the GOP after Obama had to deal with it for so many years.


The Breitbart story that you quoted was ridiculous spin, to try to make it seem like Obama supported the stupidity.  Humor and irony are totally lost in that story.


The same is true for John McCain.   Obama and McCain both understand what a joke the birther stuff is and was.

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Meanwhile VP Biden gave an interview where he says that he regrets everyday that he didn't run.. stay tuned it might be getting interesting.

Didn't he follow that up with something to the effect of "but I know it's the right decision"?  I doubt there is anything there to stay tuned for.

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Not sure if Americans care on this.  I mean Democrats were going to elect Weiner back into office, that's how dumb voters are.  I mean he was sending picks of his penis to women.


Eliot Spitzer too.  LOL


The voting public is so fickle.....not.


Amusing video though.




Hillary Clinton may find it difficult to maintain her New Year's resolution after this one.


In a new Instagram video from Donald Trump — introduced with a message on Twitter and Instagram saying "Hillary and her friends!" — the Republican presidential candidate pulled no punches in his ongoing battle with her over charges of sexism.

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Working on a story about Obama's executive actions on gun control/sales (taking a quick break). I forgot how much of a love-hate relationship I have with this time of year. I love the policy talk, as dense and difficult to comprehend as it may be, the academic analysis, the well conceived analysis.


It's probably my favorite season as a reporter - or it would if it weren't for the static, the rhetoric, the buzz words, the empty fluff stuff. 


I could stand more policy talk, more concrete ideas about what you're actually going to do if you're elected President and how you'll go about it.

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Carson's attempt to buck up Iowa student backfires spectacularly


In a painful campaign moment that went briefly viral online Thursday, Ben Carson asked a group of grade-school students who the "worst student" in their class was, prompting a handful of the youngsters to single out a fifth-grader.


“As a fifth grade student, I was a horrible student. Anybody here in fifth grade? Who’s the worst student?” Carson asked in a question aimed at a group of students with their hands raised.


After posing the question, a number of students identified the same classmate. But the retired neurosurgeon seized the moment to explain that he, too, was once the worst student in his class before sharing his story of academic triumph.


“Well let me tell you, if you had asked that question in my classroom, there would have been no doubt,” he said, adding that as a student himself his classmates overwhelmingly agreed that he was “the dumbest person in the world.”


Carson met with the student following the rally and encouraged him to become a neurosurgeon — just like him.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/685089631973601280 Trump

Man shot inside Paris police station. Just announced that terror threat is at highest level. Germany is a total mess-big crime. GET SMART!
8:24 AM
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And you think politicians will decide to do that, because . . . ?

Eh, wishful thinking I suppose.


It's not in their best interest (see: Trump's Tax Plan that would cost trillions of dollars), but I find the policy talk more interesting. It's the reason why I haven't been watching debates and speeches as much as a lot of the candidates, even Sen. Sanders (who has been most candid about his platform thus far, I've found).

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Pretty good article about Denis McDonough.



Obama’s Obama


The president has cycled through more chiefs of staff than any of his White House predecessors. Denis McDonough is the one who came to stay.



Not really a surprise, but it could get interesting considering Trump's recent attacks on Bill.


Leon Panetta endorses Hillary Clinton


Leon Panetta made official his endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president on Thursday, remarking upon her experience and credentials to tackle global issues while dismissing worsening conditions around the globe that critics have attributed to her time at the State Department.


"I’ve endorsed Hillary Clinton, and I've also helped provide advice on defense and foreign policy issues," said Panetta, who served as both director of the Central Intelligence Agency and as defense secretary in the Obama administration, in an interview on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports."


"I think that what this country needs at a very dangerous time is responsible leadership in the real world," Panetta continued. "Not in a fantasy world, but in the real world, and she is somebody who has that experience, and for that reason, that's why I support her."


He also took a shot at the Republican currently leading the polls.


Asked whether Donald Trump was justified in raising the issue of Bill Clinton's past sexual misconduct in light of his wife's campaign claiming he is sexist, Panetta remarked that he thought the American people would rather hear more substance.


“I’d like to hear from Donald Trump a little bit of the substance of what the hell he’s talking about," he said. "I think that’s what we ought to be hearing more about.”

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The Breitbart story that you quoted was ridiculous spin, to try to make it seem like Obama supported the stupidity.  Humor and irony are totally lost in that story.


The same is true for John McCain.   Obama and McCain both understand what a joke the birther stuff is and was.


I agree Obama's people are having fun laughing at Cruz who they don't like.  They are enjoying the irony and trying to push it forward just to entertain themselves. They are doing so when they bring up that he only declined his Canadian citizenship 14 months ago.   They have to know that resonates.  Even if they aren't calling for an official inquerry or otherwise acting on the information.


I don't think Trump or McCain are nearly so tongue and cheek.   They have a political ax to grind with Cruz and they are grinding it on whatever issue they think will resonate.   This is such and  issue.    Trump is awkwardly trying to skewer Cruz in the court of public opinion.    John McCain is not nearly so awkward trump, and not nearly so flippant as Obama's spokesman.   John McCain is flat out calling for an inquiry.



McCain says concerns over Cruz citizenship legitimate                       ​


WASHINGTON — Arizona Sen. John McCain said questions surrounding Ted Cruz's right to run for president since he was born in Canada should be explored, even as some argue that Cruz is still considered a natural born citizen.

Speaking on the Chris Merrill Show in Phoenix late Wednesday, McCain said concerns raised by Republican front-runner Donald Trump over whether Cruz can be president are legitimate.

"I think there is a question," McCain said. "I am not a constitutional scholar on that. But I think it's worth looking into. I don't think it's illegitimate to look into it."   



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I could stand more policy talk, more concrete ideas about what you're actually going to do if you're elected President and how you'll go about it.


I think their is more talk on the issues in this election than in any election I've every lived through going back to the late 60's.

We don't have a Pat Robertson talking about the American war on Christian Values, or a Dan Quayle talking about Murphy Brown.   And for the most part we don't have any awkward self defeating social conservative the end the world is here if we don't do X....


We've substituted all that stuff with hard hitting controversial quotes on candidates which are very specific in nature and objectionable to a lot of folks...  Temporarily barring Muslims from the Country,   Sending home illegal immigrants,   building a wall south of the boarder.

Or free tuition and public schools and student loan refinance rights...


These are all very specific policies   

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