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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Is there such a thing as classified talking points? I thought talking points were things that people were supposed to, you know, talk about.

Now this is a clear example of bending oneself into pretzel to defend one's chosen candidate. Using classified information to make a talking point doesn't magically make it unclassified.

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Now this is a clear example of bending oneself into pretzel to defend one's chosen candidate. Using classified information to make a talking point doesn't magically make it unclassified.

...and this is a clear example of someone being so tunnel visioned with attacking another's chosen candidate, that he misses the very next post that acknowledges the possibility of having classified "talking points"

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...and this is a clear example of someone being so tunnel visioned with attacking another's chosen candidate, that he misses the very next post that acknowledges the possibility of having classified "talking points"

Oh is that a new rule? We have to read all the posts to the end of the thread before we can reply? Thanks for pointing that out.

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Now this is a clear example of bending oneself into pretzel to defend one's chosen candidate. Using classified information to make a talking point doesn't magically make it unclassified.


Now this is a clear example of bending oneself into pretzel to attack a chosen candidate.  Using classified information to make a talking point doesn't magically make it classified. 


(If it did, then no one who deals with the public in any way would be allowed to see classified information, because they would not be allowed to use that information to make any decisions.) 

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Like you, Larry, I'm suspect.

Why classify what you're going to talk about to the public? After all, they beat someone else all up around the head & ears for THEIR talking points on another issue, and those were apparently as public as the sun...and haven't found anything nefarious yet, after some 600 hours of testimony.

You are assuming that talking points are for a public consumption. The talking points she was talking about were most likely for a classified government meeting not a public. The reason I think kids that is because she is trying to send the info via secure fax and anyone who has used secure fax know what a pain I the ass they are and she wanted banner information removed. Only classified has banner info. Now to be fair they need to prove to document was actually sent to her with the assimilation markings removed. But the email shows she doesn't care about security. It's a damning email either way.

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Now this is a clear example of bending oneself into pretzel to attack a chosen candidate.  Using classified information to make a talking point doesn't magically make it classified. 


(If it did, then no one who deals with the public in any way would be allowed to see classified information, because they would not be allowed to use that information to make any decisions.)

Huh Larry yeah it does. Using classified information does make it classified. That is how it works. Everyone deals with the public, that doesn't mean they can divulge classified information. As for making decisions how exactly did you make that leap? Decisions are made every day where the reasons behind the decisions are not disclosed.

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It's gonna be a trip watching GOP honks spend the next 10 months blathering on about deleted E-mails while the rest of the civilized world talks policy and issues.


You mean watching Hillary talk out of both sides of her mouth? #headinthesand #bernieaintwinningbruh

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Huh Larry yeah it does. Using classified information does make it classified.


So, if the President is told by CIA that their best info says that NK has tested a hydrogen bomb, then he cannot reveal that they've done so, because well, he heard about it from a classified source?


If any classified information was used in any way, to come to that conclusion, then the conclusion is classified? 


The government has never taken classified information, and decided that well, we can reveal this, but not this other thing? 


For example, no classified information whatsoever went into the White House announcing their talking points on Benghazi? 


It's gonna be a trip watching GOP honks spend the next 10 months blathering on about deleted E-mails while the rest of the civilized world talks policy and issues.

You got any support for this assertion that this election will be different from every election I've seen, in my lifetime? :)

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So, if the President is told by CIA that their best info says that NK has tested a hydrogen bomb, then he cannot reveal that they've done so, because well, he heard about it from a classified source?


If any classified information was used in any way, to come to that conclusion, then the conclusion is classified? 


The government has never taken classified information, and decided that well, we can reveal this, but not this other thing? 


For example, no classified information whatsoever went into the White House announcing their talking points on Benghazi? 


You got any support for this assertion that this election will be different from every election I've seen, in my lifetime? :)

Larry two things: The President is the ultimate classification authority he can release anything he wants. 2d lets say it was the SOS who released that information. She can release information using non classified sources (ie the nKs publically announced the test). But if no one in the world knew about the test and the CIA let her know using classified info she could not release it without getting it declassified (which she could do by going to the original classification authority - in this example that would be the CIA. The Pres could do it too).

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Trump: Syrian Refugees 'Are Probably ISIS'

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump suggested during a rally on Friday that refugees fleeing war-torn Syria are affiliated with Islamic State. 

Syrian refuges "could be ISIS ... and by the way, it is turning out that they probably are ISIS," Trump told supporters in Rock Hill, South Carolina. 


"There's so many men, they're so young, they are very strong. Where are the women? Where are the children?" he pondered, according to NBC News.

The woman, identified by CNN as Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, wore a t-shirt that read "Salam, I come in peace." She was also among several protesters at the rally who wore yellow stars with the word "Muslim" written on them, reminiscent of the Stars of David Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis during WWII.   


As she and another protester were being escorted out of the rally, Trump supporters began booing. Hamid told CNN that one person yelled "You have a bomb, you have a bomb" in her direction. Trump recently made headlines over his controversial statement calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

Prior to the rally, Hamid told CNN that she only wanted to give Trump fans "an opportunity to meet" a Muslim.



For Republicans, Mounting Fears of Lasting Split


The Republican Party is facing a historic split over its fundamental principles and identity, as its once powerful establishment grapples with an eruption of class tensions, ethnic resentments and mistrust among working-class conservatives who are demanding a presidential nominee who represents their interests.


At family dinners and New Year’s parties, in conference calls and at private lunches, longtime Republicans are expressing a growing fear that the coming election could be shattering for the party, or reshape it in ways that leave it unrecognizable.


While warring party factions usually reconcile after brutal nomination fights, this race feels different, according to interviews with more than 50 Republican leaders, activists, donors and voters, from both elite circles and the grass roots.


Never have so many voters been attracted to Republican candidates like Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who are challenging core party beliefs on the economy and national security and new goals like winning over Hispanics through immigration reform. Rank-and-file conservatives, after decades of deferring to party elites, are trying to stage what is effectively a people’s coup by selecting a standard-bearer who is not the preferred candidate of wealthy donors and elected officials.

“It’s all really hard to believe that decades of Republican ideas are at risk,” said Barry Wynn, a prominent Bush donor at the meeting.


The strains on Republicanism are driven home by scenes like the 1,500 people who waited two hours in 10-degree weather on Tuesday night to see Mr. Trump campaign in Claremont, N.H. And the 700 who jammed the student center of an Iowa Christian college the same evening to hear Mr. Cruz. These crowds were full of lunch-bucket conservatives who expressed frustration with the Republican gentry.


“The Republican Party has never done anything for the working man like me, even though we’ve voted Republican for years,” said Leo Martin, a 62-year-old machinist from Newport, N.H., who attended Mr. Trump’s Claremont rally. “This election is the first in my life where we can change what it means to be a Republican.”


This anger has transformed the quadrennial exercise of picking a Republican nominee into a referendum on the future of one of the country’s two enduring political parties. Patrick J. Buchanan, a Nixon and Reagan adviser who ran for the Republican nomination in 1992 and 1996 by stressing the economic and cultural concerns of working-class Americans, said these voters were roiling the party because they had “suffered long enough.”


Mr. Buchanan cited years of job losses and wage stagnation that he blamed on free-trade deals and cheap labor from illegal immigrants, as well as hardships from foreign wars that have hit families whose children enlisted in hopes of better lives.


“The chickens have come home to roost,” Mr. Buchanan said. “Putting the party back together again will be very hard after this nomination race. I think the party is going to shift against trade and interventionism, and become more nationalist and tribal and more about protecting the border.”

“I know Republicans who will support Hillary if Trump or Cruz is the nominee, no question,” Dick Thornburgh, an attorney general under the first President George Bush and a former Pennsylvania governor, said of Hillary Clinton. “Trump, especially, would split the party. But many will fall in line, seeing no choice.”


Mr. McCain, the 2008 nominee, and Mr. Graham, who was a presidential candidate until last month, said they would honor the will of the voters and support any eventual nominee. But Mr. Graham said the severity and impact of the party split would ultimately depend on whether a Republican won the presidency.


“If Trump or Cruz wins the White House, then my side of the party has to re-evaluate who we are, what we stand for, and I’d be willing to do that,” Mr. Graham said. “But if Trump or Cruz loses the presidency, would their supporters re-evaluate their views on immigration and other issues that would grow the party? If they do that, we can come back together. If they don’t, the party probably splits in a permanent way.”



"You've got to give him credit," Trump says of Kim Jong-un and his power. "He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one."
3:01 PM


To be clear, Donald Trump just very sincerely praised Kim Jong-un for killing various people to consolidate his power.
3:02 PM

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So, if the President is told by CIA that their best info says that NK has tested a hydrogen bomb, then he cannot reveal that they've done so, because well, he heard about it from a classified source?


If any classified information was used in any way, to come to that conclusion, then the conclusion is classified? 


The government has never taken classified information, and decided that well, we can reveal this, but not this other thing? 


For example, no classified information whatsoever went into the White House announcing their talking points on Benghazi? 


You got any support for this assertion that this election will be different from every election I've seen, in my lifetime? :)

Just to further echo on what Nonniey said, the president can declassify anything he wants, but he has to weight the effect of national security on what is released. So while he can technically release what he wants, he is going to go to the Original Classification Authority to determine if releasing the information is appropriate. There are clear channels as to who can declassify information. You don't get to mishandle classified information just because you are Secretary of State. 

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Donald Trump Admires Kim Jong Un at Iowa rally.  (Not an Onion article...)


“If you look at North Korea, this guy, he’s like a maniac. OK? And you’ve got to give him credit: how many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden — you know, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it. How does he do that?”


“Even though it is a culture, and it’s a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible,” Trump said. “He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. This guy doesn’t play games, and we can’t play games with him. Because he really does have missiles, and he really does have nukes.”



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If it turns out that Clinton knew there were classified emails and directed someone to scrub them so the classified status didn't show up, she should go to jail.

I'm not sure how anyone could defend that.


In the latest batch of emails release 3000 or so they're saying 66 or so were "classified"  and of those 65 were confidential, which is the lowest level of classification.   Having someone's name and telephone number can be classified confidential because it's PII.   What is confidential is an incredible low bar.


I don't think anybody is accusing her of taking a secret document and sending it over an unclassified network email.    First off how would she even get the classified document onto the unclassified network?


What she's being accused of is (1)aggregation  taking two unclassified pieces of information and then putting them together making a classified disclosure.  (2)  writing something on the unclassified email which constitutes a classified material.


This is not Sandy Burger who stuffed classified top secret documents down his pants and walked out of a secure facility.    This is something else entirely..

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Now this is a clear example of bending oneself into pretzel to defend one's chosen candidate. Using classified information to make a talking point doesn't magically make it unclassified.


If the GOP try's to make this campaign about Hillary's emails,  Benghazi,  or Bill Clintons' sex life..  They loose.    I mean how many times are they going to try to make a Presidential election about Benghazi before they get it that they are making themselves look vindictive, out of touch, and stupid.


As for Hillary's emails, You know the Government has different classifications of networks and emails for Top Secret ( JWICS)... Secret ( SIPRNet ) and Sensitive but not Secret ( NIPRNet ).      This last one the NIPRNet is the one Hillary substituted her home email server for.    The DoD network which is already connected to the internet.   The one which any American can send an email to or receive and  email from.   It's not the kind of mistake which is going to cost her the election or land her in jail, or any of that other nonsense the GOP is trying to sell.


Trump has to learn to stay on message.   He's strongest when he's (1) talking about his core issues ( rebuilding infrastructure,  securing our boarders,  and taking care of the Vets )...  He's also not bad when he's counter punching.     When he picks fights he does himself a disservice especially when he's harping on things that aren't real issues.    That kind of red meat only sells to GOP true believes and they aren't Donald's core constituency anyway.

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So, if the President is told by CIA that their best info says that NK has tested a hydrogen bomb, then he cannot reveal that they've done so, because well, he heard about it from a classified source?


If any classified information was used in any way, to come to that conclusion, then the conclusion is classified? 


The government has never taken classified information, and decided that well, we can reveal this, but not this other thing? 


For example, no classified information whatsoever went into the White House announcing their talking points on Benghazi? 


You got any support for this assertion that this election will be different from every election I've seen, in my lifetime? :)


It's called spillage when someone in the government accidently discloses classified information and it happens all the time...   The president can't leak classified information because he has the right to declassify anything he likes.   So if he decides to tell the press that Russia is getting weapons from UFO's over the NSA's objection,  it wouldn't be classified as spillage.   It would just be the President unclassifying that information and giving it to the press.  Bush also allowed his VP to declassifiy information which is rare to my knowledge.


In the case of the Hbomb test,  I believe North Korea leaked it to the Chinese on very short notice, who immediately informed the Whitehouse.   I don't think any classified sources were involved.

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A new survey shows a sizable number of Democrats (20% of likely Dem Voters) ready to defect from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.                                          


http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2016-01-08/new-poll-shows-donald-trump-is-a-real-threat-to-hillary-clinton      ​

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