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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I think they should bring this up tonight.  But not as a GOTCHA don't discriminate against Muslims, or assume they're all terrorists.


They should talk in a broad context about schools.  Include Zero Tolerance idiocy, common core, standardized tests, and on and on and on.


I want to see a National Republican stand up tall and strong and back teachers.  Call for a national minimum wage for teachers.  And National Tuition forgiveness for every single teacher that goes into a failing school system.


Make a salary of 60k for a teacher in DC city schools and pay them back for the cost of their college education and watch how fast we start to see results.

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Damn Kilmer..the conversion is complete.


Welcome to the dark side, my friend. Unfortunately, I ate the cookies already.

BTW - Obama has invited him (Ahmed) to the White House. That alone might make The Donald's head explode.







Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House?," @POTUS tweeted. "We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great."






NASA geologist Fred Calef tweeted: "Anytime you wanna see Mars rovers Ahmed, let me know. #IStandWithAhmed"
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I was having a related argument with people on Facebook just yesterday. We were talking about the refugee crisis and they said America in no way should let any of them in because they all hate America and want to kill us. It was pretty gross. When I eventually drummed up enough sympathy by convincing them that 2 year olds weren't trained terrorists, some conceded they could allow some in as long as they gave enough time for Christian and Jews to get out of the area before they arrive.


Conversations like this deflate and depress me. They said, "those people" could never be part of the melting pot because they do not want to integrate... and when I pointed out there were about 5 million Muslim Americans living here already it didn't seem to mean much.


Hate and fear is very real folks.


I think that's exactly what you are seeing with this poor kid with the clock.

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The kid had it coming to him.


Thinking high school was a place of learning and education was mistake #1. Wearing an openly offensive tshirt (NASA) .. promoting big government and socialism was #2. Then there's the terrorist name and you have the trifecta of anti-Americanism.

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I was having a related argument with people on Facebook just yesterday. We were talking about the refugee crisis and they said America in no way should let any of them in because they all hate America and want to kill us. It was pretty gross. When I eventually drummed up enough sympathy by convincing them that 2 year olds weren't trained terrorists, some conceded they could allow some in as long as they gave enough time for Christian and Jews to get out of the area before they arrive.


Conversations like this deflate and depress me. They said, "those people" could never be part of the melting pot because they do not want to integrate... and when I pointed out there were about 5 million Muslim Americans living here already it didn't seem to mean much.


Hate and fear is very real folks.


I think that's exactly what you are seeing with this poor kid with the clock.

I think that's wrong.  I think it's easy to say that because it looks that way out of context.  But look at it along side the other idiocy we see from zero tolerance policies (IE, kids suspended or expelled for bringing bottles of wine for their French teach, or bringing a samarai sword because they are studying far east culture etc etc).  I think this is an example of the left taking an snapshot event and using it to claim the entire right wing hates brown people.


Bravo to Obama for stepping up.  Now take it a step forward and address the actual issue.

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damn i want to see mars rover


i need to color my skin and bring a clock to school


They'll arrest you for being an old pervert.

Taking the zero tolerance stupidity a step forward :)  ... kids have been disciplined for drawing a picture of a gun.


Should they be suspended for drawing a picture of a clock? Would a kid be arrested for launching the Windows clock.  :)

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I think that's wrong.


I really wasn't trying to paint with that broad a brush. I was just saying that this event and these people I talked with seem to share the same disease, paranoia and fear as that Texas teacher.

I do think there is a sub community that has become irrational when it comes to events like this. These two instances are just symptoms of it.

Not all conservatives are paranoic racists, but I think these events point to that problem which is very real in our society.

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I suspect the zero tolerance policies that school have enacted is solely due to the litigous-ness of current America society.


I hate them as much as anyone does - but I suspect they are the only (or at least one of the few) protection that schools have.


And sadly...I'm not sure what the answer to them are. They can't be rolled back because then schools are easy targets.

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It's quite the opposite.  You guys might want to check the school before you pin your racism badges :P



Your argument is that a school that is 52% hispanic, can't possibly be led by people who have a problem with Muslim kids who have funny sounding names?


And to put this racial question to bed....make you own conclusions.



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Just pointing out, folks, that I'm not certain the school wouldn't have done the same thing to Jimmy O'Dougle.


(And neither, I suspect, is anybody else.) 


Very possibly. But the city council where the school is located endorsed a bill being proposed at the state level prohibiting Sharia Law.

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I suspect the zero tolerance policies that school have enacted is solely due to the litigous-ness of current America society.


I hate them as much as anyone does - but I suspect they are the only (or at least one of the few) protection that schools have.


And sadly...I'm not sure what the answer to them are. They can't be rolled back because then schools are easy targets.

I hate that.  And I desperately want to see a politician who not only hates it too, but has the cajones to tackle the issue.  I don't have a solution (to zero tolerance), but I want to see someone in power that does.  Obama could provide some leadership on this.  But suspect he will use it as an opportunity to claim racism or fear of brown people.  Not because he's Obama, but because that's what every one of them would do.


The more I hear the pundits talk about Trump and Sanders, the more I think I understand the phenomina.  People want results.  They want any results more than they want their own desired results.  So the people supporting Trump don't care that he's taken very liberal stances in the past.  Or changed his views on things.  People look at him and don't immediately think that he's just paying them lip service.  And on the GOP side, there is a huge percentage of people who HATE the GOP.  Not because of their stance on issues, but because they never actually do what they say they will do.  Now, Trump may not be able to deliver either if he wins (and I still say he wont), but at this point, he hasn't lied to them yet.


Same with Sanders.  There are many conservative Democrats that are moving towards him because they believe that he will do what he says he will do.


Meanwhile, Bush and Clinton are holed up with staff and focus groups trying to figure out how to best present a non solution to an imagined problem.

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