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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I assume the bit about the 125 year-old person drawing SS is hyperbole.

They're reacting to a news story that popped up, a few months ago.  About an audit of the SS computer system, a while back, which found around 6.5 million social security numbers of people who's birth date would make them more than 112 years old.  (Older than the oldest known living person.)  But having no date of death in the computer. 


(Guess what?  50 years ago, when somebody died, nobody notified the Feds.) 


None of those people are collecting SS, or any other government benefits.  (Or at least, they haven't found any.)  Closest they've come is that supposedly some people may have attempted to use those numbers on e-verify, to get a job.  And at least one has used one such number to open a bank account. 


But it was loudly trumpeted by the political party whose icon is known for it's trumpeting.  Precisely because they wanted millions of people to think, what these people thought. 


(There's a whole bunch of political memes that fit into that category:  Claims that are made by the Parties, specifically for the purpose of trying to make people think they said something that's completely untrue.) 

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i cannot like your post, i apparently went on a liking spree earlier, but i definitely agree with 99.999% of what you said :) In many ways you and I are on the same page here.


But trying to wrap it back into the next presidential race, one thing that bothers me is the ease with which some people write off GOP policy as thinking all people on welfare and are lazy and/or stupid.  It smacks of the "war on women" stuff the D's run with constantly.


To be fair - the GOP has done A LOT to reinforce the stereotype, especially when Romney was caught saying 47% of the country are dependent on the government and republicans can never hope to gain their vote because their only political desires orient around the government giving them things. I get that, trust me.




i think that there are individuals in the GOP, and everywhere, that think this way (more of an emphasis on making assistance smarter, rather than almost all of the emphasis on making it smaller)... but i don't think that message "plays in Peoria" for GOP candidates, and as a result, none of the candidates are even going to try to articulate a plan, much less have much of an incentive to try to work out actual solutions across the aisle with the commiehippiepinkobastages in the other party... working on actual solutions right now is an invitation to get Cantor-ed.

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Carly Fiorina is going to enter the race on 5/4.  In reality, she's probably running for VP and is probably a GOP plant to show that we got a women running also.


It will fail and my guess she doesn't even make it beyond one or two debates this fall.  She will be promised the Veep job or some other job assuming the establishment candidate wins.

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I think she is underrated and like non-politicians making a run.


certainly a longshot though

She has no shot.  She was a disaster when she ran for Senate a few years ago.



For the Repubs, will be an establishment candidate or a tea party candidate.  Yeah, you will have the religious wing with Huckabee and maybe Santorium. Neither men will do much.  You will have the liberatarian wing with Rand Paul but I don't think he will go that far beccause he seems like the one candidate to most lilely explode in spectacular fashion. He could win some delegate, since he will follow his father path in picking off delegates but by the time some of these states pick the actual delegates; he will have imploded.


I dont understand why have elections if the actual delegates aren't even chose till late and that's the case for many states.  The primary/caucus are nothing more than a beauty contest.



Whoever wins the Tea Party vs. Establishment battle will be the nominee.  Consider several candidates have sugar daddies, plus the Dems being free to focus on the Republicans now; I think Bush is going to end being toast. Bush could end being the surprise failure; where many still say he's the nominee.

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Carly Fiorina is going to enter the race on 5/4.  In reality, she's probably running for VP and is probably a GOP plant to show that we got a women running also.


It will fail and my guess she doesn't even make it beyond one or two debates this fall.  She will be promised the Veep job or some other job assuming the establishment candidate wins.



I think she is underrated and like non-politicians making a run.


certainly a longshot though


I mentioned Lady Demon Sheep a few weeks back. 


Don't be fooled.  Carly will mention how she is just an average Jane and not mention that when she was forced out of HP - she took a severance package of $21 million (something that the majority of us won't earn in our lifetime depite her only being there 5 or so years and nearly running the company into the ground)...or how that when she left, HP stock jumped as much as 10.5% that first day because of how unpopular and failed her leadership was. She won't also mention how badly she was beat in that California Senate race despite spending millions on the lost cause of beating Barbara Boxer. 


But whatever.


She'll be proof that the GOP isn't entirely made up of white male religious nutters.


They're made up of white female religious nutters too.

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I suppose you will support Hillary?  :P


I won't in the primaries. And depending on who she runs against, I might not in the general election. But odds are, she will get my vote because the GOP will fail to nominate someone who is socially liberal (I can at least stomach failed conservative economics/ideas if the person isn't beholden to the religious right).

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I won't in the primaries. And depending on who she runs against, I might not in the general election. But odds are, she will get my vote because the GOP will fail to nominate someone who is socially liberal (I can at least stomach failed conservative economics/ideas if the person isn't beholden to the religious right).


I might be the other way around.  I think I'm a lot more scared of the GOP's current economic policies than I am of their social agenda. 

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I might be the other way around.  I think I'm a lot more scared of the GOP's current economic policies than I am of their social agenda. 


Economically, I don't see much difference.


Immigration, SSM, health care rights...all mean more to me than whether or not some millionaire still gets to pass on his/her wealth to Paris Hilton.


Although..I guess some of those ideas (like immigration policy and health care) might fall into the economics side rather than the social side, for some people reading my comment above.

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What are the knocks on Martin O'Malley? Sharpen your pitchforks, MD folks. 


He seems like a great candidate to me. 



He's a nobody?


The people around DC always think that Virginia and Maryland politicians are the next big thing and the whole nation is just waiting for them to run.  O'Malley, Mark Warner, George Allen, Tim Kaine, Jim Webb, Chuck Robb.   They seem higher profile there at the political center than they are around the nation.  

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He's a nobody?


The people around DC always think that Virginia and Maryland politicians are the next big thing and the whole nation is just waiting for them to run.  O'Malley, Mark Warner, George Allen, Tim Kaine, Jim Webb, Chuck Robb.   They seem higher profile there at the political center than they are around the nation.  


All true, but from a policy perspective? I guess I'm just looking for someone I feel l can actively support. I'm sick of being a political keyboard warrior and want to get involved. 


Who do you like in 2016? I'm fine with Hillary's policies in general but the Wall St stuff makes me uncomfortable. I would vote for her over any R, but I think Kilmer was right in saying that nobody is voting 'for' anyone anymore, just trying to beat a worse alternative. 

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I think Kilmer was right in saying that nobody is voting 'for' anyone anymore, just trying to beat a worse alternative. 


That's the position I'm assuming I'll be in.


I currently cannot figure out which party I hate more, and I fail to see how the choices will be anything other than someone representing either party...

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Is it acceptable to not like, be ok with, or support gay marriage but not actively work towards banning gay marriage?


Can a GOP candidate stand up and say - I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, however I respect that we should treat people equally and will not work to ban gay marriage. Let's just throw in, for the sake of my question, that this person even speaks out against efforts to ban gay marriage and/or has a track record of voting for things that allow for gay marriage (or for protecting gays against discrimination.)


Would that candidate still get beat over the head with the bigotry bat?

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Is it acceptable to not like, be ok with, or support gay marriage but not actively work towards banning gay marriage?


Can a GOP candidate stand up and say - I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, however I respect that we should treat people equally and will not work to ban gay marriage. Let's just throw in, for the sake of my question, that this person even speaks out against efforts to ban gay marriage and/or has a track record of voting for things that allow for gay marriage (or for protecting discrimination against gays.)


Would that candidate still get beat over the head with the bigotry bat?


Good question. I would like to say no..but I suspect the loudest will still (unfairly I might add) label that person a bigot. 


Doesn't really matter though. The GOP has no intention of ever nominating someone like that. And if they do, that candidate will have to get on board with the "defend marriage" platform. 

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