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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Peter , ya are depending on generalities in those polls


the devil is in details


Well, there are things that I can clearly generally conclude from the polls.


For example, anybody expressing the idea that climate change isn't happening and isn't concerning (its a hoax, God won't let the climate change get too bad, etc.) has an extreme position on climate change with respect to the US public.

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Well, there are things that I can clearly generally conclude from the polls.


For example, anybody expressing the idea that climate change isn't happening and isn't concerning (its a hoax, God won't let the climate change get too bad, etc.) has an extreme position on climate change with respect to the US public.


It can both be a hoax and happening, the best ones are

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Trump is a world class troll.

But he is hitting the right notes

I know right!! He had me going with the "our system is broke, I know because I donated to everyone and when I called a I got done what I wanted". I was like yeah, then sat my liberal ass back down. Lol
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These clowns are killing me. Several of them have complained about the influence of $$$ on politicians and to my knowledge not a one of them is against Citizens United. On too many occasions they didn't even bother to address the initial question. Of course the tough follow-up questions from the moderators has them literally squirming. Fair and balanced y'all!

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Fox News is scripted for drama, they were trying to get the candidates to attack Trump because Murdoch and Kotch and Co don't like him.

Fox is absolutely going after Trump tonight. He doesn't care, he doesn't even seem to notice.

Scott Walker looks "special" when he's waiting for a question.

His hair isn't helping him.

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There definitely seems to be a theme of the moderators actually asking difficult questions of Trump. So far, the high point for me was Cristie/Gomer Pyle's back and forth about entitlement reform. They both made valid, sensible points. Good for both of them.

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