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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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The first debate is now over. It was about 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Carly Fiorina was the clear winner.  She has earned a spot to be heard in the next debate.


My ranking for this debate:


#1- Carly Fiorina -  WINNER.  She looked competent. Deserves to be included in next debate.


#2- Rick Santorum - He did alright, but he sure bragged alot. If he was that good, he would still be a Senator.


#3- Bobby Jindal - He did okay, but they are plenty of other candidates in the first tier, to cover his issues.


#4- Rick Perry - started shakey and got better. Felt a little at unease to  me. Probably, didn't help himself much.


#5- Jim Gilmore - Sounded okay, but really gave no reason for anyone to make him president over the others.


#6- George Pataki - Seemed a little arrogant to me.  He did alright, but noone cares about you.


#7- Lindsay Graham - LOSER.  He was nervous & it showed. He spoked with a nervous voice. He kept on saying, he would put American troops to fight ISIS. Good luck, in getting a majority of the country to agree with you on that. He should drop out tonight. He was that bad.


The other 6 didn't do anything to warrant any further consideration.

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Almost time for the wanna-be debate.  I wonder if those that don't care for FOX news, but are interested in watching the debate; will watch?  Can they stomach, having to watch the channel?


Do people really think like this? I mean I think MSNBC is a bunch of loons, but I never have even thought that it would be hard to watch something on MSNBC. Its just a channel.

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Read/Scanned the transcript from earlier. A ton of Obama references, almost as many Clinton. Of course a handful of Reagan. Some Trump. Even Jimmy Carter.

Not much as far as talking what they were for. Mostly what they are against. Can't name one real tangible new idea anybody listed. Maybe I missed it.

Wondering if the candidates tonight notice this, or even care. Probably not

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Think I'm rooting for Trump for a few reasons:


1. He doesn't give a **** what anyone thinks.  You can call him an asshole, I call it refreshing.


2.  He doesn't need to be president.  He's got a ton of money, he's not concerned with being a politician.  The rest of them need this.


3.  Entertainment factor.  Which is what politics have been boiled down to today.  Somewhere in the past 25 years or so, politics and politicians have made the transfer to celebrity status rather than being concerned with doing their jobs.  Lowered standards, let's take it all the way.  All politics today is WWE with words.  

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Jeb!'s team posted his talking points online against Rubio and Walker on twitter....then took them down real fast. Check it he follows the script. 
Sean Sullivan @WaPoSean
How @JebBush would go after @marcorubio if inclined to do so tonite or down the road. 


""Bush spokesman Tim Miller explains in an e-mail: “Draft pages that were taken down, we have lots of material to prepare for the debate as circumstances require.”



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