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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Remember when I was complaining about my shoulder a while back? You correctly called an impingement. I went to rehab for it. They want you to go 2-3 times a week.


I have a remarkably similar shoulder story. Something popped a little back in 2010 when I was doing dips. Suspect now that it was an AC Joint. Finally went to a shoulder doc in 2012 after two years of consistent discomfort. He spent approx 15 seconds examining me before referring me for an MRI. After MRI it was back to him to take a look. That's $50 worth of co-pays for him and $500 for the MRI (wtf?). The issue was not what he suspected after looking at the MRI pic for a minute, so he just said "well I don't see anything wrong so I guess you can try physical therapy." Referred me, $50 each trip. Went twice before I decided to cut my losses. I had already spent $650 trying to figure out what was going on, and I was only making $40k/year at that point. Not worth it. Shoulder still not quite right.

Lies damn lies, but par for the course.


No evidence for Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as recruiting tool

The statement reads much more like a prediction than a report on events currently taking place.

And she's right, as young Muslim Americans feel more disconnected from our society by this sort of rhetoric they are more likely to buy into ISIS's "us vs them" mentality.

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The statement reads much more like a prediction than a report on events currently taking place.

And she's right, as young Muslim Americans feel more disconnected from our society by this sort of rhetoric they are more likely to buy into ISIS's "us vs them" mentality.

I originally read it that way, myself. I read "they are going to . . . "

But the link has a longer quote, and from that quote, it sure reads, to me, like she's talking present tense. The preceding sentence is "He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter."


I think it's a legit complaint.  (Although, I note that they rated the claim "false", simply because they couldn't find proof that it's true.) 


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Lies damn lies, but par for the course.


No evidence for Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as recruiting tool




This statement by Chipwhich regarding "par for the course," rates as "mostly false."


Hillary's statement was actually kind of out of the ordinary for her: http://www.politifact.com/personalities/hillary-clinton/


She's better than almost all her peers, I think only Sanders has her beat in terms of combined True + Mostly True % (51% compared to Bernie's 54%, but Trump, Rubio, and Cruz all rate below 40%).





While Hillary is not sufficiently truthful to push Chipwhich's statement into "False" territory, her 51% True + Mostly True rate compared to her 28% Pants on Fire, False, and Mostly False rating demonstrates that a "False" statement by her is not par for the course, nor is it par for her peers.


That gives this post a "Mostly False" rating.

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Lies damn lies, but par for the course.




No evidence for Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as recruiting tool


No evidence, but perhaps common sense dictates that constant anti-Muslim diatribes and hostile platform positions aren't helping.

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It's not that Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric is a recruiting tool for ISIL; the tremendous damage that it does is to discourage sensible Muslims from cooperating with US authorities. The best counter intelligence comes from Muslims coming forward with information on other Muslims planning acts of terror. Alienating the entire Muslim community as the GOP candidates are doing with their over the top declarations is dangerously counterproductive to national security, the issue at which these nutjobs proclaim themselves to be superior.

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Sanders camp suspends two more staffers over data breach


Bernie Sanders' campaign suspended two more staffers directly involved in the data breach that has roiled the party, a Sanders aide confirmed to POLITICO after the Democratic debate on Saturday night.


Pending an investigation, the two aides join data director Josh Uretsky in leaving the campaign following the revelation that they accessed and downloaded voter information from Hillary Clinton's team during a technology glitch on Wednesday.



Trump, Sanders call each other liars


Donald Trump took to the talk shows Sunday to push back on attacks lobbed at the Republican presidential front-runner by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic debate Saturday night.


During the debate in New Hampshire, Clinton said Trump was becoming ISIS' best recruiter because of his criticism of Muslims. She said, "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."


Trump doubled down on the Sunday shows after saying on Twitter that Clinton lied about the videos becoming an ISIS recruiting tool. During an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Trump defended his rhetoric as representing "toughness and strength."


"She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane," Trump said. "She's a liar and everybody knows that."

On ABC's "This Week," Trump in a phone interview also said Sanders had lied. In an interview that aired later on the show, Sanders called Trump a "pathological liar."


"I mean, I think much of what he says are lies or gross distortion of reality," Sanders said, citing Trump's claims about celebrations by large numbers of Muslims in New Jersey in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. "Nobody has seen a tape of thousands of people celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers in New Jersey. It doesn't exist. And he keeps claiming it. That's called pathological lying."

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CBS poll: Cruz still ahead in Iowa


Ted Cruz maintains a strong lead over Donald Trump in Iowa, according to the results of a poll released Sunday.


The Texas senator, in the CBS poll, grabbed the support of 40 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers in Iowa. Trump is at 31 percent, followed by Marco Rubio at 12 percent and Ben Carson at 6 percent. Every other GOP candidate receives 2 percent or less in the poll.


The CBS poll follows last week’s Iowa Poll — which showed Cruz with a 10-point lead over Trump, 31 percent to 21 percent — and a Monmouth University poll that had him in first place with 24 percent among all Republican candidates.


Polls of Iowa and the country as a whole have painted two different pictures: Trump remains atop national polls. A Fox News poll out Dec. 18 showed Trump with a 21 percentage-point lead over Cruz. CBS polls also show Trump with notable leads in New Hampshire and South Carolina; Cruz and Rubio are second and third, respectively, in both states.

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as they shift polling to more likely voters the numbers will continue to shift....as you see in the Iowa polls

Percentage numbers for each candidate will rise...as more people shift from "likely voters".  I see this being the "least voted election"...like ever.

GO BERNIE!  I'm still waiting for the train on the left side of the platform.

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Las Vegas — Marco Rubio is going all in to win Nevada. Though the Florida senator has eschewed the idea that he needs to hunker down in any particular state, his campaign has quietly and steadily poured resources into the Silver State, where chaos and dismal turnout rule the caucuses.
Rumors of the Rubio campaign’s weak ground game in Iowa and New Hampshire have led many to conclude that his strategists don’t believe he needs an early-state victory to remain competitive as the primary season moves into March. But that narrative overlooks the reality on the ground here in Nevada, where his team has crafted the grassroots campaign that’s missing elsewhere. The result, according to more than a dozen Nevada GOP operatives and state officials, is the most organized and impressive operation of the Republican field.
“Rubio’s path to the first three states is small,” says one Republican state official. “It’s obvious that his campaign sees Nevada as his firewall.” Talk of Rubio’s Nevada ground game has been muted for good reason: Few candidates have invested resources in the state, and Rubio has benefited. Donald Trump has some paid staff but little ground presence. Chris Christie’s first Nevada appearance came during last Tuesday’s debate in Las Vegas. Although Jeb Bush has built an impressive operation in the state and, along with Rubio, has been courting Nevada’s sizable Mormon population for months, sources say it is now Ted Cruz who is nipping at Rubio’s heels.


More from the link.

First on CNN: Lindsey Graham is dropping out. "I’ve hit a wall here,” he tells @KateBolduan cnn.it/1ZlefwX

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That is just how Mrs. Rodham Clinton likes to operate.  That is why she is so endearing.




Hillary Clinton and the awful risk of winning ugly



Let us not be children here: Hillary Clinton is no stranger to bare-knuckle politics. Her 2008 campaign repeatedly stooped to outright race-baiting against Obama. In the grand scheme of politics, this data-breach story is small potatoes. Yet instead of trying to smooth over the dispute — as Sanders himself did for Clinton's email problem — her only response was to insist on a full accounting of her campaign data. Eventually Sanders did get his access back, but only hours before the first hearing on his lawsuit against the DNC.


Sanders' supporters were furious, and were clearly itching for a fight with the DNC. Corruption at the organization is notorious, and Wasserman-Schultz was a Clinton campaign co-chair in 2008. It beggars belief to imagine such ham-handed tactics from their court if Clinton's and Sanders' roles were reversed.


The issue was mostly defused during Saturday night's debate. Sanders apologized for the breach, and Clinton said she would like to move on. Yet the DNC never would have gone so far as suspending access, even temporarily, if Clinton did not tacitly approve. One call and it would have been reversed — doubly hard to miss at a debate which had obviously been scheduled at an atrocious time to prevent Clinton opponents from getting much attention.


In any case, Clinton is positioning herself for the general election. She therefore ought to worry about deflating the evident passion of Sanders supporters. Most of them will probably end up pulling the lever for her, but I can see it being very hard to donate, volunteer, or work for the Clinton campaign — and she will likely need dedicated volunteers and staffers a lot more than voters. She ought to be trying to stay on good terms with Sanders' fans, and thus would be well advised to make sure her near-certain win is as clean and gracious as possible.

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No Larry, sometimes it's just stupidity.  It's that accident you just can't not watch.  Gonna be a fun year.


You're talking about the GOP primaries, right?


Your beef with Clinton is well known, but even you have to admit that the DEM side looks like a well oiled machine next to the GOP primary.

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Your beef with Clinton is well known, but even you have to admit that the DEM side looks like a well oiled machine next to the GOP primary.


LOL, it looks like reality TV.  A well oiled machine?  A debate with 3 candidates, 2 of which have no chance and the one with any hope the DNC attempts to destroy.  It's a farce.  Hillary has been the chosen one all along and will be the nominee.


Then you got the Apprentice, Mr. Trump.


I called this matchup long ago in this thread.


It's going to be like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and if you think there is no way in hell Trump could win, you are kidding yourself.  He will have to do a Ross Perot to not have a chance.


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Well there has to be good examples out there. Many use Canada and the UK as models but those are fairly bad examples - where it probably hurts more than helps.


says who??  


don't both deliver significantly better aggregate results, and at much MUCH lower costs per-capita?


i'm not going to say that they are perfect... by any longshot......   but it appears that they are better than the mess we have here?  (where we pay BY FAR the most in the world for mediocre results)

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says who??  


don't both deliver significantly better aggregate results, and at much MUCH lower costs per-capita?


i'm not going to say that they are perfect... by any longshot......   but it appears that they are better than the mess we have here?  (where we pay BY FAR the most in the world for mediocre results)


That really just depends on who you area and how you're analyzing things.


There's a constant theme of looking at averages with this stuff. I'm not saying you shouldn't, but averages only gives you a certain picture.


I know a few people in Canada that would be roughly equivalent to me in terms of: age, financial situation, health situation, expectations from a healthcare system. They're all unhappy with what they have and get by because they're healthy and don't need to use the system.


So part of me looks at the averages and says - yes, it's better. The other part looks at it from a selfish standpoint, recognizing I have great health insurance (for what I consider cheap) and am not thrilled about what changes would mean for me.

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Here is a list of phrases used as descriptors of Donald Trump in articles about the campaign by Kinja Media writers and commenters:


-Pumpkin-flavored arsenic marshmallow Donald Trump

-Donald Trump, rancid bag of half melted circus peanuts

-Ambulatory merkin Donald Trump

-Donald Trump, rotting pumpkin time-lapse

-Rancid salmon filet Donald Trump

-Donald Trump, a toupee someone found in a garbage can and stapled to a sweet potato

-poorly trained circus orangutan

-flopped over traffic cone

-pencil-dick wall builder

-sentient used car commercial

-rejected holiday carrot cake

-deranged moldy grapefruit

-room temperature Sunny-D backwash

-enraged over-ripe pineapple

-cursed Siberian werewolf trapped in an Orangutan’s body

-exhaustive child

-$4 billion puddle of tinted moisturizer

-ever worse human and godsend

-Wonka factory escapee

-Open-Faced Quesadilla

-idiot billionaire and face of YouTube’s popular “Annoying Orange”

-noted Asshole


-ambitious corn dog that escaped from the concession stand at a rural Alabama fairground, stole an unattended wig, hopped a freight train to Atlantic City and never looked back

-shrunken apple head

-decomposing ear of corn

-permanently open mouth

-soggy burlap sack

-verbal Billionaire

-deflated basketball

-cartoon plutocrat

-sentient overripe pear

-Melted creamsicle

-fluffy bouffant

-gaping mouth with a hairpiece

-oozy lather of absurd hyperbole

-dick-nosed baldy

-perpetual asshole

-serially bankrupt business mogul

-television clown

-bloated spawn of a Penn Station ashtray and Nickelodeon slime

- legitimate hairstyle choice

-anthropomorphic caterpillar

-toupee’d buffoon

-bloviating billionaire

-Enlarged pee-splattered Sno Cone

-idiotic rich man

-vibrating Bologna loaf

-Deflated football

-Human embodiment of hotdog filling

-Toupee-wearing Orangina ****hole

-sentient bottle of self tanner

-short-fingered vulgarian

-Rejected Richie Rich Villain

-Corndog that escaped from the state fair

-GOP Presidential candidate and Bone-in Ham

-Walking sun dried tomato

-Presidential candidate and human Kewpie doll

-Adult male baby with the combover and personality of a 30 pound toddler

-Melting pig carcass

-Human cystic acne pus

-Millionaire and disgraced racist

-What would happen if a caps lock key was granted one wish and that wish was to come to life.

-Fabulist cheddar critter

-Unrepentant Bigot

-Ralph Steadman illustration come to life

-Noted Donald Trump enthusiast

-Grimacing Cheeto Fart

-Everyone’s Favorite Screaming Steamed Carrot

-Cursed Halloween Mask

-Presidential candidate and bag of flour

-Enraged animated creamsicle

-Woody Allen impersonator and Incessant Tweeter

-Time-displaced Sopranos extra

-Melted candle impersonator

-Bloviating caricature of a businessman

-Disgraced Pope impersonator

-Cable News Fever Dream

-Delusional Cheese Creature

-Lint-crusted dried apricot

-Mud clotted welcome mat

-Melting Businessman

-James Bond Villain/Republican Presidential Candidate

-Aspiring social media intern

-Drunk Monopoly man

-Cranial bee sting victim

-Stupid, racist clown

-Lint-covered sentient Cheeto

-Man-sized sebaceous cyst

-billionaire Siberian Tiger hairball

-Shriveled apricot

-Empty popcorn bag rotting in the sun

-Heat Miser with a heart of coal

-Man-shaped asbestos insulation board

-Aggravated giant duckling

-dusty barrel of fermented peepee

-Gilded Dildo

-usually reasonable burlap sack full of rancid Peeps

-Degloved zoo penis

-Miss Cleo cosplay enthusiast

-bargain bin full of yellowing Jean-Claude Van Damme movies

-big orange buffoon

-Normal-looking human man and entirely credible choice as future leader of the free world

-overripe pumpkin from Halloween 2007

-Our nation’s loudest cheesy puff

-a dishrag that on closer inspection is alive with maggots

-Perpetual embarrassment

-Candied yam riddled with moldy spider carcasses

-wilted turkey skin puppet

-chewed-up furball

-petulant slice of stinking, festive ****-pie

-hairpiece come to life

-orange-tufted sentient troll doll

-Actual buffoon

-Decomposing pumpkin pie inhabited by vicious albino squirrels and presidential candidate

-Gross fat loser

-the shriveled pinto bean you had to pluck out of your Chipotle burrito basket

-orange gasbag

-Enraged Gak spill

-overinflated piss-blimp

-The orange beast

-a fascist golem made of flypaper

-Orange Clown

-a deeply stupid person: a crude, nasty, bloviating man always willing to shout himself hoarse about terrorist Muslims, rapist Mexicans, probably-menstruating Fox hosts

-orange lunatic

-Chester Cheetah Impersonator

-American hate leader

-a tiny piece of dried cat poop that you found in your rug

-talking combover

-Cheeto-Dusted Bloviator

-Fuzzy Meat wad

-Decomposing ear of corn

-Rich idiot

-Noted Troll

-Bag of toxic sludge

-Your next President and Ruler for life

-A brightly burning trash fire

-impoverished urchin

-Aggressively Stupid

-Great Judgement-Haver

-Hair-plug swollen with rancid egg whites

-inside-out lower intestine

-decomposing pumpkin pie inhabited by viscous albino squirrels

-lead paint factory explosion

-lumbering human-like tardigrade

-fart-infused lump of raw meat


Pardon any duplications...

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Wow. How many of those phrases, you figure, came from anybody who any of us have ever heard of?

And, just out of curiosity, who was it who prepared that huge list that you copied and pasted (without credit) and told you to get outraged about it?

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