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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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If Cleveland repeats against GS next year, James instantly becomes the GOAT.

Yes, but sadly that won't happen. Winter is coming for the Cavs.

Why am I saying sadly? **** them. They have their ring. I don't feel a damn thing. Die in a meteor impact.

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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I think its funny all yall hatin on KD. Cause Im sure he dont give a ****. So why should you or I give a ****? Grow up people. Like it or not, that's the way the NBA is set up, free agents have the right to sign where they want to to any team that can afford them.

KD did just that. Don't like it? Fine. Do your little NBA boycott and don't watch any professional basketball.......that will teach'em! pffftt lol

I'd rather us go back to the Jordan vs. LeBron feud, at least it actually means something.

I know right. How dare people voice their opinion about sports on a sports message board.

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Bulls fan checking in.

I don't blame KD, he stuck around with the Sonics franchise through their move to bum**** nowhere and gave it his all for 9 years.

I am, however, disappointed that the rich are getting richer. It would have made life more difficult for my team, but I wish KD would have gone to Boston, DC, Toronto, any legit eastern threat to challenge the Cavs.

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I thought you were essentially arguing Ovechkin should just go to the Penguins and win a Cup and I was going to say in hockey, it doesn't really work like that, at least nowhere near as automatic.


Hell no. I don't want that...but I would understand. 


Chris Rock joke. Not appropriate, but that was my first thought when you wrote that. 


Thing is...even losing you can be proud to be a Caps fan because of the way it works. Yet with both sports you have to start to look at the details. If not, you are missing a big part (not you, but many). 

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KD lucked into a top 5 player during just about the entirety of his career in OKC. On top of that, his GM surrounded him with this supporting cast:

Harden, Ibaka, Adams, Waiters, Kanter, Jackson, and could have been Oladipo and Sabonis. On top of all that, they added a top 3 collegiate coach when the status quo was not working.

That is a front office doing everything possible to create a winning organization. You cant be serious about not getting help. Oh so what he really needed to win was a 2 time reigning MVP, a top 2 shooter of all time, a runner up defensive MVP, and a finals MVP... then he could win. He's a joke.

You're criticizing him because he went to a better basketball scenario. But if he wanted a better basketball scenario in OKC and told his GM to go sign Conley or Al Horford etc to make his OKC team better, that would be ok? You wouldn't care about that.

Why rely on someone else to improve your situation when you can just do it yourself.

Maybe he just wanted to play in a different city or in that amazing offense after watching it closely for a 7 game series.

Doesn't make him a **** it weak or a joke. I'm sure in your profession you always work the hardest job available to you no matter what

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Also, we have no idea how this Warriors teams dynamic will shake out. What if Durant becomes the clear cut alpha dog and wins MVP next year? What then?

And maybe, just maybe when you have the chance to be part of the best 5 man lineup in NBA history, you take it. Maybe it's as simple as that. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that? (Crickets)

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People want athletes to be loyal. They want them to take pay cuts. They want them to he better than the average person. They want them to be everything else and beyond. They say their professioj is not like their job... U til they do something the don't like, then they turn around and talk about what they wouldn't be allowed to do at their own job.

This is nothing more than a show of the modern disconnect between the fan and athlete. Fans don't like how much money they make. Every problem they have is in some way centered around the money. Its bitterness, jealousy, and whatever else plagues some people that makes them lash out with personal attacks at someone from behind a monitor just because they chose to exercise their right as a professional athlete to play where they want.

No matter how justified one may feel in their actions, that says a hell of a lot.

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And let's be clear, Durant has always had a different narrative for him. He was never going to be in the GOAT discussion like Lebron. Durants legacy is already set at this point, the only way he can change it is to start adding rings to his resume. Whether he won them in OKC or GS, he wasn't getting into that same league with Lebron. So why not just go get the most rings you can get?

Do you think Karl Malone doesn't regret his loyalty to Utah for years? He's never mentioned in any of the all time conversations despite having the accolades for it.

Garnett even said he wished he hadn't been loyal to Minnesota for so long. Granted that team was **** but still. He was an all time great that would have left to get a better situation.

That's what I'm saying. These are ridiculous standards and rules you all are applying to Durant and NBA players.

1) you should not need help if you want to be great

2) if you do need help, you must get your GM to do it.

3) if you happen to be drafted into a team of HOF teammates...well don't worry about that. For some reason this is ok.

4) If you do need help, you can leave your team only if:

a) your team is bad. Horrifically bad helps your case

b ) the team you join isn't better than current team

c) if the team you join is better, they can't have just beaten your team in postseason

5) ignore 1-4 if any of this helps the Wizards

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Listening to Mike &Mike in my earpiece. Time for an American sports reality check. Its getting out of hand.

Stephen A Smith cutting promos again apparently calling KD's decision cowardly. I wouldn't mind if someone busted his lip wide open so bad that he would finally stop talking.

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This talk of superteams is overrated. The last 3 champions were not superteams built through free agency. The Cavs signed Lebron obviously, but Kyrie was a draft pick and Love was traded there. And the Warriors and Spurs preceding them as champs werent superteams built via free agency.

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And let's be clear, Durant has always had a different narrative for him. He was never going to be in the GOAT discussion like Lebron. Durants legacy is already set at this point, the only way he can change it is to start adding rings to his resume. Whether he won them in OKC or GS, he wasn't getting into that same league with Lebron. So why not just go get the most rings you can get?

Do you think Karl Malone doesn't regret his loyalty to Utah for years? He's never mentioned in any of the all time conversations despite having the accolades for it.

Garnett even said he wished he hadn't been loyal to Minnesota for so long. Granted that team was **** but still. He was an all time great that would have left to get a better situation.

Why would he regret his loyalty, where was he gonna go that was better than where he was? Finals twice, conference finals 3 times. Sounds nice to say maybe he shouldn't have been so loyal, but he had plenty of opportunities as a legit title contender.

Garnett is a different scenario because the Wolves were never truly a title threat.

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KD lucked into a top 5 player during just about the entirety of his career in OKC. On top of that, his GM surrounded him with this supporting cast:

Harden, Ibaka, Adams, Waiters, Kanter, Jackson, and could have been Oladipo and Sabonis. On top of all that, they added a top 3 collegiate coach when the status quo was not working.

That is a front office doing everything possible to create a winning organization. You cant be serious about not getting help. Oh so what he really needed to win was a 2 time reigning MVP, a top 2 shooter of all time, a runner up defensive MVP, and a finals MVP... then he could win. He's a joke.

They traded Ibaka, Harden, and Jackson away

Waiters is garbage

Kanter is a sieve defensively.

And they had a coach that was below the level of his star players for years.

The OKC owners were cheap for most of his tenure there. They didn't create a great situation to win a title until last season.

If they don't win a title in OKC over his career you would probably be the type of fan to call him a loser.

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When LeBron went to Miami, he was their clear cut leader and best player. Durant has accepted being Steph Curry's sidekick.

I love when people revise the past to fit their current agenda.

Media members and fans were saying Lebron would be Wade's sidekick. You can lookup the articles that summer and throughout the season. It magnified when they lost the finals.

I didn't know you back then but I'm fairly confident you were one of those types too.

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Why would he regret his loyalty, where was he gonna go that was better than where he was? Finals twice, conference finals 3 times. Sounds nice to say maybe he shouldn't have been so loyal, but he had plenty of opportunities as a legit title contender.

Garnett is a different scenario because the Wolves were never truly a title threat.

Again, so he was on a team that was very good with a great teammate but never got over the hump.

Durant didn't want to take that chance of never getting over the hump and there isnt anything wrong with that

Listening to Mike &Mike in my earpiece. Time for an American sports reality check. Its getting out of hand.

Stephen A Smith cutting promos again apparently calling KD's decision cowardly. I wouldn't mind if someone busted his lip wide open so bad that he would finally stop talking.

Stephen A really has no credibility in this scenario considering he openly on air threatened Durant a year or so ago regarding SAS report about his free agency and satisfaction with the locker room etc

He's been waiting in the weeds to jump all over and slaughter KD I'm sure

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I love when people revise the past to fit their current agenda.

Media members and fans were saying Lebron would be Wade's sidekick. You can lookup the articles that summer and throughout the season. It magnified when they lost the finals.

I didn't know you back then but I'm fairly confident you were one of those types too.

LOL. And why does it not surprise me that you are fine with such a spineless loser move?

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The basketball fan in me is curious to see what that li eup will look like. Durant running iso one on one or having an option of two of the most lethal sbooters the NBA has ever seen, continuously open, or Durant continuously open. Thats without even factoring in Draymond and all the motion cutting and screening they do to scheme those guys wide open. Smh.

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Im sitting here reading these responses and just shaking my head. I know a handful of you are GS fans, and thats alright. But, y'all need to check yourselves. Durant just wanted to go to a good basketball atmosphere? Gtfo. In what way was OKC a bad atmosphere? They have been a top 5 team for almost 7 years! The fact that Harden, Ibaka, Adams, Waiters, Kanter, and Jackson are just written off as other guys is incredible. They are great players that could and will start on any other team in the league.


Why should I care about where a millionaire chooses to play? Well, why do you post on a sports website that hosts Redskins fanatics if you dont care? In what way is it fun that the best team in history added a top 2 former mvp to their roster without losing anything. There will be losers jumping at the chance to play for almost nothing to fill out that roster. ( like Zaza).


Golden State lost 9! games last year. 9. And Durant chooses to go to that team to get better at basketball. Its the worst sports move of all time, and its not even close.

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Listening to Mike &Mike in my earpiece. Time for an American sports reality check. Its getting out of hand.

Stephen A Smith cutting promos again apparently calling KD's decision cowardly. I wouldn't mind if someone busted his lip wide open so bad that he would finally stop talking.


Wish someone would punch a guy for speaking the truth? Thats cool...

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Curry, Green, Durant, Thompson and scrubs.

I can't remember when two recent MVPs teamed up like this.

Durants article on why is vague - what growth does he get in SF?

Yes, it is absolutely his choice, life, etc.

Good for the Warriors, but I will be rooting for the field all day long.

Curry, Green, Durant, Thompson and scrubs.

I can't remember when two recent MVPs teamed up like this.

Durants article on why is vague - what growth does he get in SF?

Yes, it is absolutely his choice, life, etc.

Good for the Warriors, but I will be rooting for the field all day long.

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Wish someone would punch a guy for speaking the truth? Thats cool...

There are a myriad of reasons why someone should punch Stephen A. The list is longer than the dead sea scrolls..

And please don't try to lecture me on whats cool and not cool when you yourself have been whining in here since this went down because a guy chise to do something that was well within his right to do, on top of courteously notifying the org beforehand.

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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