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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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I know you meant Christmas Day, I forgive you.

I really wanted to put Christmas day. That was the original idea behind my post. But then I thought that they wouldn't be able to make it that far without playing each other once. So do it opening night to get it over with.

And do Christmas too. Hopefully in the first game, we get some heated moments that makes us want more.

I want a Wizards/Cavs Christmas game too.

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Can't they do both?


Can they play in Mark Cuban's living room?



I'm sure it's the size of a basketball court.  

I want Clippers Warriors  at least 20 times next year.   I can't stand those floppy whiny dirty ******** 

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Why are people complaining about this?


The Jordan saga was the most fun I've had following the NBA since the 80s.


We need to be encouraging this stuff.


I mean it was incredibly fun, just for Deandre he comes off looking like a coward. Maybe the most bizarre NBA event since the Malice.

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Unfortunately it still won't get them to the Finals. I'm curious how this will work with Lawson at point, and how much Harden is going to cry about having to work within a real offense.

No worries, they'll run the exact same offense. Ty better enjoy going after kneecaps and catch-n-shoot threes as much as he likes getting behind the wheel after a few drinks.

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I like the move. The got a quality pass first PG for a bag of beans. I don't really see a downside to the trade.


Hey man, you doing OK?  Summer League is about to end and I was wondering if you will be OK until November.  I don't want you to get the NBA DTs. :P  Wish we still had the clinking beer glasses <cheers>. :)

Edited by pjfootballer
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This is from a discussion that PJ and I started up in the Wizards thread about the need to reform the officiating in the NBA.  I felt it was more appropriate in the general NBA thread:


Basically, I agree with PJ about the need for better officiating.  Many of the refs have quietly known biases.  Bill Simmons had a guy on a podcast about two or three months ago who makes a living betting on the NBA.  He keeps data on the officiating and alluded to the fact that he'd been able to figure out which players/teams/coaches/owner (in Mark Cuban's case) certain officials had biases against.  And he used that data to help him make his bets.


I don't know if you can totally eliminate personally held biases when an officiating crew is working so many games a season and they're in very close contact with everyone on the court.  But the NBA isn't even trying to control it.


There is a lack of professionalism in the NBA that is extremely frustrating to me.  I like that the league doesn't take itself as seriously as the NFL and MLB do.  But sometimes it's just too WWE and they could stand to learn a thing or two about professionalism from those leagues.  There is also a culture of misogyny in the NBA that is out of step with it's reputation for being the most progressive league.  For instance, there is a rumor that Doc Rivers pimped out his daughter to DeAndre Jordan to help convince him to come back to the Clippers.  It seems completely stupid and ridiculous, but because the NBA is the NBA... you can't rule it out.  And that plausibility is something the NBA should be worried about.  The league may have the first female assistant coach, but it's very hostile and inaccessible to women in general.  I honestly don't know a single woman who watches the NBA for any other reason than that their husband/boyfriend has it on the TV.  Not even the ones who like college basketball.  But most of the women I know follow a professional sport of some kind, usually football, baseball, golf, tennis, and/or hockey.


Anyway, some specific changes I'd like to see: 


1.) Much harsher penalties for flopping and other attempts to deceive officials, including large scaling penalties for constant offenders.  I'm looking at Harden and CP3 in particular.


2.) The elimination of hack-a-shaq.  You shouldn't be able to intentionally foul a player way the hell away from the ball and have that person shoot FTs.  I think fouls that lead to FTs should be shot by the person handling the ball at the time of the foul.

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I don't want to you to think that I'm bashing bad calls. That's not it at all with the NBA.  Every league has refs/umps that will make bad calls.  That's human error.  That's to be expected and replay can only do do much to assist the calls.


Some things I'd like to see Adam Silver look into and promote a change:


1) Get rid of the Joey Crawfords of the league.  Refs who think they are above the game, part of the game or think fans want to see refs on highlights need to go.  Crawford type refs do nothing but take away from the players and the flow of the game.


2) Get rid of the "carry."  If you watch any kind of basketball on a nightly basis, players basically palm or carry the ball constantly.  If you really look at it, rarely does a player dribble the ball without coming underneath it with his hand. It's rarely called and useless at this point.


3) Expounding on Steve's Hack a Shaq rule.  Make it a technical, two free throws and the ball. If you have to foul at the end of the game, you have to foul the guy with the ball. If a player gets 2 technicals for "Hack a Shaq," he's gone.


4) So many times I've watched a game and see a missed call, then immediately on the next possession, a "make-up" call is made. That means the Ref's head isn't in the game at that moment and he's thinking too much about the missed call. Better training for refs on how to make calls.


5) Flopping doesn't bother me in the sense that, if a player flops and the refs don't call it, play on.  But I can see it being a detriment to the game and I'm not sure if technicals would be an apt punishment.  I'm torn on this.


6) THIS IS MY LARGEST GRIPE- Travelling/Walking- The last time I checked, the rules in basketball state (2) TWO steps.  On numerous occasions, I see three or more.  No benefit of the doubt bullcrap.  Call it. I think someone posted a guy that had the ball beyond the arc and had trouble finding an open man and ended up taking (8) EIGHT pivot steps including changing the pivot foot several times.  That my friends should be an embarrassment to the league.


7) This is my own idea but, would offenses open up if players only had 5 fouls to give instead of 6?  They'd be more apt to playing back a bit or laying off knowing they can't get that 4th foul.  It would also force teams to have a better bench and not go for the Big 3 and a bunch of scrubs. Might make things a little more interesting.


I know some of you guys don't like my posts.  That's OK. I still care about the NBA and it was my second favorite sport growing up in the 80s behind football.  I loved the game and I've seen it evolve into (like Stevemcqueen said WWE-esque) a game that is not very enjoyable to me because I feel it isn't being played to it's best. I still care about the Wizards and I still would like to see the NBA get better.


These are just some of my ideas.  I'm not saying they are right or anyone who has a problem with them is wrong.  It's just my own idea of how I'd like to see the league move forward and make it better for the fans.

Edited by pjfootballer
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I really don't want them to take Hack-a-Shaq out of the game.

It's exploiting a weakness on the other team. It's a legitimate strategy and rewards good FT shooting. If you have that weakness in your game, you should expect it to be exploited the same way if Bill Belichick find a weakness in the opposing LB's talent, he's going to take advantage of it

It sucks the game is coming to crawl for a handful of possessions but you guys are rewarding teams and players for being bad at FT shooting

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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I really don't want them to take Hack-a-Shaq out of the game.

It's exploiting a weakness on the other team. It's a legitimate strategy and rewards good FT shooting. If you have that weakness in your game, you should expect it to be exploited the same way if Bill Belichick find a weakness in the opposing LB's talent, he's going to take advantage of it

It sucks the game is coming to crawl for a handful of possessions but you guys are rewarding teams and players for being bad at FT shooting


Its mainly used against players who are embarrassingly bad at the FT line. If a player can get to around 60%, he's still bad, but teams likely won't go the hack-a-shaq route.


No reason at all a professional basketball player should be shooting below 60% at the line anyway. Swallow your pride and shoot underhand if you have to.  

Edited by StillUnknown
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I guess my perspective is like a guy standing over the pile in football that has nothing to do with the play, getting blindsided by a DB.  It brings nothing to the game to foul a guy away from the ball.


It brings a different level of strategic coaching to the game.  It actually does bring a level of high intensity to the game in terms of can this bad FT shooter actually make FT.


I like it.


They should absolutely add another ref to the floor in an effort to get calls right.


On another front, Embiid has rebroken the same bone in the same foot as before.


Having surgery.




Another big man's career ended with foot injuries.

Edited by PeterMP
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I really don't want them to take Hack-a-Shaq out of the game.

It's exploiting a weakness on the other team. It's a legitimate strategy and rewards good FT shooting. If you have that weakness in your game, you should expect it to be exploited the same way if Bill Belichick find a weakness in the opposing LB's talent, he's going to take advantage of it

It sucks the game is coming to crawl for a handful of possessions but you guys are rewarding teams and players for being bad at FT shooting


Chasing a guy around to intentionally foul him when he's 75 feet away from the ball is no part of basketball at any level of the game.  It's just an obnoxious exploitation of an oversight in the NBA's rules for intentional off-ball fouls and it makes games unwatchable when it starts happening.


I don't have a problem with intentionally fouling a guy to put him on the line when he has the ball in his hands.  But it's dumb when it happens off the ball.


There is a lot of precedent for the NBA changing rules to improve the quality and watchability of games.  In the 50's the NBA introduced the shot clock for a similar reason.  By that point, the game had eventually evolved to a problematic point where teams would get leads and then sit on the ball to run out all of the possessions and make a five point lead insurmountable.  It sucked for fans.  So then in response, teams that were down would start intentionally fouling to end possessions and try and get the ball back.  But then teams that were ahead would start fouling in return to cut off their possessions, and games devolved into long, excruciating free throw shooting contests.  It was horrible.


And that is the combined effect that flopping and hack-a-shaq produces today.  Anyone who suffered through that Rockets-Clippers series saw it first hand.

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I'm sure it will be changed, I just don't think it should.

In most cases the guy being fouled isn't 75 feet away from basket unless he knows he is going to be fouled and stays back while the PG quickly runs up court to try to get a play off.

Its really only a problem for what, less than 5 players? Id rather see the nba take thst up with the coaches to pull these players sooner if they are haunting the flow of the game.

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