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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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Why am I increasingly seeing the Name Change brigade similarly to the Westborough Baptist Church: Showing up at birthday parties and weddings and funerals, with "God Hates Mascots" signs?



i've thought that as well. name change activist are to native americans what westboro is to christians. 


unfortunately, the difference is westboro- and their bizarre, nonsensical, contradictory arguments- was seen as loons by everyone. the activists side is seen by the mass media as legit. 


salistala- you would do better if you engaged people in this thread, rather than just posting your thoughts. you want to tell everyone how you were called 'redskin'? thats fine. NOBODY here supports that. those people were ignorant assholes.

Eradicating Offensive Native Masctory (EONM) says "FOUL"






(is masctory even a word?)



they want no native american imagery? talk to your own people. and stop lying. then maybe you'd get taken seriously. 

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Now that the season is in full swing, and folks are rocking Redskins gear on Sundays, has anyone experienced people coming up to you / talking to you about the name thing?  Like other fans, good or bad, asking you "what do you think about the name?".  I haven't noticed this much, but then again, I've pretty much watched all games at home so far.  Just curious if anyone is seeing a wave of non-Redskins fan bring up the name thing when y'all are out n' about.

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salistala- you would do better if you engaged people in this thread, rather than just posting your thoughts. you want to tell everyone how you were called 'redskin'? thats fine. NOBODY here supports that. those people were ignorant assholes.

I assume that his point was that there are numerous Natives who have had the word "redskin" thrown at them as an epitaph.

Granted, he didn't state that point. But that's the only point he made. (And, IMO, it's a valid one. Although one that's already been made, in this thread.)


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i've thought that as well. name change activist are to native americans what westboro is to christians. 


unfortunately, the difference is westboro- and their bizarre, nonsensical, contradictory arguments- was seen as loons by everyone. the activists side is seen by the mass media as legit. 


salistala- you would do better if you engaged people in this thread, rather than just posting your thoughts. you want to tell everyone how you were called 'redskin'? thats fine. NOBODY here supports that. those people were ignorant assholes.



they want no native american imagery? talk to your own people. and stop lying. then maybe you'd get taken seriously. 


I was trying to respond to Boss_Hogg


Forgive me if I can't navigate the quotes system on this board properly


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salistala- you would do better if you engaged people in this thread, rather than just posting your thoughts. you want to tell everyone how you were called 'redskin'? thats fine. NOBODY here supports that. those people were ignorant assholes.


And I was kind of indirectly answering your question of "why" the word is offensive to me. Not to you personally, but that has been a consistent theme in your posts.


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And I was kind of indirectly answering your question of "why" the word is offensive to me. Not to you personally, but that has been a consistent theme in your posts.




i hear you. and i absolutely can understand how you being called a 'redskin' would make you not like the word. i think its important to understand and appreciate other peoples experiences and perspectives. i think it belongs in the discussion.


i think one point some of us here have been discussing is this- does the use of the word as a slur by some clearly ignorant people dictate that the team should change the name?


clearly, there are native americans who say they are offended by the word. some say theyve been called the word in an obviously negative way. others say theyve never heard it used that way. others say its offensive because its a word that has its origin in scalping. 


this all has to be weighed by the fact that there are majority native american high schools that use the word as their mascot. how, then, can people like harjo, halbritter, and blackhorse stand up and say the team is using a slur as their mascot? it makes it impossible to take their claims seriously when they hold a vastly different view than most of their own people. 


none of this means your experience isnt valid, and i dont think anyone is trying to argue otherwise. there should be discussion and an attempt on both sides to understand each others position, which is what i meant when i said you should engage people. 

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Check out a song called Mr. Custer by Larry Verne. It reached #1 on the Billboard chart this week in 1960. Listen for "Redskin" in the lyrics. The song was recorded as a comic bit, but the lyrics are scary real when imagined through a US soldier's perspective.

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didnt see or hear anything about this, but, were there any protests at the game last night? and, if so, how many were there?

I have never seen any at FedEx, I come in on visitors side, i would imagine a protester would want to be on the home side entrance. I believe the Vikings game will be the game that sees the largest demonstrations.

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i know there were 6 or so protestors from "casa of MD, blacks in govt, and the pg county chapter of the naacp" (irony) last year for the san fran game. 


of course that was the game where the navajo code talkers were honored and wore redskins gear at halftime. 


but, ya, the black and latino protestors were offended for them, apparently.


just wondering how big the protests were, since this was a big monday night game at fed ex vs the defending super bowl champs. 



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Was there a press release about a planned protest? Surely it would have found it's way in here if so.


I expect there to be some sort of anti Redskin activity this coming Sunday.

Arizona would seem like a place that should be able to produce a large protest if the issue was a pressing concern to NAs.  For all the outrage posted on the internet you would think there would be over a hundred people protesting at every home game. Protests or lack thereof at AZ and MN should say a lot about the energy in the change the name crowd .  I expect a big one at MN due to the University taking a stand against the name.

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Was there a press release about a planned protest? Surely it would have found it's way in here if so.


I expect there to be some sort of anti Redskin activity this coming Sunday.



you expect out west where there are more native americans on reservations? ok. 


i would have thought that a monday night game at fed ex vs the super bowl champs would have been a good place to get some publicity vs a non prime time game vs cards team thats still sort of an afterthought.


i mean, harjo lives in DC. the potiical center of the universe is here. the DC govt has spoken out against the name. 


youre not surprised there were no protests? (at least none thats been mentioned yet)

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Arizona would seem like a place that should be able to produce a large protest if the issue was a pressing concern to NAs.  For all the outrage posted on the internet you would think there would be over a hundred people protesting at every home game. Protests or lack thereof at AZ and MN should say a lot about the energy in the change the name crowd .  I expect a big one at MN due to the University taking a stand against the name.


I dunno. 


Part of me says that a bunch of Arizona Natives, leaving the reservation, to go to the Redskins game, will encounter dozens (hundreds?) of cases of outright racism against them, before they even make it within sight of the stadium. 


And maybe the idea will occur to them that they're actually traveling through a really major problem, on their way to go complain about something that is of no importance whatsoever. 




And, I admit.  It's a completely imaginary hypothetical. 

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