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Guys I need recommendations on the next TV series I should start watching.


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Iron first has been taking it on the chin, not just about some seeming controversy (you know),  but more significantly to me, how its quality at every level seems a step down from the standard set by the others. One critic who seems pretty sharp on this stuff said to him it was on the level of the first couple seasons of CW's Arrow. If so, it would be a letdown for sure, but at least not immediately disaster for the series. Hope it's way better than that, though.


I've talked to TK on the phone about my doubts on the casting when it came out---dude does not ssem the least bit believable to me as a MA badass and I'm hard to please. Martial arts (and some people/cultures it brought into my life) was an important deal with me growing up and into adulthood. Unless you have amazing acrobatic moves, you need to look/move like a real-life fighter and preferably if it's outside a ring, a hardcase (statham, while a shrimp, does....jcvd who was never a fighter and is also smallish, does) . Finn Jones looks like a cali guy who does yoga and is in shape  and that's great and all but am skeptical. did see some acrobatic moves in one clip so that helps a little. still.


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4 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

 @Jumbo Bruce Lee ?


of course my #1 and a personal "hero" when he first appeared here as kato on GH and then they brought his "chop-socky" movies over here (along with others like Sonny Chiba etc), much  beloved, a huge figure to me personally as a teenager and i could go on, but without suggesting he would actually be able to kick ass on any other martial artist or "civilian" ever cuz it's far from true.  


i even knew a martial arts instructor living in Anchorage who knew him and i just missed meeting him (Lee) during his years living in SEA :(...but assuming you're asking me about the "standards" thing, while his body mass definitely limits his potency in some ways, his athleticism, muscle mass and strength for his weight, and all the rest that he was, bring his believability way up in the context of movie/tv MA badass-----as I alluded would be the case with others of less than imposing mass/appearance but still excellent skills otherwise in my previous post--like Jet Li and even Jackie Chan, for instance.


But I'm taking this way OT now and I don't even post in the MMA thread. :P

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On 3/12/2017 at 9:35 AM, Broken TK said:

Iron Fist drops in 5 days. :) 


19% on Rotten.   Ouch.  


For comparison:


Jessica Jones 93%

Luke Cage 96%

Daredevil 87%


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1 hour ago, youngchew said:


19% on Rotten.   Ouch.  


For comparison:


Jessica Jones 93%

Luke Cage 96%

Daredevil 87%


Just started it so we'll see. But Daredevil should be 100%. :)

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Two shows into IF. Kinda enjoying it, just not totally sucked into having to binge the entire 13 shows at once like I was with the Daredevil & Luke Cage. Though it seems halfway through the second show one things is being set up long term for either The Defenders or Daredevil 3. 

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1 hour ago, Broken TK said:

Just started it so we'll see. 


Let us know!  


I'll probably watch it eventually regardless 


As I understand all 4 Netflix Marvel stories will eventually merge?


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Well, if you like "12 Monkeys" we get 2 more seasons.  Season 3 will air over 3 nights from May 19-21 and a final Season 4; will air in 2018.







I'd check out ABC's time travel show, "Time After Time".  Basically, Jack the Ripper steals H.G.Wells Time Machine and comes to modern day. H.G. Wells, follows him.   I've seen the first 2 episodes; seems interesting.  I don't know if they can stretch Jack the Ripper killing forever but I've seen enough to want to see where they take the show.

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Bates Motel is in its final season and currently on TV.  It's been a great series and I think they did a fantastic job showing us how Norman evolves into the Psycho we all knew him to be.  They also did a great job of taking the series and tying it in with the movie, making the entire series a prequel to the classic horror film.  


It's an excellent watch, I recommend it to everyone.  The first four seasons are available on Netflix.  The fifth season is halfway through (only 8 episodes) but the first four episodes may be available on demand (not sure as I watch it real time) or A&E might re-air them at some point.  

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27 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Yesterday's episode of 24: Legacy was quite good. Felt more like the throwback Kiefer 24.


I'm really enjoying the series and the new format.  At first I was against the 12 episode format (like they used in 24: Live Another Day), because I want more than 12 episodes.  But I understand why they are going that route and as mentioned before, it gets straight to the point and trims a lot of fat that really isn't necessary to the story.  


Also, the ratings appear to be down compared to Live Another Day.  It got around 6 million viewers while Legacy is getting right under 4 million (don't think the numbers I saw included DVR'd, but live viewers).  


I think Corey Hawkins is killing it as the hero in this installment and as much as I'd like to see them carry on with him, I think what would be best for the franchise would be to follow the format of True Dectective (on HBO) and start fresh with new characters in different locations with a new story.  With some cameos of characters from the original series (like they did with Tony the past two episodes).

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I guess I'm really in the minority on Iron Fist.


I liked it as much as Luke Cage and DD S2. Daredevil S1 is one of the best seasons of TV I've seen in any genre in a decade, so of course I like it more. Objectively it's worse than Cage or DD, but still pretty OK. There was nothing that stole my enjoyment like, say, Amell's lack of acting chops in Arrow.


The main thing professional critics are killing it for appears to be that Danny Rand is a white dude who beats up Asian people using martial arts. I read 5 random negative reviews at RT and all 5 griped on that point in a major way. Major eye roller for me. Seems all 5 also missed the fact that that's precisely the point of the Rand character (West meets East, etc).


At the the end of the day it was worth it, it was enjoyable, and I had no problems with the lead. Dude is in excellent shape for a kung fu practitioner (srsly, if like 5'10" 185 8% body fat isn't "fighting shape" then god help us all).  Only had a couple moments I thought the director should have revisited for a better performance. Of course maybe I'm letting him off the hook too easily because of how the Rand character is supposed to (I thought?) seem socially awkward. The takeout scene is a perfect example.


The few positive reviews at RT said a lot I agree with. The gist is "It's good enough, but not mind blowing." Totally agree. It's a solid B.

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On 3/21/2017 at 0:27 PM, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


I'm really enjoying the series and the new format.  At first I was against the 12 episode format (like they used in 24: Live Another Day), because I want more than 12 episodes.  But I understand why they are going that route and as mentioned before, it gets straight to the point and trims a lot of fat that really isn't necessary to the story.  


Also, the ratings appear to be down compared to Live Another Day.  It got around 6 million viewers while Legacy is getting right under 4 million (don't think the numbers I saw included DVR'd, but live viewers).  


I think Corey Hawkins is killing it as the hero in this installment and as much as I'd like to see them carry on with him, I think what would be best for the franchise would be to follow the format of True Dectective (on HBO) and start fresh with new characters in different locations with a new story.  With some cameos of characters from the original series (like they did with Tony the past two episodes).

That'd actually be pretty cool and I'd be down with that, but this is FOX we're talking about. They're very quick to cancel shows.

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6 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

Anyone else watching Legion. Visually stunning. I like it quite a bit, but feel less than confident recommending it to others because it is so off the wall (which is likely why it appeals so much to me).


I watched the first couple episodes. I was nearly finished 20 minutes in but hung around. Got WAAAAY better. Anyone who picks it up, keep that in mind. The first episode is a freaking slog for a long while but it changes quickly.

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1 minute ago, Skinz4Life12 said:

Anyone else looking forward to The Leftovers season 3 next month?


Me!  Spoiler but not really, as this infochas been known since before the show started 



Apparently we don't ever get an exact answer as to what happened that day :kickcan:


Still love the show.  Theroux and Coon have been awesome.  Ann Dowd is great too but that goes without saying :)

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