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HTTR24-7.com; What's In A Name? Nothing That Has To Do With the Redskins' Karma


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f you saw that and didn’t immediately close the window, thank you for sticking with me. Allow me to explain. I truly believe that you don’t root for the name of a football team; you root for the team. You root for the colors, the players, the coaches. The name is all well and great. We probably have the best fight song in the NFL because of the name.

But ultimately? A name change won’t change the football team. We all know what this football team has done. Changing the name won’t change the fact that we have 28 members in the Hall of Fame. It won’t change the 23 playoff appearances, the 13 division titles, 5 conference championships and 5 world championships (pre-and-post NFL-AFL merger). It doesn’t take 50 gut away. It doesn’t take away 70 Chip and The Diesel’s run. It doesn’t take away Doug Williams being the first African-American quarterback to win a Super Bowl, it doesn’t stop the 1991 Washington Redskins being, arguably, one of the greatest teams of all time.

It doesn’t take away the power and mystique of the Hogs. It doesn’t take away the incredible standing ovation at the Hall of Fame for Art Monk after an induction long overdue. It doesn’t take away Clinton Portis’ first run as a Redskin, or how awesome Sean Taylor was. It doesn’t take away Santana Moss’ catches to get us in the playoffs, it doesn’t take away Cooley’s three touchdowns in a butt-whooping versus the Cowboys. It doesn’t take away the legacy of Joe Gibbs. Changing the name doesn’t take away the legacies and innovative play of “Slingin’” Sammy Baugh and Sonny Jurgenson. It doesn’t take away a 7-win game streak to get into the playoffs.

Click here to read more.

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This debate is history repeating itself. Does no one remember Marshall? He was the owner of the Redskins that refused to integrate the team and had to be threatened with losing his 30 year lease to RFK before drafting Ernie Davis and trading him to Cleveland and stating that there would never be a black player playing for the Washington Redskins. That history is part of the reason that more of the city of Washington's citizens are not Redskins' fans. They would rather root for any other team than us precisely because of that history. As the OP stated history does not change. That history does not change and nor will this history. Quite frankly with all of the complaints related to Dan Snyder and his handling of the Redskins, I would say that I have never questioned his loyalty to making this team #1. I do, however, question his reenactment of George Preston Marshall's refusal to be a part of progress as opposed to being steeped in the debate of the times. I love the Redskins. I have since I was 11 years old. I am now 53. I remember Lombardi, I remember Speedy Duncan, Larry Brown, Charley Harraway, Ray Schoenke, Terry Heremeling, Len Hauss, Chris Hanburger, Roy Jefferson, Jerry Smith (imagine how he would feel about this issue and the issue of gay players in the locker room; he was one of my favorite players) I remember Sonny vs Billy. I remember the 14-7 Super Bowl loss to the Miami Dolphins. I was there. That was pain. With all that said, I do not, sometime in the future,wish to be on the other end of a message board saying that I remember that we had two racist owners in the history of the Washington NFL Franchise. I say that because just as the Redskins were integrated with African Americans because it was the right thing to do, the name will change because it is the right thing to do. I for one do not want Daniel Snyder and George Preston Marshall mentioned in the same breath and for this proud franchise to be a dime late and a dollar short in embracing the things that are really important in this life. The pain of the two Super Bowl losses, the pain of losing Sean Taylor would not equal the pain of losing what this proud franchise means to this community. It may not be popular. It may cost money. But in the end, will we benefit from it or will we again be the villains of the NFL?

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Just how many of these stupid "name change" threads do we need? :doh:

I know it is the offseason, but geez, it isn't THAT slow around here. It's almost bordering on spamming the board with this nonsense.

The name "Redskins" IS part of our identity. It is part of our tradition... it is part of who we are as a team and a fanbase.

Changing the name DOES change a lot.

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If they want to keep the theme just name them the Washington Indians then there is honor an no one should be offended. Logo stays, colors just redskins is gone but wont happen tho, JMO.

It wouldn't end there though. Other teams with variations of native american themes/logos have all been targeted in the past. The Cleveland Indians have received criticism and pressure to change, even the Atlanta Braves, etc, etc.

If we change the name, you can bet they'll want us to change the logo too, and then so on and so forth until in a dozen years or so we'll find ourselves rooting for the Washington Sentinels or some crap like that.


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It does take away from me calling them the Redskins. I don't want to call them anything else. I'm selfish. Sue me. I still to this day hate the name Wizards and will sign any petition to get the Bullets name back.

And I do root for the TEAM with the NAME. It's part of the team. How can you deny the name is not part of the team?

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There's only one solution to this problem. Nothing short of retiring the Native American theme will allow us to move on.

This post inspires me to remember a very, very famous quote by Frank Leahy... I believe it goes something like this:

"When the going gets tough... The tough run out screaming like little girls and give in to ridiculous peer pressure that has turned society into a soft, mushy mess because people are offended by anything and everything nowadays."

Or something like that.

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There's only one solution to this problem. Nothing short of retiring the Native American theme will allow us to move on.

move on from what?

A bunch of internet noise and the usual failed lawsuit by a few people who represent no one but themselves?

the team is ignoring it and going about it's business.

As it should.


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...Did you guys even read the article?

It's funny, when I wrote this...

That’s just how I feel. You don’t have to agree with that, and I’m sure there’s a group of people who will stop reading here and head down to the comment section and tell me that I’ve just take a just crap over everything I listed above. Oh well.

I didn't imagine so many people I knew and respected would actually stop reading and ***** about the name. Because the name change is really just the small part of a much larger point I was trying to make about people like UnWise Mike and the Post.

But by all means, continue to ***** about the name, even though that was not the real point I was trying to make.

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Tell that noise to the Wizards.

The Wizards didn't start sucking because the team name changed, the teams sucks because the owner is garbage and the general manager is more garbage.

---------- Post added March-11th-2013 at 11:10 AM ----------

This post inspires me to remember a very, very famous quote by Frank Leahy... I believe it goes something like this:

"When the going gets tough... The tough run out screaming like little girls and give in to ridiculous peer pressure that has turned society into a soft, mushy mess because people are offended by anything and everything nowadays."

Or something like that.

Thanks for misrepresenting my point. I appreciate it, coach.

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i tried explaining it to my wife but i dont know if she got the point entirely because shes not nearly as loyal as i am.

what most casual fans dont understand is that when your such a big fan of a team that it becomes part of who you are the name is extremely important.

Its all we have that never changes, since ive been a fan every single thing has changed (most things multiple times) except the name. different stadium, coaches, players, owner, etc. etc. but the name remains the same.

If you change the name i have nothing but an expansion team with familiar faces on it

I used a hypothetical and said if in the middle of the night all of the redskins players coaches and owners moved to foxboro and vice versa i wouldnt suddenly become a patriots fan i would buy a tom brady jersey and start rooting for him.

I am a fan of the washington redskins and i honestly think i would be so crushed by a name change that i cant say with any certainty if i would still be a fan,

maybe its partly due to the fact im not from washington and couldnt just pull for the home team, i dont know, but it would be real difficult for me to root for the washington pelicans or something cause there not who i fell in love with.

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