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CSN: Sherman, Browner, Seahawks salute RG3's heart


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he had that stupid grin on his face after Trent smacked him. The "what did I do?" look. It was annoying. I don't care if he did say something positive to RG3 afterwards, but he was definitely enjoying making fun of a hobbled opponent. I hope the Falcons tear them all a new one next week.

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Didn't know our QB getting hurt is considered a defensive adjustment....

That right there.

The Seahawks did settle down and did start playing more sound football, so I doubt we would have scored on every drive for the rest of the game. But to suggest that their defense adjusting to our game plan was the reason we got shut out for the last three quarters is just silly. Even when he tries, Sherman can't figure out how to be gracious.

Oh well. Hopefully Griffin's injury is not career-threatening and we'll get a shot at them again next year.

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I have to agree with Destino and Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin. The Seahags cheat their way into the playoffs (e.g. PED usage), play dirty for long stretches of the game (e.g. the mugging that Garcon received at the hands of their DBs), instigate a physical altercation after the game (e.g. the Sherman/Williams scuffle), and then they wanna play rhetorical kissy-face with us? Heck, they've already logged the W, and our season is ended and RG3 is still re-injured, perhaps badly.

Destino said, "I'm not seeing sportsmanship. I'm seeing a **** eating grin and a guy saying, 'Good game one-leg; you're all heart!'" Bingo.

Have to agree with you also. After everything they did during and after the game, I don't want to hear the fake ass comments. I hope the city and team of Atlanta returns the favor and takes down Sheman (civil war reference) this time.

---------- Post added January-7th-2013 at 10:30 AM ----------

We are playing these biatches next year I believe and I believe this is going to be a home game again. Mr. Sherman you better watch out because I heard Silverbacks don't forget.

They're not on our schedule. We only play the Niners from the NFC West.

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I'm starting to hate that team as much as any other in the NFC East. I really am.

You and me both, brother. They have taken Tampa's spot as my most-hated non-divisional NFC team. I have a feeling the two of us will meet again MULTIPLE times in the playoffs over the next 10 years.

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Seahawks defensive back Richard Sherman said that Griffin was playing great early in the game, but once RGIII twisted is knee in the first half and eliminated his running ability the defense was able to clamp down.

“RG3 was playing great, until he got hurt, he’s a competitor,” Sherman said.

After Griffin got up limping in the second quarter Sherman said the Seahawks saw the Redskins play calling change, which presented an opportunity for Seattle to win the game

Seattle coach Pete Carroll saw the difference too. Heck the whole world saw it.


The whole NFL breathed a sigh of relief last night. Congrats Skins fans!!!! That was still a pretty special start to the next 10 years!

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Taking credit for shutting us down when basically the offense was doomed once he hurt himself in the first quarter. Kyle knew the read option was pointless to call, Seattle wouldn't respect it, since Bob ran like Estelle Getty to the sidelines. Easy to praise after you've beaten him. I'm pretty sure Giant, Eagle and Cowboy fans would have preferred to play the 2nd-4th quarter version of Bob Griffin yesterday instead of the healthy one.

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Taking credit for shutting us down when basically the offense was doomed once he hurt himself in the first quarter. Kyle knew the read option was pointless to call, Seattle wouldn't respect it, since Bob ran like Estelle Getty to the sidelines. Easy to praise after you've beaten him. I'm pretty sure Giant, Eagle and Cowboy fans would have preferred to play the 2nd-4th quarter version of Bob Griffin yesterday instead of the healthy one.

Thats just it. It didn't have to stay doomed, Shanny needed to bench the Kid for the other Kid. Didn't happen these A-holes got a free ride.

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I don't give a damn for them being politically correct.

I'm pretty sure Garçon thinks great about both of them considering all the accolades he got from them during the game.

They can just shut up. They didn't fare well when he was playing healthy.

Still, they should be cautious. They have a QB that loves to go in the open field trying to make some blocks. Should they play a nastier team anytime soon, some defenders might take some easy opportunities to punt their QB out of the game easily.

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I find it funny to how they attribute their turnaround in the game to "adjustments." **** that. It was due to the re-injury/re-aggravation that happened, it's pretty clear. That isn't to say we'd score 56 or anything of that sort but we would have cruised to victory had we just been able to maintain the passing game where it was. We did have a couple of drops that hurt. BUt what hurt most was our best receiver getting facemask-tackled every other play and being targeted all game and hurt due, not to actual play but to bull**** after the whistle.

Maybe. But I personally don't think it's a total coincidence that the Seahawks D held the Redskins to very close to the average points they allowed all season: 15.2/game. The Redskins would have scored more points had Griffin been healthier but the Seahawks lead the NFL in points allowed. They have a very good D that may take them to the Superbowl.

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Maybe. But I personally don't think it's a total coincidence that the Seahawks D held the Redskins to very close to the average points they allowed all season: 15.2/game. The Redskins would have scored more points had Griffin been healthier but the Seahawks lead the NFL in points allowed. They have a very good D that may take them to the Superbowl.

B.S. We barely broke a sweat and mopped the field with them the first two drives with RG3 at about 85%. They lucked into a victory and will be going home next week unless the game somehow gets moved to Seattle.

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Sherman! The Redskins and RG3 doesnt need your "salutes or whatever nice things you have to say"

Learn about sportsmanship...win with class, lose with class.

Agreed 100%. I couldn't give a **** what they think. it's all about what we think about ourselves.

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I do not doubt that if RGIII had been 100% healthy the game would have been a blowout and we would be preparing for Atlanta right now.

---------- Post added January-8th-2013 at 09:35 AM ----------


In all seriousness' date=' I hope those two dirty DBs get lit up in Atlanta. I'll never root for the Falcons any harder than this coming weekend.[/quote']

I hope I don't get flamed for this, but it was fun watching Wilson. I'm looking forward to watching him light up Atlanta.

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The same Sherman that just dissed Redskin fans? The same Sherman I tweeted that we made have the same noise if we played in a giant noise chamber? The same sherman I told to go look up RFK stadium and realize our fans will always be awesome while his fans will only show up if they are having a good season?

Exactly. After a 3-6 start you didn't see us burning our jerseys, or our games blacked out...

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