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CSN: Sherman, Browner, Seahawks salute RG3's heart


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One of my comments to him

Don't even try to challenge the pumping noise allegations because we all know you do it. But of course you would know something about allegations being true even if not proven yet.

At this point, a simple "good game" and turn the page would do a lot some good.

If I were to ask anyone a question, it would be, what's the difference between Sherman saying he's not worried about our receivers, and Garcon saying he isn't worried about Browner?

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At this point, a simple "good game" and turn the page would do a lot some good.

If I were to ask anyone a question, it would be, what's the difference between Sherman saying he's not worried about our receivers, and Garcon saying he isn't worried about Browner?

Sherman compared himself to JC... and he's not a Redskin. That is simply not allowed.

Honestly... I don't care for all the talk. Guys on all teams do it. It's part of the game.

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