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CSN: Sherman, Browner, Seahawks salute RG3's heart


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After a 24-14 win over the Washington Redskins the Seattle Seahawks locker room was jubilant and confident, but almost every player expressed concern and admiration for injured Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III.

“I told him after the game, ‘Man, get healthy.’ He’s a very, very good quarterback,” Seahawks fullback Michael Robinson said after the game.

“He’s a special individual in this league,” Robinson said of Griffin. “The league needs him.”

Robinson, who scored Seattle’s first touchdown on a 4-yard pass from quarterback Russell Wilson, said he was not surprised that Griffin stayed in the game after the first half injury, but the knee clearly affected the Redskins signal caller.

On a few runs after the initial injury Griffin appeared to head out of bounds rather than go for more yardage -- Robinson explained -- a clear sign of limited mobility for RG3.

Seahawks defensive back Richard Sherman said that Griffin was playing great early in the game, but once Seattle settled down and adjusted to the Redskins offensive tempo the defense was able to clamp down.

“RG3 was playing great, he’s a competitor,” Sherman said.

After Griffin got up limping in the second quarter Sherman said the Seahawks saw the Redskins play calling change, which presented an opportunity for Seattle to go after the rookie quarterback.

Seattle coach Pete Carroll saw the difference too.

Cont'd at link

Nice of the Seahawks. Thank you for a great season Robert. You've given us all a lot of hope for the future! :point2sky

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They can suck it. The cheapshots on him in the first quarter should have gotten their guys ejected, Those shots helped hurt RGIII. They should be suspended for the playoffs, but we know that won't happen. But Trent will probably be suspended next year for a couple of games for smacking that punk Sherman.

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Guess it's good to see that even guys who are cheaters and cheap shot artists have to praise RG III.

They make a couple good points though --- it was clear to EVERYONE, especially the Seahawk's defense that RG III was hobbled. They knew he wasn't a threat to break and big runs or convert big pass plays downfield. Unfortunately Shanahan couldn't see this and let it continue.

Unreal that Seattle has ended the Skin's season in all of their last 3 playoff appearances. Unfortunately their team and fans can say whatever they want in that case. If it was the Skins who had ended the Seahawk's seasons in their last 3 playoff appearances then we would all be reminding them of that at every opportunity...

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I'm starting to hate that team as much as any other in the NFC East. I really am.

I feel somewhat the same.

It was an odd mix of emotions when I saw Sherman talking **** to Trent and then getting his face squashed (started to hate sherman)

Then fox immediately goes and shows the Sherman embracing RG3 and what looked to be saying some positive things to RG3. (not knowing how to feel)

I don't like Sherman at all, but it was kinda nice seeing his interaction with RG3 after a game like this.

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Learn about sportsmanship...win with class, lose with class.

I have no use for Sherman (to put it mildly).

But you endorse a behavior foreign to many of our own.

Today has been a huge example of that in many threads, even Redskin fan to Redskin fan.

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I feel somewhat the same.

It was an odd mix of emotions when I saw Sherman talking **** to Trent and then getting his face squashed (started to hate sherman)

Then fox immediately goes and shows the Sherman embracing RG3 and what looked to be saying some positive things to RG3. (not knowing how to feel)

I don't like Sherman at all, but it was kinda nice seeing his interaction with RG3 after a game like this.

I know I might get slammed for this, but after reading those comments and seeing his Tweet after the game, he doesn't really bother me anymore..after all, we have DHall acting a fool on our own team. He was even jawing at teammates today.

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I have no use for Sherman (to put it mildly).

But you endorse a behavior foreign to many of our own.

Today has been a huge example of that in many threads, even Redskin fan to Redskin fan.

Maybe I'm jaded but when I see a smart mouth cheap shot artist singing the praises of the QB that shouldn't have been in the damn game and was a major part of why the Seahawks won... I'm not seeing sportsmanship. I seeing a **** eating grin and a guy saying "Good game one-leg, you're all heart!"

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I find it funny to how they attribute their turnaround in the game to "adjustments." **** that. It was due to the re-injury/re-aggravation that happened, it's pretty clear. That isn't to say we'd score 56 or anything of that sort but we would have cruised to victory had we just been able to maintain the passing game where it was. We did have a couple of drops that hurt. BUt what hurt most was our best receiver getting facemask-tackled every other play and being targeted all game and hurt due, not to actual play but to bull**** after the whistle.

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I feel somewhat the same.

It was an odd mix of emotions when I saw Sherman talking **** to Trent and then getting his face squashed (started to hate sherman)

Then fox immediately goes and shows the Sherman embracing RG3 and what looked to be saying some positive things to RG3. (not knowing how to feel)

I don't like Sherman at all, but it was kinda nice seeing his interaction with RG3 after a game like this.

I would have given credit to Sherman if he would have say the same things about RG3 after a loss, it doesn't take much of an effort to praise an injured opponent you just defeated. After what he said to Trent, that is why I still believe he's a just a jacked up big mouth PED cheater.

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I'm starting to hate that team as much as any other in the NFC East. I really am.

Count me in. Seahawk fans on social media made Philly and the Cowturds seem classy. The complete lack of respect they had shown all week (comments like I hope we don't get criticized for running up the score again blah blah blah) made me wonder if we were playing the 85 Bears.

I have no interest in what Sherman and Browner think about RG3 or the Redskins and the Falcons have another fan for one week only.

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I have to agree with Destino and Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin. The Seahags cheat their way into the playoffs (e.g. PED usage), play dirty for long stretches of the game (e.g. the mugging that Garcon received at the hands of their DBs), instigate a physical altercation after the game (e.g. the Sherman/Williams scuffle), and then they wanna play rhetorical kissy-face with us? Heck, they've already logged the W, and our season is ended and RG3 is still re-injured, perhaps badly.

Destino said, "I'm not seeing sportsmanship. I'm seeing a **** eating grin and a guy saying, 'Good game one-leg; you're all heart!'" Bingo.

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Luckiest ****ing team against us, reminds me of the boys in years past where they would get the luckiest brakes. they basically played a QB that wasn't even at 50% and still we had a lead 10 minutes into the 4th quarter. Cousins starts the second have these biatches would be heading home.

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