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VIDEO: Rob Parker Questions RGIII "Is he a brother or is he a cornball brother?"


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you know what makes me really mad about also, you know the dumb people in the media will ask RG3 about this and that will just gives this idiot and those comments more attention. I hope the Redskins PR says anyone that asks about it is no longer welcomed at Redskins Park and I hope they don't allow ESPN access anymore, because not firing Parker means they agree with these comments

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Love RG3 even more knowing he's a Republican...haha

all these racial debates annoy the heck out of me.

That was made up speculation.

---------- Post added December-13th-2012 at 07:09 PM ----------

All you college educated black folks are Uncle Toms. So sayeth Rob Parker, the new King of all Black people.

Most college educated people vote democrat

---------- Post added December-13th-2012 at 07:10 PM ----------

All you college educated black folks are Uncle Toms. So sayeth Rob Parker, the new King of all Black people.

Most college educated people vote democrat

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"Down with the cause?" Should I keep my head on a swivel when I go out now? I'm gonna get jumped by black dudes now, aren't I? LOL!!!!

That dude is a....well, I don't even know what to say. Actually, I do.

Just Wow! Poor Robert. Dude is one of the coolest, most down to earth, gifted athletes I've ever seen, other than pre-porn Tiger :), and RGIII can't catch a break. Parker might as well have called him an Uncle Tom. What a ****ing moron that dude is.

By the way...I knew this was coming. I wish people could realize how special this kid is and leave out the race driven analysis. Although, I did get caught up in it trying to defend Robert a few months back.

People didn't give him credit early on b/c they thought, "Surely, he's going to collapse at a moments notice. He's a black quarterback. He can't throw accurately or make sound decisions." Horse ****!

Now people know he's the real deal and we (Mr. Parker) want to fault him for being intelligent and charismatic?

Off soap box.

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That was made up speculation.

Maybe, but I've researched it a little bit and he was Poly-Sci major at Baylor, and it seems like his views are somewhat known. I could be wrong. If it bothers you if he is, you probably won't have to worry about it because he isn't here to polarize people when we have football to play. When he's done with that, maybe we'll know, but I respect him for not dividing people over something that isn't the matter at hand. I'm a Libertarian, so leftist leaning television and movie stars often pound the drum so hard, that it gets in the way of their job as an entertainer, and it has bene known to ruin the odd show or movie for me here or there, and it sucks. I like that he keeps this stuff close to the vest.

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Ridiculous and hilarious at the same time, but the thought that occurs to me is, you know one guy that doesn't give a single thought to this? Robert Griffin. His upbringing shines through every contact he has with the media, he is not defined by what others think. Bravo to the Griffin family for the fine job they've done :applause:

We have this incredibly intelligent, articulate, personable media superstar here that if anything ought to be the absolute gold standard for what young males ought to aspire to and somehow, he's not _______ enough, black enough, urban enough, whatever................ mind officially boggled

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Exactly what cause should RG3 be down with according to this person??? After listening to this it reminded me of my teenage years (70's) when I lived in low income housing. There was 1 black kid my age living there who unlike many there had no issues with the law, did not smoke, drink or do any drugs and had an exceptional GPA in high school. Many within the predominate black population living there who did not appreciate his traits gave him a hard time and half joking told him he was "acting white"

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QUOTE Greenspandan} Most college educated people vote democrat. And so do many celebrities,doesn't really mean anything. I know many educated people who vote Republican. One should really vote based on the individual and the issues. I would venture that it is possible RG with his military up bringing might vote along conservative lines.Bottom line for me is RG3 conducts himself on and off the field in a manner that is exemplary.Mr. Parker would do well if he conducted himself in a fashion near the way Robert Griffin does.

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I would imagine you would have a better chance of finding a Republican with the last name of Kennedy in Massachusetts then finding a Democratic Texan from a military family. But, what does that have to do with what how he plays quarterback. On a side note, it really upsets me that a black television personality feels the need to attack someone for 'not being black enough' because he is a good role model. RG3 exudes all the qualities I want my son to have (except maybe the republican thing) and this loser is calling him a cornball. A new low, even for ESPN....

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Several hours after an ESPN commentator questioned whether Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is authentically black, ESPN said those comments were out of line.

In a statement released by an ESPN spokesman, the network said, “The comments were inappropriate and we are evaluating our next steps.”

It will be interesting to see what those “next steps” are, and whether they lead to the commentator who made the comments, Rob Parker, to lose his job. When another ESPN commentator, Rush Limbaugh, made racially charged comments about another quarterback, Donovan McNabb, that ended up being the last day that Limbaugh appeared on ESPN’s NFL pregame show.

Cont'd at link


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Honestly there is no reason to talk about this crap. First take has devolved into the most ridiculous round table of blowhards on sports related television. Skip Clueless is a travesty by himself. I for one refuse to ever watch that show again. Hopefully more people follow suit so that this crap doesn't pollute our airwaves anymore.

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