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Thoughts of a Negative Poster


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So... am I a homer in your eyes? I just think some people try to see the bright side of things and don't have a problem with that. Why let it bother you so much b/c others have a different opinion?
I don't know your posting history. From this exchange, my only opinion of you is that you are argumentative and not a serious threat in debate.

Why am I bothered? Your question is answered by the OP.

Anything else?

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I don't know your posting history. From this exchange, my only opinion of you is that you are argumentative and not a serious threat in debate.

Why am I bothered? Your question is answered by the OP.

Anything else?

I'm just telling you to lighten up a little, that's all. Sorry my 'debate' skills don't stand up to your obvious level of mastery. :ols:

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Why would anyone take advice from a smartass?

Okay, now we are resorting to name calling? Sorry I disagreed with you...

---------- Post added December-12th-2012 at 08:47 PM ----------

He didn't read the thread and didn't read the OP either. He's just throwing crap against the wall.

Seriously? I read EVERY word in your OP. Seems like you are just looking for dissent and/or attention. You got what you were looking for.

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I've been into sports and pulled for teams in games for decades. All kinds of sports, all levels from kids' leagues on up through college and pros, etc., etc.

I wonder, of the games I've witnessed over the decades--the ones where I was pulling for one team to win--am I .500?

Any statistics-savvy people out there know?

I'd say that 60% of the time you were right every time.:ols:

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Your posts are rarely boring and always intelligent. That's my number one compliment for an Internet poster.

We seem to disagree as often as we agree, but that doesn't matter to me and I know it doesn't to you. Consequently, I don't worry about the wording of my posts when we disagree. I do have a habit of not qualifying every opinion with "I think" or "IMO," which makes me sound more arrogant than I really am. But, I don't worry about that when we exchange opinions.

I think of you as a friend. .....

The feeling is very much mutual. But you know that already.

Thank you for the kind words. You flatter me, but that's my humble nature. I'm smiling at the above, and your mention of our exchanges when we've often disagreed over the years. One of the main things I've always appreciated about your style, for want of a better word, is your eloquence and perfect debating ability. It's always appealed to my analytical, cerebral nature. You challenge me or anyone else crossing swords with you, and I love that ability in a poster. I think that's what really lies behind a lot of the heated debates you often seem to find yourself in. The fact you never lose your cool and always have a great response that frustrates the living p out of those that don't. Without wishing to stroke your ego, watching a great debatist (new word?) is like watching a great craftsman at work. And when you really go at it, you certainly fall into that bracket.

I may of mentioned it before a time or ten, smiles; but love you or hate you, what can't be denied is the rich fabric of this place of ours is a whole bunch better off with you a part of it than not.


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... Without wishing to stroke your ego, watching a great debatist (new word?) is like watching a great craftsman at work. And when you really go at it, you certainly fall into that bracket...
Thanks, Man.

The term I prefer is Master Debater, but when you say it aloud please don't slur your words.

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I am one of the 89% crowd. I choose not to read to far into things because I prefer to be excited even if I will eventually be let down. Yet I do agree with you and understand what you are saying.

Not everyone thinks like this. Its fine if you are negative about what the team does because you are choosing to look at it in a more realistic way.

Feedback only works if there is positive and negative points.

You dont want to hate the moves the front office makes, you want to love them you just dont agree. I respect that.

I on the other hand try to get hyped when we sign Albert Haynesworth and hope he is the dominant force we all wanted. Taking up triple teams. In the end I was wrong. So I cant tell someone that was negative on the move they are a "hater" because I was the one that was wrong and actually was a idiot. :)

But in the end, message boards should be fun and annoying. Just dont go to far out of line.

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Thanks, Man.

The term I prefer is Master Debater, but when you say it aloud please don't slur your words.

:ols: There was an old kids BBC show that you've doubtless never heard of called Captain Pugwash, derived from some children's books, that had such luminaries among the Pirate Crew as Master Bates, Roger the Cabin Boy and I'm gona' venture Seaman Staines. (Though that last one may be my furtive imagination, lol.). You can imagine the hilarity that ensued among my peers way back when at the BBC being totally oblivious to the sexual double entendres.

Certainly not something they'd get away with in today's day an age. Such an 'innocent' time to grow up, lol.


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I write this to encourage more negative voices in this forum. I'm not referring to those who enjoy second guessing every coach's decision that fails or those who trash players beyond reason. I'm encouraging those who try very hard to be realistic...

I reject the notion that realism equals negativity. Logic and honest analysis does not have to be negative nor does honest critiquing. If you are attempting to be fair or unbiased almost by definition you shouldn't be negative. You should be objective.

The fact that you are seeking out negativity on a board which all too often is Norvous and prone to almost bleak cynicism seems odd to me. That said, there is room for all types of fandom from the cheerleader to the most dour eyeore.

I tend towards honest hopefulness. After all, football is escapism. It's not life, death, family, or anything critical. It is community, joy, and other. As someone who enjoys chess and debate myself, I certainly appreciate the joy that can come with logic, dissection, and analysis, but I also find pleasure in screaming, cheering, and rooting for the home team with illogical abandon that says that a 6-6 team with a history of losing can beat a 9-3 perrenial playoff team... or that a 3-6 team has a shot at the playoffs.

After all, a negative person can't really consider those possibilities although they may get greater joy from the surprise of having their negativity proven false.

---------- Post added December-12th-2012 at 09:31 PM ----------

:ols: There was an old kids BBC show that you've doubtless never heard of called Captain Pugwash, derived from some children's books, that had such luminaries among the Pirate Crew as Master Bates, Roger the Cabin Boy and I'm gona' venture Seaman Staines. (Though that last one may be my furtive imagination, lol.). You can imagine the hilarity that ensued among my peers way back when at the BBC being totally oblivious to the sexual double entendres.

Certainly not something they'd get away with in today's day an age. Such an 'innocent' time to grow up, lol.


Having watched Monty Python and seen and read much British humor I don't think such word play is ever accidental.

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I guess hindsight forgets that in that Jason taylor trade example we had lost two defensive ends on the first day of camp. . It wasn't like the FO just went shopping for the hell of it.

A second was too high, but we had definite need.

What about the times the negative poster is wrong?

negativity is easy. In sports, the ultimate measure of success is a championship, and they are very rare.

In such, the negative take is always the easiest because it comes true more often.

Some folks think about it and give good reason for the negatives they are on about.

Most don't.

So i'd hope you'll encourage thoughtful negativity, not just ****ing for the sake of it.


Good post, Bang! I made the same point on many occasions during the JC era about the people who were down on him at every turn. I would just add that even if certain posters give 'good reasons' for their bias against a given player or decision, it's clear that in many cases this is just a veneer of justification for the knee-jerk reaction they made before-hand. As another poster pointed out earlier, being realistic and grounded are key rather than outright negativity. In short, Oldfan seems to be asking for more objectivity. As a group we can never be, nor should we be, completely objective; fan is short for fanatic, after all.

(Anecdotally, our bank teller was a Skins fan the other day and she asked me what I thought about our upcoming games. I gave her an honest response and then added that I was more concerned with where we will be in two or three years rather than this year. I have never seen a more puzzled expression on someone's face in my life. She honestly could not comprehend why I would rather we stumble this year instead of a few more years of rebuilding into the future. Of course no stumbles would be better, but that's not reality and if making the playoffs this year means not making the playoffs next year or the year after when there's a better chance to actually win in the tournament, then I know which one I'd choose. Cuz it's all about Lombardis, baby!)

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When Vinny Cerrato traded draft picks for Jason Taylor, a poll showed that 89% of this membership favored the trade. That kind of fan support has been typical for the major moves made during the Snyder era -- the hiring of coaches, the major trades, trading draft picks for veterans, and the big name free agent acquisitions. I think the solid support for the organization can be attributed to the Homer Phenomenon. The homer sees everything Redskins through a burgundy lens. It's an ego-based bias, in my opinion. < staff edit to comply with rule 11--- violations normally = 1 week ban>

It does not take much to be both a pessimist and a cynic.

You will eventually be proven right... it is always safer to be a pessimist and even more so to be both a pessimist and a cynic.

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I think the timing of the thread is what's confusing me a little too. We should all be excited at this point knowing we could make it to the post season, or at the very least, that the team is significantly improving. I'm trying to figure out why you chose to start a thread like this right now.

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Not one of your finest moments here, Oldfan.

Weird timing.

This thread was inspired by one begun the other day complaining about the quitters amongst us. The author was referring to the posters of the type who inhabit the gameday thread I'm told (I don't participate) but a few of the posters in it took it a step further to register the usual homer complaints about their fellow members who they look down on as negative posters.
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my problem is that so many fans just don't make it fun watching this team. this team is one of our hobbies. Why am i going to think negative and stress myself over something that i can't control. I will always try to think the best of any situation for the skins even though i might not think it may or may not be the best move. Will i support every move? No, but im sure as hell going to root and cheer and hope every move pans out

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Personally, I don't care for oldfans posts. Not the negative aspects of them, but the pseudo intellectual diatribes that lean heavily on statistics (even though he admits statistics are "bunk") that are pulled seemingly, from the posterior region. I also can't stand the fact that his posts are not meant for discussion (this is a discussion board after all), because a discussion consists of two sides with differing opinions arguing various points of merit. Try exercising this with OF. Please. You'll be shot down, belittled, and called various names like "homer". He clings to his ideas without the slightest intent to move one inch from them. After all, he is one of the "intellectual fans". In debates, we were taught that these types of arguments quickly can degenerate into strawman tactics. They become pointless after a while. You might as well be shouting into the wind. I stopped reading and replying to his posts long ago. I don't know why I am now except that he hits a nerve with me. Maybe that's really his intent?!? In any case, having a differing (or negative) opinion with regards to how this team is run is the right of any responsible fan, but being negative for the sake of negativity is just exhausting. What do I know, I'm sure ill be summarily dismissed as an uninformed homer.


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