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Please don't shout O during the National Anthem this weeknd.....


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I don't yell anything during the anthem, in fact I usually bow my head and reflect on my family members who served and the atrocities that they witnessed first hand so that we can live in a free country. I don't mean that in a morbid way, it's just something I have always chosen to do even back in my playing days.

However, I am a free speech and expression kinda guy. I love the fact that we can have a dispute over what is appropriate or not during the playing of our national anthem. Like others have said, it means different things for different people, therefore I am not upset when people scream "O. As a kid going to Memorial stadium to watch Cal and Eddie play, it was one of my favorite things. :)

I don't like it when people do it now, but I LOVE the fact that they can do it. It's kinda like when all those protesters showed up at the Oscars to protest The People vs. Larry Flynt. If not for people like Larry, those people wouldn't have been allowed to protest in the first place. Hail.

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Here's an interesting question for the "it's disrespectful" crowd;

If a decorated member of our military service, a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, or maybe even Vietnam or something, is a lifelong Orioles fan, goes to an Orioles game, and joins in singing "O!", after laying his life on the line to protect his country...is he being a disrespectful douchebag idiot?

Yes, though I could almost guarantee you that a situation like that would be few and far between (damn near non existent probably), and quite frankly, I would find it hard to believe... I'd be astonished. I also think it's kind of lame to even use that as an argument. Someone who's risked their life to protect our country, and probably watched others die for it, would be the last people who would do something like that.

Although chanting during the national anthem doesn't seem to be a big deal to some people in this thread, I personally feel that it is one of the more disrespectful things that you could do, though I'm sure some people don't realize how disrespectful it is, and usually use that "free speech" thing to justify it. I'm sure that if they got away from the self absorption, and took a few minutes to think about it, I'd hope that it would eventually register as to why that would be considered disrespectful, and would stop.

And people who have served in the military hold a higher level of respect for the national anthem than a civilian who's jumping at the chance to chant something instead of waiting, properly paying respect (which won't kill him btw) and then going about his business afterwards.

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Here's an interesting question for the "it's disrespectful" crowd;

If a decorated member of our military service, a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, or maybe even Vietnam or something, is a lifelong Orioles fan, goes to an Orioles game, and joins in singing "O!", after laying his life on the line to protect his country...is he being a disrespectful douchebag idiot?

I would also say that it is FEW and FAR between.

This is a video of the United States Navy, Air Force, Military, and Coast Guard performing a choir performance of the anthem at the Superbowl between the Eagles and the Patriots. Which around 1/3rd of the country witnesses the ENTIRE game, with OVER half of the country watching parts of it. Along with many many countries around the world. If for some reason we had a Superbowl game and all of our Redskins fans who are O's fans shouted that. I would be so embarrassed to be included with you honestly. This is again, just my opinion. I think there is a bigger picture here that a lot of us are missing occasionally.

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Yes, yes. I'm sure our founding fathers and the men and women who fight to protect us do and did so with the knowledge that their efforts to uphold our countries values like free speech would be thrilled to know that people disparage entire other groups of people as self-absorbed douchebag idiot fratboy morons who do nothing but disrespect our country every time they do that stupid chant.

Funny how the "free speech thing" is only supposed to protect the speech people like. 3/4's of the people in this thread would defend the name "Redskins" to the death even though it's a racial slur that was hurled at Native Americans in a disparaging and negative manner. But that name is okay because it's got "history".

What some people will and won't defend...

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Yes, yes. I'm sure our founding fathers and the men and women who fight to protect us do and did so with the knowledge that their efforts to uphold our countries values like free speech would be thrilled to know that people disparage entire other groups of people as self-absorbed douchebag idiot fratboy morons who do nothing but disrespect our country every time they do that stupid chant.


No one's going to go around beating people up, or kicking them out of the stadium, and arresting them (hopefully) just because they want to be disrespectful, but that is a far cry from not calling it what it is. And I'm sure that people who have fought and died for our country, upholding values such as free speech would be thrilled to know that they did so for someone to exercise their right to be an idiot, which free speech unfortunately doesn't protect you from.

And as I said in the tailgate, I'm no tthe type to get in somenodys face and demand that they stop singing it, but it is a little disheartening to hear about it, or see it.

Funny how the "free speech thing" is only supposed to protect the speech people like. 3/4's of the people in this thread would defend the name "Redskins" to the death even though it's a racial slur that was hurled at Native Americans in a disparaging and negative manner. But that name is okay because it's got "history".

What some people will and won't defend

That has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, but I don't like that either. It's a pretty ballsy thing to tell someone what is and isn't a racial slur, especially if they aren't in the group of people that it is being directed at. But that is another thread for another day.

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Well, a mystery for me solved by this site as I had no clue why folks yelled O during the national anthem.

Personally, I am not a fan of that and I think it is a bit disrespectful.....i guarentee I will not join in on sunday.

But, I find it far more disrespectful that some do not bother to stop what they are doing during the national anthem. I mean, fans still coming into the stadium, searching for their seats, talking......that bothers me a lot more than yelling O.

Saw one team this season at fedex.....think the bengals....where the whole team lined up in a rowon their sideline during the anthem.....i thought that was classy of the coach to have that policy.

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I also hate when so called "artists" put their own twist on it. The song has notes and words and represents our country. Sing/play it right. But that's for another time.

I got called out for this in the original thread. I'm with you 100%.

This thread is different because it's asking us not to say "O" since it represents Baltimore. I am NOT an Orioles fan and will not say "O" ever. For me it also has to do with respect for the anthem. They used to say, "Just say no." I say, "Don't say O."

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This is why you stand and be silent

To honor the country, and the brave men who have given the last measure of them selves, so you have the freedom to stand there and make a complete ass out of your self, thinking in your mind that you are some how so cool, and such a rebel and non conformist.....Get Over Yourself!!!......It's about something MUCH Greater than you and a dam city where you come from
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The bottom line is that "unpopular speech" is just as important to our nation as "popular speech". Scream "O" if want, or call others out for being disrespectful if you want. Either way, be thankful that you have that choice.

The only "O" I will be shouting at the game will be when Kerrigan rips Flacco's helmet off and beats him senseless with it. :)

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Lets not rewrite history people and declare this song as more important than it is. Sing the notes the same? It is what our founding fathers would have wanted?

The music is actually from a british tune and that with the poem did not become our anthem until 1931 by one of our greatest presidents.....Herbert Hoover.

Stand Silently, Sing it, walk to your seat, yell O, Don't....do what ever you want not because the first amendment "allows" you to but because we are different people with equally valid, different opinions.

Unless your opinion is in favor of any other team than the Redskins :)

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Here's an interesting question for the "it's disrespectful" crowd;

If a decorated member of our military service, a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, or maybe even Vietnam or something, is a lifelong Orioles fan, goes to an Orioles game, and joins in singing "O!", after laying his life on the line to protect his country...is he being a disrespectful douchebag idiot?

Absolutely, although I would dearly hope they would not engage in such douchebaggery.

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As a lifelong Orioles and Redskins fan, you people are really putting me in a quagmire here. My Dad's from the Baltimore area (but is now a Redskins fan after the Colts left), my Mom's from the DC area, and when I was a kid the only teams we had were the Orioles and Redskins. Nationals fans love to hate on the O, and I suppose if you truly feel it's disrespectful, I can understand that. Believe me when I say that I love this county with a passion and I want nothing but total and utter destruction for those who take up arms against her. But the O doesn't make you unpatriotic or disrespectful. Again, if you really don't like the O for patriotic reasons, fine. However if it's nothing more than an extension of the hatred you feel for a team or a city, I'd question your motives. With that said, I do think that Washington fans are just a slight bit hypocritical in a sense because for so long they hated on the O, but yet everyone shouts RED at Caps' games. As a Caps fan also, I don't have a problem with that, although it is in effect taking a page out of Orioles' fans book. I've even heard Caps fans yell O, but I'm told it has nothing to do with the Orioles...it supposedly stands for Ovechkin.

I sing the entire anthem while it's being played, and I stress that one syllable/word. The same is true at Caps' games, however in Atlanta they tell their anthem singers to sing "the home of the BraveS." That's actually changing the song, which I feel is wrong. But to each their own. With all of this said, I'm a Redskins fan through and through but I also pull for the Ravens when the two teams aren't playing each other. Obviously this week I'm pulling for the Ravens to lose and in effect they're nothing more than the opposition, however you can count at least one person wearing burgundy and gold who will yell O during the anthem. Say what you wish, but the Orioles are as much a part of who I am as the Redskins.

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