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Is D.C. a more attractive landing spot for Free Agents now that RG3's success/skill has become clearly apparent?


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With all the RGIII threads buzzing about I'm a bit apologetic to the mods for adding yet another to the heap but I was wondering, are we now MORE attractive to Free Agents now that RG3 is really, truly looking like the real deal? I know we're getting ahead of ourselves sometimes with these RG3 threads but I wondered about this today & I'm of the opinion he's already raised our relative appeal due to his abundant skill and his (what seems) natural leadership. Could we attract some veterans who want to come (and at times for lesser money) in order to win? The Pats have been the envy of the league it seems for years as older vets have declined more attractive deals in exchange for the chance to win the Lombardi hardware and a big fat ring. Your thoughts?

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I think so. For sure. Winning helps. And so does money. But having RGIII is a great marketing tool. I remember hearing about players wanted to play with Vick, that players were fans of his and they wanted to be a part of what he was doing.

The way people, even rivals, have talked about RGIII, I think it's inevitable.

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Oh for sure. Did you see the NYG D-Line after the game? Nothing but praise. If he can get the rest of the Redskins to follow him, I'm certain he's got the attention of more than a few free agents looking at Washington like a great landing spot, ripe with potential.

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I disagree, these two have a lot of enemies around the league, mostly in the union, which includes most players. lol.

I was referring to the salary-cap hits for this year and next year (which never seem to be brought up in the RG3-Luck debate...hmm...). Also, the owners seemed to enjoy taking the brib...er...penalizing our cap.

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Free Agent's that are looking to win super bowls and be a part of something great? Absolutely! Free Agent's that are looking for a pay check and somewhere to settle down? Absolutely not, because they know they will be held accountable by the rest of the team.

I think DC will be a VERY attractive landing spot for future Defensive Coordinators. I believe after we can Haslett once the season is over, we can easily try and attract some of the best 3-4 DC's. Who wouldn't want to be the DC for the next best thing in the NFL? DC's certainly wouldn't want to be facing RG3, so I'm looking forward as to who we will bring in.

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Honestly, I would rather draft RG3 type players at other positions. I want us to develop our own players and only rely on free agency only when needed. This offseason we need WRs and got them. We will do that again with our secondary next year.

You need top 5 picks to get players like RG3 at other positions lol.

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Unless you're a team like Cleveland, where even with lots of money people stay away, the biggest thing is cold hard cash.

Luckily Snyder has that angle covered, with Bruce Allen and Mike Shanahan there to focus him like an expensive laser.

Of course, if there's 4 or 5 teams competing for one guy with similar money offers, having a good team and great QB does help. I think Garcon mentioned that he was offered the same deal to go to SD, and chose us because of RGIII. If we can lure even just one guy away using RGIII as a chip every couple years (in addition to the guys we just give more money), he'll be a huge factor.

---------- Post added December-5th-2012 at 06:23 PM ----------

You need top 5 picks to get players like RG3 at other positions lol.

Unless you get really REALLY lucky and land a JJ Watt type at 11.

But at the rate we're going, even when we get 1st rounders back we won't have a pick earlier than 20 until RGIII retires.

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I was referring to the salary-cap hits for this year and next year (which never seem to be brought up in the RG3-Luck debate...hmm...). Also, the owners seemed to enjoy taking the brib...er...penalizing our cap.

Well then I don't disagree with you at all. Yeah they liked it, but the players don't .

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To the points being made about FA's. RG3 is a player that is going to elevate the level of any player. He's like a George Washington on his white horse. The rest of the team KNOWS this isn't temporary. I like our mindset, we have the class and confidence to turn any "diamond in the rough" FA we can get our hands on. I don't want to be labeled as a team with expectations (i.e. Eagles Super Team) I want us to set our own standard, not the media.

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Absolutely. Drafting RG III is one of the reasons Garcon wanted to come here. He got probably similar money from Cleveland but the QB situation put us over the top. I think secondary players are certainly going to want to come here. The Redskins are a team headed in the right direction and are in a big market as well

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everyone loves this guy.. i have NEVER seen opposing defenders praise a guy like they do him.. and I don't mean in the press later, I mean on the field during the handshake, win or loss.. JPP is in awe of him.

in the press, you know they'll just say the pat response.. but you can tell their awe when they'r asked about him after they've played,, the pause they take before they give the pat answer is very telling.

His play .. who on offense wouldn't like to be a part of that?

His charisma.. he's irresistible. He inspires confidence, he's a natural leader.

Unfortunately, for the superstars in waiting, i'd say we should be done shopping for big names for a while. It's time to tweak what we have on offense , look for depth, and fill in defensive holes.


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It's hard not to get giddy like a 10 year old child on Xmas morning when I think of the potential. I read a story today about how Cam Newton "big timed" alot of veteran players at last year's (2012) Pro Bowl and how much they hated him doing it and how much of a diva the guy really is. RG3 seems just like he's from another planet in comparison. We are damned lucky to have this guy folks.

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