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Is D.C. a more attractive landing spot for Free Agents now that RG3's success/skill has become clearly apparent?


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You need top 5 picks to get players like RG3 at other positions lol.

This is so very far from the truth (not trying to offend). See our very own Butler for exhibit A. Check out this link. This is regarding the All Pro team & not the Pro Bowl popularity contest-the real all star team. You find WONDERFUL players in all rounds and sometimes as undrafted free agents. VERY few of the players listed here were top 5 picks. You gotta get lucky (and go through film over and over and over and...) in the draft. Their conclusion, "There are very few patterns that guarantee successful drafting, and that the adage that you can find good players all throughout the draft — and sometimes afterward — holds true." is absolute truth. We have to work hard in scouting and unearth every gem we can find. Exciting times! :helmet: HTTR


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I suppose it does not hurt. But money had always talked most, which is why the Redskins historically do not have much trouble in this area. You're generally not going to get real top flight guys in free agency anyway. So it does not seem like a big deal either way.

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Absolutely. It's not just for offensive skill positions, but for defenders too.

Why? Our running game. Our offense burns through clock and keeps the other team's defense on the, and our defense off it. Defenders will want to come play for a team that has an offense that can take care of them too.

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I would expect that with the offense doing so well with limited resources, free agents in our thin positions would be lining up to sign with the Redskins. Especially defensive players. If you have an offense that puts up 26 points a game, you know you have half the puzzle figured out and by stepping in to the weaker side of the team and helping them get to at least mediocre, you could be setting yourself up for multiple playoff runs over your time in D.C. If I were a player who valued winning most, how could I not look at this situation and be excited?

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I hope not.

Granted, our draft selection is limited, but I'd rather re-sign some of the guys we have now and grab some rookies. I want a positive and uncontested locker room, and I can't help but be concerned that our recent success will attract distracting elements.

It's up to Shanahan and Allen to pick the right guys though, and we don't have to bring in bad guys if we don't want too. They've already done a decent job getting hard working guys. Bowen, Carriker, Cofield, Monty, Lich, Chester, Wilson, and Garcon, all came through FA during this term (in addition to a couple stinkers like Brown, but hey, no one's perfect). If we become more attractive so long as we're willing to keep pace with salaries, we more or less start getting our pick of FAs, and can get the right ones as opposed to problem guys.

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