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Previews of Coming Attractions: Upcoming New Movies (Thoughts and Info on Movies That Don't Have Their Own Thread Yet).


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All good, Mumbo Jumbo!






Disney CEO Suggests Indiana Jones Will Be Rebooted After Part 5

Iger then said, while he doesn’t expect Indiana Jones to be as large of a franchise as Star Wars, they will make more than just the one film. “I don’t think it reaches the scale of the universe of Star Wars, but I see making more. It won’t be just a one-off.”


Cutting through all of that, basically Iger said this: They’re making Indiana Jones 5 with Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg. That’s the “continuum.” From there, they’ll try a “reboot,” or at least “more” Indiana Jones films.




Edited by Chew
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You know what would be a bad Indiana Jones movie? Imagine if they paired him with a stereotyped short asian kid who spoke broken english, dropped him out of an airplane on an un-inflated raft, had Indy inflate the raft in mid air while staying inside the raft, have that raft miraculously fall onto the mountains full of snow (without killing anyone inside the raft from the impact), have it slide down the mountain, and then over a cliff and fall hundreds of feet into a ravine, again without killing anyone in the raft.


Then, further into the week, have Indy drugged, whipped, and mind controlled by an evil cult like figure who likes to pull still beating hearts out of people while they watch (even with their hearts pulled out they are living somehow).


Now that..that would be a bad movie and would ruin that franchise forever.

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Jesus. I don't know if my heart can handle another Crystal Skull quality movie.


bruh, it was so bad.  legit hurt my feelings as I walked out of the theater LOL


Now that..that would be a bad movie and would ruin that franchise forever.



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To me, the problem with Crystal Skull wasn't the ridiculous fridge scene. Indy movies are full of those type of improbabilities and logic bending stupudities. It was casting that moron to play his long lost son. It killed any future collaborations between the two characters, which could have been an interesting angle based on how well Indy and his Dad worked so well for people in the Grail movie. Of course, Connery helped a lot with that. Cate Blanchett killed in that movie though. Best bad guy of any of the movies. She stole that movie for me. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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To me, the problem with Crystal Skull wasn't the ridiculous fridge scene. Indy movies are full of those type of improbabilities and logic bending stupudities. It was casting that moron to play his long lost son. It killed any future collaborations between the two characters, which could have been an interesting angle based on how well Indy and his Dad worked so well for people in the Grail movie. Of course, Connery helped a lot with that. Cate Blanchett killed in that movie though. Best bad guy of any of the movies. She stole that movie for me.

Temple of Doom was the worst of original 3 but is still light years better than Crystal Skull. Everything about that movie was awful, including the aliens, the CgI, the acting, the casting, the stunts (fridge, vine swinging, waterfall in a jeep, pyramid collapsing) the plot, the aliens, the aliens....hmm...oh "knowledge was their power", shoehorning now ugly Mary from Raiders back in there for some type of forced closure..Mutt...I'm just saying. It was awful.

Temple had some dumb ideas but kept a lot of the classic Indy traditions and had some iconic funny lines such, "we. Are. Going. To. Die!) Plus that mine cart scene is an all timer

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You know what would be a bad Indiana Jones movie? Imagine if they paired him with a stereotyped short asian kid who spoke broken english, dropped him out of an airplane on an un-inflated raft, had Indy inflate the raft in mid air while staying inside the raft, have that raft miraculously fall onto the mountains full of snow (without killing anyone inside the raft from the impact), have it slide down the mountain, and then over a cliff and fall hundreds of feet into a ravine, again without killing anyone in the raft.


Then, further into the week, have Indy drugged, whipped, and mind controlled by an evil cult like figure who likes to pull still beating hearts out of people while they watch (even with their hearts pulled out they are living somehow).


Now that..that would be a bad movie and would ruin that franchise forever.


This negates all of that


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To me, the problem with Crystal Skull wasn't the ridiculous fridge scene. Indy movies are full of those type of improbabilities and logic bending stupudities. It was casting that moron to play his long lost son. It killed any future collaborations between the two characters, which could have been an interesting angle based on how well Indy and his Dad worked so well for people in the Grail movie. Of course, Connery helped a lot with that. Cate Blanchett killed in that movie though. Best bad guy of any of the movies. She stole that movie for me. 


Not just the fridge, but there were was a bunch of bad stuff like Shia swinging on vines and then the old man and Karen Allen are along for much of the ride and throughout it never felt like anyone was in any real danger. On top of all that they focused on some weird relic and had aliens involved. 


Temple of Doom was an odd one but it was sandwiched between 2 great ones and there are enough cool scenes.

Other than Blachett who I agree was great, there wasn't much good memorable stuff from Crystal Pepsi, err skull.

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Still patiently waiting for a trailer for "Passengers."  Movie was "officially announced" in December 2015.  It releases December 2016.


Been 7 months.....nothing.  Cast is strong.





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It's been a long time since I read the books, and honestly, I never read the later ones in the series. I always thought the Dark Tower books could potentially be turned into great movies, and think I first learned they were in the works on this message board. Last I heard, I thought Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman) was slotted for the gunslinger role. That role is going to be played by Idris Elba. Apparently, the first movie is a lot closer than I knew. Seems like it's not going to follow the books, which is probably good. I have no idea how they would make all the stuff with Blain the train not corny. Also McConaughey as Randall Flag. Looking forward to this when it finally comes around.



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