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The Veep Debate


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What in the hell do the Democrats have to do to WIN one of these things?

"We don't want a guy to be Presidential and solemn, we want fire and passion, but we don't want too much fire and passion, too much is rude!".


Fire and passion is good, but looking like a jerk isn't...at least in this type of setting.

Also Biden near the end was good, but he may have caused a lot of people to tune him out earlier.

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Fire and passion is good, but looking like a jerk isn't...at least in this type of setting.

Also Biden near the end was good, but he may have caused a lot of people to tune him out earlier.

And Romney didn't look like a jerk by interrupting and flat out lying and bogarting time that wasn't his?

Is it me? Am I just not getting something?

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I actually thought Biden & Ryan were both turning up the "smarmy-ness" meter up tonight. It seemed obvious that the debate preparation notes included instructions to "constantly stare and smirk and make faces at your opponent, the way Romney did....it looks like strength"

Did you see the way they both didn't ever want to drop their eyes when the other guy was talking?

Biden had his laughing and smirking, while Ryan had his smirking and head-bobbling going on on overdrive.

On the substance of the debate however, I believe Biden came off as the better of the two with overall a lot more insight and knowledge on many of the issues.

Ryan's "I'll throw out a bunch of random #'s and %'s to the crowd because they agree with me anyway" routine was not getting the job done tonight. He often looked over his head on issues, especially foreign policy where he could never make up his mind if he agreed with the President on something or if the President was making us more vulnerable than ever before.

It makes me wonder if the 2nd Presidential debate will now attract a larger than normal audience due to Biden seeming to even things up.

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Except when Biden was whining about time

How many times did the VP of Smurk cry about time?

Honestly, I don't know why you bother posting.

You are one the most (if not THE most) biased individuals on this site. You are totally incapable of seeing more than one side to an issue and you add nothing to any discussions save for occasionally making remarks that are SO outrageous they spawn conversation based solely on how ridiculous they are.

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Biden lied about Catholic institutions not having to pay for contraceptive coverage

Monday the Catholic Church filed 12 different federal lawsuits against the administration on behalf of 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations ranging from local Catholic Charities to parish schools, hospitals, and colleges. The lawsuits are in response to last year's ruling by the Department of Health and Human Services, known as the HHS, which mandates all healthcare plans must provide sterilizations and abortion-inducing contraceptives for free, with an exemption for churches only, not broader religious organizations. Only churches which serve solely the members of the same faith are exempt; religious organizations which serve the general public are not covered—the most narrowly defined "conscience clause" ever adopted under federal law.


It was the point Ryan was trying to make when the moderator cut him off


""In my view and the Supreme Court, I'm not going to interfere with that. With regard to the assault on the Catholic church, let me make it absolutely clear, no religious institution, Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic Social Services, Georgetown Hospital, Mercy Hospital, any hospital, none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact."" (Biden)


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Biden lied about Catholic institutions not having to pay for contraceptive coverage

Monday the Catholic Church filed 12 different federal lawsuits against the administration on behalf of 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations ranging from local Catholic Charities to parish schools, hospitals, and colleges. The lawsuits are in response to last year's ruling by the Department of Health and Human Services, known as the HHS, which mandates all healthcare plans must provide sterilizations and abortion-inducing contraceptives for free, with an exemption for churches only, not broader religious organizations. Only churches which serve solely the members of the same faith are exempt; religious organizations which serve the general public are not covered—the most narrowly defined "conscience clause" ever adopted under federal law.


It was the point Ryan was trying to make when the moderator cut him off

It's interesting because apparently the Catholic church isn't as opposed to contraception as it once was.

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Yah imagine when Ryan sits across the table from Putin

Ryan is coming off like a total *****. (aka cat, for the filters). The alpha wolves of global politics will love him. It would be like throwing Richard simmons into a max security prison

Biden's hot-tempered lack of self-control, is being understated and mistakenly labeled as "confidence".

When it comes to world affairs, where the slightest wrong move can start another war, I'll take the mild-mannered, contemplative, self-controlled man, over the knee-jerk man currently sitting in the VP seat, anyday.

GOP: "It is rude to interrupt while we're lying."

How could a man be lying, when he hasn't even finished his sentence ?

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I used the word midwesterner to point out his 'politeness', not his cluelessness.

I've seen you insult someone twice on one page, and do exactly what you are accusing IHOP of doing.. Bringing nothing to the debate.. In typical bad liberal fashion.. When you are perceived as losing something, many of you will start in with the name calling. Take it some place else, leave the adults(the thinking libs and cons) to talk about the issues please. Thank you..

Perhaps it was poor planning on the part of Ryan but it seems like he got cut off about 3 times right as he was getting to his point.. Need to work on that. Biden looked outmatched sorry..

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Honestly, why do they even have these Veep debates?

Veeps do nothing and only are there to wait for president to die.

The 2 debates that will matter are the 2 remaining Presidential debates. Obama wants to regain the Big Mo and crush Romney for good; then Obama is the one who has to destroy Romney next week. Get in his face, call him a liar, etc... Romney wants to finish OBama off; he has to do the same thing but do it in a nice way.

I really don't think the final debate- which will be foreign policy will be as important unless there's a major foreign policy event. Obama needs to call on Romney on all his lying and flip flopping. Expose Romney for the fraud that he is. If Romney wins that debate; then the momentum might be too much for OBama to stop.

Tonights veep debate is just a blip, sideshow. The real thing is on Tuesday and then the following Monday. Oh, Biden thinks he should run in 2016? Biden will not last long.

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I've seen you insult someone twice on one page, and do exactly what you are accusing IHOP of doing.. Bringing nothing to the debate.. In typical bad liberal fashion.. When you are perceived as losing something, many of you will start in with the name calling. Take it some place else, leave the adults(the thinking libs and cons) to talk about the issues please. Thank you..


Crying about me insulting people, then insulting me three times in one post.

THEN claiming that Biden was outmatched? Are you joking? Were you watching a different debate?

Ryan had little substance whatsoever and tried to rely on anecdotal stories. Biden won.

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I just love this...

A week ago, all I heard was about how Romney had to attack, how he couldn't sit back and look diginify, he had to go in there with passion and fire and emotion, no matter the cost. And he passionately lied his ass off for an hour and a half while interrupting and bogarting time...and he won.

All I heard this week was that Biden had to go in there and he couldn't look dignified, he hard to go in there with passion and fire and emotion, no matter the cost. And he passionately called Ryan out on his bull**** while interrupting and bogarting time (though less so than Romney...and he loses because he was rude.


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