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Do you Feel the cause of R3G getting hurt is due to Kyles game plan, run run run.


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C'mon, somebody had to have heard that last segment on Mike & Mike regarding RG3. I swear, even from all the way over here in Delaware, I could hear the collective heads in DC just exploding after that segment. To recap, they both agreed (based on tk's comments on PTI last night), "Let the kid play". Let him run, don't change who he is. I think the most shocking part was when they compared him to vick coming out of college, just pouring adoration over the kid (was a bit awkward). Overall a good soundbite if someone can find it, immediately made me think of all these threads concerning him running the ball. "Let the kid play!"

I think I my take on this is "let the kid throw". Using his legs is important in that it sets up other things and he can always turn a broken pass play into a first down by scrambling but I am more and more convinced he is going to develop into a QB who hurts you most with his arm both inside and outside the pocket. Its time to take the training wheels off and feature the pass more - not that we should abandon the running game but its the pass that scores you points in the NFL today.

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RG3's injury has NOTHING to do with the playcalling. The concussion he received on that hit has NOTHING to do with any kind of compounding from other hits he's had this year. The play itself was not even a designed running play. It was RG3 trying to make something out of nothing, which the coaches have repeatedly tried to teach him he needs to let some plays go and throw it away or slide. In fact, Kyle exposed RG3 the least out of any of our 5 games so far this year against Atlanta. How on Earth can any of you say this is on play calling/Kyle? He basically had RG3 playing pure pocket passer on Sunday.

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We gave it to Morris on 18 of our 48 plays. That isnt abandoning the run. This aint the 80s when you can Riggo Drill every play.

This. When you only have 48 plays, and 10 third downs with only 1 conversion, 18 touches is a lot.

Remove the third downs and 18 of 38 plays went to Morris. That is almost 50% of the plays.

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I think RGIII trying to get extra yards instead of running out of bounds or not throwing the ball away when he should've is what got him hurt...my opinion...learning experience for him...can't be upset that he wanted the extra yardage...but defenses are just as fast as he is on this level...they're coming after him just like they do all QB's at this level....

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This. When you only have 48 plays, and 10 third downs with only 1 conversion, 18 touches is a lot.

Remove the third downs and 18 of 38 plays went to Morris. That is almost 50% of the plays.

Agreed with both this and the post this references. Morris actually had 19 plays because one pass went to Morris in the flat. If you take out the two-minute drill in the 4th quarter when Cousins was attempting a comeback, it shows even more just how much Morris was leaned on throughout the majority of the game.

You cannot just look at the box score and determine "the Redskins abandoned the run" without examining the totality of the game. Abandoning the run is not what happened.

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Agreed with both this and the post this references. Morris actually had 19 plays because one pass went to Morris in the flat. If you take out the two-minute drill in the 4th quarter when Cousins was attempting a comeback, it shows even more just how much Morris was leaned on throughout the majority of the game.

You cannot just look at the box score and determine "the Redskins abandoned the run" without examining the totality of the game. Abandoning the run is not what happened.

And part of the issue is that we have no one to spell Morris. In Houston, you can at least put in Tate for a few plays while Arian Foster catches his breath. Grant and Royster didn't play a whole lot of snaps and usually, they came in for a play, then Morris was back out on the field.

We keep running Morris that way and he'll have dead legs by the end of the season. 18 carries is plenty considering he was the only guy on offense really doing anything.

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I prefered RGIII over Luck for many reasons...but one big reason was his athletic ability, abililty to move and escape the initial rush, extend plays. Something in the way of Young, Elway, Tarkenton, and others who used their speed and evasive ability to their team's favor. There is a difference, however, between that and designing plays for your QB to run college options. I am not in favor of that.

The play on Sunday that he was hurt was not a designed run, but rather RGIII trying to make a play. While we want our QB to make plays......like the run he had against the Sucs that setup the game winning FG.....he needs to be smarter about taking hits. He was not going to get into the end zone on that play....so should have either passed the ball away, or run out of bounds. Easier said than done for our young QB.....but as others have said, this may be a wake up call that will lead to a better decision process for him.

If this is the worst injury he receives this season....it will have been a good year.

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How on Earth is this thread still going? RG3 only had two runs last weekend, and neither of them were by design. The previous week he was raising his arms in the air after handoffs to avoid hits. It is quite clear to me that Kyle, if anything, is taking pains to protect the franchise QB, not the other way around.

---------- Post added October-9th-2012 at 06:57 PM ----------

EDIT: Quoted rant redacted (wisely I think). Therefore, my response also redacted.

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If a thread title hurt your ****ing feelings so bad then maybe this isn't the ****ing place for someone like you to hang out! I'm already half tired of the few hundred smart mouth *******s who think they are analyst on tv. Most are just pure anal period! If you don't like a thread, title or anything else, then ****ing roll NewClit ch! I have NO patients for people like you!


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How on Earth is this thread still going? RG3 only had two runs last weekend, and neither of them were by design. The previous week he was raising his arms in the air after handoffs to avoid hits. It is quite clear to me that Kyle, if anything, is taking pains to protect the franchise QB, not the other way around.

---------- Post added October-9th-2012 at 06:57 PM ----------

Whoa. Get a grip dude. Not to play junior mod, but methinks you might get a time-out for this one.

If so it would be too bad, as some of your posts (like this one for example) are comedic gold. "patients"? "pure anal"? yikes . . .

I hope I don't get in trouble for quoting this, but I simply had to respond.

Sorry to all you Redskins fans who dont jump on fans, try to embarrass them or be disrespectful to others. I was pissed and drank way too many when writing this main thread, but no since in any one on here trying to put me down or disrespect me. I have no patients for A-holes and never will. I never called him a name or did anything to get banned, but if they chose to do so because I don't take peoples **** then so be it. But no offense to you especially Con, I enjoy good Redskin fans to chat and conversate with. Hopefully our team will turn it around and for the love of God can we please have at least 1 season we dont lose stars and hal;f the team to injuries.

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Sorry to all you Redskins fans who dont jump on fans, try to embarrass them or be disrespectful to others. I was pissed and drank way too many when writing this main thread, but no since in any one on here trying to put me down or disrespect me. I have no patients for A-holes and never will. I never called him a name or did anything to get banned, but if they chose to do so because I don't take peoples **** then so be it. But no offense to you especially Con, I enjoy good Redskin fans to chat and conversate with. Hopefully our team will turn it around and for the love of God can we please have at least 1 season we dont lose stars and hal;f the team to injuries.

Its okay bro, I know you are a big fan and a long-time member, I just thought your angry post was a bit too much.

I think the topic is kinda silly, as do most people it seems. I can kinda see why you would get defensive since most people are mocking your topic, I just think you might tread a bit more lightly with the rude comments. My advice is to take a chill pill, but I'm no mod, so take it for the two cents it is worth.

Also, and sorry to be that guy, but I think the word you are looking for is "patience."

Probably a good call to edit that angry post, and I have edited my response. Hopefully nobody gets the ban hammer as it was merely a bit of a knee-jerk response it seems.


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No, RG3 scrambling when he probably should have thrown is the reason he got hurt.

Lets not try and blame-shift here.

yep i agree,, this is what happens when you have a running qb,,, they usually don't last too long in the nfl,,got to play smarter. that will come with experience and gettin hit a few more times

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We--as in the Atlanta fanbase--had this issue for so long with Vick (and now Philly gets to deal with it :)) but this seems to be a characteristic of most scrambling quarterbacks. One of Vick's biggest issues is actually his ability to prolong plays, because he just doesn't know when to take the slide or throw the ball out. So far it looks like RGIII seems to have the same issue. While it's unfortunate he got hurt this time he also got knocked pretty hard the week before. The sooner he understands his value and needed caution with his athletic ability the better for your team. It's not so much a characteristic of play calling as it is just the issue with not letting broken plays go because you have the athletic talent not to.

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