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WP: Chris Cooley and wife Christy divorcing after four years


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You're not being classy, respectful, or discreet by going "I know the reasons, and you don't, but I'm not going to say them, because you know it's personal, but he's not a good dude and it cost him because of his immaturity, but I'm not going to say what because its personal"...you're trying to inflate your own ego at being an "insider" on a blasted internet message board by slinging dirt and insinuations around while attempting to ACT like you're not the message board equivilent of a National Inquirerer muck raker. They get stories right at times too, doesn't make their actions any less classy.

Whatever hapens with them, I hope they sort it out in a way that leaves both of them amicable and on their feet, and go from there. Unless there's anyone on this board living with the two of them, none of us know the full extent of both sides of what their married life is like and why or how this came to be no divorce is singularly predicated on one and only one issue. The TMZ mentality of our culture to have to delve into and analyze the private lives of those in the public eye just saddens me to a point.

I agree 100% concerning those that actually SAT on it in terms of credit for not just being decent, but respectful and classy, human beings.

Continually hinting about it, vaguely mention it, or making implications of it and then quickly going “but no no, I can’t say anything” or “you just don’t know” is not sitting on the info.

I can’t remember ever seeing LL give any implication what so ever towards the more personal end of the spectrum from the posts I’ve read, so props to him on that. I can’t say that about others though.

I agree with you 100% and am tired of all this stuff coming from people about his personal life. What is going on with his personal life and more importantly his marriage is no ones business but the two people involved. It has absolutely nothing to do with what Cooley gave this organization as a player for all the years he was here. Cooley was and always will be a great Redskin and was a class act concerning the football part of his life, which is what should be important to us as fans.


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I agree with you 100% and am tired of all this stuff coming from people about his personal life. What is going on with his personal life and more importantly his marriage is no ones business but the two people involved. It has absolutely nothing to do with what Cooley gave this organization as a player for all the years he was here. Cooley was and always will be a great Redskin and was a class act concerning the football part of his life, which is what should be important to us as fans.


But our fanbase can pick and choose when to comment on the personal lives of other players around the league. I've seen it PLENTY of times on here.

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I agree with you 100% and am tired of all this stuff coming from people about his personal life. What is going on with his personal life and more importantly his marriage is no ones business but the two people involved. It has absolutely nothing to do with what Cooley gave this organization as a player for all the years he was here. Cooley was and always will be a great Redskin and was a class act concerning the football part of his life, which is what should be important to us as fans.


Did you actually read beyond the post you quoted and think about some of the points made therein? Some people seem to be unaware that your personal choices in your "free time" can most decidedly impact your job security, or at least be seriously factored in, so this "grand announcing" that it "means nothing" in that regard is simply more opinionated flatulence. Most of us don't know what it did or didn't mean in that regard.

Anyway, I liked Cooley in his prime as a player and really liked his affection for the 'skins, but broadcasting your dick (to pick an example) across the internet while being a Redskin is not "being a class act" regardless of how one tries to minimize it by claiming it's not part of his "football life." In many fields what you do (depending on the specifics) on your free time can reflect on your organization and many folks are often fired for such behaviors. Many people know they might have serious trouble with their jobs if they did the same. I, of course, received a trophy when I did it. :)

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But our fanbase can pick and choose when to comment on the personal lives of other players around the league. I've seen it PLENTY of times on here.

One thing this thread is doing, much like the Sally J. WaPo thread, is drawing out the "unthinking" (being kind) found in a variety of views of various "sides", often stated with typical misplaced surety of their rightness. It is both traditional to the venue and no big deal in reality, no matter who thinks what, of course. :)

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But our fanbase can pick and choose when to comment on the personal lives of other players around the league. I've seen it PLENTY of times on here.

Look I'm no saint and I'm sure I have been guilty of it myself at one time or another. In my humble, and maybe misguided, opinion unless it has to do with a crime or something that can cause the organization embarrassment it probably should be left alone. In this digital age it seems we have become over critical of athletes and forgotten that hey they are human and will make mistakes or decisions that some might consider wrong or foolish. Like I said I'm sure at some point I myself have become caught up in gossip that I shouldn't have been, but dang this stuff just gets way out of hand sometimes and people forget about their own mistakes and/or screwups. Just my humble opinion.


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Cooley was and always will be a great Redskin and was a class act concerning the football part of his life, which is what should be important to us as fans.

The original post bothered me too. At the same time, we can't be the pot calling the kettle black. Most of us still call Mike Vick scum for the dog fighting. The personal part of their lives is open to scrutiny. It's no different than any other celebrity. They know what they are getting into when they make the big bucks.

It just is what it is.

Edit: Deleted comment about twitter post because I am to lazy to look for a link to it.

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Did you actually read beyond the post you quoted and think about some of the points made therein? Some people seem to be unaware that your personal choices in your "free time" can most decidedly impact your job security, or at least be seriously factored in, so this "grand announcing" that it "means nothing" in that regard is simply more opinionated flatulence. Most of us don't know what it did or didn't mean in that regard.

Anyway, I liked Cooley in his prime as a player and really liked his affection for the 'skins, but broadcasting your dick (to pick an example) across the internet while being a Redskin is not "being a class act" regardless of how one tries to minimize it by claiming it's not part of his "football life." In many fields what you do (depending on the specifics) on your free time can reflect on your organization and many folks are often fired for such behaviors. Many people know they might have serious trouble with their jobs if they did the same. I, of course, received a trophy when I did it. :)

Look I don't feel the need to get in a heated debate with you seeing how there is no end to it as it deals with opinions and it seems you have yours and I have mine so I shall just agree to disagree. Having said that might I point out that if we were to talk about being "classy" I might have something for you to ponder. As a mod I am sure you are aware that we have younger viewers on this board that read things and you guys have done an excellent job with the filters in place. Now if we were to talk about being "classy" as a mod don't you think there is another way to describe Cooley's genital area than how you went about describing it? It's so easy to get caught up throwing stones at others before looking at yourself, which I am guilty of myself. Just something to ponder.


---------- Post added September-13th-2012 at 05:53 PM ----------

I think that one was well expressed, Shadowfire. :)

Thank you sir.

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While I get both sides of the argument here, the more I think about this I'm beginning to feel like the people who are criticizing Chris have every right to (along with whatever opinion they have on the matter). The fact is Cooley has "put himself out there" on more than one occasion (his own doing mind you), and most of the people screaming "it's none of our business" in this thread didn't really seem to give much of a crap during his attention whoring shenanigans (or blatant immaturity-you decide) .

He, himself, never seemed to be bothered by attention from the media/fans/etc. In fact, it sometimes came across as if the attention was wanted (maybe "needed" is a better word?). So, when something like this happens to him, you can't expect people to just sit back and proclaim, "oh it's none of our business, so how dare you make these claims/accusations about him", and not got any backlash from those types of comments. Sorry, but it doesn't work like that. He's put himself out there to be scrutinized. You can't blame people for talking about this or having some rather harsh opinions towards him.

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You know if it was Haynesworth or McNabb in the news getting divorced people would be on it like hounds on a stag and there wouldn't be one single "Oh that's their personal business, give them a break" post

We all really need to be a little more judgmental around here! Shape up people!

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But our fanbase can pick and choose when to comment on the personal lives of other players around the league. I've seen it PLENTY of times on here.

Just like Certain posts on here can pick and choose when they want to ***** about people making Cooley threads and when they want to defend a Cooley thread being made and continued.

You're correct. People, by and large, are hypocrites and inconsistent in their view points. Sad fact of humanity

---------- Post added September-13th-2012 at 08:22 PM ----------

broadcasting your dick (to pick an example) across the internet while being a Redskin is not "being a class act" regardless of how one tries to minimize it by claiming it's not part of his "football life."

Simple question here.

Was the intent of his picture posting to "broadcast his dick across the internet" or was he taking a picture of something else entirely, for an entirely different point, and by accident and without his realization at the time caught his dick in the picture?

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The original post bothered me too. At the same time, we can't be the pot calling the kettle black. Most of us still call Mike Vick scum for the dog fighting. The personal part of their lives is open to scrutiny. It's no different than any other celebrity. They know what they are getting into when they make the big bucks.

For me personally, I understand the appeal people have of talking about private lives. I also think there's significant differences between talking about ILLEGAL activity and relationship issues between two individuals. If Chris Cooley backhands his wife, bloodying her face, and has the cops called on him I have a far better understanding, on a personal level, of people talking and voicing a personal opinion on him about that as it passings beyond troubles of a couple to troubles with the Law. But even beyond that, I don't have a strong issue with people wanting to talk about the private life of a public individual....it's PART of being public.

My issue has singularly been with the individuals who seem to have a sad need to stroke their own egos on a random internet message board by gaining a rep as an "insider" by continually skirting the line of being the online equivilent of a National Enquirer reporter, dishing out personal dirt on people, and a somewhat decent human being whose not trying to "out" the private life of a couple through continually throwing out statements of innuendo and implication of misdeeds. To me, it's a do your business or get off the pot type situation. If you want to get down in the mud and sling it about, then get down in the mud and sling it around and say it. If you want to act like a class act and respect peoples privacy, then shut your mouth and do that. It's the "Oh...he's not a good guy. But I can't tell you why" type comments over the past few weeks or the "Oh, there's a LOT more to it, YOU just don't know but I do but I can't tell you but just trust me...." things that were my personal issue.

I can't speak for others, but that was my thing. Do I think trying to dig into the private life of a couple is a good thing to do? In general, nope...but I don't really begrudge people who do it. I just have issues with those who try to act like they're good and sparkling clean while happily mucking through the mud. Pick a way you want to act, and own it. Think Chris Cooley is a crappy guy who sleeps around on his wife and smokes constantly while partying? Cool, if that's your opinion or thoughts on it and you think you have facts to back it up, more power to you. It's a message board, it's a place to share opinions with others, that's the whole point. No problem there. If you love Cooley and think he's great and could never do anything wrong and as such you never want to hear anything possibly bad about his personal life, okay as well. No real issue with either of those things and much in between, as long as you're actually be honest and forthright.

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Now if we were to talk about being "classy" as a mod don't you think there is another way to describe Cooley's genital area than how you went about describing it?

It's fine with me for you not to know it, but people who do know me here know that 95% of the time I am very deliberate and precise with my wording when not joking. Just as I was in that case. It was very deliberate (it's a term I would almost never use) and very appropriate to the point being made.

As to the context you attempt to place the remark in, it is quite misplaced. As is any attempt by you (and most anyone else here) to instruct me or think to "enlighten" me on "most appropriate" board behavior in any context. No ego or attitude intended, just fact.

Additionally, mods are not here to provide any "role model" for anyone. Nor are we somehow "less free" to enjoy all the latitude of expression we grant you. What we are here for is to donate a lot of valuable time while putting up with a fair amount of nonsense (a serious understatement in more than a few cases) for no pay. We do this out of love for the 'skins and ES, so this can be the best board we know how to make it---which seems to be going quite well.

That fact that we actually do present so many amazingly admirable qualities for you to emulate should be considered a bonus. :D

Now, any approval or disapproval you personally have of my using the term, however, is absolutely fine with me. None of this is any actual problem as far as I am concerned, amigo. :)

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You're not being classy, respectful, or discreet by going "I know the reasons, and you don't, but I'm not going to say them, because you know it's personal, but he's not a good dude and it cost him because of his immaturity, but I'm not going to say what because its personal"...you're trying to inflate your own ego at being an "insider" on a blasted internet message board by slinging dirt and insinuations around while attempting to ACT like you're not the message board equivilent of a National Inquirerer muck raker. They get stories right at times too, doesn't make their actions any less classy.

Thank you.

The only reason this thread should still be open is to let us know if we can still buy CC47 sculpted beer steins in Leesburg.

No, really, that's all I want to know. I thought the gallery was originally give or take for his wife. But I want me some clay beer steinige.

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Wow. This thread really caught my attention. Just read the entire thing and there are a lot of good points.

To add my own.........If you hint at knowing something but can't say what it is, remember, this is a message board. Know your intended audience.

Most are left to assume he cheated, and in a bad way. This will illicit different responses from different people. Some will imagine she is a perfect wife, accomodating in every way. He thought that was weak and showed her a video of his escapades while chewing on a cigar and lauging mob style. (what an arse he is!!!!) Some may say he cheated because she became less and less supportive of him over the years and became disengaged from the marriage both emotionally and physically. (ok, that's a stretch)

Maybe those who are "in the know" truly know all the details and are being respectful. And when I say all the details, I mean getting the information straight from Chris or Christy.

Whatever happened, I think no less of Chris or Christy.

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Okay---just gonna throw this out there.

If this was Fred Davis, the wolves would be out to take the biggest chunk of meat out of him that they could. This thread would be full of "well that's what happens when you smoke pot, oh of course he cheats on his wife, I bet he got someone pregnant, this is not the kind of player I'd ever want on the Washington Redskins representing my team!".

When Fred represented himself in court, people were up in arms about what a disgrace it was, insulted his intelligence, said they wanted him off the team, that he wasn't even that good, that he wasn't a good Redskin. Never mind the fact that it was a local story that got no play nationally and was largely a personal issue that had nothing to do with the Redskins. Some of the same people sticking up for the whole "respecting people's privacy" thing raked that guy over the coals with absolutely no remorse for something that was pretty much a private matter of no consequence to the team.

I get it; Cooley was a white guy who was a playmaker at a time when we had no playmakers whatsoever, and that earned him a lot of good will with fans who conveniently ignored the less savory, more selfish stuff as Cooley just being "Captain Chaos". Post his junk on the internet? "Oh, it's just Chris." Post pictures of his playbook? "Oh, it's just Chris". Cheats on his wife (by which I mean his FIRST wife.) "Well at least he's with a cheerleader now, wink wink nudge nudge." Goes out of his way to get media attention? "Just Captain Chaos." Whines about playing time or not getting opportunities? "Oh well, it's just Cooley."

A lot of the "leave Chris alone" bullcrap is just another example of giving Cooley a pass because he played well for us at one point. Just like you have a right to defend him, people have a right to speculate. But let's not pretend we treat all players who play for the Redskins with the same level of respect, because as has been said, if it was someone on a NFC East team---hell, if this had happened with Davis, or Trent, or whoever the "I'm not so sure this guy is good" guy of the moment is, they'd be getting annihilated by this fan base. You can't have it both ways.

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I honestly don't care...

As long as guys aren't getting arrested or whatever, it doesn't bother me. I've always accepted the fact that some athletes aren't "Nice guys," "Role models." or whatever the hell you want to call it. There really isn't anything that's out there (media wise) as far as I know, and people that know aren't willing to devulge that info, so there really is no reason for me to care...

I loved the guy as a player, but that's where it ends for me. That's all I have to go on. Whether he's on the team or not really doesn't matter that much to me either, considering that he's at the point in his career where he isn't really an offensive threat.

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You're not being classy, respectful, or discreet by going "I know the reasons, and you don't, but I'm not going to say them, because you know it's personal, but he's not a good dude and it cost him because of his immaturity, but I'm not going to say what because its personal"...you're trying to inflate your own ego at being an "insider" on a blasted internet message board.

I agree, the posting of the thread is whatever. Personal lives of athletes get put out in public all the time. But bragging about having "inside sources" and how you know more than whats being let on is just weird. Really weird.

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