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WP: Chris Cooley and wife Christy divorcing after four years


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NLC posts from the heart, so to speak, with a lot of passion that sometimes is slightly troublesome. Still, it's anything but trolling. I find it nice to hear people's opinions that aren't the same ones you heard all day in the media. Fearless ones, that aren't put through a security check before they're expressed, and that's the beauty of this message board.

By 'security check', I mean things like- no one's really allowed to point out the color of anyone's skin. Most of the time, it's silly and pointless, sometimes it's actually pertinent to a discussion, and rarely is it ACTUALLY a hateful racist statement that one should be 'ashamed of themselves' for. Your response is acting as if he said something very hateful and racist. As is usually the response, but it shouldn't always be. Rather than some hateful viewpoint, it was an observation of how others act. Instead of being so offended and shocked, if anything, you could have just got him for being a dummy and starting a race discussion lol.

Cooley's "pass from the fans" (which is arguable really...plenty of Cooley bashing out there) I think has more to do with his personality, and the way he does these things that others would be hated for (posting stuff on the internet etc). Now, we don't know these guys personally, so we have little to go on. They're judged under a different set of rules, we only see the surface. And to many people, maybe older people, whatever, there's just this subconscious thing that says "oh, he's white". NLC isn't saying anyone's going all white pride racist and supporting the white guy. It's not in a bad way, it's just an observation, and it's at least reasonable to figure some people use that in their judging of players, even if subconsciously. We see 'oh my goodness how dare you' responses to things like this all the time and I feel they're usually just a little too politically correct. ...are you really offended...?

Still, I think it's just Cooley's personality. Some people are just like-able. There could be people hating on RG3 right now ("oh, he's black") for being all over commercials or wearing goofy socks or whatever, but they don't because he's a like-able guy. Like Cooley. So I agree race doesn't matter at all in this, but I'm stickin up for NLC, it's just an interesting thought/observation. No biggie.

I agree and disagree with you at the same time.

That is NLCs opinion and that is fine. It is possible that there are people out there that actually take race into consideration in this. I just feel like it usually is an opion that is better left unsaid because of the emotions that come with it unless there is hard evidence to support that theory, then it should be discussed without a doubt.

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It looked like Moss was on the bubble and on his way out. Then he showed up in camp in the best shape he's been in a long time and worked his ass off and earned a spot. "The people" (i.e the guys on the podcast; if you don't want to say it I will) pretty well admitted they were wrong about Moss and they all had him making the squad as training camp progressed.

I wasn't being specific about "the people" and I'm only vaguely aware of "the podcast". You have me wrong if you think I'm trying to point fingers at anyone in particular. There was a clear and distinct movement among much of the board that we needed to move on from the era of Cooley/Moss/Portis (and this is one that I don't disagree with, at-least in sentiment). My point was that Cooley was a member of this group, be he white, black, green, or purple.

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I wasn't being specific about "the people" and I'm only vaguely aware of "the podcast". You have me wrong if you think I'm trying to point fingers at anyone in particular. There was a clear and distinct movement among much of the board that we needed to move on from the era of Cooley/Moss/Portis (and this is one that I don't disagree with, at-least in sentiment). My point was that Cooley was a member of this group, be he white, black, green, or purple.

Edit - I need to go to bed, I'm all turned around.

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I just feel like it usually is an opion that is better left unsaid because of the emotions that come with it

Yea, I totally understand that. I just wish it wasn't like that, it shouldn't be a big deal. It's to a point where it's basically the stock, cliche, automatic response as soon as race is brought up. People don't wanna touch it, and I find that detrimental to the whole thing. It should be fine to discuss it, as long as it isn't blatantly offensive, just like anything else.

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Sad news, but really not a big deal at all. This league has rapists, people who torture animals, and accused murderers who are stars. Please spare me the moral outrage about Cooley's alleged marital infidelity and partying.

Let the one without sin cast the first stone, as I could really do without the holier-than-thou attitude I see from a few of the posters here.

Cooley can still be a good guy and a good football player even if he was not a good spouse.

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Lifting weights naked at the team facilities at 3 am

Passed out and urinating in the floor during team meetings

Sleeping in the equipment shed

Driving drunk in a jeep around the DC area

Passing out at a white house dinner

Hitting on a Supreme Court judge

But Riggins came in on Sunday and put up 100 and 2 tds and was beloved by most Skins fans and overlooked everything else.

Wake me up when Cooley hits the "big leagues"...cause right now, that's baby crap compared to the antics of Riggins.

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Lifting weights naked at the team facilities at 3 am

Passed out and urinating in the floor during team meetings

Sleeping in the equipment shed

Driving drunk in a jeep around the DC area

Passing out at a white house dinner

Hitting on a Supreme Court judge

But Riggins came in on Sunday and put up 100 and 2 tds and was beloved by most Skins fans and overlooked everything else.

Wake me up when Cooley hits the "big leagues"...cause right now, that's baby crap compared to the antics of Riggins.

so cooley should hit on a judge and pass out at a white house dinnner...?

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Thank you for proving my point.

How exactly did I prove your point? Reaching again. All I stated were things that happened as FACT. I also said that Portis was viewed the same as Cooley...so unless Portis is white, and I didn't know it...your race card point of view is bull****

Sad thing is , I used to like reading most of your posts..now I realize you're Jason Whitlock in disguise.

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Sad thing is , I used to like reading most of your posts..now I realize you're Jason Whitlock in disguise.

That made me laugh.

Anyone could have seen that this thread was headed off the cliff long ago and I was actually surprised that it remained open. There are many valid points being made on both sides and it definitely is a "newsworthy" item, sans the gossip.

That being said....while I appreciate our "insiders" I have often noted that when an event occurs that some are quick to gloat with "you heard it here first" and "i posted that weeks ago" or "i know but i can't share the info" while putting down other news sources or posters who may not be privy to the same inside information. As other posters have indicated there does seem to be a bit of gloating at times. I am not directing this to anyone in particular....just think that if inside info is posted it should be accepted and appreciated for what it is and there is no need for a scorecard on the backend.

This is not based on any personal interaction that I've had..just what I've observed.

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To act as if the people pushing Cooley out weren't also calling for Santana's head months ago is silly. They were one in the same. Just so happens Moss turned out to still be useful.

Nobody was pushing anyone off the team so go check your facts. Tana was on the bubble before he reported to OTAs 15 lbs lighter.Once OTAs began it was clear Moss was making this team. Mike Shanahan even is on the record as saying had Moss not showed up in shape he would not have been on this team.

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Some of you are missing the point completely.

Everyone is entitled to opinion, it's how our amazing country works. You can speak your mind all day. Hell, you can even assume why they got divorced. I don't care. It's when people with "inside info" start posting and saying things like "Christy wasn't to blame" or hinting that Chris is a horrendous human being that I start getting a little irritated. You can't reveal your info in full, but you can hint at it until someone figures it out? That's not classy.

It's not race. In fact, I'm surprised that NLC of all people decided to point that out. I respect him a ton, but I can't believe he even went there. I think when a respected poster like that decides to go there, the discourse in the thread has run it's course.

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This thread is still going? Wow.

I gotta be honest, I've never really understood the overwhelming amount of man-love Cooley has gotten over the years. He was a good player for us and had his amusing off-the-field moments I guess, but from the moment he stepped off the plane and took the field people just seemed to adore the guy. I remember in '04 when he had like 400 receiving yards and 6 TDs and he was already everyone's favorite player and I was thinking 'ok, he's a decent TE, but he's not exactly a game-changer or anything.'

Over the years this bizarre attachment to him has gotten stronger, and it's never really bothered me, because I like him ok too and he has been a bright spot on a lousy team. But yeah, it has always been a little over the top in my opinion. When he got cut the amount of mourning was just unreal, like he'd died or something. Things got so bad that even Cooley himself was telling people to calm down about it.

The fact that he got divorced ... is this even news? Who cares? It's not my business. He's not even on the team at the moment. Again, the mourning is just ... weird.

Now, I'm not ready to call this some sort of racial thing. Redskin fans have fully obsessed about black players before too (I'm personally a much bigger fan of Art Monk than any player probably deserves for example). But it is odd how much fans seem to care about this guy. And this is coming from someone who likes him. So I'm willing to cut people some slack for trying to figure out why.

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I think when a respected poster like that decides to go there, the discourse in the thread has run it's course.

So when an argument is presented that you think is absurd, despite being supported, the thread should be closed?

I'm not sure its race, and I don't think NLC made the case convincingly. But there has ALWAYS been an unhealthy fascination with Chris Cooley.

Again, the mourning is just ... weird.

Now, I'm not ready to call this some sort of racial thing. Redskin fans have fully obsessed about black players before too (I'm personally a much bigger fan of Art Monk than any player probably deserves for example). But it is odd how much fans seem to care about this guy. And this is coming from someone who likes him. So I'm willing to cut people some slack for trying to figure out why.

This sums up my feelings perfectly

Not racist. Just exceedingly strange.

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So when an argument is presented that you think is absurd, despite being supported, the thread should be closed?

I'm not sure its race, and I don't think NLC made the case convincingly. But there has ALWAYS been an unhealthy fascination with Chris Cooley.

Did I say that, or are you reading into things a bit too far, as per usual, zoony?

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Undergrad to Grad school transition. I'm in grad school at FSU right now so I'm just representing my current spot. I rep ODU, but it's sometimes difficult down in Florida. Couldn't get the Skins game on at the local wing spot down in Tally for the Saints game. Damn stupid Florida pro football fans. I had to go home and stream it after the half, couldn't take looking at the stat line, highlights, and score without watching it.

Nice! I'm sure FSU has quite the scenery... ODU is going to the C-USA next season I think, so maybe they'll play FSU at some point down the road...

I know what you mean. I DVR'd the game and watched it when I got home because I had a prior commitment and thought the DVR would be fine... watching the stat line on my phone was driving me insane because we were doing so well... nothing beats watching it as it happens... Hope your local sports bar wises up and shows the Redskins games here on out...

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Cooley was a mid-draft selection who panned out much better than expected. From the very start he played hard in every game, was always approachable, never said anything negative about the Redskins (and still hasn't), and genuinely seemed to be as big of a fan of the team as we are. Meanwhile 95% of other players we drafted or signed in the last 8 years were busts, talked trash about the team, or obviously didn't give a **** about anything but money.

Of course Chris Cooley gets a lot of love. The most surprising thing is that anyone is surprised by that.

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