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NFL.com - New Orleans Saints will pound Robert Griffin III


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I feel terrible for Robert Griffin III. He will never forget his NFL debut. The New Orleans Saints are going to crush Griffin and the Washington Redskins. This game was over months ago.

Don't misinterpret. I love RG3. I think he's going to have a great rookie season and become entrenched as a star in Washington, D.C., with his play, leadership and personality. He's just walking into a hornet's nest Sunday at the Superdome.

No team in the NFL needs the season to start as much as the Saints. They are hot. They are angry. Every single player, every single resident of the state believes they were wronged by Roger Goodell and the NFL with the "Bountygate" suspensions. Sean Payton won't coach a game this year and can't communicate with the team. Goodell successfully ended bounties forever in the NFL with the penalty. The Saints don't see it that way. Heck, there was a "Free Sean Payton" banner flying over MetLife Stadium for the NFL Kickoff game on Wednesday night.

Jon Vilma won't play a down on Sunday -- or, at this point, the rest of the season. General manager Mickey Loomis won't be found near the game, serving an eight-game suspension. Joe Vitt is the interim coach, but he's beginning a six-game suspension of his own. So, enter Aaron Kromer as the interim to the interim. The built-up anger will give this game a playoff feel. The Saints need to hit someone. RG could easily stand for Roger Goodell as the Saints see it.

By the way, New Orleans is good and vastly superior to the Redskins.

I don't want to pooh-pooh the importance of Payton, a great play caller who seemingly shares a brain and a feel for the game with Brees. Payton will be missed. But Brees is a star. He will be out to prove he can still dominate sans Payton.

Pete Carmichael Jr. will call the plays this year. You can bet he will do his best Payton impression and be super aggressive, throwing the ball over the middle to the unstoppable Jimmy Graham, down the field to Marques Colston and in the flat to jitterbug Darren Sproles. Washington's defense will have no response.

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I have no question that N.O. may very well beat us in this game. However what I find idiotic in this article is the fact that everyone is thinking NO comes out angry because they were wronged by the NFL. Well if they were wronged it was only because they used practices that were cheap and below the quality of what we should expect from our teams. So they truly have no one to be mad at but themselves. The Skins however were wronged by the NFL with our punishment for contracts that the NFL itself approved. So if anyone needs to come out fighting mad it's our boys in the B and G!!

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Pound RG3 with what? Their defense has suffered a number of blows from Bountygate, and they were 19th in sacks with the team intact.

It's going to be a shootout, one we'll probably lose. But I don't see their pressure overwhelming us, especially if we get the running game going (and odds are, we will).

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This is exactly the type of article that needs to be up on the bulletin board in the locker room.

Im a little worried about our secondary and do think the Saints will win the game but to suggest its already over doesn't sit well. I think there is a decent chance that Brees will get a pounding of his own.

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Schein will probably get slammed in this thread from those among us high on the B&G kool-aid.

But he's not pointing out what any realist wouldn't point out.

Here's hoping he's wrong and we're coming home with the upset.


It has nothing to do with the B&G Kool-aid. It's perfectly fine if he said the Saints were going to win but to act like they have this overpowering defense that will destroy the Redskins offense is a joke.

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Schein will probably get slammed in this thread from those among us high on the B&G kool-aid.

But he's not pointing out what any realist wouldn't point out.

Here's hoping he's wrong and we're coming home with the upset.


GHH, you've got to stop being so damn level headed all the time..;) we're trying to have some fun here.:)

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It has nothing to do with the B&G Kool-aid. It's perfectly fine if he said the Saints were going to win but to act like they have this overpowering defense that will destroy the Redskins offense is a joke.

I wouldn't disagree about the Saints D. They were far from a stellar unit before the suspensions. But Spagnuolo is straight out the Williams school of defense. There won't be too much of a drop off if any in scheme there to what their used to. And if Brees hit the ground running and the Saints jump out to an early lead, I don't personally think it's beyond the realms of probability to think they'll then blitz the heck out of us.

And with this O-line, I wouldn't like to be Robert sat back there if that happens.

---------- Post added September-6th-2012 at 03:51 PM ----------

GHH, you've got to stop being so damn level headed all the time..;) we're trying to have some fun here.:)

Long day man. And I'm grouchy after it.

That's my excuse and i'm sticking to it! :pfft:


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Schein? More like Schwein, amirite? (I am right) (I jest, but seriously, this guy...)

Let's lay it out:

Saints O is really good and will score a lot, most likely. Sure. Saints will be fired up because of bountygate and a home opener. Sure, even if it's their own fault.

And that's pretty much where Schein stopped paying attention.


The Saints D is weak. They are trying to learn a complex system with new personnel, and those same personnel may be found to be inferior to the task. Oh, and their pass rush is horrible, unless their DLine suddenly improved several times over. Oh, AND their top guy in the middle of the field is out for the year. And the Redskins have as much reason to be fired up if not more. We got screwed on the cap for no reason, and the punishment only stood because Goodell effectively has absolute power once the PA gets out of the way. In addition, we're rated as huge underdogs. We have lots of offensive plays and strategies we didn't run in preseason about to be unveiled and unleashed.

Seriously, if emotions played as much of a role as Schein suggests, we'd have won the Superbowl in '07. Roster talent does matter, and while NO has plenty on offense, they are lacking on defense. This game will be closer than most experts think. It is my sincere hope we play amazing, win it, and can shut some of these guys up.

And with this O-line, I wouldn't like to be Robert sat back there if that happens.

I know you're always on top of this stuff so maybe it's unnecessary to repeat, but Will Smith is out for NO, so their pass rush will be very weak. If they want to pressure Griffin, they'll need to being guys from the second level, and that will most likely lead to openings for passes. Then it's just a matter of RGIII throwing it quickly enough, and I think he showed some good quick releases in pre-season that should carry over. I don't foresee a ton of sacks on Sunday.

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next week it will say

RAMS plan to pound Robert Griffin III

and then the next week it will say

BENGALS plan to pound Robert Griffin III

and then the next week it will say

BUCS plan to pound Robert Griffin III

and then the next week it will say

FALCONS plan to pound Robert Griffin III

because he's a rookie, and that's what you try to do to them.


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I wouldn't disagree about the Saints D. They were far from a stellar unit before the suspensions. But Spagnuolo is straight out the Williams school of defense. There won't be too much of a drop off if any in scheme there to what their used to. And if Brees hit the ground running and the Saints jump out to an early lead, I don't personally think it's beyond the realms of probability to think they'll then blitz the heck out of us.

And with this O-line, I wouldn't like to be Robert sat back there if that happens.


I don't have a problem with Schein thinking we'll lose, there's a very good chance it's going to happen, I just get annoyed by the whole Saints defense crushing the Skins offense deal. The Saints D was pretty bad last year and while Spagnoulo is a name most people know it's not like he improved the Rams defense while he was there.

I think we can put up a good fight if the pass rush gets rolling the way it was in the pre-season and we can get good pressure on Brees. If we can't get any pressure Brees is going to carve this D up but that's pretty much the deal with any defense he faces.

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I hope we can look back at this article and laugh, and laugh hard. Will it happen? Who knows. The experts say we don't have a shot, but that's why I love football. "Any given Sunday." All the experts seem to downplay Payton's impact on the team, but who's to say that they won't be a different team without him?

I just don't view this Redskins team the way the media seems to. Call it Kool-Aid, call it whatever you want, but I think this team will surprise.

How much of a shot were we given against the Giants both times last year?

Edit: And to say that this game was over months ago is pretty preposterous.

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The Saints defense was sub-par last year. They allowed the 3rd most passing yards and were 22nd in sacks. So not sure how they will pound RG3. If anything, the Saints offense will pound our defense. But I'm not that worried about their defense at all.

Man, I feel like my head's gonna explode from trying to explain this to everyone. They sucked last year...now they're missing two key players and are trying to learn a new defensive system. And they're supposed to be good because they're *angry*??:ols:

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It just completely pisses me off to read crap like this. Seriously? We aren't the Browns. We aren't the Cardinals. The Saints got busted for doing wrong. Why, exactly, do they feel wronged? They're pissed they got caught. Plain and simple. Isn't trying to hurt another teams player what got them in this position to begin with? We have a viable team and a proven head coach and still people write poop like this? Gets me all heated. First amendment rights should be revoked for people who abuse it. Our very own ES writers should replace most of the trash that calls themselves sports writers. Its disheartening that people who are supposedly educated write absurdities and rubbish like this. /rant

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That's actually a very good point DaGoonie.

Just why are the Saints pissed about the sanctions? You can't flaunt the rules and then get all defensive when you get caught. It's like when Bellicheat and the Pats got caught cheating. You can't turn around and say 'everyone else does it, so why should we get hit so hard just because we were the ones to get caught?' You got caught. Period. Accept the punishment, and man up.

I get using it as a strong motivational thing within your group, maybe to the point of a siege mentality that everyone's out to get you and we'll show all the ******* this year.

But don't ***** openly as many Saints have done over this. You weren't wronged. You played the game, You got caught. End of story.


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