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If the Skins go 6-10 or worse, Shanny SHOULD be on the chopping block


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Here comes 5 wins MAX, with no improvement I think he needs to go. We praised him for discipline and preaches patients but never admitted to a rebuild. In fact it was a rebuild but considering the debacle with McNabb and next potentially in RG3. With a qb that ran shotgun and had a few check down system in a gimmick conference is your number 2 pick...to save the franchise---right. We paid a hefty price for a pot'l unproven qb without building an oline. This will result in another 3-5 year set back. Just plan sad, not sure why fellow skins fans our so excited. We've drank this cool aid before, give me water and tell me its water.

Damn dude...tough day or something? It'll be alright. :)

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I love all these references to how Shanahan should have rebuilt as quickly as Detroit. Let's remember they get two games with Minnesota, and two games with the Bears (without Cutler). So who were the 'weak sisters' in the NFC-East?

The Liions are getting better no doubt -- but considering all the years of high #1 and #2 picks they had -- plus one of the best WRs in the league -- they were bound to get better everntually.

And in analyzing the rate of the Shanahan rebuild of the Skins -- Don't under-estimate the contract structure of the Redskins roster-- because dropping aging vets who couldn't perform (like Randy Thomas, Haynesworth, etc.) generated cap hits. (And worse yet, there was no players of consequence behind these guys -- because the team couldn't afford to keep a talented, but high-priced athlete on the bench.) Shanahan inherited a MESS -- and frankly, the Skins reputation was so bad -- we weren't going to be able to coax anyone here, except ageing vets looking for their last big pay-day.

It's different now. And if Griffin can ignite the offense -- and Morris/Haslett can show the defense is good but missing a few 'strategic pieces' --- you're going to see more players interested in signing up.

Being in the NFC-East is tough, if you're not the Giants (with Mara-Goodell connections), or the media-loved Cowboys. But the Skins are ascending, and I suspect the media is soon going to fall in love with Griffin. By mid-season 2013 -- I think you're going to see a very different Skins team -- very competitive, and hard to defend..

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I don't think shanny should go if he's 6-10 or worse, and that's coming from someone who really doesnt like the guy.

He is building in the right direction, or so it seems, and a bad record alone should not get him fired. However, if this teams lack of depth at O line gets the stud QB prospect killed, or at least rattled to the point where he loses confidence (knock on wood, throw salt over shoulder, sacrifice a goat) then I think you fire him. Then he is left to rebuild or find another stud QB with no first round picks for 2 years. That by itself concerns me that the skins might not be able to get RG3 enough quality pieces quick enough.

Shanny's draft improved last year, and hopefully Compton and one of the Guards turn out to be starters, if not I don't see an easy road ahead. The defense needs help in the secondary, and up front, will need some LB help when fletch hangs them up, and the offense needs help or improvement everywhere but LT, and we still don't know if he skins have a true #1 WR. You might be able to get a safety or a guard with a 2nd rounder, but you can forget about WR, RT, CB, & LB making an impact if they are not first round picks, even the guys with only potential at those positions are gone by the 2nd round.

As long as he is floating the team and not sinking it, shanny keeps his job, regardless of record. If I was him, I'd throw all the money I can into college scouting for the next 2-4 years to make sure the picks he does have can help ASAP.

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The funny thing about that quote is, the first thing Shanahan did was take a short-cut! He traded away the future (2 draft picks) for someone else's old QB, McNabb! I think any honest fan will admit that set the "rebuild" farther back than it would've been if he'd just started Grossman or Campbell for that first year and kept the picks.

THIS. You can't believe anything Shanahan says. So far he has no credibility.

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Unless it becomes one of those situations where he "loses the locker room" (the players stop respecting him or something) I say let him finish out the 5 years. It's not like people were saying we're 2 or 3 years away when shannahan started anyway.

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At best we could go 8-8 but frankly, I don't think this team is that good and injuries could hurt us also.

I think 6-10 is realistic for this year, with the team being better towards the end of the season.

2013- Year 4 is when Shanny's job is on the line. Another losing season and he's gone after 2013. Net year when the team should be in playoff contention and at least have a 9-7 record.

The team would really have to stink for Shanny to get the ax this year, with the already built in excuse- rooke qb starting there.

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Here comes 5 wins MAX, with no improvement I think he needs to go. We praised him for discipline and preaches patients but never admitted to a rebuild. In fact it was a rebuild but considering the debacle with McNabb and next potentially in RG3. With a qb that ran shotgun and had a few check down system in a gimmick conference is your number 2 pick...to save the franchise---right. We paid a hefty price for a pot'l unproven qb without building an oline. This will result in another 3-5 year set back. Just plan sad, not sure why fellow skins fans our so excited. We've drank this cool aid before, give me water and tell me its water.

Boy, it must really suck to be you.

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Here comes 5 wins MAX, with no improvement I think he needs to go. We praised him for discipline and preaches patients but never admitted to a rebuild. In fact it was a rebuild but considering the debacle with McNabb and next potentially in RG3. With a qb that ran shotgun and had a few check down system in a gimmick conference is your number 2 pick...to save the franchise---right. We paid a hefty price for a pot'l unproven qb without building an oline. This will result in another 3-5 year set back. Just plan sad, not sure why fellow skins fans our so excited. We've drank this cool aid before, give me water and tell me its water.

Between the quality of argument presentation, and the lack of effort in making it grammatically readable, I'm hoping you continue your history of rarely posting.

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3-13, 4-12, 6-10, 14-2 whatever 2012 brings, I'm going in. with absolutely no expectations and I'm just going to enjoy watching the Redskins, who I have been a fan of since I was 9 years old and I'm 42 now. Bottom line is this for me this year...win or lose, I'm still a Redskins fan and life will go on.....

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3-13, 4-12, 6-10, 14-2 whatever 2012 brings, I'm going in. with absolutely no expectations and I'm just going to enjoy watching the Redskins, who I have been a fan of since I was 9 years old and I'm 42 now. Bottom line is this for me this year...win or lose, I'm still a Redskins fan and life will go on.....

Yeah, but you haven't ripped out your hair these last few years watching these games? I need some progress for my own sanity I think

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Yeah, but you haven't ripped out your hair these last few years watching these games? I need some progress for my own sanity I think

I'm same age and fan-age as scottlo34. But I also don't have hair to rip out since it's all fled from my scalp. If Shanahan cannot still bring this franchise up even with another year or two with a "trade like it's Ricky Williams/Herschel Walker" deal QB, at least you'll still have a nice head of hair.

I personally sure as hell expect us to be at least 7-9.

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In an offseason interview with Dan Graziano, Shanny indicated that he needed to be showing something by the end of his 4th year, because "they never give you the fifth year." I think this interview was probably given before the league's harsh salary cap penalties against the Redskins and Cowboys were announced, but still, don't think Mike would necessarily disagree with the OP.

Just feel that people want to be optimistic heading into this new season with what will hopefully be a franchise QB in RG3, and don't want to think about bad scenarios. Yon can come up with a bunch of hypotheticals. What if, for instance, the Skins win between 7-9 games this season, but then regress a bit down to 6-10 in 2013?

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I'm same age and fan-age as scottlo34. But I also don't have hair to rip out since it's all fled from my scalp. If Shanahan cannot still bring this franchise up even with another year or two with a "trade like it's Ricky Williams/Herschel Walker" deal QB, at least you'll still have a nice head of hair.

I personally sure as hell expect us to be at least 7-9.

You sure as hell have no idea about our team then. Rookie QB, Weak O-line, Newly formed secondary, Lack of Depth in D-line.... All that translates to at MOST 7 wins in this league. We need some consistency in the development in most of all positions, even the most of WRs and LBs havent played together longer than 2 years, and thats supposed to be our strong position spots. Look at the last superbowl winners, Giants, Packers, Saints, Patriots, Steelers, Colts, now look at how many players have played longer than 2 years together on those teams.

Sure, if we get to 7+ wins, thatll be extraordinary for the Redskins. But to set it as a realistic expectation when we have pretty much 18-20 new starters than when Shanahan started, is just ignorant.

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Firing Shanahan any time soon would do more to ensure RGIII's failure than any other thing we could do.

If we ever, EVER want to enjoy a winner within the next decade or two, then everyone better hope Dan Snyder keeps Shanahan as the HC for years and years, no matter what happens.

Eventually our dumbass, impatient fanbase is going to have to understand the process of building an actual, sustainable winner takes lots and lots of time and a steadfast commitment to one plan. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.

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If you can manage your expectations about this team, it will help you enjoy this season's games and see the progress being made.

I still remember the sense of futility I got from watching the last Zorn season and the McNabb era -- I just didn't get the sense we could move the ball at all, except during 'garbage time.'

Okay, we lost some heart-breakers last year, but at least we were competitive in a lot of those games. But I also got the sense that talent-wise, the Skins were still undermatched in areas, with the exception of our front seven defense.

In 2012, this team still has band-aids in a lot of spots -- thanks to the Mara-imposed cap, Shanahan/Allen will have check the 'bargain-bin' for players who might hold things together for this season. So let's acknowledge that the rebuild continues, but also take heart in the fact that we've got some exciting young talent, and all the Skins on the roster are gettting experienced with systems well-suited for today's NFL.

Fans should stay the course, and realize that football dynasties aren't built overnight. And that in the short run, the win-loss records -- especially for teams trying to reach playoff caliber -- are not something to over-react about.

So, if you're pulling your hair out during a current Redskins game, just remember back to the 2009 team, when you didn't care if you had hair, because you just wanted to put a bag over your head!

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I didn't read through the entire thread, so I'm not sure if this point has been touched on or not. I definitely think it's worth repeating if it has, however.

It should be taken into consideration by all how hard Dan Snyder worked to get Shanahan and Allen here. If it isn't public knowledge by now, it should be, but Dan tried to bring Shanahan on board long before he actually took the job. It seems to me he's pretty committed to Mike/Bruce, their plan and seeing it through. I don't get the feeling like anyone's job (with the exception of Haslett and Danny Smith) is in jeopardy for the foreseeable future.

I suppose everything is subject to change at any given moment, especially if losses pile up but I want so desperately to give Snyder the benefit of the doubt and believe he actually has matured and grown as an NFL owner.

There's a plan in place, it's being executed (whether it seems like it at times or not) and I hope we stay the course.

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HOF is ABSOLUTELY correct! We as fans MUST be patient. This is a process, and those that believe in the quick fix will always have the attitude of kleese. I believe in the Shanahan-Allan process and am willing to wait for it to mature. This team is being built slowly and methodically from the ground up.

Personally, I want Shanahan and company to be here not only for the remainder of his contract, but extend it and give him 5 more years!

I agree. All this talk about being a winner in 3 years is fine, but alot of teams peak out in year 3 with a run or 2 and then come tumbling back down. Miami did it. Atlanta has never gotten over the hump. New York Jets. I'd rather take the whole 5 years, build an solid foundation like the Patriots, Giants and Steelers do, instead of a decent foundation. I'd rather have a 10+ year run, then a 3 year or less run.

---------- Post added August-21st-2012 at 08:21 AM ----------

What has Shanahan done to date to earn an extension?!?

People pleading for consistency should consider the Chargers - they stuck with Norv Turner for 5 years (and counting), and all they've done is steadily regressed. Sometimes, being patient can be a bad thing. At some point, a coach is just spinning his wheels, and needs to go.

You just used one of the worst examples of a head coach you could ever use. Norv Turner? Really? He ***** everything up. It doesn't matter if the team is 14-2 or 3-13, He CAN'T coach. Never has been able to, never will be. And that Charger team lost their leader when LT got old.

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Yeah, but you haven't ripped out your hair these last few years watching these games? I need some progress for my own sanity I think

If you are basing you're sanity on a football team maybe a re-examination is in order my friend. This is a game, meant to bring enjoyment even while struggling to achieve a level of performance we "FANS" seek. Think on that for a minute.

---------- Post added August-21st-2012 at 08:26 AM ----------

I didn't read through the entire thread, so I'm not sure if this point has been touched on or not. I definitely think it's worth repeating if it has, however.

It should be taken into consideration by all how hard Dan Snyder worked to get Shanahan and Allen here. If it isn't public knowledge by now, it should be, but Dan tried to bring Shanahan on board long before he actually took the job. It seems to me he's pretty committed to Mike/Bruce, their plan and seeing it through. I don't get the feeling like anyone's job (with the exception of Haslett and Danny Smith) is in jeopardy for the foreseeable future.

I suppose everything is subject to change at any given moment, especially if losses pile up but I want so desperately to give Snyder the benefit of the doubt and believe he actually has matured and grown as an NFL owner.

There's a plan in place, it's being executed (whether it seems like it at times or not) and I hope we stay the course.

Kudos, great post and great insight. Now is not the time to question the plan. "Fans" forget there is a journey happening and at least the team now has a map.

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No' date=' because their roster as assembled is a huge joke. They don't have one above-average offensive lineman. They are deficient at just about every position at the moment. It has nothing to do with the preseason thus far. Just look at the roster. It's abysmal.[/quote']

I'm sorry, but you have zero football knowledge if you continue to be this short sighted and anything else you say in this thread shouldn't even be acknowledged.

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