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WP: Snyder on Gameday Experience


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I personally don't have a problem with FedEx b/c I leave ridiculously early to tailgate so I never hit traffic. We lose all that parking space on a move back to the District. But I can definitely see why people don't like FedEx Field for all the reasons mentioned above.

Speaking of the gameday experience, I must now go back to dusting off and organizing all my tailgating equipment.

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There was a shuttle service(buses) available until a couple of years ago from the Metro station to the stadium for $5.00.I guess the local transit system(name?) that provided the service decided it wasn't profitable or had some other reason for ending the service.

As far as the stadium,I have been to a few and like it overall. There is room for improvement but it isn't that bad,in my opinion.Have been to a few games at Fedex when the atmosphere was great.The Dallas game under Gibbs when the Skins needed to win to make the playoffs was fantastic.I am in agreement with a couple of other posters that a winning team would make alot of the drawbacks of the stadium more palatable.

Here's the truth about why there is no longer bus service at FedEx Field. The private bus owners association convinced Congress that the public transit companies should not be competing with them because they get public subsidies so they can charge a lower fee for busing people than the private charter companies could. New legislation passed. So Metro could no longer be hired by Snyder to bus people to and fro. And Metro won't let the private bus companies on their property to pickup the passengers and carry them to FedEx. Consequently, the customer loses.

The new and closer Morgan Metro stop also cut into the need for the buses. But it is still about a one mile walk to the stadium. I'm sure it dissuades some who are handicapped or just frail/weak/out of shape from going to games because of the walk.

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Really want to improve the Gameday Experience? New Stadium, In DC. Right by Nats Park. FedEx was a colossal mistake and a dump.

I don't know about putting it next to Nats Park. I'd go with blowing up RFK and building the new stadium in its place.

I will never go back to FedEx as long as I live, winning or not. Absolute horrid place, in all aspects. You couldn't give me tickets.

I'm getting very close to this position.

Try adding 30,000 fans - minimum - to a sellout Nats crowd. Then try getting out of that area. I don't see that as an improvement to the game day experience.

Try adding a Goddamned Metro stop or two to a 70,000-ish "New RFK" Redskins crowd. I see that as an improvement to the game day experience. And no, stops that are a mile and a half away and add to traffic with a bunch of Metro buses don't count.

By the way, leaving a Nats game in a car is easy as hell if you know the right ways to go.

Not nats park! it's the best of everything in the universe all rolled into one!

Are you seriously trying to take a swipe at the near-universal agreement that Nats Park offers a gameday experience that's about eleventy billion times better than what FedEx offers? Have fun sharing that opinion with the eight people who agree with you.

Then I'm sure you'd be much happier here:


Um, yes, I bet he would if we leave the teams who play at the stadiums we're talking about out of it. Go ahead and find me somebody who thinks FedEx Field is a better stadium than Jerry World.

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I've only been to 3 games, so I know that's nothing like the vet gameday guys. I got pretty much what I expected. I ate before I got there, so I didn't have food cost (have never gotten to tailgate, so I wanna do that at some point).

Really, the only negative I saw was some of the fans sucked. Once it was ours, once it was visiting fans, and once it was calm with no issues. Pretty much to be expected. Of course, just being there was exciting enough for me.


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I've never been to RFK or FedEx, and always wondered about them. Why is FedEx so awful?

Others have their reasons, but I for one kind of like FedEx. I've come to see a game... period. I needed binos at RFK, where as FE I could see the whole field from the nose bleeds just fine without them. Just don't buy obstructed view tickets. RFK had a nice walk around ring halfway up the stadium which was nice, but the food was... well there wasn't many choices unless you like cold dogs and warm beer. I personally hope the next location for a new stadium will be somewhere in Fairfax (NOT Alexandria), Prince William, or Loudon county. I'm afraid if they locate it in D.C. that somewhere at sometime they'll come up with some goofy legislation to force them to change the name. Now that we're out... STAY OUT!

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I don't know about putting it next to Nats Park. I'd go with blowing up RFK and building the new stadium in its place.

I'm getting very close to this position.

Try adding a Goddamned Metro stop or two to a 70,000-ish "New RFK" Redskins crowd. I see that as an improvement to the game day experience. And no, stops that are a mile and a half away and add to traffic with a bunch of Metro buses don't count.

By the way, leaving a Nats game in a car is easy as hell if you know the right ways to go.

Are you seriously trying to take a swipe at the near-universal agreement that Nats Park offers a gameday experience that's about eleventy billion times better than what FedEx offers? Have fun sharing that opinion with the eight people who agree with you.

Um, yes, I bet he would if we leave the teams who play at the stadiums we're talking about out of it. Go ahead and find me somebody who thinks FedEx Field is a better stadium than Jerry World.

Mile and a half??? Hmmm, not sure how you measured that but anybody that has any ability at all can easily walk that 1 mile walk from the Metro to the Stadium. Anybody that can't (without a medical condition) should probably be worried about their health.They say it's a mile but really I believe it's less as my old butt can do it no sweat and I have a bad back and my 70 year old brother does it easily as well with varicose veins and blood clots. Come on man, get real.

Nats park, pretty cool, but it ain't the Skins. Metro crowd is crazy and driving? same advice goes for leaving Fedex.

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Just because it's not unique to Fedex doesn't mean it doesn't suck. I would much rather watch from my couch, with HD/DVR available, where I can get all the beer and food I want for the cost of 1 beer and 1 burger at the game.

Awesome. So don't list that as a reason why fedex is a terrible venue in your opinion.

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I don't know about putting it next to Nats Park. I'd go with blowing up RFK and building the new stadium in its place.

Are you going to pay for that?

I'm getting very close to this position.


Try adding a Goddamned Metro stop or two to a 70,000-ish "New RFK" Redskins crowd. I see that as an improvement to the game day experience. And no, stops that are a mile and a half away and add to traffic with a bunch of Metro buses don't count.

I've parked at that metro station... you know that they don't run metro buses from there right? You walk. If you don't want to walk, the guys driving the bikes with the asian looking trailers on the back will give you a ride. Have you ever been to a game? It's also not a mile and a half... it's less than a mile. Try doing a little more physical activity. Holler at your boy in the crossfit thread if you need some tips or want some help ; )

By the way, leaving a Nats game in a car is easy as hell if you know the right ways to go.

Cool. Which way is easy as hell? WTOP wants to know as well.

Are you seriously trying to take a swipe at the near-universal agreement that Nats Park offers a gameday experience that's about eleventy billion times better than what FedEx offers? Have fun sharing that opinion with the eight people who agree with you.

What's so much better about it? The traffic is just as bad/worse... the food is just as expensive... and there are far more obstructed view seats. Also, if I sit in the outfield I can't see the scoreboard. There are also only two ways to get down from the upper deck... and they are both ramps. How is that better? I was legitimately upset by my experience there because I heard it was so awesome. It wasn't. Love the team... not a huge fan of the stadium.

Um, yes, I bet he would if we leave the teams who play at the stadiums we're talking about out of it. Go ahead and find me somebody who thinks FedEx Field is a better stadium than Jerry World.

Never been to Jerry World... can't help you there.

---------- Post added August-7th-2012 at 09:37 PM ----------

Others have their reasons, but I for one kind of like FedEx. I've come to see a game... period. I needed binos at RFK, where as FE I could see the whole field from the nose bleeds just fine without them. Just don't buy obstructed view tickets. RFK had a nice walk around ring halfway up the stadium which was nice, but the food was... well there wasn't many choices unless you like cold dogs and warm beer. I personally hope the next location for a new stadium will be somewhere in Fairfax (NOT Alexandria), Prince William, or Loudon county. I'm afraid if they locate it in D.C. that somewhere at sometime they'll come up with some goofy legislation to force them to change the name. Now that we're out... STAY OUT!

Prince William is too far. I'd love a stadium in Fairfax, though!

Also... love the sig, dude!

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Jesus, DC9, did you personally design and build FedEx? You seem legitimately offended by the fact that people think that it sucks.

Are you going to pay for that?

What the hell are you talking about?

I've parked at that metro station... you know that they don't run metro buses from there right? You walk. If you don't want to walk, the guys driving the bikes with the asian looking trailers on the back will give you a ride. Have you ever been to a game? It's also not a mile and a half... it's less than a mile. Try doing a little more physical activity. Holler at your boy in the crossfit thread if you need some tips or want some help ; )

First of all, they used to. I didn't know that they'd stopped. Second, there's this thing called "spitballing" that people sometimes do with distances that come up in conversation, because some folks might find it a bit irritating to have to look up and verify the exact number associated with every single distance they ever mention. Third, it's nice that you've concluded that the only possible reason for my dislike of the distance between the stadium and the Metro stop is that I find it too physically demanding, but you're wrong. And fourth, people judging other people's level of fitness when they've never actually met or even seen a picture of the people they're judging is one of the top ten most annoying features of the Internet.

Cool. Which way is easy as hell? WTOP wants to know as well.

Right, so after you read my last post you had to choose between these two possibilities:

1) Hubbs has actually left a Nats game when everyone else was leaving and managed to get home quickly because he went a certain way, and has done this more than once

2) Hubbs completely made up a story because he likes posting complete falsehoods on Internet message boards behind a veil of anonymity without even being prompted to opine on the issues he discusses

...and you actually appear to have chosen the latter with your WTOP comment.

To take the easy way out, at least if you live in Virginia, park east of South Capitol Street and at least a few blocks north of the stadium. After the game, drive away from South Capitol and the highway onramp it feeds. Everyone else is driving towards it. Go to 6th St and cross under 395 (or 295 or 695 or whatever the hell it technically is for that very small stretch). IIRC, the road to the onramp on the other side of the highway at 3rd St can sometimes be pretty clear, but if not, there's another access point near the House office buildings on Washington Ave that should be nice and empty.

What's so much better about it? The traffic is just as bad/worse...


the food is just as expensive...

I would say that there's more variety within a shorter walking distance than exists at FedEx.

and there are far more obstructed view seats.

I've sat in plenty of really cheap seats that didn't have an obstructed view (or at least a noticeable one), so I'm not going to say that what you're saying is wrong, but I will say that it shouldn't be a problem for most people.

Also, if I sit in the outfield I can't see the scoreboard.

...unless you turn your head (for most seats).

But anyway, you're complaining about every baseball stadium in the country. Okay.

There are also only two ways to get down from the upper deck... and they are both ramps.

Well, that's just wrong. There are at least two escalators that go up at least halfway (I think there's a second part to one of them that goes up the rest of the way), and there are multiple elevators. The escalators move upward before the game and during the early innings and downward after the game and during the later innings. Off the top of my head I want to say that the elevators are required by law even if there are ramps. And there are stairs, not ramps, that go up to the upper levels in the outfield (after the escalators have taken you halfway).

How is that better? I was legitimately upset by my experience there because I heard it was so awesome. It wasn't. Love the team... not a huge fan of the stadium.

And, again, I'm sure you and the other eight people who share your opinion have somehow managed to accidentally stumble your way into having an experience that's just as crappy as the one offered by FedEx. Have you noticed how there is a significant number of Redskins fans who simply refuse to go to FedEx, but no such significant number seems to exist for Nats fans? Ever wonder why that is?

Never been to Jerry World... can't help you there.

That part of my post wasn't in response to you. I can't even figure out why in the world you felt it necessary to tack this particular line onto your post. This was a very specific response to a very specific comment offered up by another person who seems to be very personally offended by the idea that a lot of people think FedEx sucks out loud. The fact that you "can't help me there" is completely irrelevant to anything else that has been said.

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. All this other whining about stuff (parking, traffic, beer cost, drunks, etc) is either the same for most other NFL stadiums or because people are tired of the Redskins sucking and need something else to complain about. .

Sorry, bud, but a typical day at the game for me and my son can run easily over 500 bucks. Not being independently wealthy, it's an expensive day out. (But this is what the market bears, so no sense is asking for lower ticket prices. It's really not a problem that is isolated to the Redskins or football. These days going to a concert is 100 per ticket, so.. )

But 30 bucks to park several miles away, ridiculously high priced concessions, and whether anyone likes it or not, the drunken *******s that permeate fedEx ARE a problem. i can't remember the last time I went to a game in which I didn't witness multiple fights, in the lots and in the stands.

The man is looking for ways to improve the gameday expericence, and to reduce legitimate problems to 'whining because they lose" is pretty whiny in it's own right.

If the redskins were winning, I still would get tired of spending so much to simply support the team. I would still get tired of paying so much to park so far away. I would still get sick and tired of all of the drunken brawls.

the only differece would be I get to talk about a better game while I sit in traffic on the way out and miss the rest of the entirety of NFL for the day.

There's a lot of ways the team could improve the gameday experience, and thankfully, at least they seem to have finally gotten the message to quit just saying "Stop whining" to the fans.


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Jesus, DC9, did you personally design and build FedEx? You seem legitimately offended by the fact that people think that it sucks.

No. I just think it gets a bad wrap and I've been to enough stadiums accross the country to know that it isn't bad. I also find that most people who complain aren't season ticket holders OR have never been to a game.

What the hell are you talking about?

You said blow up RFK and build a new stadium. Someone has to pay for that. Tax payers... season ticket holders with PSLs... someone. Are you?

First of all, they used to. I didn't know that they'd stopped. Second, there's this thing called "spitballing" that people sometimes do with distances that come up in conversation, because some folks might find it a bit irritating to have to look up and verify the exact number associated with every single distance they ever mention. Third, it's nice that you've concluded that the only possible reason for my dislike of the distance between the stadium and the Metro stop is that I find it too physically demanding, but you're wrong. And fourth, people judging other people's level of fitness when they've never actually met or even seen a picture of the people they're judging is one of the top ten most annoying features of the Internet.

I've gone to almost every game since 2009, before that I lived in Seattle, I went to two games in 2007 and 2008, before that I lived in Alaska, I went to two games in 2005. I've never seen a metro bus leave the Morgan Boulevard Metro station and go towards fedex field before or during a game. Never.

I would say that there's more variety within a shorter walking distance than exists at FedEx.

Variety and shorter walking distance? When was the last time you were at fedex field?

I've sat in plenty of really cheap seats that didn't have an obstructed view (or at least a noticeable one), so I'm not going to say that what you're saying is wrong, but I will say that it shouldn't be a problem for most people.

I understand that baseball stadiums are a little different and by the nature of the game, if you are in the outfield you won't always see everything... but I couldn't see anything in right field.

...unless you turn your head (for most seats).

But anyway, you're complaining about every baseball stadium in the country. Okay.

I turned my head. I couldn't see anything from the board because of the sun/angle. Why don't they build a big umbrellas to go over the scoreboard so that I can see it whenever I want? I think they are just cheap.

Well, that's just wrong. There are at least two escalators that go up at least halfway (I think there's a second part to one of them that goes up the rest of the way), and there are multiple elevators. The escalators move upward before the game and during the early innings and downward after the game and during the later innings. Off the top of my head I want to say that the elevators are required by law even if there are ramps. And there are stairs, not ramps, that go up to the upper levels in the outfield (after the escalators have taken you halfway).

So there are two escalators that go up at least halfway, you think... got it ; ) All I'm saying is that I took my dad to a game a few months back and we got tickets in the upper deck in right field, and it took us over 20 minutes to get to our seat from the gate. The layout was terrible and the directions in the stadium weren't very helpful. I'm sure if you've been there a bunch and know your way around, you will find your seat with relative ease. My first game at fedex... I found my seat within minutes. It's a much more user friendly stadium. I'm not so sure why that's so offensive to you? Do you have a personal bone to pick with the Redskins?

And, again, I'm sure you and the other eight people who share your opinion have somehow managed to accidentally stumble your way into having an experience that's just as crappy as the one offered by FedEx. Have you noticed how there is a significant number of Redskins fans who simply refuse to go to FedEx, but no such significant number seems to exist for Nats fans? Ever wonder why that is?

Winning? And I garuntee you if there was an NFC Championship game at FedEx field there would be guys on this board (the same one's who "refuse" to go) offering up their wives for a ticket. Just like if there is a World Series game at Nats Park this year, the same would happen. No matter how bad the seat/experience in either stadium. This is just like the "Game experience" argument for the Verizon Center. I think that's just as over rated as Nats park. If a team is winning, it's the best venue in town. Neither of those two are special and I am not saying that FedEx field is special, I'm saying that it's not a dump and it's not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be... and that all three venues in DC share the same problems. Traffic, cost, and time. You are going to spend/waste all three if you go to a sporting event and the problems aren't exclusive to the Redskins or Washington, DC.

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Sorry, bud, but a typical day at the game for me and my son can run easily over 500 bucks.

This argument is a weak one. It has nothing to do with FedEx. While their prices for concessions may be on the high end, you are talking $9 for a beer instead of $8 or $7. So it's not a concession thing. Even parking, while expensive isn't significantly worse than ANY venue.

I would also contend the Redskins are one of the most affordable venues in the area. I can't count the times I get offered tickets for free, not to mention the fact that you can buy the tickets for pennies on the dollar.

At any rate, you certainly can spend $500 on a game day with your family for the Caps, Nats, Redskins, Wizards. Heck I sat in lower level seats for the Wizards that were $300 per ticket. For the Wizards. That has NOTHING to do with the game day experience.

And you really don't have to park miles away.

To me the biggest problem at FedEx are the drunken idiots. They need to beef up the stadium staff.

Leaving FedEx is a problem as well, although I left a Nats game the other day that took longer than it takes me to leave FedEx. Obviously I didn't have Hubbs exit strategy.

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Leaving FedEx is a problem as well, although I left a Nats game the other day that took longer than it takes me to leave FedEx. Obviously I didn't have Hubbs exit strategy.

I was at the Nats game on Sunday and didn't have any problem leaving. I parked in a lot near the church made of grey stones (I don't know the area that well) Didn't take me long at all to get back on the highway. It was weird because I was expecting to wait a long time too.

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I was at the Nats game on Sunday and didn't have any problem leaving. I parked in a lot near the church made of grey stones (I don't know the area that well) Didn't take me long at all to get back on the highway. It was weird because I was expecting to wait a long time too.

I parked in the lot right next to the stadium.

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This argument is a weak one. It has nothing to do with FedEx. While their prices for concessions may be on the high end, you are talking $9 for a beer instead of $8 or $7. So it's not a concession thing. Even parking, while expensive isn't significantly worse than ANY venue.
Attending a Redskins game is the 8th most expensive experience out of 32 and parking averages $35 for the Redskins compared to $25 leaguewide.


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Attending a Redskins game is the 8th most expensive experience out of 32 and parking averages $35 for the Redskins compared to $25 leaguewide.


Be careful how you use their information. I used to quote them a lot also in discussions. I found that much of their data is not always up to date, particularly for the concessions information. If the Redskins data is incorrect, I suspect some of the other team data is out of date. In an email exchange I had with them, they said they send a survey out every year to the teams but not all of them return the survey. They fill in the rest from reports from fans. I corrected Redskins concession data in two years.

I also always wondered how they calculated the average ticket cost. But it is the best comparison out there as far as I know. 8th is not bad considering DC is such a high priced market. Note the lower cost for items are primarily in small markets or where attendance is pretty poor.

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It's tough to gauge actual ticket price averages around the league. Whenever I read about these studies, I'm always left scratching my head.

You don't know if they're including PSL/SBL costs in those averages. What an individual STH pays a team is often not the same price as a corporate account holder. And we all know that Redskins premium ticket holders pay different amounts according to their contract terms negotiated, when they signed, etc.

I don't picture teams being eager to share the actual number$ of what STHs are paying per seat, bc there'd be a lot of angry people out there. Whenever I read about ticket price averages around the NFL, I assume they are basing it on face cost alone. Basing the numbers on face cost is a gray area bc many teams like the Skins no longer print a face value on many of their tickets.

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No ****, Captain Obvious. My guess is it wouldn't be if you added 30,000 fans.

Oh, well, in that case I must be wrong. Clearly no stadium could possibly have better traffic dispersal than FedEx.

By the way, you might want to clue this guy in on what qualifies as "Captain Obvious" status around here, because he's apparently of the opinion that getting away from Nats Park is a struggle of epic proportions no matter which way you go:

Cool. Which way is easy as hell? WTOP wants to know as well.
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No. I just think it gets a bad wrap and I've been to enough stadiums accross the country to know that it isn't bad. I also find that most people who complain aren't season ticket holders OR have never been to a game.

Funny, I find that most people who complain have been to a game, because it's ridiculously idiotic to complain about gamedays at a stadium you've never experienced.

You said blow up RFK and build a new stadium. Someone has to pay for that. Tax payers... season ticket holders with PSLs... someone. Are you?

Any new stadium has to be paid for by somebody. You seem to be using this fact to somehow perform the mental gymnastics necessary to conclude that what I'm saying is a worse idea than building a new stadium next to Nats Park, even though that would also involve purchasing real estate, destroying things, and building an entire new facility, the latter of which would easily be the largest cost in comparison to the other parts of this hypothetical project. Unless you plan to assault anyone who ever suggests that we build a new stadium anywhere with the completely meaningless charge that they won't personally pay for it, what you're saying is utterly pointless. So, again, I'm going to ask you: What the hell are you talking about?

I've gone to almost every game since 2009, before that I lived in Seattle, I went to two games in 2007 and 2008, before that I lived in Alaska, I went to two games in 2005. I've never seen a metro bus leave the Morgan Boulevard Metro station and go towards fedex field before or during a game. Never.

Oh! Well, if you've gone to almost every game for three whole years, by all means, charge me with completely making **** up.

By the way, here's the headline of the third result from a Google search of "fedex field buses metro":

No More Metrobus Shuttles to FedEx Field

But, hey, why bother to spend five seconds looking that up when you can spend your time calling me a big, fat liar while simultaneously expressing your irritation that I didn't look up the exact distance between the stadium and the nearest Metro stop for a completely throwaway comment that shouldn't have garnered any significant attention whatsoever if it weren't for the fact that you were so perturbed by it?

Variety and shorter walking distance? When was the last time you were at fedex field?

Last year. Again, please continue to imply that I'm just straight-up lying to you and everyone else, I really appreciate it.

I understand that baseball stadiums are a little different and by the nature of the game, if you are in the outfield you won't always see everything... but I couldn't see anything in right field.

I'll take your word for it since I'm not going to call you a lair in the same post in which I'm expressing anger for you doing the same to me, but I will say that having sat in plenty of cheap seats, I've never had my view of an entire third of the outfield blocked. Beyond that, however, you point seems to be, "Oh yeah? Well Nats Park has obstructed seats too!" And I really don't know what you're getting at, because nobody ever claimed otherwise.

I turned my head. I couldn't see anything from the board because of the sun/angle. Why don't they build a big umbrellas to go over the scoreboard so that I can see it whenever I want? I think they are just cheap.


So there are two escalators that go up at least halfway, you think... got it ; )

No, I'm 100% sure there are escalators that go up halfway. I think there's at least one that goes up all the way. And, again, there are elevators that most certainly go up all the way. And there are stairs all over the place.

All I'm saying is that I took my dad to a game a few months back and we got tickets in the upper deck in right field, and it took us over 20 minutes to get to our seat from the gate. The layout was terrible and the directions in the stadium weren't very helpful. I'm sure if you've been there a bunch and know your way around, you will find your seat with relative ease. My first game at fedex... I found my seat within minutes. It's a much more user friendly stadium.

And all I'm saying is that virtually nothing you've said is correct, and while I trust that you had that experience, you're one of eight people who have done so. You're the winner of a "bad day" lottery.

I'm not so sure why that's so offensive to you? *Do you have a personal bone to pick with the Redskins?

While I commend you on this attempt to turn the "offended" tables on me, I have to go back to a question I asked you earlier: What the hell are you talking about? Where have I expressed the idea that I care one little bit about whether or not you had a bad day, other than to tell you that you clearly had incredibly bad luck? This has never been about you. It's been about the common experiences at the two stadiums.


:ols: :ols: :ols:

This is the first year the Nats have had a winning record since Nats Park opened.

And I garuntee you if there was an NFC Championship game at FedEx field there would be guys on this board (the same one's who "refuse" to go) offering up their wives for a ticket. Just like if there is a World Series game at Nats Park this year, the same would happen. No matter how bad the seat/experience in either stadium. This is just like the "Game experience" argument for the Verizon Center. I think that's just as over rated as Nats park. If a team is winning, it's the best venue in town. Neither of those two are special and I am not saying that FedEx field is special, I'm saying that it's not a dump and it's not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be... and that all three venues in DC share the same problems. Traffic, cost, and time. You are going to spend/waste all three if you go to a sporting event and the problems aren't exclusive to the Redskins or Washington, DC.

You don't seem to be willing to grasp the difference between these two notions:

1) "There literally is not a single person whose opinion on going to a game at FedEx Field might change if we were hosting an NFC Championship."

2) "Some of those people probably exist, but there's still a small but significant chunk of the fanbase who would refuse to go because FedEx sucks on ice."

I would urge you to reconsider your point.

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