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WP: Snyder on Gameday Experience


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I could go on and on. The behavior you describe is by no means unique to FedEx Field or the NFL. I love going to NFL games although I would not take a young child.

My son is now 7 and has been going to games with me for the last 3 yrs and we really have never ran into any problems having him there. You do get the drunk idiot that curses alot for no reason but most of the time(atleast in our section) once they notice him sitting with me they usually stop cursing. And also we never had a fight break out in our section either so as far as bringing kids to the games I dont see the big problem.

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My son is now 7 and has been going to games with me for the last 3 yrs and we really have never ran into any problems having him there. You do get the drunk idiot that curses alot for no reason but most of the time(atleast in our section) once they notice him sitting with me they usually stop cursing. And also we never had a fight break out in our section either so as far as bringing kids to the games I dont see the big problem.
And considering kids go to school, where they learn all the bad words from other kids, and there are fights, I don't understand the sheltering by keeping kids away fro pro sporting events.
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Nearly every good looking woman has a man on her resume she wishes she hadn't slept with. Jax is that man to Queen NFL.

It's not an NFL city, that's true, but the stadium experience is at least as good as FedEx. Getting in and out isn't any trouble. I've enjoyed going.

And what are you saying about the way I look? Oh, the women wish they could erase one, not the guys. Gotcha.

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My gripe is probably small compared to others' complaints regarding food/drink prices, stadium location, the stadium itself, etc. The team's on-field performance should also be high on the list, if not first. But I did vent on this a little last season and wanted to mention it again. Forgive me for rambling on.

Snyder wants to improve the gameday experience? Another Redskins owner wanted to do that, too.

The all-volunteer [Washington Redskins Marching Band] formed in 1937, when George Preston Marshall brought the Redskins to Washington, D.C., with the goal of entertaining fans from the moment they walked into the stadium until the time they left to go home. (Source: http://www.redskins.com/team/history/marching-band.html)

So let the band play HTTR after the point after, and stop playing a recording! You know who else plays a recording of their fight song? The freakin' Eagles! (Plus a number of other teams, like Chicago, Green Bay, and Minnesota; but I figured the Eagles reference would resonate a bit more.) Are we going to be just like them, with their contradicting fight song (how to you fly on a road)?

I did e-mail the team last year and they said they were trying new things out to further engage the crowd. Maybe during the off season they have worked out a way to have the band play along with that video (which was my suggestion, since rock bands can play live with video behind them, why can't the marching band do something similar). They said they did intend to phase the band into it should they decide to continue with the video. Maybe we'll see on August 25th.

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You'll be able to find incidents such as at any sporting event. Considering baseball, basketball and hockey seasons have 80+ games of course there will be incidents.

The extent to which they happen at football games is directly related to the fact that tailgating is most popular at football stadiums. People are drunk before they enter games. And some people simply don't know how to handle their liquor. And it usually takes just one group of drunk jackasses to ruin the experience for an entire section.

I can only speak from my experience. Attending a baseball, hockey or basketball game in the DC area, you'll see that people behave themselves at both Nats Park and Verizon Center.

I don't know, I have seen some absolutely trashed fans at Caps and Nats games (I am a Caps STH and have been to 15 Nats games this year). Wizards I am in agreement with you, but I think that's more because of the sparse crowds. I think your perspective of it at Skins games gets amplified because of the crowd size, you will no doubt have more drunks in a crowd of 80,000 at a Skins game than 20,000 at the Phone Booth or Nats Park.

I agree that tailgating contributes to the problem, but you will find the same raucous binge drinking atmosphere on any game night at any bar in the vicinity of Fenway, Yankee Stadium, or Wrigley.

The drunks are definitely a problem, but by no means confined to the NFL.

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That is unfortunate for the future of the game and the owners should recognize that. That is one reason why kids are turning to soccer and other sports because hooliganism is alive and well at NFL games. I really thought Goodell would have gone harder after this.

Kids are the future buyers and lets face it, they outgrow jerseys and hats quicker than adults. While alcohol is a huge profit center for the game day experience, you might alienate and eventually tap out your future fan base.

I couldn't agree more. I have told my wife that I will not bring my son to a game until he can take a bump from a grown up without falling down. It's infuriating. I will probably bring him to a couple of preseason games in a few years, when the traffic is less... but at the end of games, it's every man for himself and I don't want to have to worry about a three year old (or put that burden on anyone else).

---------- Post added August-15th-2012 at 11:58 AM ----------

So let the band play HTTR after the point after, and stop playing a recording! You know who else plays a recording of their fight song? The freakin' Eagles! (Plus a number of other teams, like Chicago, Green Bay, and Minnesota; but I figured the Eagles reference would resonate a bit more.) Are we going to be just like them, with their contradicting fight song (how to you fly on a road)?

I did e-mail the team last year and they said they were trying new things out to further engage the crowd. Maybe during the off season they have worked out a way to have the band play along with that video (which was my suggestion, since rock bands can play live with video behind them, why can't the marching band do something similar). They said they did intend to phase the band into it should they decide to continue with the video. Maybe we'll see on August 25th.

That's a great point. I thought about this/argued about it with my brother at naseum... full disclosure, I was on my High School drum line and one of my best friends is on the Redskins Marching Band drum line (he was my drum Captain two out of the four years we were in high school together) and the band gets salty when they can't play... as we did back in high school. I understand that. But, I think until the fanbase learns the words, to HTTR, you have to play that song to help them along/encourage them to sing. Because fans will sign twice as loud and proud with the recording than they will with the band (in my experience) at least over the last few seasons.

Maybe when we score more and more fans learn the actual words and sequence of the song, then we can turn it back over to the band. I am not going to disagree with you that this is an issue I have, because it is... but if the Operations Staff is doing for the reason I think they are, you can't really disagree with them. We should be more accountable to our fanbase and the 12th man in general rather than pointing the finger at Stadium Operations.

Sing the song with the band like we were meant to, know the words, be loud and cheer on defense, and be respectful to your fellow fans. Not that hard... but great point ; )

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It's funny when FedEx was first built it was the stadium of all stadiums. It was the first of it's kind. Now it is one of the oldest of the new stadiums and considered a dump!! lol My biggest complaint is the music they blast. The only sound I want is the anouncer and the crowd.

FedEx was the last of its kind. It and New Comiskey in Chicago were the last of the 60s and 70s style concrete cereal bowl stadiums. (Which is what RFK was too. Don't listen to the old people here. RFK sucked).

FedEx was pretty much out of date the second it opened.

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I respect the changes that Snyder has made with Bruce Allen no doubt driving most of them to improve the stadium. I will say this, I think winning will change the attitude many have towards Fed Ex. Put a couple of strong years together and that place will rock. See 2005 Dallas home game. I wasn't there, but those that were talk about the '99 home playoff game.

Bottom line: Winning will make a lot of other things seem much less important.

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